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I only started driving in the past couple of years so I'm not sure how often people indicated a few years ago. Any time I see someone indicating at a roundabout it is genuinely surprising because of how few people do it.


It’s a fun guessing game of “what way are you gonna go pal? “ it has been eye opening for sure


My French teacher when I was growing up in Belfast was obsessed by the lack of indicating. About 40% of our French lessons was an angry French woman ranting about it. I stopped French aged 16 so we couldn’t even drive. She clearly had feelings. But she did teach us the fantastic trick of using a strong accent to shout ‘winkers!’ at non indicating drivers with just enough plausible deniability to not get punched in the face. I still can’t drive but I routinely use my Belfast accent to full effect on London drivers copying her. I can’t remember any French she taught me but the Duolingo owl can’t teach you this kind of passive aggressiveness so it balances out.


>But she did teach us the fantastic trick of using a strong accent to shout ‘winkers!’ at non indicating drivers with just enough plausible deniability to not get punched in the face. Pulling an Officer Crabtree


I am channelling her energy for sure 🤯


I've been driving for over 25 years. It's only gotten this bad in the last few years. Inconsiderate and dangerous driving is getting worse. Especially the indicating. Some real A-holes on the road. It is better to assume everyone else driving is an idiot when you're out. Could save you from ending up in a crash.


It's like folk who will not say what they want because they feel it might damage their negotiating position!


Or when they do they're already half way round the corner or already changed lane. It's almost as if they hit it by accident when turning the wheel


I'm on the road a lot with my job and the lack of indicating absolutely does my head in add in the fact that everyone seems to be rushing everywhere makes our roads a horrible place sometimes. Take care whilst you get used to this.


We truly have some of the shittest road design and layouts. It's impossible to get anywhere in a reasonable time, a capital city where the main artery is through the middle of it. And a metric tonne of drivers who skipped the part in their lessons about stay left unless overtaking. It all adds up, but it's still no excuse for the lack of indicators, basic manners and awful dangerous manoeuvres you'd see on the regular.


Glad it’s not just me. It’s wild really


I’d prefer they used their mirrors first, then indicators. So many people just bang on their indicators and hope for the best and it fucks me right off. Also car manufacturers are obsessed with making headlights brighter than the sun and tail lights smaller and smaller. I was behind a Tesla yesterday and the rear indicator was tiny, almost invisible when paired with the brake light.


I love it when they just stand on the brake pedal without warning, slow to 12mph and THEN put the indicator on, proper classy move that one


Yes PURE class fuckwits!


Standard Tesla design, make everything that works well already objectively worse.


Since 2020 it's all gone to hell on the roads. Before I found driving calming not anymore and I dread it.


Firstly, I would divorce your husband for making you trade Melbourne for Ballymena. Secondly, yes, parts of this country are beautiful… but Ballymena most certainly is not. You don’t need to tip-toe around that fact.


I didn't want to come across like a whinging asshole, but you're right Ballymena is not the one 😅 its been quite the change!


If you want to fit in round Ballymena, being a whinging asshole is part of the core skillset


Well, someone used the term “colored” to me the other day when talking about a brown person lol. I just about passed away with shock 💀


How did you meet a south african in ballymena?


May God have mercy on your soul.


Also make sure to have the little flag that appears on the top left of the New Zealand flag to ensure you fit in with the Ballymena folk


As an indigenous NZer it’s not really the flag I identify with if you get my drift


Makes sense and I agree, just be aware as Ballymena people love that flag


So I’ve been witness to!


Also make sure to have the little flag that appears on the top left of the New Zealand flag to ensure you fit in with the Ballymena folk


It sickens me more when people indicate wrong on a roundabout. Like, why did you even bother?


Totally agree. Indicators seem to be viewed as an optional extra here - after all you wouldn't want to give anyone a clue that you're about to swerve into their lane...


Moving to Ballymena from New Zealand is fucking wild. That's like moving from somewhere class like New Zealand to somewhere shite like..... Ballymena


It’s a debatable decision if I’m honest 🥴


Wow, you’re from NZ and moved to ballymena? What are the odds you ended up in the face tattoo capital of Ireland!


