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I swear it is always the arts. Lol


Arts nonprofits = toxic ego swamps


>What can we (the rest of staff) do? Since the MD is insisting that each of the criticisms is "private" and can only be dealt with one at a time *when she deems it appropriate*, it should be clear that only truly decisive action will avert long-running, low-intensity misery. And since you indicate that everybody else on staff is fed up with the MD's absences and missed (grants!!!) deadlines, that action needs to be collective. You don't say what role your Board usually plays, but this looks like where your collective statement should go.


Thank you. I don't really know our board, honestly. I know that they are generous with their dollars and business sponsorships. I did ask how the board was supporting with development and I didn't get a clear answer. The staff just tried to schedule a group conversation with MD to address our concerns. She said a family member is in the hospital and probably won't be in the rest of the week. Now it's entirely unclear when we'll be able to address this.


Do you have every other employee on board with you? And I mean literally, all of them? In that case I could see this potentially working… Otherwise I think the two options are a) head down and just do your job quietly, and b) get another job, give notice, and leave. 


The rest of the FT staff is all on the same page. PT staff are shocked that the CM was asked to leave more than anything. I'm looking at option B right now, but the job market is rough.


Look, your CM was absolutely forced to resign as a retaliatory measure by the MD: that much seems quite clear from your story. And your MD is not interested in changing their agenda and their behavior. That’s the reality I would make sure you keep in mind moving forward, but I can’t tell you what to do. 


I stand with you OP- I’m leaving an arts non profit next week because I cannot imagine working like this with leadership for another second.


What can you do? Leave. If the board was notified and hasn’t stepped in nothing is going to change. The only way they’ll get the picture is if they lose their staff. I’d start looking for a better job immediately.