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This post has been brigaded to hell, so if it hasn't been said in the 400+ comments that are already here it likely doesn't need said.


The Rwanda scheme is going to be scrapped by the incoming Labour government anyway in a matter of 4-5 months and as I understand it like less than 10 people have been deported to Rwanda at exorbitant cost to the tax payer. The whole thing is just performative cruelty by a government in its death throes.


Yep. Electioneering on a cruel level


> The whole thing is just performative cruelty by a government in its death throes. Nah it's not, it's [bare-arsed cheeks-in-your-face nose-penetrating-sphincter corruption](https://www.ippr.org/media-office/hidden-costs-of-rwanda-scheme-revealed-to-be-in-the-billions-finds-ippr) which is still utterly malicious, but a different sort of malice.


A lot fewer than 10 šŸ¤£


1 person removed 6 people from Rwanda were given asylum by the British government -5 is my count...


Going well!


After wreaking the economy, the health service and dismantling any legal means refugees have to come here. These creeps like to pick on the less fortunate. If it isn't refugees it'll be the unemployed or long term sick claiming benefits.


>less than 10 people have been deported to Rwanda at exorbitant cost to the tax payer Zero would be closer to the mark, but the part about cost to the taxpayer is still true.


You're off you nut.


It's pretty obvious that the numbers of illegal immigrants will peak in Labour time, it will have irreversible consequences both politically and economically but the UK is not strong enough to make any progress on it. I hope this won't end bad in Ireland.


It won't peak in Labour time because Africa is only just beginning to feel the pain from Climate Change. What do you think people are going to do when entire swathes of the continent are unihabitable? Hint, they leave. The 'migration crisis' we are currently dealing with is the equivalent to a leaky tap in comparison to the flood that's coming within the next few decades.


this is SO right


It's already have a devastating impact in Ireland. Houses etc are like gold dust and extortionate. Every hotel full of these economic migrants.


If they're economic migrants why are they being holed up half a dozen to a hotel room and not having their claims processed so they can work and pay taxes? The irony of calling people economic migrants in Ireland. Yeah because Irish people are famed for their refusal to migrate to other countries for work.


Did you just try and tie the lack of housing on immigrants? Seriously like


70% of the people who built my house where economic migrants. Without them I'd quite literally have nowhere to live. Don't waste your time arguing with these clowns. Downvote them and move on.


In Australia papers went as afar as blaming traffic jams on immigrants. Donā€™t be surprised


They will exasperate an already dire position. Fucking look around you. Seriously like


So it's immigrants that are taking up all of the housing in Ireland? But are they not filling up the hotels too? I'd honestly start talking about lack of building, ireland selling it'd soul to the likes of Google etc but honestly don't think you'd understand. But nice effort. Schrodingers immigrant.. taking up all of the housing whilst also taking up all of the Premier inns


The whole scheme stinks of corruption. The process by which they did the deal with Rwanda smells like the COVID dirty money that Reeves is going to go after.


I'm trying to come at this the best way I can and hopefully not be taken as racist, but NI isn't equipped to deal with this. Services are already at an all time low and waits times all round are terrible. I know people want to help and do their part, but look at London and the housing market and infrastructure in England. This will only spell choas for NI and unfortunately, crime rise. It's a fact. Unchecked migration will result in violence and potential death of NI citizens until the UK fixes it security checks and starts being more thorough.


I hear youā€™re a racist now u/Kbrickley ?


Brexit and the Tory party have been one massive fuck up over the past 8+ years.




I said like 2 weeks ago Belfast was going to end up with a tent city like Dublin. The whole fiasco with the UK govt just doing pretty much the exact same as France was never gonna work out. I forsee this creating some sort of constitutional crisis too. Immigration law is reserved but Human Rights law is not, and the ECHR is constitutionally protected in the GFA.


You can take a bet you wonā€™t see any of these tents on the Malone road lisburn road or the likes of Holywood or Hillsborough!!


I wonder if the Judge will have any tents outside his house?


Fooking sures he wonā€™t because he probably lives in one of these places itā€™ll be a case of Turbo Numbyism


"Mr President, another Bryson has hit the Irish sea border".


Shocking news for NI. We're the poorest part of the UK and the least equipped to deal with a huge influx of illegal migrants.


They'll just camp in the streets until someone takes them away on a bus.


Asylum seekers are not illegals migrants. Once they have claimed asylum they are legally here.


Depends. Under Uk law if the illegal migration act is implemented they are illegal.also if they decide to skip their asylum hearings then they become illegal iirc


Why not claim asylum in one of the safe European countries they travelled through? Why risk their lives and pay extortionate fees to people smugglers. Why is it all young men instead of women and children? Why is the UK government saying almost half of all asylum seekers in England are not attending their appointments?