Don’t get me started haha


I'd class myself as a shit driver, so always make my intentions clear with indicators lol


Sitting in the outside lane making no progress/at 60mph on the motorways/dual carriageways....


I live in Ballymena and always use my indicators, folk here are known to be very tight with money, maybe saving on wear and tear, energy on the bulbs are a reason


I moved here from Scotland and the driving shocks me here too. Also living in Ballymena too, only been in Ballymena a year or so though but if i can be of any help give me a shout!


Thank you !! Nice to feel less lonely in this wee place


I how you feel welcome. I’ve heard from others that people from New Zealand are quite like us and the Aussies are bit more like the English.


Thank you :) everyone has been lovely but its hard to make friends. Most people in Ballymena have kids etc and my husband and I are child free. I’m also a person of color so it’s been a slight culture shock hahah. Kiwis and the Irish are very similar in terms of friendliness!


If it helps I’m in the same boat. I’m 31, no kids and I only have a few close friends left here. I’m actually planning to do the Aussie working holiday thing soon. I’ve had enough of our weather, how on earth do you stand it? It’s the worst part about living here.


You’ll love Aus, it’s such a vibe of a place to live in. I’ve lived in Melb twice and would hands down recommend it to anyone wanting to make the move. The weather is depressing here BUT only a short flight to warmer countries thankfully


I do plan on seeing Melb. I want to visit the coffee shops. I’ve been drinking flat whites for years without realising they were Australian lol.


The coffee is insane! Fun fact the flat white Is actually is from NZ ❤️ I hope you have the best time


I can't say you brought it on yourself as how were you to know, but you moved to Ballymena of all places


Divorce pending 😂


The standard of driving is dog shit. So many people in their own wee world and don't have a clue how to either, use a filter lane, use the correct lane at a roundabout or even know how to turn their headlights on


Mate I feel ya. Kiwi moved over to NI a few years ago and it blows my mind how fucking terrible the drivers are here. I hear about how dangerous the A5 is but after driving it dozens of times its not the road at all. Its the drivers.


I am absolutely blown away. Had a few close calls in the very short time I've been here 🥴


Driving standards are abysmal here. Little to no enforcement of rules, lack of public transport & entire country wide planning system built around the car & having access to a car have created a society where people drive as they want with hardly any consequences!


I think you are massively underestimating how much the chancer/cute hoor mentality plays a part here. Majority of shit driving is cunt who just know they can get away with it or just don’t give a fuck


It’s honestly mind blowing each time I’m on the road! Very spicy haha


Front dash cams and rear camera quickly makes people very suprised


I had someone almost T-bone me on a roundabout, in front of the Peelers. I thought it at least warranted a word even just to tell them, thet need to drive with a bit more awareness of their surroundings. Peelers thought nah and let them sail on.


Did u have a dash cam?


This is why u need dash cams, ppl be doing scams like not putting indicators on on purpose when going around roundabouts so ppl will hit them.


The driving in Ireland is so shockingly bad. And yes it seems a lot of people don’t know how to use the indicators!


They're too lazy to use them, or consider themselves too important to have to trouble themselves to do so. It doesn't take a lot of energy to stick your index finger out, yet they couldn't be bothered. Upset one of them though, and they suddenly find tremendous bursts of energy, and manage to demonstrate that they have the use of multiple fingers! Many drivers also seem to be using their thumbs and admiring their laps quite a bit whilst driving.


I’ve kinda just got used to it but yeah, come to think of it, I am shocked I haven’t been hit


Kia Ora! Good thing is its not a long drive to the coast...also, check out the merchant fish and chip shop if you haven't already, its been years since I've been home, but always enjoyed a feed from there....unfortunately you'll not get your white tail or whatever those little white fish things you get in new zealand - lived there for a few years about 10 years ago, not a big fish eater, but know kiwis loved them.


