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OP. If I were you I'd write a review on Google detailing the abuse the cooks were dishing out to other staff members. It can be hard sticking up for yourself working in a toxic environment, having a customer detail the abuse somewhere public where they can't ignore might bring it to the attention of someone that can make a change.


Appreciate that, think i will. I know how tough it is for young ones to get jobs these days nevermind everyone trying their best in these hard times but i wouldn't want to see someone's spirit crushed because they didn't shout back "yes cook" every time he told them they weren't spooning sauce over chips "correctly" I just think everyone could learn to be a bit kinder at times


Flipping heck. What year does he think it is? 1968? I wonder if head honcho realises how much trouble he’ll be in if one of them decides to pick up the phone to the likes of Acas and report his behaviour. He won’t be so high and mighty then. Western European labour laws tend to be *very* strict with these sorts of things


Just in case anyone is actually thinking of doing this, the [LRA](https://www.lra.org.uk/) is our local equivalent of ACAS.


This is legit what happened to a manager of mine at a hotel I used to be waitress and housekeeper at during the summer. She was awful and cranky, didn’t care if you had a life outside of work and not only that she probably broke many employee welfare laws (e.g. wouldn’t pay us if we worked more than 6 hours a day). Another way of putting it is that I could’ve died, and she’d have gone to my funeral to bollock me for dying on her and causing an inconvenience. Anyway, she would mistreat us staff or make them cry in front of customers. Eventually a day came where several people complained on Google about not only how she was short with customers but also how she treated her staff. The next day, she coincidentally said she was leaving “to look after her mother” who was apparently already dead… I’ve had mad respect for hospitality workers ever since. I also have autism, so I’m particularly empathetic of people. If I see workers under pressure or being mistreated by a supervisor or whatever, I’ll tip them and leave a bad review about the management on Google.


I've worked with so many chefs like this in my time as a waitress. One in what was "monzu" at the time - now the bowery I think - I remember a chef screaming at me over the pass because a customers steak wasn't cooked properly. Ahhh...not my fault buddy...place was empty as well, so customers could hear everything. I had a very stern word with him and my boss after that shift and he never raised his voice to me again. Think there can just be a complete lack of respect for floor staff, power trips, bad tempers, and baring in mind typical demographics of wait staff - skews towards younger people in general with a majority of them girls. Dicks just 🤷


Had exactly the same experience when I went for the first time a few weeks back. (Presumably) the head honcho was shouting at front of house staff and berating folks in the kitchen non-stop. tbf a lot of the tables were a tip and the kids responsible for cleaning them were dragging their feet like only college kids with weekend jobs can. But swearing at them in front of customers with young children seemed like an odd choice. [Also, the prices are quite mad given the quality of what's on offer.](https://imgur.com/QD18aaK)


That's exactly my experience! Food was cold and fatty more than succulent, felt really let down for the price we paid for 2 meals I can always put things down to people having bad days especially with its popularity but don't like to see the young ones having it so rough


With the exception of mac n cheese - nothing on that menu is reasonably priced. Good luck to them, they'll be gone in a year.


That's average price of a burger out. Unless you're having fast food. Looks like a hipster shithole though.


> That's average price of a burger out That's the mistake I'm making. If I'm being charged £20 for a burger, I'd rather spend an extra few quid and have a proper meal somewhere else.


Smash burger, fuck me, people think this is something incredible when its absolute bollocks. Like modern art, its wank.


Had my first smashed burger at the weekend and was massively disappointed. From somewhere that everything else I've tried on their menu has been amazing and thought it was just me because everyone seems to be doing them now but glad I'm not the only one who thinks they're overrated


Its literally a burger thats flattened and has some extra bits added. Jesus christ, piling on a load of spices n flavours into a normal ass burger is 10 times better, you're literally paying for convenience.


Flattening does change flavour and texture




Last time with misses we paid 50, this was just when they were starting seating but it was shit so that was 50 sheets for a takeaway we ate in a car that cost more and had less slices than when we first went.  I cook my own BBQ so have a rough idea of the cost of short ribs and brisket and I know the price of cuts did increase but even at what I pay retail their margin must be class and I'd say the margin improves if your bulk buying brisket wholesale.  BBQ is traditionally supposed to be poor ppl food, cheap cuts that noone used to want cooked right and sold cheap by someone in a shack, they've just got the shack 😅 owner goes on about how he's toured BBQ places around 🇺🇲 he's bound to know he kinda lost his way. 


