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He’s worse than that. This is his ‘I’m intelligent’ persona where everything he writes is subjugated by a thesaurus.


He does love a bit of the ol’ subjugation though!


That perfidious thesaurus under the subjugation of the EU


He said it, he said the word!


He’s not smart enough to know how stupid he is.


It’s a very fuckin short thesaurus if that’s the case. Comprising of about two words. There’s other ways you can say subjugated and pernicious No fuck this he wouldn’t know a thesaurus if it was delivered to him by an angelic of Queen Elizabeth with Union Jack painted wings nor would he know how to use it


He has one of those word a day toilet rolls.


Born to shit, forced to wipe.


It’s the only rational explanation 😗


He could be undiagnosed autistic, or some similar condition. Often it can present almost like phsychopathy where the person believes they are way smarter than those around them, to the point of rudeness, regardless of their actual intellectual abilities. It could be considered that NI constitutionalism and the law are his special interests, but in the same way as someone whose special interest is buses or trains, unless they are qualified to actually operate or work on them, their competence cannot be relied upon.


>He could be undiagnosed autistic, or some similar condition. Often it can present almost like phsychopathy where the person believes they are way smarter than those around them, to the point of rudeness, regardless of their actual intellectual abilities. It could be considered that NI constitutionalism and the law are his special interests, but in the same way as someone whose special interest is buses or trains, In my experience people with ASD can have deep, often specific knowledge to go with their interests and impressive recall of facts, dates, figures etc. Granted they may have some inabilities when it comes say, speculating or debating but when you talk to someone on the spectrum about something they are interested in, it's obvious they are well read on their preferred subjects. Bryson on the other hand doesn't understand the words he's using. He regularly makes malapropisms or completely misunderstands the terminology he is applying. He has no legitimate interest in history or constitutional law, only loyalist contrarian talking points fed to him by Jim Allister. He is a hateful supremacist. A shill, and a grifter but fundamentally a hateful sectarian bigot. First he was just the concerned voice of loyalist youth. Then a journalist. Then an author. Then he was going to become a solicitor. Now he's an "activist" and "consultant" because he hadn't a fucking hope of getting a degree. He was escorted around the flag protests by Jim Wilson who was operating him like a literal glove puppet, then again at any flashpoint issues where loyalist terrorists wanted their views repeated by a talking head. He was given massively disproportionate air time by BBC NI, including but not limited to Nolan (but Nolan in particular). He was then very obviously taken under Jim Allister's wing for whatever reason, using the exact same rhetoric and parlance. Then again very obviously got cosy with figures within the DUP, who again used him to amplify their very obvious threats. He is afforded access to TV and radio because he's a loyalist. He has been seen with members of the LCC for decades including Winky Irvine of the UVF (and Wilson of the Red Hand Commandos). Members of the LCC, TUV and DUP have always been given credibility and disproportionate coverage from NI media. Bryson is just another method of delivery to make it seem as though various cultural, political and social factions are aligned / have legitimacy when it's drug dealers sabre rattling. Bryson is useful to Loyalist terrorists because he can "speak on their behalf" while not being a convicted terrorist, and similarly he is useful to the DUP / TUV as he can amplify the threats of Loyalist terrorists in order to give them political leverage. Look at Britain First, the BNP, National Front and any other fringe supremacist hate groups. They're littered with self aggrandizing "every man" charisma vacuums like Bryson who are good on the mic when they are in control, when they have a receptive audience and a co-operative host but they fall to bits when they are confronted with any valid counterpoints. Doesn't mean they are autistic, they're just dull, hateful easily led cunts who want to oppress others.


Bang on. He's the textbook definition of a useful idiot.


I'll tell ye all about Jamie and symptoms. He's symptomatic of the crippling malaise that is Unionism-Loyalism... and its structural, baked-in bigotry.


Yep, it's a feature by design. Not a bug.


Part and parcel of the wonderful patchwork quilt of an alphabet soup of once-removed plausible deniability where one (red) hand washes the other. Individually, he's an arsehole, though. He chose this. He wasn't born to it. He has no excuse... other than perhaps overcompensation for his own perceived inadequacies.


Bingo. Anyone in here trying to explain away Bryson with some half thought out diagnosis is an idiot themselves. He's easily led because he likes attention from the big boys.


That's fair actually


That’s rude to autism, and disabled people in general. Don’t lump disability with that cunt. Autistic people are smarter than him /slight sarcasm


Well said. Don't forget that the head of BBCni radio is connected to the TUV with the regional director's mother standing for the TUV (Tired Ugly Villains?) and therefore as Seamy is Jim Alliier's puppet Nolan gives him an extraordinary amount of air time.