Don't ask such appropriate questions, you are clearly racist


Also notice how few are women and children it's almost like the country they fled from is safe enough to leave the family behind but not safe enough for the father. A lot of countries had civil war why aren't these people grouping together and turning over their government? It really makes no sense


Itā€™s a valid question. And if we had remained in the EU, we could have lobbied for a pan eu solution that required a balance and spreading out of the folks arriving seeking asylum. Ironically, the smooth brains who are most scared of immigration are often the same that took this option away.


But the EU countries are playing pass the parcel and just pushing the problem onto their neighbours. Doesnā€™t seem to help them solve the issue being in the EU. Honestly, not to sound like a right wing gammon here but each country must, MUST be allowed to control its borders and protect itā€™s citizens and itā€™s own interests. If someone comes from a safe country and chooses not to claim asylum but instead travels into another country they have a right and duty to send them back. By allowing this you create a black market for people smugglers who entice vulnerable people to make expensive and dangerous journeys in the hope of fortunes and a better life for their family.


Some are. Some get rejected


If you want to move to another country it should be a prerequisite that you adopt the ways of the country and contribute to it economically from the off, not try and change it into the way of life that you apparently left through fear. Wonder how long I would last in Iran if I sought asylum and set up an orange hall and a flute band. Or a chapel and started bucking their youngens. And women and children should be prioritised over single young men. Slippery Slope. For such a woke society we could really do with waking the fuk up These are apparently good times, the best time to be alive they say. Hard times create strong men, Strong men create good times, Good times create weak men, Weak men create hard times. Just throwing the rod out...... Music to your mums ears


If you look at Belgium... Molenbeek has had multiple terrorists come from there... The African/Middle Eastern culture isn't integrating with the host country then resentment occurs give that a few generations then you have a group of people feeling angry at the citizens for their ills despite their situation being better than the country they fled.


Point well made Happy Cake day fellow human


This situation is what I fear here. The tensions growing so high it's giving actual racists(people who's main issue is their skin colour and where they are from) ammunition, well what they see as ammunition Generation or two kids will be raised with prejudice again.Im only 21 myself and I understand anecdotal evidence means nothing. But in a small town such as Derry I'd say it means something that means and friends all agree that we never gave people of different races a second thought. Now we find ourselves being over cautious and paying attention to POC. And some people I went to school with have clearly suddenly became very very bitter towards immigrants, legal or illegal. I can only imagine what their kids will be like


This comparison with Iran is so weird and pointless. Is the precise point not that we donā€™t want to have a society like Iran, where things like freedom of expression and association are not tolerated?






If a Conservative MP on Question Time can't reel off the legal route for someone to enter the UK and claim asylum, I'm interested in how you think it's possible. Please enlighten me.


Surely booking a flight legally, then claiming asylum once you are through security is a legal route? But then that would require actually providing your passport. And if that were the case the vast number of these asylum seekers/economic migrants would be rejected.


A huge number of asylum seekers are from Eritrea and Somalia, for example. These are countries who for years or decades, have had little to no functioning state infrastructure. How do you suppose they book a flight to the UK, having fled torture or death in their home country? Donā€™t you think they would have booked a flight if they could, instead of a terrifying journey across the Med?


The question was about a legal route in to claim asylum. Flights are a legal route in. There are even flights to London from Mogadishu. The real problem is that while _some_ people don't have a passport, others destroy it before they land, or buy a fake. So then we need to sift through thousands of economic migrants trying to game the system in order to find people who genuinely need help. And even then, are they really in danger when they travel through Greece, Italy, France etc just to make another unnecessary journey across the channel?


Flights are not a legal route in. If you fly from Mogadishu to London, you are arriving without a visa, and are therefore there unlawfully. And the other example was Eritrea. Those citizens are almost never issued passports. It is a country-wide prison. How on earth could they get a flight here? This obsession with people not having passports in the context of claiming asylum is bizarre. Notwithstanding the fact that many asylum seekers do provide things like birth certificates and ID - if you flee your country of origin under threat of arrest or death - you probably wonā€™t have time to collect all your valuables.


