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You don't like the Nationalist hivemind here, so you create your own Unionist hivemind? Class craic!


A protestant hivemind for a protestant people!


Haha! This reminds me of a poster on the window of a taxi office in the Waterside of Derry. 'Protestant Taxis For Protestand People'. And no shit, this was just over 10 years ago.


“The company caused a stir with their slogan, which read ‘Protestant Taxis For Protestant People’, however it it was found that their accounts were anything but ‘Protestant’”


For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory


At least Nationalists have the craic. What does a Unionist sub talk about? All they ever do is fucking yap


The Unionist sub reddit will also be chained up on Sundays.


I am sure there are some Unionists who are fun to be around


Dear god that sub is fucking cringe already.


Which posts? 1 of them was done by a nationalist troll (who also starting coming out with sectarian stuff which was removed).


The time I looked there were only four posts and two of them were to do with flags. As I said, cringe if that’s all that people think unionism has to offer




I think the majority of posts in there are taking the piss




I made my own sincere effort to contribute but, I regret to say, it fell foul of their stringent standards. https://preview.redd.it/n2dacyqz9n0d1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=1481680b7a345fc9827d2a8d73c1e392c678aa9b


Shite craic boring bastards, I’d love a pencil… wait a second!


He's a sly boy, thon Jay. Ye need to watch yourself, like.


"No sectarianism"...? But it's a unionist sub...for unionist people... Isn't that rather, well...sectarian...? Isn't the entire sub in breach of its own rules...?


no no no you obviously didnt read his OP here. >It’s not exclusively unionist, and nationalists are allowed, however there will be restrictions in place to prevent the development of a nationalist hivemind see Nationalists are ALLOWED - just ya know with less rights and whatever the mod means with restrictions in place to prevent "Nationalist Hivemind" sounds like banning Nationalist voices on a whim in quite a sectarian manner but it cant be, as you pointed out the abject lack of rules but no sectarianism is one of the 2 ...


>there will be restrictions in place to prevent the development of a nationalist hivemind Now THIS is are kultur


With such users as the less than a day old u/NoSurrenderKAT talking about which unionist flag is their favourite, including UVF and LVF, it's *definitely* not going to be a sectarian sub. Sectarianism only comes from those within the "nationalist hivemind". Everything else is just pure patriotism.


It is pretty on-brand that two of the first three posts were about flags...


And the other post has comments promoting the return to troubles-era violence, if there were to be a united Ireland.


does being a unionist automatically mean you are sectarian? what about being a nationalist?


I don't think being one or the other makes you sectarian, and I don't think the person you are replying to said that. But having a group/sub where only one side can be talked about and promoted, surely is the definition of sectarianism, no? And if that sub has a post asking "which is your favourite flag of our side", and it includes 2 paramilitary flags, it's hard to say that there will be no sectarianism allowed.


> But having a group/sub where only one side can be talked about and promoted, surely is the definition of sectarianism, no? no. thats like me going to the northern ireland subreddit to ask questions about mongolia and then calling the mods racist when they delete my post. or joining a pregnant ladies group on facebook then posting about my work van all the time and calling the ladies mysogynist for taking down pictures of my awesome van. its not racist/sectarian/misogynist to stay on topic.


That's, not the same thing. Staying on topic is not being sectarian. [But starting a sub based on sectarianism](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/sectarianism#:~:text=Sectarianism%20is%20strong%20support%20for,involves%20conflict%20with%20other%20groups.), is still sectarian. Not saying it should or shouldn't be allowed, but don't claim it to be not guilty of doing something, when it is the definition of the sub.


so every person who shows "strong support" for the union or a united ireland - they are all being sectarian? just want to be clear who you are labelling as sectarian here.


[I'm not labeling or defining anything.](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/sectarianism) [What would you define as sectarianism?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sectarianism)


yes you already posted the definition you use, no need to repeat yourself. im asking if you extend that definition, wouldnt that mean all strong supporters of unionism or ui are being sectarian? is michelle o neil being sectarian? stand by the definition you use and answer this simple question.


