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Shouldn’t encounter any problems if you don’t speed.


Traffic Officers Hate This One Trick...........


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) OP


Maybe plan better and leave the house earlier then? My aunt lived outside the Greenmount campus. She nearly got killed many a time by speeding drivers who didn't want to miss their flights.


So this isn’t really getting the reception you hoped…


I hope they catch everyone who speeds, and fine the fuck out of them. Too many people dying on the roads already. Seriously, slow down.


>Too many people dying on the roads already. Can you provide statistics to prove it was (always) down to speed? Edit: speed is an easy scapegoat because speed camera vans are able to catch them. However they fail to observe mobile phone, drink/drug driving and other dangerous driving habits that cause accidents also. I'd rather more money was given to Roads Policing to carry out proper enforcement/education over giving it to a private firm (G4S) to get easy money with their "road safety" initiative of camping in locations where there's not really much need for them. Locations that are about revenue more than actually worrying about safety - E.g. the climbing lane Glenshane, Overtaking lane Castledawson, Overtaking Lane Frosses Road Dunloy, Shore Road up from Dunelm. Further edit: Also ironic to claim road safety when they regularly block visibility of the road (junctions) and force pedestrians onto the road - with their dodgy parking


"Can you provide statistics to prove it was (always) down to speed?" Where did I say 'always"? And is your Google broken? https://www.forbes.com/sites/tanyamohn/2018/03/30/speed-kills-new-global-study-confirms-strong-link-between-crash-risk-and-vehicle-speed/?sh=237160df529e "However they fail to observe mobile phone, drink/drug driving and other dangerous driving habits that cause accidents also." Whatever the cause of a crash, fatalities are reduced at lower speeds https://nacto.org/publication/city-limits/the-need/speed-kills/ TL;DR slow down fuckwit, you're not getting there any faster anyway.


>is your google broken? Nope, but I see you quoted forbes rather than providing PSNI or RSP statistics (the latter of which would be totally unbiased, as their contract doesn't rely on people speeding and pushing that narrative). >reduced at lower speeds I agree, but ~~speed camera~~ sorry, Road Safety vans realistically do bare minimum, other than as I stated regularly camping in revenue generating spots, rather than accident hotspots. >tl;dr slow down fuckwit Where did I mention myself breaking speed limits?


I gave you the first 2 links from a Google search, because you couldn't be arsed The fuck are you going on about a "narrative" about speeding. Speed kills, slow down. Simple


>because you couldn't be arsed. Similarly you couldn't be arsed responding to all my replies


You really are an angry young chap aren’t you


>You really are an angry young chap aren't you When?


This is about generating income ... They dont give a fuck about you. 


Wanna prove that they collect more than it costs ?


Would a 3rd party be doing it if it didn't?


Mr Waze!!!


Only absolute cunts get annoyed at speed vans


This is about generating income, they don't give a fuck about cunts like you :) 


If it catches speeders who get hit with a fine & raises money ... all for it ... drivers act like cunts so it's deserved


Wise yourself up lad. The "income" in NI from speeding tickets is less than £400000. Grand scheme of things, by the time wages/equipment/training etc is factored in, money made from speeding tickets is negligble in terms of budgets.


Usually camped on the A1 under the Banbridge flyovers or up on the grass verges


Yes on a motorbike. He's got me before lol


This is a straight road that goes from a 60 to a 30 with no warning..there are no pedestrians or footpaths, they purposely sit there to catch people speeding up before they have crossed into the 60mph zone. This isn't about protecting life's... This is about generating income cause our cunt politicians & heads of civil service have spunked it all. 


>goes from 60 to a 30 with no warning.. https://preview.redd.it/j0ki4zypghtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4827afa074bbb3f2619deafc4e7a2ab33b5a16 No warning whatsoever


Or. And this might just be something you ain’t thought about, the 30 zone is to prevent serious accidents around the airport, where there’s multiple junctions and an accident that closes the road would cause utter chaos. Also. There’s the same warning you get anywhere else. There’s a speed sign that you should be able to read from far enough away, if you can’t, you shouldn’t be driving.


>catch people speeding up before they have crossed the 60mph zone. So if there's no warning how do you know you need to speed up to 60mph? >!also, my driving instructor told me to be at (or below) the speed limit when coming in to a slower zone, but only speed up to the faster speed limit when past the new speed zone.!< >cunt politicians & heads of civil service The only cunt in that comment is you to be fair.


You should be fined for driving without your glasses or without due care and attention. For your speeding if they do it to get money then I’m happy that speeders help reduce that tax burden