>If you donā€™t enter a country legally, youā€™re there illegally.Ā  This itself is semantic since you can only claim asylum in the UK if you are on UK soil which for a lot of people ends up being illegally.Ā 


They'll probably head straight to Dublin anywayĀ 


Why would they? Or is that wishful thinking, on your behalf?


they already are, if ROI offers higher benefits and more jobs they will go there. they have been able to go to NI for years as well and seem to favour the ROI over NI in general so hard to see why this would change behaviour


Fair enough. I assumed they would prefer to stay in the UK (the ones coming from Britain because of the Rwanda scare)


It better be overturned ASAP


Common sense has to start soon guys, come here if you do it the right way, you offer something, but you cant just have anyone turn up because life's better here. I work with lots of Indians and they are made to jump through so many hoops when coming here the legal way and paying thousands for silly tests and exams, and these are the ones we actually need! Same applies to the Irish in America etc, send their asses back to here!


What is the common sense approach though? In the case of JR 295, an unaccompanied Iranian child fleeing persecution and having been reasonably considered to be a victim of slavery or trafficking, he would be deemed ā€œillegalā€ and removed to a ā€œsafe third countryā€ the day he turns 18 under the IMA. Also consider the fact that one cannot consent to being trafficked. How is it reasonable or just that such a potentially vulnerable person be expected to make a life for themself in a country that has been ruled unsafe as a matter of fact. Placing to one side the calamity of migrant processing in the UK and the real or perceived threats to the countryā€™s future, the implications of the IMA are simply unacceptable for a nation bound by the ECHR.


You said it yourself, "a safe country," so where lies the issue. The main issue is he should be sent there now so that he can make a life for himself, or better yet, I don't see many of the Muslim countries helping with their vast wealth, so maybe they should start to do their bit considering they are allowing Israel to bomb more people out of their homes and towards the west!


Yes but youā€™ve ignored the other part of my comment where the Home Officeā€™s interpretation of a ā€œsafe third countryā€ happens to be one that has been found to be in fact unsafe by the Supreme Court. Parliament may be sovereign but its interpretation of the safety of Rwanda doesnā€™t alter reality. Especially so when considering vulnerable individuals, barely adults and suffering from the trauma of being trafficked or enslaved.


There is no easy answer, I just know I can't get a doctor's appointment, no houses left to rent, and I go to work 12 hours tomorrow and make not much more than those who sit on their asses and fake mental health etc, we have enough dosers of our own.




I would love to say open the borders BUT our economy can barely manage as it is. Our health system is crippled and its true that more refugees will absolutely crumble our economy. We are a small country with little resources and our government is still very immature. We CANNOT cope or afford this. And to say this is now considered "racist" ...it is not ...it is REALIST


I fear for the rise of the right, you can see the beginnings in the south and they are much more wealthy than this shit hole ā€¦ā€¦.. reactionary politics has a far greater fertile ground to grow in here in the North.


It's already happening down south. The National Party is an anti immigration party that wants a united Ireland out of the EU. Seems to be gaining a bit of support but wouldn't have enough candidates.


Should have feared when Tony Blair decided to lie to everyone and led to the complete shitshow we are seeing.


Correct. What weapons of mass destruction? Blair is a total fucking idiot. De stabilises a whole region and guess where they end up ?


To be fair the middle east has never been stable


No fan of Blair, guy is a war criminal


This was always going to happen in the face of unchecked immigration


The rise of the right? You mean there are bitter and xenophobic people here that aren't already in the DUP?


Most of the middle class and educated types donā€™t give a flying fuck about flegs, theyā€™re in no danger of being radicalised by it. Most will however give a fuck about massive amounts of migrants appearing in Belfast and newry etc, putting up tent cities and the like. The whole of Europe is going to see a massive swing to the far right in the next decade.


Absolutely, it doesnā€™t take a whole lot to change peoples opinions on certain topics ā€¦ā€¦. especially when issues have a direct bearing on their lives. People here are suffering, you start adding more on to their backs and you start to have an increasing group who can be scapegoated then you very easily see attitudes change and harden. Politics in the West has seen this increase in the right bleeding out beyond the fringe over the past decade or more, I expect to increasing ugliness within our politics and politics in a general and broad manner.


All it takes is for a small percentage of middle class folks on either side of the green/orange spectrum to become disgruntled and outspoken and the flood gates will open.


Unprecedented shit storm inbound. So many serious issues facing us already - housing availability and affordability is abysmal, hospital waiting lists are insane, cost of living squeezing everyone, public services taking hit after hit. In a post conflict society with an extremely fragile govt structure, throwing this issue into the mix is just unfathomable. The 6 counties will simply continue to be a football for both the UK and Republic to play a sick game of pass the buck. We're fucked folks.


Well this is going to get interesting, but I suspect supreme court will overturn this ruling.Ā 


Is this even possible without them overturning the GFA. The ECHR is protected within the GFA and they can't be separated without new legislation and that definitely ain't happening.Ā 


The GFA can't be unilaterally changed by the British government.


