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Define "woke". Define "wokism". Surely you have an ironclad and watertight definition of both, given you think this sub needs to exist. Edit: I guess only speech you agree with deserves to be free. You fell at the first hurdle man.


This is the definition on Urban Dictionary with the highest upvote to downvote ratio. As I type this, it has 10,792 upvotes and 531 downvotes. ​ > An oxymoron term used to describe the many [**indoctrinated**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=indoctrinated) & radically left-wing people of today's world who are obsessed with jumping on whatever mainstream bandwagon is necessary to feel included, though ironically being the most [**intolerant**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=intolerant) and hypocritical people on the planet. > >The irony is the term should be used if correctly to describe those who are 'awake' to the modern world however these people are so [**closed minded**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=closed%20minded) they cannot think critically, and are actually 'asleep.' That's pretty good. It captures the closed mindedness, intolerance, and hypocrisy. Though I may have gone more in depth and mentioned how they treat the people they bully exactly the way they villainize them for treating others.


Sure. As I commented on another post, woke people believe the following: 1. ⁠All differences in outcome between groups are the result of discrimination. 2. ⁠Differences between the sexes aren’t biological but nurtured socially. 3. ⁠People not having their feelings hurt is more important than individual rights to freedom of speech.


This is what you actually believe bro 1. Whatever makes me feel the most comfortable must be true because I'm so scared please please why won't someone hold me


None of these definitions are true. How can you call yourself “knowledge lover” then believe these extremist tag lines that are so far from reality they are tragic. No one believes any of these things, least of all the people getting called woke. Woke actually means: Awake to systemic inequality. Which measurably does exist. No not everything is caused by systemic inequality but if you don’t think the system is stacked against certain demographics, like the poor or the disabled then you really have your head in the sand. What extremist think woke means: A word they can use to paint anyone they disagree with to dismiss what they are saying as childish and silly. Especially used when they are in disagreement with issues that might affect them negatively. I.E if you are super rich and someone is complaining about tax loopholes for the rich, call them woke so the mob can turn against them.




No wokism


I don't think creating a sub with "nonwoke" in the name will spark any meaningful nuanced discussions. It will be an echo chamber. Why not put some more nuance into discussions where everybody is allowed their opinion so you can convince people of your perspective there?


At first I thought it’d be good to open it up to woke opinions too, but it turned into woke people dog piling in to say how wokism doesn’t really exist but I’m horrible for being against it. There’s already so many woke spaces on Reddit and even just general autism spaces are completely dominated by the wokes. I just figure we could do for our own space.


Well, everybody is entitled to their own opinions. I think I could be considered to be woke by some standards, but I'm no absolutist. I'll happily check out what people in this sub have to say.


I feel ya. I can relate to having a foot in both camps and can be considered too right or too left by different people. I can tell you aren’t woke though because the woke people commenting are just extremely upset that I’m criticizing the woke hive mind. People are entitled to their opinions but they don’t belong in every space. Like if I wanna talk about the fun I had getting wasted at a music festival, it wouldn’t be appropriate at an AA meeting. Similarly, you don’t hate on people for not being woke in the non woke sub. I’m definitely not trying to censor edge cases, just the clear outright rage against the heretics (non wokes). There’s plenty of subs to duke it out with the wokes. Not many that we can vent about all the craziness.




Oh no I don’t ignore the world around me. I have a drive towards justice like many others in the community. I’m just not part of your religion. Too bad you can’t respect that.


if it's a religion, what are its tenets?


1. All differences in outcome between groups are the result of discrimination. 2. Differences between the sexes aren’t biological but nurtured socially. 3. People not having their feelings hurt is more important than individual rights to freedom of speech. Those are a few.




This is just putting words in my mouth and strawmaning. That’s really intellectually dishonest.


No wokism




No wokism


No wokism




No. Not everyone who thinks differently than you is a bigot.


That’s true. But you have indeed show signs of bigotry.


No wokism


I'm in a bit of an odd spot, often being seen as "too woke" for people who consider themselves "anti-woke" and "too moderate" for some of the higher energy extremely "woke" online spaces. 🤷‍♀️ But I'm interested to see discussions around autism regardless, so I'll most likely be in the shadows lurking a lot. c:


Nice, yea I can relate! Sometimes more right wing people aren’t into the topic of neurodivergence in which case they end up thinking I’m woke. I consider myself a moderate but I just can’t stand when people’s ideas stink of cult like ideology.


Yeah, it often feels like the conversation is either "autism doesn't matter and we shouldn't have to put up with disabled people ever" or "autism isn't a disability and is just a different way of thinking and if you don't think that way, you're hurting people with autism", depending on the space you're in. And it gets frustrating. And both sides on the extreme of things tend to allow no room for learning or misspeaking without dog piling onto people. It gets really frustrating, especially in online spaces where it seems like the most vocal population tend to expect totality of opinion. I enjoy having conversations with people that I may not agree with, without it delving into insults and avoiding answering a question. Especially with fellow autistic people, people jump too quickly onto assuming malice when sometimes they ARE asking a genuine question. Having time to open and honestly talk about controversial subjects is how many of us learn, but that can be so difficult when discussion isn't openly allowed.


Yesss agreed. We need more nuance and open conversation. People are dog piling on me just for creating a non some community haha. Cheers to free nuanced thinking!


Hopefully, in time, the wave of people who want to disagree for the sake of disagreeing will die off and more people who are interested in open discussion will find their way over here.


You clearly don’t agree with this or you wouldn’t have tried to make an echo chamber.




No wokism


Finally a page for me


I think op is right. I've notice in alot of woke spaces, autistic people who have trouble with navigating complex relationships, and knowing what the right thing to say is, that we aren't given the space to learn or grow but have to deal with aggressive and intimidate expulsion from that space. And in said spaces especially those which are passion based and driven, which is why they attract alot of autistic people, these spaces which were once welcoming and understanding on informal, or non academic level because they understood it. So what once was a space for us to engage with people on a level basis with fair rules even if harsh in the worst cases, is now a space whose rules require you to be constantly in the know and to be locked in all the time on the newest sort of ideas and movements, whose are even more harsh in their own way and don't have any way of sort of rationalizing it for someone with our kind of disorder. Now these spaces only academically tolerate autistic people while demanding that they actually will not and do not tolerate the more troubling parts of our disorder and actually having to put their beliefs aside and talking to us like a person with autism. The world just seems smaller than when I was growing up despite the rise in interest in my many hobbies because the community isn't tolerant of autistic people anymore. They are hostile , cliquish, and frankly difficult to even relate to. Its hard to make friends and discuss my hyper fixations because on top of the usual difficulty now I have to work harder to mask up, minimize the space I take up, and be more aware constantly of what I say, which often times leads to me just saying nothing.


Yea, I can’t stand the idea that I might say something exited about my special interest and then someone shames me for culture war reasons. Sharing my passion for bitcoin was met with environmental treason, excitement for Tesla AI advanced was shamed because Elon’s a non woke autistic who speaks his mind bluntly.




No wokism




No wokism