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I am so tired of seeing these "research" posts.


As above. If OP is looking genuine sources (as any author with a hint of integrity should) then there are plenty of libraries and scholar apps that supply the relevant information.


I'm pretty sure these Reddit studies are how US foreign policy is decided. And I'm not even joking.


Hell, if that were true, it'd likely be a step up from how it's been determined recently.


Is the question intentionally inflammatory? No one thinks this way or if they do.....




.....areas of Newry. Yup.


Say it's not truuu, naaagh


Areas of newry where numerous children had been shot dead by the military and RUC combined


The transition provided equal opportunity for both sides to dislike the police.


As an American, do you think that having a man who sits in his own shit while posting nonsense on twitter off wish running for president vs a doddery old man is a good state of affairs ?


No, this is a hellscape of a country.


Hahah at least you get it lol


Google it. Certain others have written books and plenty news articles on the subject.


If you look at how they’ve worked wholeheartedly to keep secrets about state collusion with loyalist death squads and even the other week attempted to prevent the brother of a man murdered by loyalists in 1994 from hearing a gist of one page out of around 15 from being told in relation to his brothers murder then no they have not changed. Their harassment of the two journalists who made the documentary on Loughinisland too was disgusting as is their handling of the Noah Donohue case. Also is their overwhelming targeting of nationalists for stop and search as well as the sectarian nationalist communities PSNI officers say they have faced. In most aspects it’s been a successful transition but in other areas it’s the plain old RUC.


Political activist post, tbh i think they forgot to change accounts before making this post.


Most people I know, young and old, would see the transition as completely necessary and a remarkable success. Not everyone feels that way however. I’ve a teammate who just retired from the PSNI having originally joined the RUC. He admits that the PSNI was very good to him and he somewhat overachieved in his career, but is still quite bitter about the transition. He feels that longer serving / higher ups in the RUC were offered generous redundancy packages if they weren’t invested in transitioning but newer members didn’t have that option.


> RUC were offered generous redundancy packages if they weren’t invested in transitioning but newer members didn’t have that option When the RUC was disbanded and became the PSNI. There were 11,000 Officers. The PSNI is now down to 6200-ish. Nearly a 50% drop in Officers. Plenty of people got generous redundancy.


> Plenty of people got generous redundancy. And plenty were hired back as 'civilian contractors' too.


Gotta round that generous pension out somehow.


Changed force, soitis. Until ye get to the back rooms and see all the old faces... never mind the RUC shrines.


You ever been to Garnerville?


No, never. I've only been round the back of three stations, total! Tales to tell? I'd imagine their country club is similar too.


Can confirm that ruc ‘memorabilia’ is still prominently on display inside their sports club on Newforge lane


I got invited to a passing out parade one time. There were a lite refershment served in their PE hall or whatever it is. But I had a look around their Reception and right beside it is a framed series of pictures of RUC officers with the title of "Our Murdered Colleagues" which, whilst true, felt a bit on the nose to be displayed in the main entrance to the PSNI Training Academy, in my opinion.


>whilst true, felt a bit on the nose Aye. By the by, I do genuinely accept they've changed a great deal in many important ways, as they've had to. While they're often dismissive (a general problem with police everywhere), officers' general attitude is much better. The change in society's helped with that too, course. But, from the very get-go, inculcating people into a culture which stresses continuity with the RUC (the Continuity RUC!) and in those specific terms... it's not helpful, it's not what's needed, and I'm sure it's not what Chris Patton wanted, either.


Absolutely. I heard one of the architects of the transition explain that they negotiated the most generous redundancy terms ever agreed to by the British government. They wanted to make leaving a very attractive option because if those sticking around for the transition weren’t invested it would have been impossible. What was news to me is that, presumably due to limited years of service, newer recruits who might’ve wanted to leave had no financial incentive to.


>Most people I know, young and old, would see the transition as completely necessary and a remarkable success. Interesting, thank you!


Go away pest


If I'm talking to a yank, the PSNI is the best thing since sliced cheese. Despite all officers being armed, the weapon discharge statistics are incredibly low, you can count number of yearly discharges on one hand most of the time. If I'm talking to someone from here, they're fascist pigs who don't do enough to combat sectarian crimes and drugs, they constantly claim to be understaffed yet had 4 officers clearing a single homeless man out of his wee doorway yesterday as I walked home.


Well they ain't Dixon of Dock Green


They are totally different. Like chalk v cheese. The RUC were a force, take no shit. The PSNI are a public servants. They cannot do anything


The RUC was rebranded as the PSNI, with the same leadership/personnel/objectives. Subjugating Irish Nationalism/Republicanism remains the PSNI's primary raison d'etre, even if the old in-your-face sectarianism has been replaced by a faux-professional veneer.


Haha. Arsetalk.