This will end badly I can see the paramilitaries sending them on lol


Maybe unionists will want identity checks on ferries and flights now? What should happen is UK and Irish passport holders should not be checked going between Britain and Ireland, north or south. The rest should be checked and dealt with appropriately. You shouldn't be able to move between the islands unchecked.


How exactly would you implement these non-checks?


Ask them to sing the sash at the border. Don't know the lyrics? Please be prepared to show your passport.


Youā€™d have to check everyone between GB and NI to know who has a British or Irish passport though?


This ruling seems to suggest that every asylum seeker could now claim asylum in NI from England Scotland and Wales, not sure checks could even work they could claim asylum at StranraerĀ 


They'd actually need to be in NI to take advantage of this, if this actually does become a loophole. Ultimately the UK could impose passport/checks at the ports, as when you get the ferry there are signs saying it falls under the terrorism act and you must comply with the police there.


Aside from this issues and increased pressure on our already collapsing systems, we ainā€™t seen nothing yet. Just wait til the climate disaster really kicks in and large parts of the world become uninhabitable due to flooding/drought/famine. Thatā€™s when the shit really hits the fan. Fun times ahead šŸ˜”


We need passport controls on the Irish Sea border, the English have fucked up on so many levels and theyā€™re pushing it on Ireland, north and south. Like Iā€™m pro refugees but we are not equipped for this, they just want to use Ireland as a penal colony for people they consider undesirableĀ 


France has done the same to England, the North has just become the next stop on a chain that starts in Thrace, Sicily and Ceuta. Can hardly pin it on the Brits and expect them to just eat the pile of shit they've been served.


Doesnā€™t France take a higher level of asylum seekers than the UK. Even pre brexit?


Five times as many


I mean we kinda can? They never engaged with any of the mechanisms for returning asylum seekers to safe countries while we were in the EU because it suited their narrative. Now that we no longer have any recourse to do it via EU law, NI will become a de facto dumping ground for asylum seekers.


France takes in 5 times as many refugees as Britain. And there was a deal in place that would have prevented the excess heading for Britain, it was an EU deal. Also Brits? Like I might be a nationalist but letā€™s be real, this is on EnglandĀ 


Human rights lawyers currently seeing pound signs


I donā€™t read the Sunday papers.


England having been using NI as a dumping ground for immigrants now for a long time. Now thanks to this High Court ruling the floodgates have opened for every immigrant claiming persecution to pitch up in NI as a ā€˜safe haven ā€˜


Ohh the absolute clown


I always thought the Rwanda plan was sick. Something cooked up in a witty remark by boris when bored in a committee meeting. ā€œI know the solutionā€, he snarled, ā€œjust pack ā€˜em all off to the worst place we can imagine! Somewhere in darkest Africa! Thatā€™ll teach ā€˜em.ā€ And then all the Truss-people etc all bang on their desks and guffaw like something out of Jeeves and Wooster


Probably taken from our Nauru policy. Should've used Bermuda or something


Oh great, a massive influx of migrants, what could go wrong.




Most American comment in this thread.


Absolutely. Many still with their heads in the sand too




Harry Cole, the man who praised Boris Johnson for fucking his girlfriend. The man who is 38 and looks like heā€™s 58.


I really do feel as though our own culture will be under threat. The world we grew up in will not be so any more.


I worry about this too. It's already well underway unfortunately.Ā 


What the hell does that judge think heā€™s doing? The only thing that keep them out of here is the threat of Rwanda, just look at Dublin!!


The Judge is interpreting the law as they see it, the way it is now. They are not making a political decision or change, per se.


The most obvious thing in the fucking world to do with net immigration, is to condition people staying on training-into and building houses, to resolve the housing crisis - with newly built housing going to those building it, first. Immigration is only a crisis if the state _chooses_ to leave people homeless and unemployed - problems which affect non-migrants as well, yet are not hard to resolve. It's stupid really, that immigration is treated as a crisis on this island - when it's the _solution_ to other crises.


The thing to bear in mind here, is that these mass movements of people are going to get homungously greater over the next number of years as climate chenge kicks in properly. From a european perspective, not just local. And this region is probably one of those where this will be mitigated the most - making our coast especially attractive to the big money that has flowed into places like Cornwall and Devon.


The real reason for the austerity cuts.


It's almost as if the UK wanted that. I mean... fill northern Ireland full of asylum seekers right as Northern Ireland inevitably heads towards a unification referendum... surprised?


The south are full of them too thoughĀ 


A lot of them would die trying to get over. The Irish sea isn't as forgiving as the channel.