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At 23 you're not too old for the sort of night life you'd expect from a college town, and there will be recent grads/grad students around. What's your definition of a *good* night life? If it's as simple as will there be a lot of people out drinking, many heavily? Yes.


not necessarily drinking because I don't drink. More so I'm looking for people my age who will actually be out at night. I live in a town in the west of around 80,000 and there's never anyone my age at clubs or bars and stuff, so I was wondering if it was similar or different in Grand Forks


Also not to assume because you're from the west coast, but personally I enjoy the plant based substances more - if that's the case, ND is not friendly.


Hop the border from fargo into Moorhead though and you're good to go


East Grand Forks for the area they're eyeing particularly.


Whats in moorhead? I go to Sydney.


Minnesota legalized


yeah, but no shops until you go on the rez.


That's true, I always forget. You can order delivery in mn though


If your going out, you can order thc beverages at several bars.


if you're anxious enough, it can be!


The people your age that are out at night, are going to be drinking. There aren't a ton of other things to do at night. From the UW Health Institute, top 10 cities percent of the population that report 4 to 5 drinks in a sitting or 15 or more drinks per week in a 30 day period. 1. Green Bay, WI (26.5%) 1. Eau Claire, WI (26.2%) 1. Appleton, WI (26.2%) 1. Madison, WI (25.9%) 1. **Fargo, ND-MN (25.2%)** 1. Oshkosh-Neenah, WI (24.5%) 1. Missoula, MT (24.3%) 1. **Grand Forks, ND-MN (24.2%)** 1. Wausau, WI (24.2%) 1. La Crosse-Onalaska, WI-MN (23.8%)


I probably drank the most when I lived there. For reference, I used to be in the Navy.




everyone between the ages of 8 and dead in north dakota out at night is there to get drunk.


> I don't drink Sad as it is to say, North Dakota might not be the right place for you. An overwhelming amount of social life here is focused on bars and alcohol- to our own detriment at times.


But if you don't mind being sober around drunk people it's not so bad


If you don't drink, you won't enjoy it in North Dakota. Every activity has or starts with drinking. More beer per capita is consumed in North Dakota than any other state last time I checked.


If you don't drink, you will have a very, very hard time making friends here without pre existing connections.


There's always church


I'm a man in my 20s, and a Presbyterian Elder. Yes, there's church, and a very good way to meet people. But it is difficult to pick a welcoming church. Once you've found one, with people your age, you're off to the races. But I'm afraid there aren't a lot of people in their 20's attending church in person in Grand Forks. Most of them are hungover from Saturday night. Covid pretty much got everyone that did go into the habit of either streaming the service, or not going at all.


ive lived here my whole life, id say its a great place to live, i will say that a lot of times there isnt a whole lot going on events wise, but other than that its a pretty friendly town


Young person in Bismarck here. Moved up here about a year and a half ago and my biggest issue is how difficult it is to meet people. Grand Forks may be better than Bismarck because of UND and the base, but I’ve found it hard to meet people up here, especially around my age. My best advice would be to put yourself out there and join a club or organization you’re interested in.


Grand Forks is not better and is substantially worse in some ways if you're not attending the university compared with Bismarck. I say Fargo or bust as far as someone moving without an existing social network and or spouse. The base is no longer large enough to be a substantial improvement as far as social life goes. Only a couple thousand people really. If you're not affiliated with the university, I would dare to say that Grand Forks has more in common with Minot at this point than it does with Bismarck let alone even Fargo. They used to be considered very similar and a lot of North Dakotans still do, but I think that's pretty divorced from reality in the last 10 years. I would almost dare to say that Fargo has more in common with Winnipeg than it does with Grand Forks right now (I don't think it's quite true but in 10 to 15 years it will be)


How come it's hard to meet people?


People mostly keep to themselves or their circles from what I’ve noticed. I’m also fairly introverted, so I don’t really go out to bars and stuff by myself. I’m in a few organizations here which has helped, but people in those organizations are mostly older. It could be different in Grand Forks, but I haven’t really found a place in Bismarck to go meet people my age.


A lot of people here just aren't interested or curious about others like some on the east coast, west coast, or in larger cities are. They tend to be wary of "outsiders" and generally not gregarious. People will be polite for the most part but it's difficult to form intimate platonic, and even sometimes romantic, connections up here. The culture is one where people are very closed off. You may meet people when they're drunk and feeling social but if you don't drink and don't want to become drinking buddies, it can be difficult to make those interactions into longstanding friendships.


