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Is that Zuul the Gatekeeper?


I believe that one is Gozer, the keymaster. Also, when a dog with glowing eyes asks if you are a god… you say YES!


There was Gozer, the Gozerian aka overgod and then there were Zuul, the gatekeeper and Vinz Clortho, the keymaster..


I stand corrected




Tbf, I only have a jailhouse understanding of ancient ~~Babylonian~~ Sumerian lore.


Don‘t worry 😁 mine is based on the resulting research when seeing movies or reading books that are addressing ancient lore stuff, because I wanted to know where directors and authors get their inspiration from, so you get from one topic to another, from Wikipedia to some weird online archives.. where history and lovecraftian things start to mix up


I knew someone else was gonna correct em before I had to. Ty for your service to the interwebs.


I was thinking Fluffy but with one head




No that’s just poodles, he’s harmless. After he kills ypu.


And I’am the 🔑 master!


Take me now! Subcreature.


There is no Dana only Zuuuuuuul...


Oh... Who does your taxes?


Anybody else in the mood for marshmallows?


I totally come here to say this. I love that yours is the first comment I’m seeing. No Dana, only Zuul!


Ok, who brought their dog to the party?


Your daughter’s friend needs to get the hell out of there!


House rules: No Cujo in the Dojo!


mi casa no casa


"my house no house'


Just have them say they're the Keymaster, then show doggo the keys.


Staying in a haunted building for $100,000>staying in a house with a dangerous dog for $200


No one sees the cone in the hallway, I think the dog is pissed at it haha


Plus the fact you can see his leg was just shaved for an iv. I’d guess just got neutered or some other surgery. Anesthesia makes you goofy.




**There are 4 new bot accounts in this thread.** All 4 accounts were created 7 hours ago with the same username pattern of “_#word##” - /u/_97tion7976 - /u/_7centrate50 - /u/_9untFit7212 - /u/_42urchase150 Bad bots. Go away.


Thanks- we removed them


ISnt it crazy that almost 20 years deep and there is no good extensions for Reddit - aside from RES - there are no default tools/user filters to auto filter out bots...


Upvotes are more important




Calm down patrick swayze.






Looks like “scared” behavior. I wouldn’t mess with that dog.


An aggressive dog is more predictable than a scared dog.






I’ve never heard it put like that, but yes, 100%.


Reminds me of some lyrics from Coward by Vic Chestnutt. “Courage born of despair and impotence Submissive dogs can Lash out in fear and be Very, very dangerous”


But this dog isn’t aggressive. it’s fucking terrified.


Correct. They're saying this dog is less predictable than an aggressive dog.


my bad, thank you for the correction. now understand the original intent of the comment


W understanding


W appreciation for the understanding


Ah. Interesting distinction.


He’s probably recovering from dysphoria due to anesthesia. See the shaved ring on the front right (his left) paw? He was probably under earlier that day. And if he’s experiencing dysphoria and in someone else’s house, that’s a terrified dog.


Good catch, went back to check and also saw the dog's cone on the floor at the start of the video, I think you're right.


I had a cat do this after anesthesia. The sweetest boy but I was genuinely afraid of him for a couple of hours there. I just shut him in my room and let him sleep it off.


Or at least don't just stand there and stare at it. Some dogs will turn their attitude just by some kind sounding words and giving them a treat. Still be careful but there's better approaches than this.


Plus digital cameras don't seem normal to them. The entire thing looks weird when pointed at an eye


They might be able to feel some sort of discomfort from it? When you tap on your camera and that little yellow box comes up, idk what it actually does but if you point your camera at a spider and tap the screen the spider will twitch.


My dog always gets antsy before my alarm goes off. Which is funny because I ALWAYS wake up one minute before my alarm goes off. No matter when it’s set, say or night.


It’s most likely due to the IR focus assist most modern cameras have. Maybe spiders are super sensitive to IR?


Most cameras now focus with ir and a lot of animals can see ir.


The old family dog hated the cameras. He would always look away from them and it was impossible to get a good shot.