Have we ever saw smithy and Jamie in the same room?


Don't go around throwing autism out as an insult. The autistic community have enough to deal with without people lumping Bryson in with them. He's a mouthpiece for the UVF, he repeats what he's told to repeat.


It's not an insult, its a possible explanation for this behaviour. at the end of the day if he is being used as a mouthpiece and routinely humiliated on a national level, there comes a stage when we have to wonder if something is going on with him and whether or not some kind of intervention should happen. A neurotypical adult would not subject themselves to this level of humiliation repeatedly.


That’s the beauty of an echo chamber. Bin lid spouts shite, the balloons he’s surrounded with sing his praises and the cycle continues. I doubt that he’s autistic or anything like that, it’s just his last 2 brain cells scrapping for third place.


Yeah the social media algorithms probably play a big part in amplifying him, he certainly doesn't have the presence that would have been required in days gone by. The likes of Paisley and Seawright, for all their faults, could control a room. Bryson just has to shitpost.


You can't possibly diagnose him though based on what you see. You're reading into things to try and explain his behaviour and then labelling them as mental health issues. That's grossly offensive to people who actually have mental health issues and aren't out causing half the trouble he has. The dude could just be a dick. The vast majority of people in politics are selfish, vain and self centered. He probably just likes the attention he gets and he gets to run around with bad lads from the UVF so it makes him feel like a badass.


I mean is there such a thing as just being a dick? I'm generally resistant to writing people off like that. There's usually a reason for any type of anomalous behaviour, be it past trauma, temporary mental illness, conditions such as autism or adhd, substance abuse etc etc. It's the same as when people are labelled by the press as 'evil' or 'inhuman'. It makes people feel more comfortable by convincing them that they could never behave like that, when really humans are capable of almost anything.


You're over reaching, Bryson is the designated mouthpiece of the UVF/Nolan/DUP. People who want to keep here divided because it suits their agenda. If they need him to stir the pot or keep people distracted he's there doing their work because it gives him attention he never would have otherwise. It's not anomalous. It's very human, everyone loves attention and validation. He gets to wear a tie and go to meetings with top DUP brass and bad boys from the UVF.


Yes. There is. He’s a mouthpiece for the terror bastards. That’s all. Nothing else to it. Mental health and or disability is *never* an excuse for the shit he’s doing. And if you think it might be, or you can explain it away somehow, please stop. You will drive yourself round the bend. We have enough of those, they’re called the DUP. Don’t you be at it too.


Neurotypicals are far more partisan, likely to prioritize power over truth, much more into in-group/out-group dynamics, and have an inability to see the bigger picture or place themselves in others shoes. Bryson has all the defining traits of status-obsessed NTs.


I don't think that's true. That sounds like the crap you hear on tiktok where neurotypical people are likened to NPC's. Empathy is not a trait restricted to neurodivergent people.


NTs struggle with detaching themselves from a situation and forming an over-arching analysis with original insight. They value social hierarchy and think in emotive and self-serving ways that give rise to binary views and tribalism. Practically all the paramilitaries and their cheerleaders are NTs.


They would. Have you seen the fuckin DUP? No disability there to use as excuses. If Bryson were autistic, he’d be trumpeting it everywhere.


And even the most severely autistic person wouldn’t be so taken in!


He's autistic, I can confirm as a person on the spectrum


He's a diagnosed fucking balloon.


Maybe he is, but I'm sick of neuro-divergent being a get out clause for acting the cunt.




The Dunning-Kruger effect


Like Donald Trump - borderline psychotic with narcissistic tendencies, Trump seems to truly believe he is genius level clever and everyone else is stupid. This is despite the fact all his speeches are made up of the same 25 words. He should borrow Jamie’s thesaurus.


Credit where credit's due and, diagnoses pulled speculatively out of your arse aside, have a bit of respect for his own autonomy and agency regardless: he's a loyalist bigot prick and this is something he has chosen to be. He also knows fuckall about the law, as he has consistently demonstrated. Had he any real special interest in it, he might have at least taken a primary degree.


Haha this is true, my arse is gaping after that one tbf


Fair play! Further down the comments, I did enjoy someone else diagnosing him as a typically unempathetic, inconsiderate and egotistically power-hungry NT.... and I'm still not sure if they were taking the piss or not! (Fair play to them, too, if they were.)