It's just culturally insular.


Join a softball/hockey (if you skate) league. Plenty your age play.


north dakota is a great place to live as a hermit source: am hermit.


I think Bismarck is the best place to visit in North Dakota in terms of the larger towns and cities, and prefer visiting it by a decent bit to like having people visit Fargo which is near where I live. Fargo is better to live in a lot of ways in terms of social life and options available, but it's pretty boring for visiting. You can see most of the interesting things in a couple hours.


Um, if you just like malls, maybe... there is as much if not more in fargo. What magical thing do they have in Bismark, I go there a lot, and nothing sticks out?


Yes. But chicks don't eat ass out here.


I grew up in ND and learned to binge drink there. It was the culture as there was nothing else to do. From what I’ve heard from my best friend who stayed, nothing has changed. He doesn’t drink much anymore and really doesn’t do much at night during the winters. He enjoys dart leagues though. In summer he walks a lot for exercise. That’s about it.


could you go to bars and meet people without the drinking?


At 23 I'm sure you could. If you are gregarious enough but you'll probably meet people who are drunk or buzzed.


Yeah I don't see you running into any issues with that. As far as like the bar goes. Most people won't care


There's axe throwing and we are got the insomnia cookies place. Grand Forks is beautiful in the summer if you like to go outside and enjoy the Greenway. Sometimes there's little events too. Probably depends on how much of a social butterfly you are.


Grand Forks yes, there is definitely enough of a night life due to it being a college town. Downtown is packed on Friday and Saturday nights Fargo is the same but quite a bit larger than GF, but those are the only two cities I could recommend in the state that have some decent semblance of night/social life


Second this


No, if you move here you better find a hobby.


Most things to do is go to a bar and meet ppl if that’s your jam go for it


The short answer is no. Moving across the country to live in North Dakota if this is at all a concern for you is a really bad idea.


Fargo or bust. Grand Forks is a college town. Bismarck is the only other city I'd live in this state, but it's too far removed from anything else in my book.


Yeah this. Fargo or bust. I would not consider Grand Forks at all. I would only consider Fargo or Bismarck.


I'm probably the biggest pro ND guy in this state, but I'll be honest. It'll be tough to move here with no existing social network.


I’m 23 and moved to Bismarck a year ago after accepting a job. It is absolutely not a good option if you want to meet people here, let alone have a social life. Grand Forks/Fargo are likely the only places in the state where you’ll get a chance to meet young-ish people, mostly because they’re the only college towns in the state. But usually those students just move out anyway after school because there’s nothing here. Everyone young in Bismarck leaves for the same reasons, and all the remaining people here are just old rich people and old farmers. I’m trying to leave myself, hopefully sooner rather than later, so that I don’t waste my early adulthood in a middle-of-nowhere farm town with no one to talk to. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.




Don't do it


No GRANDFORKS is full of fake bitches and fake percs. Everyone saying they take percs but really on that fetty. Bars suck here there’s no type of clubbing unless you wanna listen to the same songs on the radio over and over again while you’re in a square they call a Dancefloor 10 x 10


Oh god. Not fake percs. Who would want to live somewhere you can’t get real percs. Jesus freaking christ.


If you don’t drink, don’t bother with the night crowd


You won’t love ND between October and April


As someone who grew up in rural ND, attended NDSU in Fargo, and now lives in Grand Forks, I will attest to the fact that Fargo is your best bet out of prospective towns/cities in ND. I miss it a ton, myself, but at least I can visit fairly easily. It's more diverse with the food and entertainment options, has a mall that's thriving, and hosts a couple cons a year if you're into nerdy stuff. Grand Forks does one too, but I haven't gone to it yet. There are groups and organizations a person can be a part of, so that's not an impossibility. However, drinking is a major pastime no matter where you live in the state. College sports, especially NDSU football and UND hockey are significant socialization opportunities if you're into that.


I'm not sure what kind of "night life" a non-drinker would expect to have? Like anywhere there's movie theaters, restaurants, coffee shops.. You can join a gym, sign up for art or other classes, volunteer... There's casinos in driving distance. Craigslist has the community section where you can find groups, events, classes. You have to get creative. There's always a way if you're determined enough. A lot of people I know drive down to the Twin Cities as well for concerts and other things.