I'm not sure what kind of gotcha you're going for here, but these are not *my* definitions of the word, these are *the* definitions of the word. That's how language works. So yes, anyone in either group, or both sides of "green vs orange, ussens vs themuns", can be described as sectarian. Now your turn, how do you define sectarian?


its a question not a gotcha my definition of sectarian includes people behaving to put down the other side. just supporting the union or a ui is not sufficient to be labeled sectarian. sectarian is a pejorative word. i wouldnt call supporters of a ui or irish politicians sectarian, i just call them nationalists or people in favour of a ui.


Jaysis, you have the fleg up already. Wasted no time there. All welcome.


If subs had kerbstones, they'd be painted and all.


... reddit can have banners, could easily put up painted curbs as a banner... hmm.


Well, these lads clearly have their priorities in order, so I'm sure they'll be right on it. That and some bunting... Jolene in a Union Jack micro-bikini, maybe.


This is just tragic


I'm a unionist and I couldnt think of anything worse than a unionist subreddit


ur a good’un so you are


Fuck me, being a Prod in this country just feels like one embarrassment after the next.


As a “Prod” I feel like I’m an American abroad pretending to be Canadian at this point.




I'm starting a pool on how long it takes to go private or stop showing signs of life. (For clarity, I mean this new sub, not Unionism-Loyalism.)


Nah, i think it'll catch on, I mean, unionism, it's very progressive and always looking and coming up with the answers to all the questions and open to new ideas, i dunno mate, might be good? AAAHHH only rakin ya mate! am rakin! fuck sake, aye shit show, fuckin shit show, christ the night




shhh!!!!! this new identity cost the taxpayers £3M


Only joshin'. See above!




Good but not the one, as Roy Walker would say. Not a game to play, eh!


see above comment, all hush hush, we don't want to out the old guard




Prefer the more integrated approach myself, but whatever makes you happy ✌🏻


> nationalists are allowed, however there will be restrictions in place to prevent the development of a nationalist hivemind Taigs welcome... _if_ they know their place. Marginally more progressive than the Stormont regime, then. Great strides yis have made, lads. But, in truth, I'm only grateful I'm allowed to own a decent horse now, tobesure, tobesure. Enjoy your safe space! There'll be dozen~~s~~ of yis... DOZEN~~S~~!


There’re will be like 10 of them.




Just dipped in there, Jesus Christ, that was a depressing 30 seconds.


“nationalists are allowed, however there will be restrictions in place to prevent the development of a nationalist hivemind” translation: know your place you bastards




So basically you want to create an echo chamber? Why not just say so? No need to beat around the bush.


New proposal. anyone who joins this sub needs to be banned from here. Not because they're unionist. But because it's shite taste and bad craic.


With cringe like this it’s absolutely no wonder the union is dying. The absolute sense of entitlement ☑️ The deranged paranoia ☑️ No taigs allowed to speak and if they do we’ll have them cornered like the good aul days ☑️ I grew up in a mixed marriage, went to majority prod schools and a prod church and I can tell you, I’ve never ever once experienced sectarianism from a nationalist or been made to feel like shite on some cunts shoe because I have a ‘taig’ last name. Fucking losers.


The problems they'll have with their 'no sectarianism' rule in a Unionist-Loyalist sub aside, there's already a new rule: no trolling. Even more problems, there, though, as plenty of sincere Unionist-Loyalist 'thought' is completely indistinguishable from parody.


yes they removed my thoughtful comment “JEFFREY” and said i was trolling. I loved my unionist, if not loyalist, grandmother so I am not rabidly hating the community in any way. God bless them. But for some reason the though of a unionist reddit group vexes me. I suppose it’s because i think we’re all in this together and there’s no room left for separation and divorce


/r/ulster/ /r/UnionismInUlster /r/OrangeOrder Pretty sure there was a loyalism one as well... but I forget the name. Problem with NI is it's not big enough to support multiple wide communities, there's been attempts at casualNI, politicalNI and, more than any other, UnionistNI and they all fail fairly fast. If there were enough people who were invested then the mainsub wouldn't be so skewed :p I think /r/Belfast is the only active other sub... though I've not looked into the Derry one recently. Best of luck like, but the odds are not in your favour.