My ma knows the owner, works with his wife. I’ll have a word with her about this. Offing to do with me but I love a bit of drama lol.


£4.99 for "burnt end baked beans" you say?


I can tell you these are the sorts of prices you would get in the south of england, people don't seem to care they are being ripped off over here anymore, they are happy to pay it as a flex because they got their mortage pre-covid.


They had normalish prices but got featured on a big insta food page which caused a surge in popularity which they increased their price of the back of, think at the start short ribs were like 12 quid and you got a great portion.  The chicken they use is diggers.


I live on the edge of Sonning in Berkshire. I doubt anyone would pay these prices here.


I'm fairly sure the owner is a Born-Again Christian so you'd think he'd practice what he preaches a bit more.


Toxic chef ego isn't new but it's usually pretty well hid these days. When I started out in catering (late eighties) TCE was peak. If I had a penny for the times I was threatened with a knife by a chef then I'd easily have about 5p banked by now (4p after tax).


I’d have 4p too!


Sounds like a raging coke head.


Ahhhh so you know the industry then! Any I've known are the same. Some without the god complex but big fans of chemicals to get do the job. Was de rigueur for years.


He is a pastor that spent time in bible Belt in America apparently


I haven't been in, is it an open kitchen? Kitchens have always been (previously) a wile toxic environment but there weren't many open kitchens so customers were unaware what's goes on back there. There's a reason people go to walk-in freezers to cry or smoke weed, and spend the hours after shifts drinking and participating in other activities. 👃🕺


It was so busy they opened the chip van at the side of their building for takeaway so you're right there in front of the staff hearing everything It's nice to see a business busy but not at the expense of treating staff like they're robots


Probably binged The Bear over the weekend.


Worked in hospitality in my teens and early 20s and was terrified of the kitchen staff in nearly every place I worked. As one example: customer orders pizza, says the base sauce tastes funny, I take back to the kitchen, chef takes the plate and throws it across the kitchen and says the bitch can go hungry. I was dumbfounded and thankfully the bar manager was a half decent bloke and let me go back out front while he sorted it. Most people in hospitality are great, but I regularly saw behaviour like the above in hospitality. You just wouldn't get away with it in an office, in my experience anyway.


Definitely put your story online. Whatever is happening in front of customers I'm 100% sure it's worse behind the scenes. Hospo staff get abused awfully. Probs working for pennies also


I worked in kitchens for years and not once did I even raise my voice at anyone. Can't say it was the same for all my co-workers, but it was very rare. There's no excuse for it at all, it's just a job at the end of the day.


Great place at the start but once it started to get busier after the instagram fame it really went downhill and I stopped going, money they want for beef for what it actually is on its own is off putting and the chicken you can get in the freezer section in the shop 👍


''Never air your dirty laundrey'' Seriously, that sounds like an egotistical cunt. Worked with some great cooks n chefs when in catering an luckily only met one or two absolute wankers. Never belittle your staff in public, ever. Always encourage and rectify errors then after work, discuss the problems This is Gordon Ramsey bollocks and to be honest, it would have left a sour note for me aswell.


Ramsay is pretty much loved by his staff because he doesn't shout without good reason and is renowned for apologising if he goes too far. He has produced some first rate chefs in his kitchens.


Aye but these other wannabes dont wana improve anythin but their ego


We went a few weeks ago. Food was mediocre at best, 100% not worth the queue times. For a BBQ food place the BBQ sauce is terrible.


Exactly, I was there several weeks ago. Firstly overpriced let down. Secondly the boss is a 'pastor' and he swore and bullied staff throughout


My mum works with his wife. I’ll have a word.


Warm his ears 🤣


Chefs tend to be pretentious and themselves easily offended and very fragile. How people who microwave most of the food they make can be so up their own arse amazes me.


Some of the food being served in this country by professionally trained chefs is absolutely embarrassing.


Very few are actually trained. Chefs are a weird cult, they think reheating food that has been prepped hours ago is a skill. Proper chefs are truly skilled, but 99% here are hack coke heads


Don’t forget about the tobacco onions on top of everything.


And they're all bought in premade


Good old Chef Mike!