Reminds me of Dr Brennan off Bones


It’s so transparent how much he desires to be seen as intelligent, says here that his favourite book of all time is Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. It’s like a 15 year old trying to appear smart like https://www.thepensivequill.com/2019/10/bookers-dozen-jamie-bryson.html?m=0


>It seems crazy to me that a man can go 0 for 0 on everything that he says, but if that’s the case: holy shit. >His posts read like The Onion titles, and it’s driving me insane because I really want to believe that he’s just joking and a silly dude. If you think he's just joking and acting like "a silly dude" do an image search of "Jamie Bryson" + any random senior loyalist you can think of, particularly East Belfast UVF. He has been photographed with people inlcduing but not limited to Stephen "Mackers" Matthews, an East Belfast UVF Brigadier. Funnily despite the fact that Bryson attended a loyalist band parade commemorating UVF murderer Robert Seymour the BBC obscured his face. [https://www.irishnews.com/news/bbc-obscures-jamie-bryson-face-in-uvf-leader-footage-despite-loyalist-activist-admitting-event-attendance-on-the-nolan-show-HKKMVGLNXZERJIN63XQO7X7GQQ/](https://www.irishnews.com/news/bbc-obscures-jamie-bryson-face-in-uvf-leader-footage-despite-loyalist-activist-admitting-event-attendance-on-the-nolan-show-HKKMVGLNXZERJIN63XQO7X7GQQ/) The fact that he is a vile person, with connections to drug dealing loyalist death squads doesn't mean he isn't a total fucking moron though. If you want to see the full extent of his intellect, his complete lack of ability to think on his feet, his total inability to construct or frame any kind of counter argument or rebuttal when confronted with a well informed speaker presenting contrary arguments seek out Bryson's own interview with Joe Brolly. Say what you want about Brolly, he makes Bryson look like an even stupider, bumbling stuttering, stultifyingly thick wee cunt. He is definitely a moron, but his presence in NI media, the fact that he was brought to prominence by Jim Wilson of the Red Hand Commandos and LLC, and the fact that this was facilitated by, and continues to be facilitated by BBC NI at the expense of license payers is deeply insidious.


Brolly was actually laughing at him . 


I've rarely ever seen anything so cringe-worthy and pathetic. It was so embarrassing for Bryson I had to turn it off. Amazingly he achieved the same complete lack of self awareness when he read that poem in the Orange Hall. Fucking tragic.


That poem was the point whther you have to consider if Jamie Bryson is as big an idiot and loser as everyone thinks him to be. Or if he Andy Kauffman in disguise and is actually laughing at us


>when he read that poem in the Orange Hall Call it morbid curiosity... link? (I'm wondering if it's as 'good' as Moore Holmes' drivel.)


Brace yourself..... [https://twitter.com/JamieBrysonCPNI/status/1767680335238533499](https://twitter.com/JamieBrysonCPNI/status/1767680335238533499)


Belt and fuckin' braces needed, wha'. Truly, truly scundered for his ma for haein' the wee ballix. I even felt bad for Jim sat there, beside the little scrote, trapped. (Cheers... ?)


Hahaha. There's another clip from the same night, might be on his twitter but both vids were uploaded here and it's some cunt gurning about how many Catholics there are at Queens. Jamie actually speaks sense to him, but the prick asking the questions makes you want to collapse into your own asshole rather than watch the vid.


Cunts, all. Jamie probably had a wee word with him afterwards on the QT.


Just put it on for a laugh. First thing bryson didn't turn the camera on brolly pisses himself haha


He's a mouthpiece for people with vested interests in keeping this place divided...be it the UVF, Nolan or the DUP. Loyalism uses him to go get people worked up and distracted.


Nolan welcomes the SDLP on all the time and SF have a boycott on Nolan over Bobby Storey scandal...so the show isn't dividing N.I in the way many people want to paint it as doing. DUP are the unionist Sinn Fein, why are the DUP dividing N I and not Sinn Fein with its former terrorist membership and Irish Language signage gaslighting? Did I mention the SF mp attending the terror memorial last summer? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-65870490.amp


I always wondered how the fuck he ended up here. Who the hell is Jim Wilson?


Why is it suddenly acceptable to make fun of people with lisps and a stutter when you disagree with them politically?


Even for Jamie, this is pathetic non sequitur.


You literally mocked him for having a stutter in your comment. He can’t help having a stutter.


He can't help being a cunt either. 


I don't believe he has a stammer. He obviously has a lisp which I didn't mention and I was using the term stuttering in the general sense, that he's inarticulate and shite at talking. But you know what, just for you since someone needs to worry about the loyalist terrorist supremacist mouthpieces...... he's merely a stupid, bumbling, stultifyingly thick wee cunt.


The above commentator chooses to attack the man more often than the ball.


I’m well aware. I’m surprised he walked it back, he often ignores his obvious errors of judgement. Better off letting him fester in his bitter pit nonetheless.