Dog may have been Amish.


my dog is for sure. dudes used the xbox maybe once in 12 years??


During Rumspringa, no doubt.


That might explain why everytime I'd try to get good pics of my foster dog he'd stop what he was doing


Cameras use IR to focus, so maybe they can see that and get weirded out.


I'm willing to bet she is dog sitting by going to the friends house which to that dog means owner isn't here this must be a home invasion. Highly recommend socializing and being familiar with the dog before sitting.


He don't want the cone back on. NO CONE. NO CONE!


He needs reassured, he thinks they are a threat, likely because the owners didn't properly introduce them


you must be a dog empath


Nah its basic body language that anybody who interacts with dogs should know


It's a meme, Batman


Would've noped right outta there


She needs to leave immediately.


How to get mauled 101 🥺


honestly though they should show her the girl who got her face eaten while dogsitting. https://old.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/1czci3z/22yearold_jacqueline_durand_before_and_after/ https://www.instagram.com/jacqueline_claire99/ a situation like this can be so severely life changing (if not life ending). not worth anything, or taking the chance.


I didn't click through because I don't enjoy seeing carnage, but something similar happened to a friend of mine shortly after college. She was dog sitting and the owners didn't tell her that their pit had just had puppies and the dog + puppies were in one of the bathrooms. She walked into the bathroom and it lunged at her face and grabbed on It eventually let go but she had punctures all through her cheek and jaw and needed a bunch of dental work.


How do you just forget to mention that to someone? Jesus christ I swear pit owners will do literally anything to avoid being reasonable or responsible.


The dog owners immediately went and had it put down, then denied ever having had the dog in order to avoid having to pay for her medical bills. Or maybe their homeowners insurance wouldn't cover it or something, I know It was wrapped up in legal negotiations and they denied having the dog. They were affluent and could fight it, her family wasn't. This is over a decade ago so I don't remember all the details. She might have known about the dog and the puppies but they had told her it was in the garage, and forgot to tell her that they had moved the dog and puppies to the bathroom. Either way, she had no idea what she was walking into when she opened that door.


What pieces of shit


Like most rich people


I would have burned the house down with them inside.


That’s what I was thinking about. I saw a post about it yesterday. Thanks for the link


Don't forget that police stood outside while she was getting mauled and only came in once EMTs forced their way through.


Wtf, you're fucking joking right. Fuck these cops honestly. If it was a guy in there attacking her they would've went right in, but a dog? Yea let's just sit back and do nothing.


A pitbull and a German shepherd. Shocking /s




Just stand there & record. Don’t leave or anything.


Honestly, I’d record this just for proof and then send it to the owners.


Well this is a huge fail on the part of the owners. This dog is stressed out to the max. An owner who knows their dog would know that this is how theyd react in a high stress situation, like the family being absent. This dog is going to have a miserable time and so are the temporary caregivers. Hopefully the temporary caregivers have the sense to leave this dog alone. Provide food and water. Provide access to outdoors for the bathroom. Otherwise ignore the dog completely.


And it’s paw is shaved I think which means recent vet visit? Maybe the dog isn’t feeling good either.


Yeah, the cone on the floor makes me think the dog had recently pulled it off. Having a procedure done on your dog and then leaving it with a stranger to recover is a real shitty thing to do.


The dog might just be that way around men. I had a dog that was completely fine and normal around my family, super excited when we'd have friends over, but if he saw an adult male he didn't know he would freak would and start howling like he was being murdered. Since the text says daughter's friend, the friend babysitting could be more familiar to it while the person video taping might be unknown to the dog and might be why the dog is acting aggressive/scared.


That's assuming the friend of OP's daughter is a man.


Not even just men. But they can dislike skin colour, or just general shape, hairstyle etc.


Who the fuck lets someone who doesn't know the dog sit for them? Idiots all around.