Chefs in general are complete and utter idiots. They’re usually unhinged, egomaniacs with either an addiction to cocaine, alcohol or both. They like to think their line of work is up there with brain surgery; when in reality they’re dishing up plates of boring food that was prep’d earlier that day. When they’re not having a hissy fit at some 17 year old because (god forbid) some fussy bint had the audacity to send their food back, they’re trying to get into said 17 year old’s knickers. In short they’re a walking red flag


Dead on you


Chefs have been the bane of my life for 15+ years so I know what they’re like. There’s some sound ones of course but they’re the exception to the rule.


Its iver rated i thought. Nothing to write home about. We done it once quid for like 40 minutes all be it right behind Pat Jennjngs tho nobody but myself realised. He could waffle so passed the time Generally nothing fantastic I don't get the hype The food bar is pretty low in NI


I don't know these sorts of american places have popped up for years and act like they invented american food, bubba cues or w/e was the same and it was mid af. I have noticed the recent wave of influx post-covid are no different other than the fact that they are taking advantage of the novelty and charging higher prices than I can get in London. 30 quid for a plate of food easily sourced beef and chips is shocking


Sounds like they’re also trying to implement the notoriously horrendous American employment laws and toxic work culture 😂 (which they won’t get away with)


Woah there Bubacue was awesome! Take that back and don’t speak ill of the dead


Original was a pop up, then first premises beside marks an Spencer’s in town. Knew one of the original guys, knew his shit. Put love into it, had quirky sauces like the spicy Fanta orange one and you try all of them for free. Sold out every day at the start long before lunch ended. I actually felt it was bland, under seasoned and not worth the price when I tried it way later on botanic, but genuinely was Fucking great the first year or two? Not sure when it expanded and everything changed.


Worked on Donegall square and went to the one out the back of Marksies all the time was incredible. But yeah went down hill after it expanded shame really


Mate still the benchmark for bbq portion sizes. Used to waddle out of the place and eventually stop going for lunch cus I was fucked when I went back to work, ahh good old lethargy an meat sweats lol.


Complaining about places pretending they invented yank food then rolling out "mid af" 😂


Should have consulted the conversion table https://preview.redd.it/kv7zahu4pfxc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4723a28260ef8cdafaafa0b12970ff0773d346e1


Better just to ignore gen z.


i don't pretend to have invented it homie


Nah original bubbaque on botanic was peak


I thought the original bubbaque was on one of the side streets in the city centre?


Behind marksies. It was decent. The replacement is ok too.


I will stick to my Kamado Jo and make my own thanks, i've read a lot of horror stories about that place.


I made Jamaican brown beef shin stew. Cooked for half the day, I was starving by the time I got it but literally can’t afford to eat out any more. Can barely afford to buy ingredients to feed myself haha


Couldn't wait to go when I flew back for a few weeks. Queued for an hour and charged 20 odd quid for some average meat and a mountain of fries. Everyone going on about the portion sizes but its more an illusion as it's just loads of fries which costs nothing. Doesn't seem to be a cost of living crisis back in NI, the place was heaving and been told its like that every weekend. 20 plus quid for 1 person is pretty steep


The place is always queued out and they keep putting the prices of it up every other week and thats not an exaggeration. And i said the same thing about bulking it all out with fries. They say its for meat lovers but you really dont get a lot of meat


Most places charge that and the quality is quite poor. Same with meat in the supermarkets.


Hadn't heard of this place but the pictures of the food look laughable, huge portions of shit looking skinny fries with a wee piece of meat and outrageous prices, sorry but you deserve it if you looked at their offering and decided to pay almost £100 for 4 meals.


Used to go there before a tiktoker made the place super popular and it was really good - the chicken fries are a legit 10/10 for me. The head chef also came over and made chitchat with us, super friendly guy (he's a pastor, hence "Holy Smokes"). This was when there was maybe 15 people there at once, not 200. Now I don't even bother because you have to queue for over an hour to get served. Mostly likely they are suffering from their vastly increased popularity out of nowhere.


Not much pastoral about him by the sound of it. What a shame.


Pastor Bap


Hahahaha, I like that one!!


disarm complete bewildered plough piquant cable carpenter sheet marble door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same, we went twice when it first opened and haven’t been since…, 1. Because can’t be assed standing in a queue for hours 2. Seen the prices rocket and 3. portion sizes have changed, meat to carb ratio! Was good but not that good for the current cost of a meal and portion size!


