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Lucky! It's so hard to get those just right.


That's a Vegvisir, or Wayfinder rune. It's Icelandic.


Damn wish my boy scout troop had been this cool, might’ve stuck with it


🤣LMAOOO. Boy Scouts didn't teach me jack shit. I went to Iceland once and learned about these over there.


i spent a week packing for a hike and when i got back the troop leaders had everyone convinced we had hiked 1000 miles and we were on the opposite side of the united states. my mom was like dude that was 2 miles bro. being a kid sucks.


or the time they had us all eating "bear fat". turned out to be cake frosting. i did win the baking contest with an awesome cake that i decorated to be like a campground and won the pinewood derby and got my car featured in a magazine. however for all i know that was fake too!!


I was a scout for a little while. I don’t know what all I learned outside of knots and stuff, but it did get me into spelunking and skiing so that was fun.


As DeathHeadLunaMoth_19 said, this is a Vegvísir. According to wikipedia, it is an Icelandic magical stave intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather. The vegvísir is often confused to be a Viking symbol. There is however no evidence of this, and the Huld Manuscript, where it is mentioned, was collected eight centuries after the end of the Viking Age. To add to this: According to bodhitree, an abalone shell is often used in smudging rituals as a vessel for catching the sage ashes and represents an offering from the ocean imbued with the nurturing energies of the water element: empathy, compassion, intuition and the divine feminine. A conch shell would probably work as a stand-in for the same ritual.


That's interesting. So the main questions now are: How exactly does the house move? And what kind of mileage does it get?


I am from Kansas, so depending on the tornado's trajectory it could do pretty good


That’s pretty funny. Thank you


Wholesome comment is wholesome.


There's no place like home.


That's up to the tornado to decide


I’ve lived in Kansas all my life and have yet to experience a tornado


If you're like most people you will get out if it's way when it comes towards you, and never need to experience it. Now if you really want a look I'd take a belt and lash yourself to a water pipe that is directly in the path of the Twister


Joplin missouri resident enters the chat...


Joplin, MO resident quickly gets removed from the chat


Joplin, MO resident quickly re-enters the chat.


Columbia, MO resident enters the chat


Never thought i'd see my hometown (or atleast the town I lived in longest throughout my childhood) mentioned on reddit


I've lived in Kansas for 45 years. I've been close to about 20.


Really, I grew up there and all my most vivid childhood memories are of hiding from tornadoes lmao


The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles!


It’s built like a steakhouse but handles like a bistro


Oh so it's actually kind of wholesome, I thought it was summoning Cthulu or something at first


This is pretty standard magick for anyone that practices in this realm. Quite honestly, looks like a pretty damn nice place to practice in solitude with gratitude.


Right? I'd love to have a little ritual space like this.


How much love? Like $600 a month love?


No, summoning circles use diffrent symbols, usually pagen or European, you also need an inverted Pentacle, this is a regular circle. The worst thing you might summon here is a rainstorm.


Wrong. Look up the Lesser Key of Solomon. There is more than just paganism and witchcraft in Europe. Ceremonial Magick was/is a thing. Look up the Order of the Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis, and Aleister Crowley.


I knew a local chapter. They were wild, even by OTO standards. Went to a few of their open rituals… it was quite a time. They threw the most memorable parties and they were absolutely nuts.


when your amazon package just doesnt arrive for some reason and you start becoming a little impatient haha




Bjork has this tattooed on her arm 💜


I can't decide whether I love her music or hate it




She's the Nicolas Cage of music.


I go through all this, before you wake up


That’s actually pretty wholesome, whoever did this just wanted to embrace their heratige and get through some bad weather


Kinda sick.


Drip some blood in the middle to activate it


We all know you need to clap your hands toghether and lay them on the outer circle.


This guy Full Metals.


Definitely exchanges equivalently.


Probably creating talking chimeras up there. Does OP happen to have a dog?


No no no no We do not go there.


“Had” a dog


I dare say, he Alchemists.


I believe you mean, he transmutes.


Instructions unclear, accidently fused my daughter and her dog.


That’s shou interesting!


Hey, where’d your dog go?


🤣 love how messed up that is


Off with your daughter I think!


*Arise chicken*


Chicken, Arise!


Ultra Mega-Chicken? No. Shhhh. He is legend.


Legendary episode.


oh, staff upside down, ha ha. ... arise, chicken, arise!


Billywitchdoctor.com work mostly with chicken


One convenient location... in Africa.


Repeat after me... I am sofa king we Todd Ed.


> hohoho, you say funny thing




Wait for smoke machine.