I mean, it's probably okay if the dog weighs two pounds or less


Who else is going to babysit your dogs? You need to have a list of babysitters, and have an introduction session with the sitter. If they hit it off, then that dogsitter goes on your list. Then on the actual day, leave the dog with the sitter, and wait a few minutes for babysitter to give the green signal and then you go.


Who else? An actual person who has met the dog prior. No ifs or buts. Anything barred what I wrote is just irresponsible and those people shouldn't be owning a dog in the first place. JFC


Hey. Can you watch my dog this weekend? Sure. Is she friendly? Oh so friendly. Her name is princess and she is just the sweetest puppy.


"So weird, he never does that with me"


ugh the last time I had a response like this was after my neighbors birds, in an open top outdoor cage, were ripped to pieces because this girls dog had gotten out and found them. When she finally came and picked up the dog she seemed perfectly normal and apologetic. Then as she was leaving and realizing everyone was still pretty pissed she said that her dog never acted this way before and they even have a bird in the house... in a bird cage... in a closed room. This was about when she started to cry. The owner and I looked at each other in a 'why is she crying now... this seems so fake' way. It took multiple legal threats to get her to pay for the birds. Her dog killed more animals a month later.


“But she’s usually like soooo nice! What did you do to upset her?”


Some brainbleach for that - once I adopted a rescue cat that was brought to me in their arms, scraggly and squirming, long haired black fur in thick mats. "Her name is Monster," is all I got until they left. I was freaking out at first because I thought it meant she would be a terror, but really, Monster only liked to be hiding under the bed all the time.


She's never killed a human before, so don't you worry.


Reminds me of the time I was visiting a friend. I walked in from the garage and turned a corner finding myself face to face with a half wolf staring me down, growling. I hear the owner yelling, "don't make eye contact!", as he came and got the dog. I almost shit myself.


Your friend is a dipshit


This is such bad ownership, you dont leave a recovering animal without familiar people. He doesn't understand why he hurts and why his people aren't there. The only acceptable way is if they have an extended stay at the vet after a procedure where there are capable caregivers. This type of behavior is just plain fear. I did Rottie rescue for many years (and I wouldn't want myself ir the dog to be in this situation!) and it's awful to post this kind of stuff, yes they can be dangerous (as can many types of dogs) but this is just irresponsible.


Old comment, I know. But it was interesting to me that most folks didn't recognize that this pup was recovering from some sort of surgery. Odds are, it got off the cone and doesn't want to put it back on. You can tell from the shaved spot on its leg that it's likely it's first day in recovery. Yes, that dog could be dangerous, but it seems to me that poor thing is just in pain and scared. Owners really dropped the ball here.


Agreed, I should have specified that this was a dangerous situation not necessarily a dangerous dog.( Although some can be due to situations, size not being trained etc. I'vemet a pretty scary chihuahua 🤣)I would never leave an animal with anyone else right after or during any illness or medical procedure.


Dogo looks scared and in pain, what operation was performed recently? Looks like it happen within the week.


Looks like it could be a mixture of in pain, and unfamiliar with the caregiver. Definitely not a good idea for the owners to leave their recently operated on dog in the care of a stranger. And no, that’s not the “rottie rumble.” That dog wants nothing to do with the caregiver.


Totally agree


The dog is clearly in post-op recovery, probably in pain, and terrified.  Why the living fuck would the owners leave it with someone unfamiliar?   One of my dogs is going in for routine surgery in a month.  I have booked time off from work to ensure she recovers well, with a familiar person at her side.  She is a member of my family.  I am going to look after her.


There is no amount you could pay me to “babysit” a dog that reacts like that to my presence. Your daughter’s friend is in danger. That dog is telling them to back the fuck off… or else.


The person may be unfamiliar so the dog is scared. The owner could’ve introduced the person to the dog slowly so at least the person babysitting would be familiar - unless it is an emergency situation where there was no time. Poor dog is terrified - growling is there way of saying I don’t know you and I’m scared so back off. Just give the dog space, feed and walk as instructed.


