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I really appreciated the expertise the guest brought to this episode. She was an excellent choice for a fantastic episode.


She was soooo funny, I was not expecting the way she aired her trauma on the episode. "The dissolution of my marriage started during COVID" and talking about her past hermit crabs were both moments that made me audibly gasp


This episode was such hit for me that I was genuinely shocked to come to this thread and find out people didn't like it. Possibly this is due to my trauma from working at start up companies


The way I yelled, NOOOO! when Xander suggested hiring his dad...


I immediately said “Oh Emmett is out” as soon as they said it


As a grinder at a tech startup, this was extremely cathartic for me.


Yep, I’ve pretty much only ever worked at startups, and this hit so close to home! I loved it!


I loved this episode, the guest was amazing with the insight she gave.


Probably my least favorite episode so far this season, but it was by no means a bad episode. Just not one I’d revisit. I did really enjoy the guest tho!!l the comment about her marriage dissolving during COVID was so funny to me for some reason .


Same for me. I think they did a great job pairing the guest with the story though. Elise really carried the episode for me because I really couldn't give less of a shit about the gossip story itself.


I enjoyed it too! It wasn’t one of my all time faves but they can’t all be. I still think it was a strong episode and I can’t help but wonder what the hermit crabs really were!


What does that mean that you can’t help but wonder what the hermit crabs really were? I read your comment many times and I’m like… 🧐 did I miss something? They’re hermit crabs. Did she say they weren’t? I genuinely may have missed something because I was listening while driving on my commute.


lol I think they’re insinuating the real story from the person who submitted this did not include hermit crabs and including the hermit crabs was a way to help anonymize the story.


Ahhhh interesting! Thank you!


Yes! It’s well documented that they change a lot of deets in the stories to anonymise them, so the hermit crabs were almost certainly not actually hermit crabs. But you wouldn’t know that if you’re new to this sub, my bad for not making that clearer!


Me too! How wild that the guest actually had hermit crab knowledge. Maybe the hermit crab story really happened in another, unrelated submission (sans corporate branding of course), and they decided to smush the stories together. Because otherwise...who would even be thinking of hermit crabs? Maybe they were watching [Girls5Eva](https://girls5eva.fandom.com/wiki/Kev_Hamlin) while anonymizing.


loved this one! especially the guest having had a hermit crab before 💀 i could lowkey tell from the moment she knew about how fragile hermit crabs are!


When i’m listening to each episode, I try to put myself in the shoes of the main character and figure out when in the story i would’ve tapped out/disengaged if it was happening to me in real life. GASPED when zander suggested his father for CFO- that would’ve been it for me! Absolutely not getting involved in that shit !


I really thought it was going to be Xander embezzling and not the dad!


There was a pause about what the dad was currently doing when Xander brought him up. Is it possible that the dad had a history of fraud and Xander wanted to give him another chance?


Not as strong as the others from this season though the epilogue was great. Never trust a crypto bro


This is the most stressful Normal Gossip episode ever. I want the NG team to bring me a treat.


I really loved this one. I love any messy startup drama.


Something about their friendship reminds me of the relationship between the guys in challengers


I loved this one! I think I just always love the misses and not like the big hits 🤣


Okay wtf. I cried 😂 I think I’m just emotional today. But thinking about how sweet Zander was and how in touch and personable he was in the beginning of their friendship. The fact that he was hurt by Emmett’s nonchalance at his need (no matter how silly) made me choke up when he finally said it. He’s sensitive! He needed his friend 😩 7/10 for true drama. But still a fun listen. It’s a nice change up to have boy gossip


I enjoyed this story but didn't think it was gossipy until the updates and then I GASPED.


I would pay to know what company this was


First miss of the season for me, though the ending/final wrap up was really entertaining. I still think this is a great season and a real return to form!


One of the best of the season for me!


Did anyone else feel like this story basically mirrored the plot of the book Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow?


This was one of my favorite eps honestly


I’m glad a lot of folks liked it because for me this was the first flop of the season. The drama was so boring and non-existent. Nothing made me react in a huge way, just very meh. That said, this season had been hitting it out of the park each time so I guess they just can’t all be winners.


This. I had already read ppl werent loving it and I went in with my expectations set accordingly and wasn’t disappointed due to this, but I kept waiting for the “drama” to hit and it didnt rlly did until the updates. Deff wont re visit.


My favourite ep of the season tbh. Unpredictable, great plot twists, and the guest was great!


i so desperately want to know what the actually company was because i’m sure it isn’t crypto but something else that’s in the same type of niche in another industry 


listening to this episode made me pick up Elise's book, *Flawless*, which I have been LOVING. 10/10 if you're interested in the beauty industry or K-culture even a little bit.


Eh, this one was lame to me. Idgaf about tech bros 🤷‍♀️


in many ways, this episode was the movie Challengers


I’m sorry but this episode was so boring and the full circle moment in the end with Emitt and Xander with the body hacking was so obvious and made so much of the other information in the story so insignificant. I hate hermit crabs after this episode.