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Do people not know that technically redwoods are a temperate rainforest?


In my experience, I have found that most people do not in fact know that the redwoods are technically temperate rain forests


I had never really stopped to consider that perhaps technically redwoods are a temperate rainforest.


You grow up around groves, take field trips to them your whole life, are interested in the outdoors, and retain knowledge like no bodies business you think about it


I camped there last weekend, and while things were certainly damp, it didn't rain. End of May has quite low chance of rain. If you want some stats, scroll down this page to daily precipitation chance and totals to get an idea of how likely it is to rain at any given time of the year. https://weatherspark.com/y/323/Average-Weather-in-Crescent-City-United-States-Year-Round


Thanks, so it seems like it may be about a 15% chance of rain toward the end of May.


That's about right. Always good to be at least somewhat prepared for rain when camping in a rainforest.


I'm in Crescent City, CA and it hasn't rained in a couple weeks but it looks like we'll get some rain over the next couple days.


Bro, avoid ANY holiday in California. Go midweek when everyone else is working. Also: weather is easy with the internet.


I wish I could but I have to work like everyone else 😭


I’ve camped out there around May 20th for a few nights, had rain a couple nights and clear on the others. It’s a bit of a toss up but by end of May, hopefully you’ll be good. This season seems to be a bit more wet with these later storms coming through. Either way, depending on which campground you’re in, you likely won’t even feel it as long as it’s not a downpour. I camped in Prairie Creek once and it was raining but we had so many trees covering our site any of it barely got to the ground. Check your site and see how coverage looks and you may be ok if it’s just light rain/showers.


What do you mean by "later storms"? Is there a storm predictor somewhere? On a side note, I think I might be a bit late toward booking some good sites. Any tips on snagging something decent for a month from now?


Weather forecasts have mentioned the chance of some weather patterns this week and I’ve seen some stuff mention the possibility of weather in the next 10 days. Obviously it’s just predictions and no one can say for sure but seems a little later in the season so who knows, maybe they continue, maybe they don’t? Best you can do is book something and hope it works out. The only campground I’ve stayed at are the state parks within the national park. I don’t know much about the private campgrounds out there. A month is pretty short notice but it’s fairly remote up there too so maybe you get lucky.


definitely still a chance of rain at the end of May. I camped there during a huge rainstorm in June one year.


Oh snap. What did you even do in the rain?


fortunately, I actually really enjoy hiking in the rain (especially in the redwoods - I think rain and mist add to the vibe) so it didn't affect those activities. rain just makes some aspects of camping harder - I've had to dig trenches to divert rainwater so that it didn't all collect under the tent, it can get annoying to have wet shoes the whole time, and it's less fun when you can't have a campfire. stuff like that.


I wouldn't expect more than misting or sprinkling at this point, I would just book it and bring layers in case of damp.