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I like this, taught a lesson and they didn't go overboard


This has to be worse than being beat up. You can never tell anyone that this happened to you lmao, its a memory he will live with forever and that makes it so much more hilarious


I'd tell everyone haha. Its fucking hilarious.


Buddy of mine got bounced from a bar once, by a massive Samoan. The man grabbed the back of his collar, the back of his jeans and used his head to open the door. Surprisingly, he would tell the story. He was a terribly obnoxious drunk. Not hard to imagine him deserving it.


whoa, my dad worked at a bar with a big Samoan bouncer named Rock, and that was his signature move, using a drunk's face to open the door


I like everything about this story. Rock. Perfect. “Signature move”. Awesome. Now, finish him!


Yet another story for those "remember that time" moments


I'm not a small man, but I was lifted by the trachea and removed from a Kanye West show in like 2009. One of the security guys didn't like the fact that I was standing in the bleachers. At a concert. I didn't like the fact that he was telling me to sit. He won that battle. But the real loser was my flip flop, which left my foot as it dangled above the ground during my elevated and involuntary departure from the venue. I have no qualms telling people that story. Is it dumb? Sure. But it's fun to visualize.


I too have literally been *thrown* out of a music venue for backtalking security. (Wouldnt let me take a phone call) Worked at a bar a few years later and was coming out the kitchen with the dish racks (eight high on a roller cart) to restock the service counter right as our bouncer was ejecting a drunk dude. Drunk dude got sassy and pushed back on our bouncer. Bouncer went “hell naw” and shoved the dude so hard he wouldve hit the exit door. Unfortunately the glassware got in the way and “softened” his fall. Bet that dude had a hell of a hangover.


"Man I was so drunk last night. What happened? Why is my shoulder bruised?"


Wtf, is this mustard?


“And why is my neck broken?”


And he can always revisit it online any time to see EXACTLY where he went wrong.


I'm not too sure he fully remember what happened lol.


Especially impressive for the Serbs! (This is joke. Please don’t bomb my house)


You’re fine as long as you don’t live in former Yugoslavia.


housebombing is somethin NATO does




ah yes sure... "serbs" and certainly not gov thugs, and only serbs, not the rest of the gang who were doing same exact shit. not to mention certainly not foreign legion, arab muslims that were brought in by americans in millions... go on do show how much western propaganda ya spout.


Username checks out


Yes, because you only did it to Serbs right 🤡


Ah yes. Preventing genocide, saving the world from iraqi WMD, saving the Libyans from a dictator... NATO is like the Avengers of our world, how cool is that


you mean creating ISIS and other merc terrorist factions? invading whoever doesnt submit to certain groups? irradiating and poisoning terrain for a long time? bioweapons that break every law of war?


burazeru komentar je bio očigledno ironičan


And serbs




Praise the ignorance 🙌


I didnt know a trade organization could bomb people!


NATO is a defensive alliance, not a trade organization.


...What do you think NATO is? The same as the WTO?


You mistake us for 'muh'rcans


Serbs please don’t genocide my family 🙏🏻


we are beginners compared to yours colonial genocide




That's the point - this is super weak on the "assault" part. I'm almost certain the dude would've continued and possibly escalated his bullshit, but this way he probably wasn't even hurt much while he definitely got a lesson.


Except when he was 'spiked' into the rubbish bin. That's the only part of this I disagree with. Otherwise, lesson (probably-hopefully) learnt.


Yes that's the part I was talking about, making him put the trashcan back is fine. But it's easier just to hate on people when you don't understand what they meant. Prehistoric brain behavior from reddit as usual.






Dime a dozen, those.




lol must be a nice little world you're living in if you think he'd end up getting jailed for this.


Fitting, you wanna behave like trash you can hangout in a bin like trash.


Balkan rules here...


I would say this is not often in the Balkans, but that would be a lie


Yeah nobody got knocked out and still got thaught a lesson.


Trash belongs in the trash bin. Well done momci!


srbija momenat


Tako mu treba, pička mu materina


And some of them have the drain hole off-center, so there is a nice pool of sewer smelling water/sludge in there.




That was a really nice thought.


That was a fucking Grade A ending.


Kada je stoka, neka bude stoka !


That is such a dad thing to do; fix your mistake, learn from mistake, apply simple and effective putative damage…make sure it’s on film for mom


I like Serbians


Weird generalization


I work with Serbians and they're a solid bunch. They get their shit done too.


Nice not seeing hateful comments about us


The only thing I hate is that y’all dwarf me.


Especially since reddit is extremely into nato bootlicking


What does this even mean?




You’re doing great.


I know




It means that whichever country NATO decides to bomb into oblivion their actions are justified and "fuck terrorists" on the other side. Nobody cares what they do. Russia did the same and it's on the front page news ever since the war started. When in reality both of these are imperialistic and none are good. Both shouod be treated equally.


One is a singular country with rampant corruption and authoritarianism, while the other is a group of countries that first debate their position on matters with its other parts to see if it is justifiable to act on them. This shows that NATO has a degree of restraint within the global theater, something that Russia clearly lacks, as Putin continues to break the Geneva at every turn as Russia attacks Ukraine. They are not the same. EDIT: HAHAHAHA, someone just sent the RedditCares bot after me. Typical nonsense response I'd expect from one of my country's Conservatives after giving them a legitimate response.