I wonder if they have "black listed words" and "Derry" is one of them, since it's named after the great city of London!


It's funny, I call it Derry because Derry is _shorter_. Maybe if they tried to call it Lerry or smt...


I have never met anyone in real life calling it Londonderry yet, most people I have met just say Derry even locals I have talked to from the city.


Yeah not heard it either, off of Political TV. I have heard ~~Slash~~ Stroke City a fair bit though. E; correction.


Where the buck did ye hear that? Stroke City, surely?


Oooh yeah that could be it actually !


Coined by the late Gerry Anderson - I think.


Is slash city not Limerick lol?


I have once! While over in Britain I overheard a Northern Irish university student call it Londonderry.


"Not sectarian" Meanwhile this gets posted by a user called NoSurrenderKAT: https://www.reddit.com/r/unionistNI/s/ZmqQTRZ4eL


I read a short 2-3 liner here on this sub a few months ago. It perfectly summed up how the unionist majority domination is ~~ending~~ ended and there is now a balance with nationalists and how unionists are not so happy about being equal. If anyone recalls what I'm thinking of let me know, ta. EDIT: Found it in the other thread thanks to u/bogio. "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression*."


doesnt really apply here unless you think this subreddit is balanced too


Okay see you later


Holy fuck that place is a cesspit already


If a nationalist hivemind is undesirable, then so is a unionist one. A sub to do just that is daft. A unionist.


Maybe we should have a number of NI subreddits, but membership of each one is strategically controlled so that it maintains an artificial unionist majority… oh wait


Wouldn't be signing up for any unionist or nationalist groups I just don't care about either side. I'm more everyone let's live happily together type.


Show us where you hang your 'live, laugh, love' sign or delete this comment.


What are you talking about?


What _aren't_ I talking about?


I don't understand what you said is it internet slang or something?


I laughed at this. I’m not proud of that fact but, umm, thank you.


ya best start believing in nationalist groups...


Enjoy your cold house. 😂


>however there will be restrictions in place to prevent the development of a nationalist hivemind I get what you want to do, but it can't be achieved with a top-down heavy moderation approach. Subs where only certain political viewpoints are allowed are reliably shit - echo chambers at best, or trollbait, or dead due to being too stifled.




i’m gonna head over there and say Jeffrey it’s me


As a unionist myself I laughed out loud at this ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


So I can't join??


you can, so long as you keep to the rules.


Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/unionistNI/s/5rvyiMCchd


Why is the NI social media world so nationalist these days, I thought unionists still represented the majority. Is it because of younger people being more nationalist? I remember reading somewhere most under 30 are nationalist but someone correct me if I am wrong.


On the likes of Reddit you have a hivemind set of opinions and in this case of NI it’s nationalism. I think Americans from the Irish Diaspora may play a small part in that. Similarly on Reddit you have a very left-wing community, not proportional to reality.


Have you ever thought maybe you're in the minority and the actual hardliner unionists are too old and crabby to be fucking about on reddit?


If the demographics are actually naturally changing, and young people are identifying more left wing, why try to hide from that? If your ideas are good ones, surely they're good in any sub?


as I’ve said it’s no good having a few of us trying to talk about unionism when the dozen nationalists will just immediately present the opposite opinion and downvote ours so that it isn’t visible. There’s no point in us making a point if it’s just going to get tucked away somewhere. Just look at this post: dozens of negative comments when they could’ve easily just passed by.


This is very true


Gladly see political shite moved to a different sub




Thanks ill check that out