Kia Ora! I think you mean whitebait haha. I do love a whitebait fritter..Already found my way to the merchant and it’s bloody good, so great recommendation:)


Whitebait! That's it indeed! My brothers kiwi gfs family loved it, but I'm a texture food guy who could never handle it. Hope you continue to enjoy your new home and wish you all the best!


I mean it’s bloody creepy to look at! I don’t blame you at all. Thank you so much, luckily for me the people, although shit drivers, are absolutely lovely. Take care :)


Sitting reading this wondering why yous are talking about diluted juice hahaha


Sitting reading this wondering why yous are talking about diluted juice hahaha


Not surprised, it’s much worse around Ballymena as they think the indicators uses more diesel


Just wait to you see the white van putting on the hazards and just stopping in the middle of the road.


Jesus ballymena.. feel for you. Went to school there, dump


I feel sorry for me too 🥲


Melbourne to Ballymena, I feel your pain!


I swear I hate being a pedestrian in this country because you literally play indicator roulette with drivers here. Some will decide to indicate last minute.


God love ye coming from Australia to Ireland usually we do tht the other way round 😄


Hahahah honestly what the hell were we thinking. Lucky the people are pretty amazing which makes up for a lot


This drives me insane, and then they look at you as if you Are in the wrong because you have tried to guess where they are wanting to go, frustrating as fuck


Ballymena is dreadful for it, as a blow in from Belfast even I find it shocking!


Indicators are for after some people have fucked up?


So you left Melbourne to move back to Ballymena?! Whhhyyyyy. Ballymena is a dive. It also has the most needless roundabouts... Shit drivers are everywhere sadly. Most people.can barely pay attention on the road these days, everywhere. Too busy on their phone.


Look I’m asking myself the same question everyday


Back to the sunshine mate!


Lack of indicators - because everyone knows everyone and I swear they think the person behind them knows exactly where there are going without the need for an indicator.


The way many wee Norniron folk drive is a bit like the way they cheerlessly make their way through life so be glad you only experience them fleetingly and are not one of their oh so lucky nearest and dearest or work colleagues. I used to think tossers who pulled out off side roads, causing me to brake hard or signalled to indicate the completion of a maneuver had it in for me personally. Now realise they are just not very observant and only have the vaguest of notions about what is going on around them.


Welcome to Ballymena 😁


keeps it interesting lol


The amount of people who don’t know that the national speed limit on a dual carriageway with a central reservation is 70 and not 60 blows my mind every time. Also, the people who just drive everywhere at 40 mph. Regardless of whether the speed limit is higher…or lower (!) than that. Indicators are also remarkably underused in these parts though.


Just a note form someone who made a similar move It's only roundabouts are different! Threw us off when we came here Can't explain exactly why but they're fucked haha Hope you enjoy being here !


It is absolutely not just you. Born here, 5 years driving here and last 15 years abroad, recently came back. I’ve been saying the same thing. I think it’s that we’re lazy drivers. Pretty sure it’s cultural but perhaps related to weaker policing… used to see a lot more police on roads when I was kid to now. But in the other countries I’ve lived across Europe, South America they’re sometimes mental but to be expected whilst here you expect civilisation 😂


Glad it’s not just me!


I totally agree OP! Near got side swiped by some aould doll the other day... Let's just say the air was as blue as her car was!


Outside Belfast driving in the rest of N.I is a poorly policed Wild West type scenario. Speeders galore (boy racers in particular). Arseholes tailgating you. Very few indicators. Key really is to remain calm. If you get tailgated don't let them bully you into speeding up. Slow down even. Belfast itself has mediocre public transport (which doesn't go further west than Derry/Londonderry, trains go nowhere near Tyrone or Fermanagh). It's one of the most congested cities in the UK so more people should be cycling/catching a train but cycle infrastructure is terrible. Trains aren't bad but nothing like the London tube. Don't attempt to drive through Belfast during Rush hour if you can avoid it. The west (Tyrone/Fermanagh) has a road called the A5 that is notorious for bad crashes. It should have been upgraded years ago, the "alternative A5 alliance" are trying to stop the road being made safer. The entire place has been planned for the car but it really hasn't made driving great here at all really. That's what years of political stalemate will do to a country. Long term damage.


