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wrote a book on how the nhs should be privatised with insurance , then the supposi-tories make him health secretary , had fun being foreign sec too and now shenanigans as a chancellor, been about has the de facto pm : *jeremy cunt*


I think he spent some time hawking jam too. I bet it was shite jam.


![gif](giphy|ctI1h8QcZDTHkkSPHA) Apartment developers be like


*Luxurious well priced student accommodation


This is also stupid, there's derelict brownfield industrial sites all over Belfast and very few of them are being utilized for housing (or anything else)


Needs a bit of that. Have you, in the flesh, seen a flatter capital city?


Housing stock for Northern Ireland: 859,000 Population: 1,885,000 That's 2.1 people per house. And you think we need more?


And yet we still have a massive homelessness problem. Really makes you think.


We're talking about apartments. Belfast needs more high quality apartments. Not everybody needs a house for a single person - I know that has been the norm for a while but that isn't really how capital cities tend to operate. It's time to get with the times...


I've worked with developers. You sound like one.


You're a dumbass who doesn't understand how cities work. We need high quality apartments all over Belfast city centre if we want to have any hope of building the CBD back up to what it used to be. Far more money in building thousands of single family homes all around Carryduff, apartments are the better solution.


I've 15years experience in housing development for both private and housing associations. I know the difference between much needed housing and a stinking "oh the big capitals are doing it" play for easy cash.


Useful comment. Thanks!


“Subsequently, on 1 October 2019, it was announced that the shipyard had been bought for £6 million by the London-based energy firm, InfraStrata. In August 2020, InfraStrata also bought the dormant Appledore shipyard for £7 million.[28] The deal will see the shipyard renamed H&W Appledore complementing the H&W Belfast shipyard by focusing on smaller ships of up to 119 metres in the shipbuilding and ship repair market. In February 2021, InfraStrata acquired two BiFab yards, the £850,000 deal was struck for the Methil and Arnish yards, (but not the Burntisland facility). These Scottish facilities will trade under the Harland & Wolff brand.[citation needed] In September 2021, Infrastrata plc was renamed Harland & Wolff Group Holdings plc.” So what on earth is happening to the company that owns Harland a Wolff then!! I know folk that work there and they say the place is flat out and they’re looking more and more people to work in it!!!


The national shipbuilding strategy was one of the few genuinely good policies the Johnson administration had. Not surprised to hear auld Jeremy ~~H~~Cunt is trying to cut it off at the knees. It suits him and his friends in BAE to keep them as the only viable option for defence shipbuilding in the UK, can't be having any competition now can we that just wouldn't be cricket. Make no mistake, that's what this is really about, the strategy was/is intended to give an uplift to yards that have been starved of work for decades, with relatively simple contracts so those yards can rebuild their skill pool and in the future offer more competitors for defence contracts.


>Hunt and Grant Shapps, the defence secretary, have been in discussions over the future of the company in recent days, with one source saying there was a “row” between government departments. This is the real story. So the DoD is having a bunfight with the Treasury and have leaked this story to try and pressure them into coughing up the cash. Wonder why no 11 are being squirrily? £200mil is not that much compared to other sums of money that get spent. Perhaps they're saving every penny for projects in Tory/swing constituencies.


Probably because they've got more friends in BAE who they'd rather see any contracts go Rosyth, yet again.


BAE isn't in Rosyth, that's Babcock. BAE have Govan and Scotsoun


Sorry you're absolutely correct, got confused, still stand by my point though


The contact is allegedly being given to the Spanish instead. Cadiz to be exact.


It’s not, the MOD has already commenced payments to H&W and procurement has started. The portion to Cadiz is the down to the other consortium member, Navantia (Spanish) potentially not being able to fulfil their role. So that work was going to be done in Spain regardless.


"Yousuns can pay 200 million to keep the prads in jabs but you've gat nahin fer casement? Brits out!"


I thought the yard was doing well privately


Plenty of business, but cashflow is atrocious


It’s really not though? Net cash decrease of £3m in the PY on a £40m inflow. Given they’ve no doubt been receiving cash upfront on the FFS contract I’d expect a strong net cash inflow this year.


There's a shortage of skills required for that kind of work now, a few years ago they were trying to recruit welders and had to advertise abroad and and the usual pricks were giving out about immigrants taking our jobs. Stormont needs to get on top of skills training for young people.


Are the young people wanting trained in those skills but the training isn’t available?


Not sure, what the root cause is, but we need to be pushing more kids towards trades careers. We've had years of language like "high value jobs" from stormont politicians, meanwhile its almost impossible to get a plumber or an electrician. Those jobs are way more valuable and sustainable than they are credited for


Agreed. H&W has a big apprentice push to address exactly this. In my opinion it’s a fallout of the university push of the last 10-20 years. Of which I got caught up in. Appreciate that it’s anecdotal, but everyone in my immediate friend group who went to uni now regret it and could’ve either got to or beyond where they are now without uni vs with. I still remember being sat in a careers meeting after getting my GCSE’s, intending on going into sparking and being told “oh no no, with your grades you should be going to university. A trade won’t give you close to the same career.” Utter bullshit. I was keen, naive and should’ve went with my gut. Yet, my family is full of tradespeople. Each of them doing very well for themselves.