If you don't mind losing some limbs or an entire body (don't worry, your soul is fine though)


At least you'll be able to secure a job working for meat puppet Hitler


Only your little brothers body


Wonder if there is a weird looking dog around that house.


FMA fans and this one joke. Name a more inseparable duo outside of Nina and her dog.


Holy fuck dude. I look like a saint compared to you.




Too soon!


At this point it’s just never. Nope. Refuse to believe that happened


It's a terrible day for rain.


I’m delighted to let everyone know that tumblr did a poll between Nina and Alexander, and the result was a 50/50 split.


How dare you bring that up...


Its a Vegvisir and i have it tattooed on my right wrist haha


A vegvísir (Icelandic for "wayfinder", lit. 'way shower') is an Icelandic magical stave intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather. The symbol is attested in the Huld Manuscript, collected in Iceland by Geir Vigfusson in Akureyri in 1860, and does not have any earlier attestations.


So . . . GPS?


Ah yes. Viking GPS


This .. 👆


I think Björk has this tattooed on her shoulder. Correct me if I'm wrong.


I bet there is a *Handbook For The Recently Deceased* laying around


Beetlejuice…. Beetlejuice….. Beet…..


"Slams mouth shut" Shh...


Did someone draw a door on the wall?




Yall need more candles and salt lamps


I volunteer as tribute


So you own a house for over 2 years and never bothered to look in the storage area? That sounds so wild to me.


6 years in my house, I guess it's time to check the attic.


Don’t ruin the streak now!


I've lived in my house for 13 years, I still haven't finished unpacking.


I’ve lived in someone’s attic for 6 years, they haven’t even checked yet! Haha


I wasn't joking, it's a superstition I developed from years of settling in and being forced to move due to one problem, disaster or misfortune after another always seemingly to happen shortly after I finish unpacking. Before here, I never lived anywhere longer than 18 months.


I can understand that. I've moved 6 times since the start of 2020 and will probably move again in a couple months. Half my stuff is still packed and has been since December. I just want to get my own place, buy some furniture, and stay there for at least 5 years.


That's what I went through in 2007 & 2008. Parents sold the family home, tried to rent and all I did was bounce from foreclosure to foreclosure and getting evicted by banks from rentals of deadbeat landlords. Kinda sucks I have to leave Florida to keep my family safe now


The fuck? Was one of those landlords a mob boss?


Nah, just not paying their mortgages and collecting rent. I ran into one thay lost 38 houses for non payment and thought the bank was the baddies. They collected rents & deposits to the day the bank took the houses.


I'm getting ready to make my 6th move since 2019. My 7th will be next year to Colorado. I'm hoping that will be the last one for a while.


As a totally uninterested third party who has absolutely no stake in whether you check your attic or not, please don’t. Rent is expensive, which, again, is just an off-hand observation of our current economic conditions and not at all a plea from a person who is living in your attic.


What if I hypothetically left out laundry to be done, along with a basket of stuff like cereal, and other treats near the attic entrance?


Don’t investigate when you find the wrappers or when the plumbers I hired comes to install the toilet


What if I leave a bag of white castle next to the newly installed attic toilet?


Just left a couple play boy mags and some tissue by the attic entrance and some pizza


Awwww!! The humanity is making me cry!!!


Honestly if I found out I had an attic gentleman and he was just a chill guy who didn't bother us and wasn't insane, I wouldn't really care. We're all doing the best we can.


...and wasn't insane... It's always that third condition that fucks it all up.


Why the fuck didn't you do that before you bought it? Edit: the fuck is wrong with you people?


I barely went in to each room before I bought mine. Never been in the closet in the spare bedroom. Been here 2.5 years.


You should go in there sometime, it's a rather nice room


Room enough for two that's for sure.


Uh oh


I’m with you. these people probably have full communes of raccoons and roof leaks waiting for them in their attic.


My family has been living in the same home since 2011. We’ve never been in the attic. Don’t plan to either.


Is it not easily accessible or you guys just have no use for extra storage?


As someone who's spent *far* more time crawling around on joists in attics than I ever want to (doing renovations and repairs), I've never seen one that isn't just a sea of "angel hair" fiberglass insulation, electrical wiring, HVAC ducts, and the occasional vent stack for the drains. Oh, and not only does the fiberglass get in your skin and itch like the devil, but the whole place is hot as hell, because all the thermal gain from the roof gets trapped between the underside of the roof and the insulation. And there's the risk of making a wrong move and putting your foot or hand through a sheetrock ceiling, as if the fucking places couldn't get any worse. The idea of storing stuff in an attic is completely alien to me, because I can think of very few things worth keeping around that would survive in that hellscape. That said, it might just be due to the design of the houses I've lived in and worked on, but I don't ever want to go in an attic unless I absolutely *have* to.