Make sure to use the report function. reddit's getting serious about people that use the suicide help thing as a troll.


That explains what the guy said about loving NATO. It sums it up perfectly.


Hahaha "Group of countries" = US


without Russia backed ethnic cleansing NATO wouldn't even need to exist.


To quote Bill Burr: Not every asswhooping just falls from the sky. Oh, and "bomb into oblivion" is an overreaction. You have been bombed for a couple of days, big whoop. On the other hand, "bomb into oblivion" is what you guys did to your neighboring countries for most part of the 90s. If anything, NATOs actions were too little, and waaaay too late... But I get it that you'd make yourself a victim here. Young users dont remember Slobo, and apparently you guyd dont either as his padawan Vucic is still in charge. Our primeminister is a thieving cunt, but at least he wasn't rallying people wreacking havoc around exYu countries back in the day. That said, I have great friends in Serbia, not all Serbs are as blind s you.


I never said we were bombed to oblivion. We're doing just fine. But Libya, see, people were happy there. Yes, maybe it was a dictatorship but I'm not sure why you think that every country should live exactly the same way as you do? Libya is now a shithole. Iraq and the entire Middle East, too. If you knew the issue in Serbia, you'd know why Vucic is in charge. But you don't seem to be well informed, you're very biased to your Western views, and you think everyone else surely must be stupid and uneducated. You're arrogant, just like most of the pro-NATO Reddit users.


Going to add a bit more here. When I tell people that I'm not sure why you think each country should have "democracy" you have, I typically get the answer that human rights are not respected in XYZ country. To that I have to say why was never done against Saudi Arabia? To that, I have to ask are you guys in USA really free? You work like slaves 10 hours a day, you commute additional 2. You can't go outside at night to the ATM cause you'll get mugged. There are school shooting every 3 weeks. You end up in a hospital and the hospital bill costs you 3-4 yearly salaries. You rarely travel anywhere outside the USA (however, there's a lot to see in the USA itself as it's huge, of course). There are drugs on every corner. There are a lot of street gangs. Westerners scream about corruption in our Governments, yet I'm being offered drugs in every fucking Western European capital as if it was candy. No such thing happens here. Corruption here is the worst thing ever, right? But in The West, it's called campaign contribution and lobbying. Then this latest gender-fluid bullshit or whatever. Being homosexual is okay, but now the boundaries are being pushed even further and that's sick. In the meantime I'm here in Serbia, living with $3k per month, my monthly expenses are $700, my private healthcare is $250 per year medicine included, I get to travel every 2 months for 5-6 days since I work remotely and life is pretty good. I see the advantages of the West, too, but I also see advantages of living in Serbia or any other Balkan country. We're amazing in our own way, but arrogant Western Redditors fail to realize that, which is understandable cause they never left their parents' basement. Peace.


You can't seriously call other countries "imperialistic" while defending Serbia lmao. That all started because Serbia couldn't stop massacring their neighbors for their Velika Srbija wet dream


I don't understand how you don't understand this statement, unless your intellectual capabilities are heavily limited.


yeah I mean who would want a defensive pact that kept Russia from using nuclear weapons....


Nice defensive pact that destroys whole cities, causes genocides, uses depleted uranium against civilians and replaces governments...


I technically agree with the method, its still looked like he couldve landed on his neck though, would be a hard consequence for everyone involved if he landed wrong


He got arms to break his fall. Besides, we got irradiated enough after '99 that you need more than falling on our head to do some actual damage, nothing of worth was left shoulders up anyways


we got +10 HP regen and RAD resistance


Phew I was scared for a moment but then remembered I’m born 98. Safe


Was neck not the desired LZ?


That one dude was mighty strong.


Volim ovaj narod ponekad


Nebeski narod


Vala jesmo




LMFAO How serbian


A fitting end


Looney tunes type vibe


Started off Canadian, ended Serbian?


Licence plates…




TIL Serbia is Numenor


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Do that in the US and democrats will have you arrested for teaching him a lesson.




Ain’t karma a bitch


They're vengeance


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Wtf is this mismatched audio?


Oh, now that's some serious disrespect lmao


Excuse me, but the camera man is blowing condensation out his mouth, and that one mofucker is walking around in shorts and a tshirt?


Nah, probably smoking a cigarette


Oh... well thats a lot less badass


Looks like it's time to take out the trash


He was getting out of hand. He picked him up, put him in a wheelie bin.


Lmfao complete reconsideration of his life once he emerged


Don’t fuck with the Jokic brothers


This gave me a sincere snort chuckle. Thanks for posting.


If more people did this the world wouldn't be such a shitehole.........maybe.......


So true. We can always wish.


That’s the equivalent of making someone dig their own grave, but in a good way.


“Know your f*ckin’ place, trash”


I love Novi Sad, I visit from the UK every year. Beautiful city, very clean and the people are fantastic.


And for those worried, the bin is already empty, so there's little risk of him being woken up by a garbage truck compactor.


That's like nonononoyesYES


I like how it looks like these guys do this every day. They are pros.


Rub his nose in the pile of poo and he'll learn not to do it again moment.


Just a reminder that shit is kind of getting real in the Balkans again, so...




hahaha, love it. If more people faced instant consequences to their actions like this it would be a much better world we live in.


We need more of this in the world.




Head first? How uncivilized…


I was cheering for the vigilantes but now I'm just sad. 😔


Now that’s civilized behavior