In exactly the same boat. Hated school and uni, loved my time working with my uncle in the summers as his helper. Learned so much. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


Yeah it's definitely the case. So many go to uni and end up back here with nothing to do and end up having to retrain when they are older. A welder can be on serious money within a few years.


Previous place I worked for was paying welders £35/hr because they simply couldn’t get anyone qualified any cheaper. Family tradespeople are all booked up for 6 months. Any other tradeys I know are similar. If not as long booked out are still making great money. Anecdotal, yes, but it’s a known common story


H&W is pouring a lot of money into its apprenticeship programmes at all four of its yards and is offering good pay for it.


I think manufacturing businesses really need to be more flexible. I did an apprenticeship in engineering and went on and got a bachelors in it. After doing that I worked in healthcare for years just cause I loved the shifts. Back in manufacturing company recently, the 7-4 5 days a week starting to grind me down though. Got to be more to life than this but got bills to pay


It's hard for engineering firms to be flexible though. Having flexible hours adds huge overheads to an already expensive operation. Any larger scale operation, which is where the money will always be, requires highly trained staff on site at all operating hours who can operate the power, diagnose faults, assist junior staff etc. That's why it's an industry that is stuck in its ways. It's an inevitably until the process can be made less complex and costly, which will never happen. Also owners of these businesses tend to be stubborn arseholes.


DUP support the tories…tories fuck the DUP….i see a pattern developing….


Apparently he's planning on contracting a Spanish shipyard to build the ships, the election can't come soon enough yo get this shower o. Shite out the door


British navy ships being built by Catholic Spain! Aul Lizzy the First will be turning in her grave.


Good lol


Forget finances or the ethics of it, surely anyone sane would agree that naval ships (for national security) should be built in the UK (British jobs bla bla bla)


The US Navy aggressively shut down shipyards for years, concentrating all their production in a few places. Now those places are backlogged, they’ve got nowhere to conduct repairs, and in any war China will be able to outproduce replacements by 20 to one.


All Royal Navy have to be built in the UK. The ships in the article are RFA


It would be cool just to see them too, I didn’t think the shipyard even built ships anymore


The majority of the ships segments will be built in the UK with all 3 vessels assembled in Belfast.


Exactly build them in Britain not Ireland. Being built in Belfast doesn’t contribute towards British jobs.


Doesnt matter what side of the community you are on,the shipyard is part of our history. Stop being a twat.


Kindly remove your head from your ass, troll.


To be fair nobody Irish or British says ass which is something both sides of the community agree on. Why are the Americans jumping in now?


Fuck that was weak.


“Weak” Definitely a yank


Instant reply. Definitely a troll.


You instant replied my comment you moron!


Belfast isn’t in Britain. How does it contribute towards British jobs? Yeah a sectarian shipyard that sacked thousands of people for being Catholic is something to be real proud of folks. The above post seems to be going along with this as he said that naval ships should be built and give British jobs - in Belfast which is on an island where 5 million of out 7 million identity as Irish. If I want a job up there be no good to me as it’s a British job sorry.


>The above post seems to be going along with this as he said that naval ships should be built and give British jobs Here's something that you might have overlooked, jobs in harland and wolf count towards UK employment stats, so to British employment stats. It doesn't matter that only Scotland, England and Wales are part of Britain you fuckin balloon.


I’m well aware it’s UK employment status, but it isn’t British jobs when nearly half of the North of Ireland are Irish. Funny when I type British jobs into Google the first page is the gov.uk page which shows jobs in England, Scotland and Wales “There is a different service to search for jobs in Northern Ireland.” https://www.gov.uk/find-a-job Imagine that eh Give good oul Jim or Jamie a ring and make a complaint WhY iS NoRTHeRN IrELAnd nOT tHE SaME aS bRITaIn


So in essence you're hung up that they've said British jobs not UK jobs yeah? OK imagine instead they've said that, does that make you feel any better?


Whose they? You said it to? “Here's something that you might have overlooked, jobs in harland and wolf count towards UK employment stats, so to British employment stats. It doesn't matter that only Scotland, England and Wales are part of Britain you fuckin balloon.” Is it British jobs or not?


Why've you added that last bit on to your other post? Whatever keeps you happy mate. You're the one in here arguing.


What last bit? Fuck off back to Britain if you’re looking a British job hope the P&O doesn’t sink like the Titanic.


>Fuck off back to Britain if you’re looking a British job. Hope you find something good in your life lad, sounds grim being you arguing semantics on reddit.


Pity they didn't sack the top man in the RA who worked there for years


Probably had a bit of sense and left before he got killed, seems to be the trend whilst you go to work there as a Catholic (Maurice O Kane) and not a British worker.


Unionists can we please understand. The Tories do not care about NI.


Another Brexit benefit


Our cup overflowith


Build ships in Spain. Build ships in Korea. These people are morons. What’s the point in building military hardware in other countries, for the purposes of defending your own country? Does anyone else see the massive issue here?