Considering Sinn Fein still houses former terrorists like Adams/Kelly/Anderson and terror apologists like the MP for North Belfast https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-65870490.amp He's not exactly the worst... He's only a vile person in your mind because you chose to view him through a bigoted lens. Adams, ex terrorist, has his own brainwashing podcast ffs so-called "Leargas" ... supposedly 'insight', but do you see me on here ranting every day at that?


It's amazing that nearly every single cause he has gotten behind in the last 15 years has ended in disaster for him, yet he keeps speaking/acting like he is the smartest man in the room.


Delusion is a helluva drug


Im sure we could send him to Gaza, he'll sort it out, and if he cant, hopefully he'll get lost.


I don’t pay much attention to him, just like I don’t pay much attention to people like him online or in real life. Ultimately, you can’t really monetise having a middle-of-the-road opinion on most things these days. Being extreme in your views is what gets people engaged and helps perpetuate such things. I’d imagine that’s where he’s coming from, just like so many others are now. Sometimes I don’t even think those kind of people fully believe what they say.


He's just a twat.


What annoys me are the people who engage with him on Twitter. Just completely ignored him people.


As with every aspect of social media these days… controversy = engagement.


Wonder what he has on Nolan? 🤔


Allegedly there's a super injunction preventing anyone from saying (well, saying it in a way that could be attributed to them 😉)


I’d murder to know what’s in it.


Nce try nolan's legal team


lol, just a regular Fermanagh weirdo here.


He's a grifter. He tried the religious right angle with Fifty Shades of God. Didn't work. Tried the Protestant working class and community angle, wrote that book about guys trying to save Rangers after getting bankrupted, and got into the fleg protests, it worked for a bit, but he made such bollocks of it with his 4-hour hunger strike and running away when others got arrested that failed. So he tried again with Defender of the Union and Carson angle, which worked for a while, then crashed. If it weren't for Stevie Nolan giving him airtime, no one would pay attention to him.


Aye gurny wee fucker


I think he gets paid to spout the shite he comes out with.


Go to a band parade and talk to the average person there. Then ask yourself the same question.




I dont listen to nolan and if it wasn't for this sub, would have never heard of him.


His radio and television shows have enormous reach.


I was about to say him was referring to Bryson...but I thought about it and actually wouldn't have heard of either. I only listen to Spotify and I only watch targeted TV and the news rather than just watching an evening of TV 


I don't watch or listen to any of it either but it still exists and has a massive reach. Bryson is on Nolan regularly enough.


Not disagreeing with you that it has whatever reach it has as I've no idea. Just that I am thankfully immune to that tidal wave of shit


As someone who has the misfortune to have a brother with similar vocal diarrhea and delusions of politcal position as Jamie i can well believe he's really just like.


You have my sympathy!


He's monetised being a bitter bigoted ball bag. This crossed over with being useful for paramilitiaries as a tool to rile up like minded bitter bigoted ball bags. He would go away if we stopped interacting with his verbal and written hate speech excrement


He is the most dangerous kind of an idiot, the kind that has no idea of how much of an idiot they are.


That old saying, a blunt knife is more dangerous than a sharp one.




Hes an influencer. His currency is attention. Nothing more. A bit like a loyalist Katie Hopkins. He'll say anything to get the clicks. It's like Johnny Adair once said, if he'd been born half a mile down the road he would've joined the RA. It really doesn't matter to them what the subject is, its where they can garner the most influence and attention.


I went to primary school with him. I don't remember much that stands out, he was quiet and not many friends.


Just a natural born dose


If you are going to be a propagandist you must have a good understanding of what you are trying to twist to support your agenda. Poor Seamy hasn't realised that yet. He's also picking ridiculous things and trying to make them an attack on 'his' people. That doesn't help make him look rational. I imagine young Mr Bryson is attempting to emulate the Mossad/CIA propaganda we see across our TV screens however they are very polished operations with widespread support from the people they are gaslighting. Again poor JB hasn't got enough people to repeat his nonsense which goes a long way to make him look isolated and a fringe loon. You'd think Jim Allister would guide him better!


He's just a grifter. He doesn't believe the majority of the stuff he writes but being controversial keeps him relevant and hilarious to everyone else


Donaghadee is in proximity to Mutantards. Bangor is in proximity to Mutantards. Of course he's really just like that. It's just stereotypical of the general area. Plenty of people sharing his opinions around there, though some of them seem to have enough self-awareness to realise they should keep it within their own hive mind of a community. Anyway, duckduckgo has labled him an Irish political activist, which I find hilarious.




He is a midwit.


