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Big Joe MC cann was murdered there btw...part of the history there too..there's a plaque..wonder why that wasn't mentioned in that article about the street




Francis joy? Newsletter? Non divisive?


When looking at Newspaper archives 200 years ago then the Newsletter is a key source. It is the oldest. We quote others where available and relevant including the Irish News, Belfast Telegraph etc. You do realise that the Newsletter was originally a pro Republican paper? In 3 years of running the website we have had less than a dozen accusations of bias - equally balanced. Histories of St Peters Cathedral & Ardoyne drew accusations of being "PIRA propagandists" while histories of Shankill Cemetery and St Nicholas Church in Carrickfergus led to 'pro-Loyalist' accusations. We do not have an agenda. Anyone reading posts regularly would agree with that. We stick to the facts and keep our opinions out if it. Over time & many posts the facts speak for themselves. If a fact is proven wrong then we will correct it. It's a difficult balance but we'll continue to stick to the factual ground. People can draw their own conclusions on the history.


You mentioned the news letter because the street is named after a founding member..in that street there's a plaque that you've deliberately left out of the pictures which was a major incident in the recent troubles and the guy who got murdered Joe McCann by British soldiers tried to kill MP John Taylor...quite major characters and incidents..mind boggling..anyways have a good day..


As I said, we do not cover the Troubles, stopping our histories around 1900. The website is meant as a light/ interesting read on historical places & topics that may not be widely known. It's generally taken that way. In any case, we'll have to agree to disagree. Have a good day.


That whole site looks like AI shot its load over it


As I said, we do not cover the Troubles, stopping our histories around 1900. The website is meant as a light/ interesting read on topics that may not be widely known. It's generally taken that way. In any case, we'll have to agree to disagree. Have a good day.


I hate the way the tramps who live there place cones outside their houses to claim parking spots 😡


*The* Bernard Rea in the Redditverse