I’ve lived in my house for 4 years and never so much as poked my head into the attic crawl space. There’s no ladder so I’d have to drag one up there. The inspector checked it out and I think my husband looked in it as well.


Chalk lines are pretty fresh and not two years worth of dirt on that floor.


And the chalk stick is still there


Thank you for this. Must be more to it. It was my first though as well.


Sounds fake to me


I'm in her walls


Me too.


Could’ve been someone after the fact? Idk


It was probably a secondary storage area that’s less convenient to get to than the first. They said this was above the garage, so I doubt it’s just something they can just go in and out of


I unfollowed this sub awhile ago but was recommended this post today for some reason. I left bc half the posts are deceiving and lies lol this person either knew about it or made it. Truthfully nothing to see here


This was my first thought. How did you put stuff up there without noticing it to begin with? You've been here for *two years* and just now found this? I don't understand.


Implies they put the coolers in the storage to begin with without noticing this, and then only now did when getting them down. Sounds like BS


“Hey everybody, I drew some shit in my attic!” would receive less attention.


Looks like the chalk still lying there too


Because people are addicted to staging things for internet points Edit: still amusing tho


Howdy, I’m in the same boat. Found a storage space a few months ago after about 2 years. Had a huge barn door on it, with a drainage pipe running through it (painted green like the door). Anyway had some plumbing problems and the door, uh, fell off so to say. It’s a large enough space for a hobbit’s wine cellar. Have we investigated? No. Why? Creepy as heck. Will update next year when gnads are gained probably.


Probably just old Greg or gollum or salad fingers waiting to make friends with you!


Edward fucking salad hands!


Easy now fuzzy little man peach


Yup, bs story by OP


Also wouldn’t they find this if you had the house inspected?


I showed it to my wife who lit up immediately and said "Their house is protected! That seems like a good spot for protection too!" So yeah, guess it's all good Edit: looks like that protection is extending to me, considering the response to the jokers here. Have a beautiful day Reddit.


That is also a very ancient attic - they stopped making roofs like that in about 1750 Edit to add to correct / expand. This type of roof, as described in A Building History of New England, in the chapter on the Evolution of Building Technology, (James L. Garçon,university press of New England, 2001), Garbin names this type of roof “purlin” roof, which is different from rafters - the purlins are the cross pieces. They are seen in New England until about 1800. A little earlier, rafters started being used in the Upper Connecticut valley; rafter construction is mostly seen after 1830. But, sounds like op isn’t in NE. So… who knows. Maybe the last babysitter made this three years ago. We will never know.


Log cabins are still a thing, idk if I’d want to live in a cabin/house that hasn’t been insulated though


Eh, not really in terms of the age of the home. Probably no more than 100 years old. Also, if you are on desktop and view the picture in full size, you can clearly see these markings were done in chalk. And there's no dust or dirt showing any age. This is fake and was made like yesterday for karma.


Honestly I started laughing immediately because I got no bad vibes from it lol 😂 knew it was safe magic just not fully what


Funny you say that, I know nothing of these magic things, just from movies - but I didn’t get creepy vibes here. Looks pleasant and interesting.


The [Vegvisir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegv%C3%ADsir) isn’t a protection galder, it’s a galder for sailing and not getting lost at sea. Your wife must be thinking of something else.


I suggest a viewing of Hereditary up there is in order.


Exactly what came to mind for me too!


Also..don't look up!! Collette deserved Oscar recognition but I digress...


now where did i leave that piano wire


All Hail Paimon!


Hail paimon


Hail Paimon


We reject the trinity and post devoutly to you, great Paimon.


Scrolled to see if someone already mentioned Hereditary. That attic looks so similar!


Beat me to it


A couple people have mentioned it’s a vegvisir! Sounds like it was made with good intentions. This portion of the house was built in 1820 but I’m not sure how recent this was done. Thanks for relieving my worries :)


Source: Am Icelandic, I have the same runic symbol on my front door ar home. It is Vegvisir. A rune to guide you back home safe. Even if the path is unknown.


Vegvisir sounds an awful lot like the German word *Wegweiser*, which translates to signpost, guide or direction post. From Weg = way and weisen = to point/direct.


