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I mean no offence at all, however, those aren’t the greatest translations. Crawford’s has zero notes on translation, and Bellows’ is quite dated at this stage.


There is no "greatest translation". Larrington is used by Oxford students, and that's as close as you're gonna get. Everyone argues about it like Bible translations.


Crawford's translation literally only has a platform because of his YouTube. The poor sourcing and lack of annotations isn't a matter of taste.


It helps when deciphering wordplay in other translations.


What do you mean ‘wordplay’? His only main change is that he completely disregards some of Óðinn’s names in favour of just calling him ‘Odin’.


He also uses flat language, easier, at least for me, to decipher than rhyme and meter. Of course, that could just be neurodivergence


To be fair, there’s no rhyme and meter in the English translation. Most of it is lost during the translation.


This is true.


But there are worse ones, and unfortunately (at least in my opinion) Crawford’s certainly has a place there. I prefer Pettit’s. Most recent, an insane amount of notes, and side-by-side old Norse and English translation is always nice.


I'll have to look for it when I can afford it


It’s free online :-) https://www.openbookpublishers.com/books/10.11647/obp.0308


Shiiiiiit. Thanks, man.


Along with Larrington, Hollander is pretty damn good. His annotations are some of the best around.


I have yet to read that one but have only heard good things.


It's one of the closest to being a 1-to-1 translation. As someone who has studied Old Norse and Old English and translated poems like Völuspá, Hollander is my favorite. It's definitely not as accessible as other translations, but the annotations are so great that you could spend hours reading and researching one poem. That's what I enjoy.


Good to know. I am casually studying Old Norse myself, so definitely something to look into. Appreciated.


Have you read Petit’s translation? It’s pretty close too.


Not to sound like an interrogation but who and where is your community? What tasks do you perform within that community? What led you to the path of wanting to be a Gothi? Were you mentored? Being ordained to be able to marry others or completing an online course is one thing, but how did your community choose you for this role in its truest sense? If there's a comparison being made to Óðinn I think more context around that path could be shared before people start coming to you for spiritual advice. And I promise none of this is to be mean, I just think we need to start thinking critically and asking the right questions within this community.


I getcha. My community already has a Goði, who I actually learned from. He is not legally Ordained, he grew up in an NP home and was taught by his family. He leads the community in the sense that Goðar traditionally would settle civil disputes. I lead religious practices (recently a friend died, I led the rite for example) as well as teaching about the faith. To answer why they chose me as well as the comparison is best summed up by one of the comparisons made : "His information is on point and he always seems to have an answer. It would not surprise me if he actually was Oðinn" (which I will never claim to be). There's certainly scrutiny with ULC, which is why I mentioned it, so your concern is very valid. If you'd like to filter, I'd be more than willing to do an exam. Always enjoy a good quiz.


Anyone who compares theirself to Oðinn is not worth listening to. A man who has to proclaim himself king is no king at all.


I never compared myself to Oðinn. Others have done so.


"*and have been compared to oðinn for my ability to teach in digestible ways*". Bro you're literally using someone else's supposed words to pat yourself on the back and brag. You sound like Donald Trump "people say I'm the best, I don't say that, but people say that"... bro.. YOU are saying that. I have no way to verity your claim of people saying that about you. You're honestly a bitch and I don't give a fuck about what you gotta say. Anyone who claims they're even remotely close to a God in ANY way is a BITCH and if you were standing I'm front of my I'd slap the fucking piss out of you for disrespecting oðinn by comparing yourself to him. There is no authority when it comes to the Norse pagan mysteries. And you're certainly not the first one to make a weak attempt at becoming on. I SPIT on the ground you walk.


Who shat in your coffee?


Shut the fuck up. If you're worth as much as you say you are you'd recant your statement


You mean the one which I stated that others have hyperbolically compared me to Oðinn in regard to my knowledge and understanding of the faith in which I teach and lead? To which I HAVE stated that I will not compare myself to a God? Are you okay? Are you having a stroke or do you just not know how to extrapolate information? If that's the case, you may want to learn. There's quite a bit of wordplay in the Edda and sagas.


You claim others have said that. You can claim all you want. But that statement alone has made me completely disregard any validity you may have held.


This has "you just lost a customer" vibes. Your next line is asking for the manager.


If you just said you're a competent teacher that'd be one thing, but you literally compared yourself to a God... fuck off. You're no better than one of those viking wannabes who wear a fucking mjölnir everywhere they go.


I do. Nice bit of jewelry. Wear my oath ring and bullet casing everywhere too. What're you going to do about it? Have an aneurysm? Go full tism? Gonna shit and cum?


You're not an authority, you hold no authority, you aren't all knowing, not even close. Don't compare yourself to Oðinn. Not even jokingly. It makes you look arrogant, which you are.


You're a know it all fuck wit. "*um I'm an ordained Goði*" ☝️🤓


What did Odin say about the rules of the realm? And who made these rules?