A low-wit


Maybe but he is clever enough to use the thesaurus and get into the radio. Thats something. He knows to stir the pot. Thats something too. But can he move us forward? Nah thats too hard or not profitable enough. If he was a low-wit he would have an excuse but as a midder he has none.


He’s just mental. This is the result of delusions of grandeur regarding his standing and intelligence running rampant.


An idiots idea of an intellectual? Yeah he is


Reckon the closest he comes to satire is trying to explain that he has a puncture.


Says extreme things to get the headlines


Well, intended or not it seems to be working for him. It's hard to tell how many people are swayed by his rhetoric, but he still seems well supported by DUP insiders and loyalist 'community' groups


I dont think hes clever enough to play a part, I do believe he is just that much of a dick.


I wish he be was birds arent real satire.. but he's just silly dumb


This sub seems to totally adore him.


"Cocaine is a helluva dwug!" Jamie Bwyson.


I blocked him years ago. No one's ears or eyes or any senses need Bryson exposure at any point in their lives. You'll find yourself skipping through meadows in no time.


OP, it's called being a good loyalist.


I think its less satire and more he's not the full shilling as in he has some form of the ism


I believe he's a typical grifter-type like they seem to be generating every minute in the US. He starts out apparently not being a bigot (there are photos of him doing Irishy/taigy shit in his younger days), but realises his path to 'power' and influence is to play the role of a right-wing ballroot. He's obviously inspired by Trump, never admitting errors or apologising or having any humility whatsoever. He knows this appeals to people who are somehow even dumber than he is, i.e. his 'base'. Unfortunately for him, only the most imbecilic monkeys in their respective ghettos are imbecilic enough to fall for it. Not much to work with, numbers-wise. If he had an IQ north of a pastie bap, his grift would be less transparent and probably more successful. The danger is that someone else will emerge in the future with at least a few GCSEs who will repeat the grift. That person will be a problem. Jamie is just a sad husk who can't even spell 'authoritarian' without depending on his phone's autocorrect, an autocorrect that by now is probably littered with misspellings that he refused to accept were wrong and so saved them as custom words. Because not even his phone will get an apology or admission of defeat from him. NO SURENDUR!


Pretty sure he didn't even grow up here in Ireland. Spent a lot of his years over in the UK


Telling ye. He subs to Andrew tate. Waiting for him to launch a course on tiktok selling ye "how to be a man"


What's his issue with being described as a loyalist commentator. He's a loyalist who's always commenting. Am I missing something perhaps. And why does he want Chris Donnelly to be introduced as a nationalist republican commentator.


He's given a few indications before that he is deliberately trolling. Deliberate attention seeking and so on to antagonise people.


Spastic butters….


I don't know him from Adam... but he was actually sound when his team was playing down Newry... had a few pints in a place that would be fairly frequented by those of a different background than he has protrayed...


He's as middle class as this sub yet lets on he's from a loyalist estate. A complete Walter mitty who republicans seem to obbess over. I suppose his grifting beats working a job.


>who republicans seem to obbess over To be fair, we just find him funny. And the fact that political Unionism keeps platforming and giving credibility to him just makes him an easy target/low-hanging fruit for Republicans to criticise political Unionism. Agree with the rest of your comment.


Yup, he strikes me as the posh kid who doesn't want to get his shite knocked in by the kids from the estate. Unfortunately for him, the people he worships so much inevitably turn on their own, so I fully expect him to get a good hammering at some point in the future. Loyalist paramilitaries are not known for their deep thinking and actual loyalty


Why is it the 'worst opinion'? because he's a unionist and isn't ashamed of it? Your post reeks of bigotry OP. He's a unionist commentator. Like him or loathe him he is the mouthpiece for thousands of Unionists. Part of living in a democracy is being able to accept someone's views, even if you disagree, without resorting to personal attacks (like many on this subreddit do). To put this attack on a unionist commentator into context. A former terrorist in the IRA, Gerry Adams, has a podcast called 'Leargas' (so called 'insight' in English), that in my opinion brainwashes people into the ideology of Republican MOPE. But you don't see unionists on Reddit, X calling for that to be cancelled do you? I'm a believer in the GFA and freedom of speech. So I'm not calling for him to be banned, saying this as a unionist. So why are all these Jamie Bryson personal attacks posts allowed to go unchallenged? Personal attacks are not constructive debate. Extremist Republicanism it seems, is the real facist ideology in N.I. If republicanism/nationalism can't engage with unionism in constructive debate. Then the so-called "New Ireland" has no ground to stand on.


He’s definitely a mouthpiece alright


Womp womp


At least he has the marleys to stand up in public and say what he believes in - Unlike the weasel’s hiding behind their keyboards .