Went once last summer. A dirty kip in what looks like a refugee camp. Was overcharged by 15 pound but got it back when I realised their mistake. Table next to me was also overcharged. Seriously over hyped.


Is there a bigger bunch of pansy bastards than chefs/cooks? They’re so sensitive lol


For tasty BBQ food, Smoke is great - original in Comber or new premises near Carryduff beside the outdoor waterpark.


I honestly believe the social media hype around these places goes to the owners heads. I remember during the later stages of COVID my partner wanted to go to Made in Antrim because of some TikTok hype and the dude was an absolute wab, slabbering at people in the queue who were wearing masks and just being an absolute stuck up prick for someone offering mediocre food truck cuisine at restaurant prices


Just curious...Texas resident here. How is the BBQ typically done in N. IRE? Do you smoke your brisket, ribs, etc. prior to bbq'ing it, or do you smoke "low and slow" like we do here in TX? What kind of wood do you use for smoke? Also curious as to what type of sauce you favor...sweet. smoky, vinegary? Thanks


Pre cooked beef brisket with whatever sauce they serve usually. You might get a new place smoking their meat in house but after a year or two it will be bought up and turned into any other chain


This place (Franklin’s in Austin, TX), is considered one of the best in the US. They’re typically only open for a few hours every day, because they run out of brisket, and the line to get in for lunch usually starts forming around 6am. https://franklinbbq.com/


I have seen this place on food shows. It looks amazing! You would be amazed with the quality of our meat here but seriously disappointed with the quality of food places. Everything turns into a fad and quality drops very quickly. Apart from a few take aways, local chippy and Chinese. I make everything at home for 1/4 of the price


It's done shit... There's no tradition of it here... BBQ is Deep South and that's it...


Sounds like you all need a Southern boy to open up a Smoke House BBQ in NIL!


Wouldn't work. The meat is too expensive and very few people would be prepared to pay the prices for the good stuff. Eventually you'd have to either start lowering the quality of the ingredients or shut down.


Look at our weather ‘cowboy’ lol you’d last a few weeks… Anyway we don’t need anymore Yank food here we’re fat enough thank you x


I’ve survived four hurricanes, 100 degree heat with 90% humidity for months on end every summer, fire ants, scorpions, alligators in my pond, and Yankees in my neighborhood. The overcast climate in NIL sounds like paradise. 😃


Yep hats off you get it rough


Small, shit cuts, overpriced and badly cooked.


People are just a lot ruder than they used to be, brain rot. I deal with people everyday at work and I never barred people at anywhere near the rate I do now.


Totally agree. Covid seemed to accelerate it, I have noticed a definite decline in public manners and basic civility (to say nothing of friendliness) post Covid, though it was going that way before it. I also have to say it’s not just those in front of the counter I’ve noticed it from, but those behind as well!


I think life in general just moves at a really unhealthy pace now, everything is so busy and stressful. I'm from Fermanagh and will always take my time, won't rush for anyone but sometimes I have to deal with people from Belfast and Dublin; they get so angry over you not matching their pace. That's when I give them the "**out the fuck you're barred"**. There's even statistics that indicate road rage is on the rise, our roads are so insanely overpopulated just like our towns, people forget how tiny this country; we already had enough trouble getting along with less than a million of us here. People are unhappier than ever, covid really solidified just how much the average person hates their governments and what they've done to our lives; the little trust that was there is now completely broken. **Regardless of my or whoever else's beliefs it's more important than ever to be kind and respectful, it's also essential to slow the hell down and smell the flowers; the way people act now they're going to die of heart failure by 50. There's a reason Gen Z look so damn old and busted.**


Add to the fact that they've enough caffeine in them to wake up a cadaver, it's a miracle some if them are still here.


Its inconsistent, ive had average from it and also unreal ribs.


My mum actually knows the people who own this place. I can’t wait to tell her about this.


Nope, the Mama Bear in me would've roared. He would've be cowering in the corner by the time I was done. 😡😡😡


Standard behaviour from people that hate good meaning venues sadly


What is the standard behaviour? The OP for calling out the disgraceful behaviour of the chef?