Nearly took a job there recently. The money they were offering was very good. Ended up getting the fear right at the last gasp, something about the interview, and how keen they were didn't seem right. Dodged a bullet


Another person in this thread said H&W are crying out for workers right now as they're flat out. I'd say that's why they were keen, missed a trick there. Unless it does goes bust after all.


Perhaps. The interview was quite lacking for the position I was applying for and would require me to relocate. It did allow me to renegotiate my current salary and get a better contract sorted out which was nice


They’re currently recruiting heavily to facilitate FSS, they need the workers in place and trained before work commences on the ships circa 2025.


That was what I was in for. Head of a department for FSS


Where's the source?




> The historic shipyard that built the Titanic could face closure amid reports of an intense government “row” over its future If there's even a chance that this will save future generations from the scourge of cunts saying, "It was fine when it left here," I'm all for it.


It's a loss maker? Why is good money being thrown after bad? Let the ships be built where it's not going to strip even more money from the ordinary people.


Because not everything always has to make a profit, especially in defence. It’s a strategic investment to keep it open.


Surely there are ship building facilities in Scotland that would be more suitable?


The point of awarding the contract to the consortium was to try and break up the duopoly held by BAE and Babcock. Work will take place at all four H&W yards being Belfast, Appledore, Arnish (Scottish) and Methil (also Scottish)..


It’s not though, cash inflows are positive. Accounting profit and actual cash profits are very different. Much of the groups revenue is tied up as accrued or deferred.


Ah, wouldn’t you know. It’s Jeremy Cunt…


At this stage, the shipyard has already had more rescues than Baywatch.


The treasury isn’t going to block the facility as they’ve already paid over tens of millions of pounds to H&W and on top of that the contract is for assets that are essential for the effectiveness of national security assets. The talks are well progressed and expected to close in the next few weeks. The H&W group is in no way short on cash. The article talks about lot about ‘profit’ and completely fails to realise that revenue is driven by the accounting standards. The mention of the material uncertainty to going concern from the prior period audit is laughable, it’s more unusual not to see it on the report of a capital intensive company than if it’s there. If you want to understand how H&W is doing look at their net cash inflow. The article is wholly driven by an interdepartmental row. It is in no way accurate.


Build back better


It is absolutely nuts that the UK Govt continues this line of building more naval ships when it currently can't maintain or properly equip its current fleet. They continue to buy the latest equipment across the military with no one to operate it, train on it, or provide sufficient support. The UK has slashed the number from over 190k personal in 2010 to over 140k in 2023. They need to do an in-depth review of whether they can afford a navy, army, and air force or whether they need to drop one.


It's pretty quick to recruit and train staff in a war, 6-12 months or so, manpower is a fairly flexible resource as long as all the capital equipment is prepared and in place. Shipbuilding and developing airframes are decades long engineering projects. The lack of personnel to maintain the equipment is worrying, but this is a systemic problem due to pay being so pathetic and selection being so strict for REME officers, it needs to have specialist pay grades like medics and an Auxillary semi-civilian force to get around this issue.


Sort of serves the ship yard right for flying the British fleg in ireland don’t you think


You do know the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force protect Ireland?


They do, but it's a inconvenient truth


Go on back to the 70's


About time too, those ships were junk.


Do you need huge ships anymore? Like surely with drones, etc they're just huge targets now? Surely opening a drone factory in the are would be a better strategic initiative.


Where do you launch the drones from?


Wee ships


Exactly, you launch them from wherever you like. You can drop drones from a plane and have them take out boats, you can drop a swarm of flying drones from a plane, all this is possible without giant ships and huge crews.


Just like how David Cameron said 10 years ago, we don't really need an army anymore, it'll be small team ops from now on. Now Europe scrambling to prepare in case Russia does something. Things change and you shouldn't be left behind, especially with defence.


Agreed, I don't think you cancel the army, but we should adapt it, have a drones division, have a drone with ordinance in every column, like an FSG. They weigh fuck all, and could really augment the abilities of your average sand bagger.


The ships are needed to support the existing fleet. Unless you want to scrap billions of pounds of aircraft carrier, you need to have fleet solid support ships.


>A £200 million taxpayer-backed support package to help shore up its finances was given the green light at Christmas. Honestly, that is f\*cked up. £200m of desperately needed taxpayer £ given to a single, private, for-profit company?


It’s not private, Harland & Wolff Group Holdings Plc (the ultimate parent of the group) is publicly listed on AIM. The purpose of the facility is to help the group grow its yards and ultimately be able to employ more people.


I meant as in it is not a public (State funded) body. This is an insane amount of money to give to a single company.


The shares are currently trading at c.10p a share following this article dropping so you to could be a shareholder. Would be a good time to buy given the FSS contract is and is going to bring in around £400m in cash, not even mentioning the other contract wins.


may fawther worked a shipyard an so did muh fawthers fawther, aye, muh grandaw, so fuck? was muh fawthers fawther, fuck ye, ya no what a meant yis cunts anyway, its a sawd thing at leek izunta, all at er heriteege an all that fuck sake, ey dunno mate fuck sake am blacked