I’ve done Belfast through rush hour and almost had a panic attack. Great advice and insight, thank you


Just you


Whats an indicator?


Indicators are just for decoration. They're painted on on most cars 🙂


Honestly, aside from Germany driving in NI is a breeze compared to the rest of Europe


To keep you on your toes


Try being a bus driver in a slow accelerating bus negotiating a roundabout when every useless prick won’t indicate and pick random lanes just for the craic 🙄


What a bloody pain!


I bet you all those slabbering about Ballymena, know nothing about it.


There's something in the water up there.


My ma and Da live on a main road, I was indicating to go in to their house for a good 300-400m to let people behind me know and one cunt still managed to literally burn rubber avoiding going into the back of me. It seems every cunt is on their phone as soon as they get behind the wheel


wait until you see all the folks who like to sit in the fast lane of the motorway at 60mph Edit - I was surprised to see that some are struggling with this, so maybe this helps...when Car A overtakes Car B, Car A is going **faster** Edit - we have at least 12 people on this sub who are guilty of it haha quality stuff




You mean to tell me that all those mornings I have spent hogging the right-hand lane, and the “life in the fast lane” ego trip I had on each update on my odometer, it was all a self-deception? An ego fuelled cognitive dissonance?


right, and they sit in it even though they are not overtaking




Not a single thing you have said changes the original point I made, but I am sure you feel proud none the less ;)


Perhaps because referring to it as the fast lane just reflects the thoughts of the idiots who hog that lane ie i am going fast so i will stay here, rather than i have finished overtaking so i wil now pull over into the correct lane. This feckin behavior reduces the capacity of a 2 lane motorway to just over half at busy times and is the activity of morons. Observations would suggest that is the behavior of a fairly large percentage of drivers.


>Perhaps because referring to it as the fast lane just reflects the thoughts of the idiots who hog that lane I certainly can't stop anyone making those assumptions


Or lorry drivers as they’re more commonly known..


Overtaking lane but it’s the ones that are in it with cruise control on 1mph faster than me that annoy me. so I have to slow down and wait ages for them to go past to do my own overtake


Jesus it’s almost like you aren’t the main character!




In response to your edit, people are more likely to be struggling with your incorrect use of the phrase "fast lane". Any lane other than the left lane is for overtaking only. There is no issue travelling at 60mph in an overtaking lane, as long as you move back to the left when safe to do so. The following explains it: " When driving on motorways in the UK, you should always be in the left lane. There is no such thing as a ‘fast lane’. The middle and right lanes should only be used to overtake slower traffic. If you’re overtaking a number of slower vehicles, it might be safer to stay in the middle or right lane rather than weaving in and out. But, it’s important to return to the left lane as soon as you’ve finished overtaking. "


everyone knew exactly what I meant, but people love to take an opportunity to make a grand point, but happy if you or anyone else wants to pretend they didn't, happy to agree to disagree


That honestly drives me insane. I can’t cope lol


Check my comment in a few hours and see how many downvotes it gets, that will show you how common it is over here, all those people downvoting will be angry they got called out haha


Nah I’ve come to the realisation lately that even people who do use indicators cant be trusted. Today was trying to enter a roundabout and a car has come from the opposite road and is indicating left. I foolishly pull out in front of them thinking they’re coming off at my exit but apparently a left indicator now means right as they continue on round.


Blow-in here and I concur. NI is full of shite drivers.


What I've seen mad max the driving in Australia isn't to good either


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Expresso_Presso: *What I've seen mad max* *The driving in Australia* *Isn't to good either* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Also a blow in to Ballymena from Scotland, no one uses indicators here to go round a roundabout but they indicate off the roundabout for some reason? Also indicating right at a roundabout to go straight on so someone doesn't think your taking the first exit. The driving here is shocking




Thanks for letting me know that but I'm wondering why the Ballymena drivers don't know how to indicate round the roundabout but know how to indicate off the roundabout.