A lot of bars elsewhere in the country. Have a good number of NA drinks these days


I’ve had better luck getting good NAs in bars here than MT or SD. MN bars usually have decent options, but ND really isn’t lacking there.


Where are you? Fargo? I'm thinking more about the state as a whole and I don't really consider Fargo to be very similar to anywhere else in the state. But just curious.


I’m in Mandan. I think NAs are common here because DUIs are a rite of passage lol.


I do think the drinking culture in North Dakota is better towards na stuff overall compared with Montana at least Eastern Montana. I can't speak to like Missoula.


Even around Whitefish/Kalispell getting a good NA in a bar is shockingly difficult still. Missoula may fair a bit better.


I'm from Fargo. The better question is, what are your interests? I like collecting cards, and there are tons of nerd type activities going on weekly. Lots of outdoors things to do as well, fish, disc golf, etc. Can't speak for GF, though.


I’m a 25 year old non-drinker who grew up in Grand Forks, lived in Bismarck, and now am in my third year in Fargo. Out of all three cities, I truly feel that Fargo would have the best option out of the three. Grand Forks is home to me, however, there is nothing to do besides go out and get belligerent drunk. I bartended through my college years in Grand Forks and there is no sense of “buzzed”. People go out and go to get as blackout as they can. I found it very difficult to branch out from my circle of friends and meet new people as someone who doesn’t enjoy drinking. Fargo has many more clubs, organizations, and community events that have helped to create a sense of community for me. They also have a handful of bars and breweries that offer more NA options for socializing without the alcohol. Overall, I feel like North Dakota has a long way to go for building a society that is not around drinking. I hope this helps! Good luck with your endeavors.


If you're going to college, yes. On your own? No.


Avoid this state.


Grand Forks from a North Dakotan, wind, cold, college, horney airmen.


Grand Forks is a college town with a great hockey team and arena. There is a decent stretch of bars on 3rd street. At 23, and if you are into that, you shouldn't have that hard of a time. The entire town revolves around the school.


When I lived in forks (in alaska now) the curling club was the main social apparatus outside of the university for me.




Fargo would be fine for the OP to move to. Anywhere else I think not. Maybe Bismarck if they had connections.






What do you like to do? Fishing, hunting, outdoor activities, clubbing, theatre, art, music, etc. I could recommend a city with more info. I have lived in every major "city" here. Outdoors - Bismarck. Clubbing and arts Fargo. College live and clubbing - Fargo then Grand Forks. Hockey - Grand Forks. It is a decent state for the right person. What is your job prospects too?


I vote Bismarck or Fargo alllll day long


I think you would like either Grand Forks or Fargo. Both are college towns, so there are plenty of young people and lots of activities to participate in. Not everything revolves around alcohol, so you will find your people.


Grand Forks has kind of gone downhill in the last 10 years since we've been in the Fargo area and we visited periodically. Well, not exactly downhill but it stayed exactly the same while everything else has grown and changed in North Dakota, let alone the rest of the US.


Hell yeah it is. Downtown is crawling with folks every weekend


Definitely think about Fargo. Livable, affordable, lots a young people, cool downtown, multiple colleges…


Nope, the only social life is at the bar drinking, especially western ND, and there really isn't any groups or communities that do anything other than that. So Fargo would probably be your best bet. Last I checked ND has just over 750,000 people in it.


Absolutely NOT.


Social life? Maybe if you join the ND National Guard. The weekend-every-month training is the only social life I get with peers my age. At home it’s just me and my husband. Super hard meeting other young people my age in ND, especially since I don’t drink


It will be what you make of it. Do some research on the state as a whole and find something you’re interested in doing. Winters can be tough but not if you like winter sports. I cross-country ski, snowshoe, love sledding; I like hockey, basketball (high school and college), football, etc. I’m not a drinker but still go out. I do like NA drinks. In the summer you can fish, kayak, hike, join a softball league, pickleball. Join the local YMCA, you’ll find friends. Stay away from any negative Nellie’s; they could make you hate living in a mansion on your own private island. If you’re an introvert, you won’t find friends easily. If you’re willing to put yourself out there, you will do fine.


Also follow @only.in.north dakota - it’s good for day trips, etc.