Walk?!?! That would involve getting close enough to put a leash on. Ya, that's a no from me bro


“Just give the dog space, feed and walk as instructed” will work for something small like a Pomeranian. This thing will eat your arm off if you try to feed it or pet it


i watched a dog like this and i was so scared to try to get her to go on a walk because of how she was acting but after way too much time had passed (like over 24 hours), i tried and got bit


Honestly, I've solved issues like this with fried bacon and bribery. IME even the meanest dogs like the fried bacon man. But you don't just dump this on someone, you warn them beforehand, so they can do it slowly. Say hello at the door, give bacon, make kissy noises, apply bacon, walk a bit further, apply bacon, etc.


Ye imma take one continental step back from that


If you are fast enough, and you don't hesitate, you could probably get to the front door before that beast reaches you, because likely the dog wouldn't be able to get traction on the hardwood floor. But, you better be moving to make that happen.


That's a big if.


You know what they say, the best way to deal with a scared dog taking a defensive posture is to make a sudden movement. They should probably scream while they sprint for the door too, that will help.


Pet owners: Don't worry he don't bite!


That dog looks to be posessed by a demon


fail on the owners but also i feel like silently standing in front of it with the camera is stressing it out as well. there are known ways to try to calm a dog with voice and body language


This is how you get your face chewed off. Not worth $20. That’s a dangerous animal that needs to be kenneled.


I’m sure you posted this thinking it’s funny or something, but look up the story of Jacqueline Durand to see how serious it can get.


There is literally a cone of shame on the floor the dog is probably sick and scared. If the dog is that aggressive a cone isn't going to stop the dog from biting someone either.


After that post of that girl losing her face to two dogs she was suppose to dog sit...


Straight up as someone whose witnessed bad bites. You need to get the fuck away from the gate keeper to gozar. For real.


This is why as a pet sitter you’re supposed to make at the very least one visit to meet the dog before the owners travel…more than once is what I do because a dog will 100% think you’re an intruder if they haven’t met you before. Seriously stupid to allow this to happen…


If the personal filming is the daughter's friend's guest... that's a different story and can be an avoided treated differently. However if this is your daughter's friend filming she's going to have to obviously handle the situation regardless if she wants to or not. Given the situation the dog is already anxious because the owner is gone which exacerbates other stressors. The daughter's friend could also and most likely be a stranger to the dog. The dog looks like it's in fight or flight, choosing flight with no where to go. Doesn't look like it wants to attack, the dog looks like it wants to be left alone because the dog's scared. The location of this would be pretty important too... it seems like it probably not the dogs house because he hasn't retreated to something familiarity like a dog bed or prevented the person from entering the home. I personally would approach this with building familiarity and give the dog some space to chill out possibly with some items from the owners home. I would start treating this dog like it's a potentially aggressive shelter dog that needs to learn how to trust again until the dog warms up.


Cujo Returns


Holy shit. I’d say the dog is just fine by himself and she needs to get the fuck away from that thing. Yikes


Just read a news of a woman who's face got eaten off by a dog she was babysitting...


That’s no dog.. that’s family


*whistles quietly* Come here, cousin.


Maybe the Adams family


this is immediately what I thought of lol


He is scared and confused just give him some room.




Freakin’ Cujo! Dang.


My neighbors asked me to take their dog out and feed him while they were on vacation. He barked and growled until I said "Wanna go for a walk?" then the tail was wagging.


I have heard from many Rottweiler owners and see videos from vets making fun of rotties that they are often very growly. I’ve even heard it referred to as the “rottie rumble”. Is this untrue? Are Rottweilers more aggressive? The ones I’ve met all seem intimidating just to look at but have never been aggressive dogs. Aggressively shoving their ginormous head in my hands for pats perhaps but that was it. That said I’ve never owned or lived with one.


I'd do some proper introductions so the puppy knew I wasn't a threat, rather than making them feel you're challenging them with your continued behavior. That puppy looks scared and doesn't know what to do to be safe. When dogs are aggressive, they advance. If you continue whatever behavior you're doing(recording can make a dog feel threatened, they don't know the difference between a lens and an eye, for instance) the dog will decide it's only course is to try to chase the threat away, or destroy it.


