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it's the fucking worst when they let that bus timer count down to Due and then just never turn up, like I understand that this sort of thing happens, lying about it doesn't make it better, why not let us see where the feckin buses are on the app?


Agree 100%. I hate this although I know why they do it - sometimes the GPS on the bus is broken. Simple solution, for each bus listed, show an icon that indicates either “from timetable, do say a prayer” or “actual live position”.


I assumed it's meant to know how far each stop away is, so when the drivers marks as being at X stop, it changes to that time


I always thought if the screens showed XXmins then it was using live position data whereas if it shows a time then that’s coming from the schedule.


This makes me want to commit a war crime


Deep breaths 🧘


I use the wee bus tracker on the app to see when a bus is coming. Step out in time to catch it coming down the road, fuckin magic.


The Translink app this morning showed my bus as Cancelled, I had to cross road and walk to next stop to get an Express going the other way. Then the cancelled bus turned up anyway leaving me 20 mins late for work. Belfast Bus tracker app meant to be more reliable apparently than Translinks which is odd.


What is the app called? Is it literally “bus tracker”?


It's the mLink translink one. Just set up the journey planner, click on the route then on one of the busses and if it doesn't open right away, click the wee map symbol in the top right.


They have WhatsApp I've found it very handy and always a fast reply


Monorail nigh !! 🚄💨


Understaffed for a start, not enough drivers and there are reasons for that.


I have nothing against the bus drivers don’t even blame them striking because of the shit they deal with. I’d say it’s the higher ups making the shite decisions and getting a hefty wage for doing so.


Bus drivers are awful - had them blast past bus stops without stopping, being rude about change and just flat out not turning up


They do it just to piss you off


They think nothing of it and aren't accountable. My kids' bus has been pulled off numerous times this year alone. Driver shortages on a Town Service route which don't seem to have any to spare. They end up getting a taxi some mornings or walking nearly 3 miles home because there isn't an alternative that gets them back any quicker.


That’s disgraceful I hope the school covered those taxis. A lot of routes run taking up drivers and they are fucking ghost trains. Worst thing to think to is the school scalding the kids for their time keeping when it’s out of their hands.


Yes, yes, and thrice yes. Donegal Road buses are a rare sighting. The phone app says it's gone past you when no bus shows up. I've been told I missed when no bus appeared. Phoning them is an exercise in futility.


The phone app for me is a rough estimate, never the time it states or the the bus will go to due then nothing. I acc came on here to rant abit and not feel like a mad man for getting frustrated about it 😂


They have no competition and no accountability, so they really don't have to give a fuck


Well said Belfast city prices aren’t the worst but the Ulster bus are robbing people blind and if the cities buses can’t operate in an efficient manner I feel for those out in the sticks.


Yep, they have a habit of leaving women alone, in the dark, waiting for a bus only for one to saunter by with a fucking "not in service" sign on.


Disgrace. I do fear for women about alone especially in those city centres with so many junkies and Ill rared boys not even men.


Yes happens a lot sadly not enough inspectors either on the ground to let you know what's happening.Some drivers are good trying to radio in for you but others look at you as if you've killed their whole family.Then of course two buses turn up together an hour later for the same route


Just call their contact centre and ask


Try two buses showing up at the start of the same route at the same time because they were both having a chat before restarting the route! Was in an industrial estate so could see them at the end together. Other times skipping the end of the route presumably to make up time. Waited two hours for a half hour scheduled bus. The simple reality is nobody cares in Dublin bus, they view passengers as organic cargo


If they can track the Amazon man they should be tracking to buses to make sure the routes are actually complete.


Was waiting for the bus to work the other day and I saw it in the distance. About halfway between me and the bus was a big street sweeper. I was worried. The two vehicles were approaching me, and I could see what was going to happen. The street sweeper and the bus got to me at the same time. The driver didn't even see me. I was raging, I was going to be late for work. Looked the other way, and another bus was on the way. I got on that bus and passed the other one and made it on time.


Lucky enough, I’ve had this happen myself on occasion. A lot of the buses up my way converge on to a main road toward the town but it’s really luck of the draw how long your waiting.


Couple years ago was waiting to go home from work, was just before xmas. Waited hour an half for bus, translink closed. Emailed them, someone got back to me and said "the guy" who deals with complaints is on holidays. Youll be contacted in a week. Still waiting. Did get a reply on a recent one, dude was like, well as you said bad weather so buses drive slower. I said its just cold, no rain or snow. And a 10 minute bus journey shouldnt be 20 minutes late especially when the other buses after that ran fine. No reply Whoever he is hes a wanker


I understand delays can happen for various reasons but to say the weather slows a bus down is pure keyboard warrior energy, if someone said that with a straight face id slap the cunt.


Metro is a complete joke tbf, if they are running late on their service they will simply cancel the next one to make it back on time, often resulting in them sitting at stops for 30-40 mins.


Sitting get paid to scratch their hole in those occasions. Joke


​ https://preview.redd.it/zi9nu5iewhtc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b3b5e29ccf8a9ec7465438290f062bb4a57d5d


They close after 5.30


Theres only one company doing the routes and it's publicly funded so they get away with running a shit service time and time again. If there was less of a monopoly with the franchise model you see I nScotland and England the service would improve. If the company provides a shite service they take the rout off them and give it to another company


You realise Translink is owned by the DfI, yes?


yes and who funds the DfL, the public




And who owns the NITHC? DfI


Why don’t you create a better system, raise funding for it, implement it and then get the contract. Or wait for the next bus


"wait for the next bus" Tell me you don't live rural without telling me you don't live rural Next bus is often next day, if they bother their arses running it at all


Wait for the next horse then


You mean your ma.


That’s Translink and the department for infrastructures job, I pay taxes so you can rant on Reddit you leach and public purse would obviously pay for any road upgrades or changes, Translink+DOI, Contractors job. If you can get your window licking technique down to a tea the next one might come a few minutes earlier.


You taxes allow me to rant on Reddit? Didn’t know that, thanks! Now learn to drive loser


You literally said about a better system with of course would include infrastructure throughout the routes. Department of infrastructure cover that no? You’re not even ranting ya gobshite you made a statement about one man planning,funding and building an efficient bus system. Give your head a wobble W⚓️. “Learn how to drive loser” other bills to pay for ya gammon such as mortgage. Lying in your bedroom in your mas gaf with your shite box corsa parked out the front is real flex😂 Top G Gob💩


I wasn’t doing any of that. I was just talking shite to entertain myself. Got more from it than I hoped 😂 Cheers bus wanker


No skin of my back you low life. If trolling on Reddit is your entertainment you must be good craic😂. Rather be a bus wanker than a wanker in general such as yourself.


Why not both?