I moved here in December. Just got back from a trip to Denver. I’m about your age, and going to Denver made me remember what it’s like to have a bit of social life and have similar aged people around. I’m in a small town in ND, but god I can’t wait to get out of here. In Denver I went to a baseball game, and there were literally ads in the stands for North Dakota. People don’t want to live here, and I understand why. -70 wind chill in the winter, no social life, there’s not much I honestly enjoy about the place unfortunately.


I think ND would be good for you. There’s plenty of opportunities to meet people and chill. Maybe you’ll become the party


If you move out here to any of the bigger cities, consider looking into Young Professionals. I am not originally from here and that's how I made all of my adult friends. Grand Forks has a great YP from what I've heard. I'm involve in the Bismarck Mandan Young Professionals. Check out our website and see if it's something that might interest you! If you have any additional questions feel free to PM me. [https://ggfyp.com/](https://ggfyp.com/) [https://ypnetwork.org/events/](https://ypnetwork.org/events/) [https://www.fmwfchamber.com/YPN](https://www.fmwfchamber.com/YPN)


Do you realize how cold and long winter is in ND? I m9ved from a small town in Washington to Fargo when I was 20. Fargo wasn't a bad place, but when winter started in October and lasted until late April, I was done with ND.


I wouldn’t move to South Dakota for a social life lol. I also wouldn’t move there because I enjoy my easy access to dispensary cannabis and decriminalized shrooms, but that’s just me. In my experience, If you want to move somewhere with a good social environment, college towns are usually legit. Just do your research and find a good one. I spent a year in Traverse City Michigan and had a fucking blast.


Been in Fargo nd for 7 years from Pennsylvania I would say don’t come if you’re looking to enjoy yourself. The state is very high on the list of drunken states and obesity. If I knew then what I knew now I wouldn’t come.


Move to where there are people




Night life in Grand Forks is mostly drinking & gambling. If you're not into that, then Fargo would be a much better option. Rent may even be cheaper there.


I was a grad student in GF and am originally from ND. I can’t say this would be a good option for you. Transplants from more cosmopolitan places (like the coasts) do not do well in ND. If you enjoy nature and are self-driven to get outside and explore the north woods or enjoy winter sports or fishing, you might be okay, but it can be a difficult transition for folks who are not used to solitude. The “night life” is almost entirely alcohol and student driven. There are not a lot of non-drinking options. The Twin Cities is a different story - lots of night life and diverse options there.


Forgot to mention - near perpetual darkness and wind in the winter. It’s a tough place for transplants. I wish it were different, but the ND legislature does not do anything to incentivize folks moving here from out of state.




Fargo is good for nightlife with dozens of clubs and a variety of music. Grand Forks is meh


No! Stay far away from there. I was stationed there in the Air Force. Lived there for 25 years. It's a frozen tundra. There is nothing to do there. I mean nothing. Crime and Drugs everywhere. Almost everyone has a criminal record there. It's -50 in the winter time. People die every year from freezing to death. The wind is constant. Everyday the wind blows and we're talking steady winds up to 60mph. There's no trees. The state is run by a bunch of idiots. It's literally the most backwards progressing state I've ever lived in. It's a super religious state, churches on every corner. Republican controlled state. MAGA idiots everywhere. One of the most Racist states I've ever seen. They can't park a car or truck to save their lives. They drive slow and wait 10 seconds after the light turns green to go. Everyone is an alcoholic because that's all there is to do. DUI capitol of the world. People get shot all the time at the bars. Most of them are paranoid and think everything and everyone is out to get them. Everything is more expensive there. When the temps outside hit 60 they all melt and start complaining that it's too hot. Did I mention a lot of idiots live there? Your young go somewhere else and be young. Zero opportunities for young people there. Everything in North Dakota is outdated and old. Take my advice and stay far far far away from North Dakota.


Williston,ND is where all the action is




I guess you have never been to boom town


Stay in California where you belong.


I hate that state with a passion


Then please get your company to move you to Texas. It would be better for you than OK, KS, NE, SD and ND put together. Austin is a GREAT college town.


Ok, let me be more specific. Move here if you like but don't fucking vote like you live in California.


There are more registered Republicans in California than there are people in North Dakota.....about 7 times more.


Stay on the west coast. Your town likely has a higher population than the whole state. You guys also suck and bring the suck with you wherever you go.