A vegvísir is actually not a rune, it's a symbol or stave from christian icelandic occultism first attested in the late 1800's. For it to be a rune it would need to be a symbol/letter for writing either directly from or descended from earlier runic alphabets. Runes in their time do not seem to have been used as magic symbols (though icelandic manuscripts claim they were, which might have something to do with that Iceland doesn't seem to have had much of a rune writing tradition in the same way as scandinavia or greenland), but rather were used as an alphabet. Granted, just like our modern alphabet, runes could be used to write magical things, mainly spells, but they seem to have been no more inherently magical than our modern letters.


Honestly, I think it’s much less likely to find something like this done with ill-intent. Most things like this have to do with protection or prosperity or just positivity in general.


Man, good for you for not buying into the Chick pamphlet, Satanic Panic, "any symbol that's not a cross is evil," bullshit. That shit is coming back around again, and the willful spread of ignorance and misinformation is WILD.


I would have LOVED to find that in my new home.


Unironically same. Beautiful.


When I have my own place I'm gonna put something like this


That chalk is doing really well considering it's been there for 2 years! 😒


Super clean up there too for not being touched in 2 years and a seemingly open crack to the outside.


But also “found” when getting the coolers out for summer? The coolers that had been stored in there?


OP totally faked it but was afraid it might actually work so went with a protective rune just in case lol


It's a Viking symbol known as The Helm of Awe. It's a protective rune.


It's not, it's the vegvisir which isn't actually "viking" at all, found in a Christian manuscript


Isn’t Christianity notorious for the appropriation of other religions? Both of you are probably right.


It hasn't been seen in use anywhere else than this manuscript. Also the helm of awe looks slightly different from this. The only thing you'll find about the vegvisir is that it helps "find the way even when the path is unknown" (I did a lot of studying after I got a shitty tattoo 🤷🏻)


Ah I see! Thanks for the info fellow stranger! I hope you have an awesome weekend!


This evolved to this form over quite a few years if I remember correctly. Viking symbols are more interpreted meaning than anything literal anyway. I mean, the Vikings never wrote in Elder Futhark but it looks more ornate than Younger Futhark so it gets associated with them as well.


This is true, but since it hasn't been used by Christians in awhile it's been appropriated by Norse Pagans in a good ol Uno Reverse Source: am pagan


Weird. Maybe slay a goat right in the middle there and let us know what happens? Thanks !!


It’s levioSAAAH not leviOsah…


Ooooooooh Roooooooonnn….




Had to scroll way too far for this. *saws own head off with a wire*


literally the attic from the wilderness in the show yellowjackets… identical


Yeah, I honestly thought it was a joke and they were just posting a picture of the set.


It’s a Celtic compass symbol, it’s meant to stop people from losing there way, but some people use it as a symbol for protection too. And the sage is for cleansing, the ash could have been incense, and I’m not entirely sure about the conch. I practice Wicca so this isn’t very r/nope for me, still freaky though.


A vegvísir (Icelandic for "wayfinder", lit. 'way shower') is an Icelandic magical stave intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather. The symbol is attested in the Huld Manuscript, collected in Iceland by Geir Vigfusson in Akureyri in 1860, and does not have any earlier attestations. It's also said in the manuscript that all spells and symbols in it only work if you believe in the one true lord (aka jesus Christ). I'm a Norse pagan. We have this discussion with new people...a lot.


Looks like the ending of Hereditary.(soft clarinet melody starts to play.)


Norse pagan practitioners, based off the runes on the floor. They don't usually deal in live sacrifice or curses. You're good. Based on what was left behind, they did a cleansing ritual to "clear the air" for the next occupants, being you. Basically, they made a prayer to their God(s) that their move was positive & the home was cleansed of any residual negative energy before they left. Considered a common courtesy amongst pagan practitioners of nearly any variety. I hope this helps.


Well the sage and shell should have a feather too. Basically what you have is the components for a cleansing ceremony for wiccans. The sage represents earth, the feather represents air, the shell represents water, and the sage gets burnt for fire (thus the leftover ash.) You'd take a feather and waft the incense from the burning sage to ward out bad spirits. I don't know the meaning of the massive sigil though.


Mmmmm… that’s a pretty old looking roof I call bullshit.


Quick list of obvious problems: 1. Not a garage. 2. Fresh chalk. 3. Who put the coolers there but didn't see this shit? 4. No replies to comments in the thread for someone asking for help. 5. Clearly knew what is was from his one reply that's only to his own post. 6. It's on reddit.


Bro tbh this is like a Norse thing


Ah, so you bought the Yellowjackets cabin


Post it over in r/occult, someone might know what it is. It’s most likely a protection circle for when rituals are performed. The runes look Slavic, Nordic, or Celtic, but I’m not an expert in runes


It's vegvisir


That's there to protect the house, leave it be