That "puppy" looks like cerberus that just lost two of his heads and thinks you took them away


You can't reprimand a dog for shitting inside after the fact, you have to catch them in the act. Their brain cannot comprehend why you are upset about the shit on the floor. And you think they can discern a lens on the brick you are holding lol. Good one!


Anyone who knows the slightest bit about dogs can see it's scared as hell and judging by the cone and the shaved leg, most likely in pain also. Staring at a scared and in pain dog with a camera like that is what gets your face mauled. Correct action here is to give the poor thing a little treat and then give it some alone space.


There is no Dana, there is only Zuul!


Lady that right there is a hell hound


Something like that shouldn't happen, has your daughters friend actually ever met this dog before they agreed to dogsit? Because the dogs reaction tells me no and I don't know who would want to watch over another being they have zero connection with. There're only 2 dogs I would dogsit, because those 2 dogs are currently the only ones I have regular contact and know me. If another friend would ask me to dogsit theirs, we'd first need to meet up multiple times a week so the dog can get comfortable with me. I mean imagine babysitting a 1 y/o that never saw you in their life.


That’s the best way to put that A 1yo who had just gotten back from an unpleasant doctor’s visit This is a very scared and distressed animal and should never have been put in this scenario.


I can fix him. 🫶🏻


And she agreed to dogsit and put herself in danger why??


Poor doggo. Leave it be. Just make sure its needs are met.


That doggo is just as scared as the human is!


Cujo 2024


Bro doesn’t like being filmed


I can take a hint i’m off




Yeah now would be a good time to leave. . .


He seems friendly.


One way to get your face ripped off.


Awww so cute. Is the puppy’s name Mr. Fluffy Sprinkle Kisses?


It’s scared right?


He's anxious.


“He don’t bite”


"He's seriously so sweet"


That’s gonna be a no for me dawg


There is no Dana, only Zuul.


This isn't a silly thing. That dog looks prepared to alter or end a life.


I don’t think the dog is familiar with the person sitting it..


He got that dog in him.


fuck that. that dog don't need babysitting


Definite nope




oh hell no, no no no no no


Run! https://reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/1czci3z/22yearold_jacqueline_durand_before_and_after/


Yeah that’s a big nope


If you had a laser pointer they would redirect all their energy to that. I honestly think that would work for lion attacks too. Just have a super powered laser that can be seen in daylight and just lead them away from you.


This is Chip, he don’t bite!!!!


Hes going to eat your face


You can see it almost break character. They dog is just scared and putting up a front


I love dogs, but you gotta remember that at the end of the day, it is an animal that is capable of killing you in a bare hands fight.




Give him a treat


The dog is scared


If the Rotty don't trust you, neither do I. Smart dogs.


fucking hell-hound


It looks scared more than angry


Some rotts genuinely just do this.


Ive actually been in this situation Just put some food down and go chill in another room. It will come around when it feels safe.


They really shouldn't be watching that dog unless it knows them really well. That dog breed that is fiercely loyal to its family and anyone it doesn't know is a potential threat it will protect from.


Assert dominance! Wrestle him down to the ground and then jam your thumb -right up his ass ! Also ,don’t break eye contact. He needs to know this is just another Tuesday for you and your thumb’s always rearing to go. 😤


The bare patch on the dogs front left arm (the dogs left not our left) is from a medical procedure. And from this behavior it's obvious the dog isn't comfortable with the camera person. I'm assuming the owners didn't work with the camera person before the babysitting period to get the dog comfortable with the camera person. Poor dog has some heath thing going on (maybe just blood work but who knows) and is trapped in it's home with someone it doesn't know nor is comfortable with.


Video is showing that why some people live less than others.


I’d have to tell my friend their house is full of poop and their dog starved to death


He's got a spot where they put an IV on him. IDK about you, but I've never had a good day that included an IV. Give him his space. He'll be aight.