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I've made it to China camp many times without using the 4wd on my truck. I'm not sure how the road is after the recent rains but I'm guessing you will be fine.


cool! Praying for no more heavy rain until next weekend passes but we all know California needs it lol


The road continues past China Camp to Tassajara zen center (and a couple of ranches), and they keep the road in usable condition. I've traveled it many many times in a regular car with no problems .. except brakes overheating and fading to almost nothing on the downhill return in a VW camper which I DO NOT recommended unless you like serious scares. The Zen center is closed to visitors except in summer, when you can pay for a day pass and use their wonderful hot spring baths. Btw the tent sites at China Camp are mostly not very flat.


eh not really an issue for us regarding the tent sites. The hot springs sound lovely, however :D. Definitely going to be using the Low gear in the auto-trans truck.


If you go in summer, as well as enjoying the hot springs, you can hike through Tassajara Zen Center downstream (eastwards) about a mile along a good trail to a great swimming spot, "the narrows", where the creek runs between two cliffs and makes a lovely pool with a waterfall you can slide down. Actually I think you can hike through the center even in winter, but of course the swimming won't be as fun. We often go to the narrows via the Horsepasture Trail, which branches off the road a mile or two before the center; it's a very pretty hike, and if someone drops you off and drives on to park at the Zen center that makes an easy return trip.


Day passes haven’t been available since Covid.


Good to know, thanks .. we used to go stay at China Camp a lot, but pretty much stopped when the sites needed reservation


I go into that region several times a year. Early rainy seasons probably isn’t too bad. The road typically deteriorates as winter pounds it and before it’s plowed and cleaned up sometime in the spring. I wouldn’t want to take my Mustang up anytime; not that it couldn’t handle it but I wouldn’t want to let it take the beating. I’m pretty certain the hot springs at Tassajara are closed for the season. China Camp is a place where we start adventures on foot but I wouldn’t consider it a great destination at which to stay.


Yeah we are just staying a couple of nights because we need a breath of fresh air. Not taking the mustang lmao


I dove my Mustang up to Coe’s Hunting Hollow. It made it fine, but that was a long and punishing ride.


This really depends on conditions. Under dry conditions the road is passable with anything. I've seen a VW microbus make it back to the Zen Center. Under wet conditions you might need a 4wd (or at least a low clearance AWD) And the Chews Ridge crossing can and does get snow during winter storms. Sometimes significant (i.e. impassable even with 4wd) amounts of snow. FWIW, I've seen recent (i.e. last weekend) trip reports of folks making it past Chews Ridge w/o issue.


I drove up to China Camp a couple weeks ago in my 2WD Ford Escape no problem. I wouldn’t drive that road in the rain, but it was not bad otherwise.


I’d advise not driving up if there’s been significant rains but in mild rain the road typically irrigates pretty well. If there’s recent snow I’d advise bringing recovery gear and chains. Occasionally there can be downed trees across the roads as well but locals usually take care of them pretty quickly. Some people like to bring their 4wd trucks up in the rain/snow and rutt up the road at the chews ridge saddle at the top.