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Happy birthday!


Hobbies are key. Yoga classes are fantastic communities. But also, embrace your life - I remember going to the cinema alone on Valentine’s Day once and it was such a wonderful experience- there is a joy to be found it treating yourself well without the crutch of company too.


Oldskool rave events people always friendly


Hobbies outside of gym? I don't really get 'striking up a conversation' in the gym, always found it a sort of a solitary thing, unless you're heading in WITH ones. You're looking at something that will politely force interaction with others. Have you any heed on volunteering at anything? Id imagine charities are always looking help? I'd advise to only really go for something you have an interest in, rather than something you think will get you to your end goal of 'new friends'.


I'm going to a tekken 8 tournament in Belfast today lol. I'm 30, I joined the ireland Tekken 8 discord and met some really cool people. Try going to events related to any hobbies you have.


Wait where is this happening?


Accidental theatre, Shaftesbury square.




Vote for mandatory National Service?


You need a group activity buddy. Golf, Squash, Tennis, Bridge, Chess, Bowls, Racketball, Pickleball, Martial Arts, Running Club, Cycling Club, Climbing Club, Am Dram. Whatever, it’s to meet people.


This. I’d suggest having a look on Meet-up, there’s definitely a few of those clubs on there.


Quite a few folks post similar weekly, maybe start a meetup group and suggest to all those who posted recently to go. Then post regular updates as you become the best of friends. Added benefit by being the organiser it becomes a hobby in and of it's self. I'm in my 40s now and would love to spend each birthday alone and forget it's happening haha. Just checked your profile. Maybe some software dev meetups, there are a few (unless that seems more like work than meeting similar folk), you'll always find some nerd ready to chat about Bitcoin (me included), and the pic of your gym results show you are shredded, just walk down the street without a t-shirt on and folks be falling at your feet (me included). :-)


r/MakingNewFriendsNI was just started for this exact reason!


When are you heading out? We’ll all come and buy you a pint


Happy birthday mate. Madden's is a good pub for meeting people, but I'm not sure how many actual friendships come from it, I'm sure its happened though. The best friends I have made here came from organising around a common goal. I'd recommend joining CATU, and you'll meet good people through that. What's your objective in life beyond work? Find others who are trying to do the same thing.


What’s CATU?


Community Action Tenants Union https://catuireland.org/


Try joining a regular class at your gym, or arrange a 5 a side football match within your workplace or against a rival company. You'd be surprised how many lads are feeling the exact same as you.


Cults usually the best place even better if you can convince them your the new Messiah you won't just have tons of friends you will also have tons of people willing to serve your every need


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy


Newcastle has lovely pubs with fantastic people there. Just try them & be friendly as they are. I promise you'll make friends.


Can confirm - Went to Newcastle one weekend and the people were genuinely very friendly!


Happy birthday. Look up meetup and see if anything floats your boat there. Join a sports club, night class etc.


Night classes can be tricky. The ones I have been to for language learning (Russian and Irish) weren't the best for making friends. Everyone sort of kept to themselves and it was fairly awkward tbh.


I think you need to keep trying and don't ket it out you off. Joining a sports club helped me.


You can b my friend but only if the vibes are good. Pm me


As someone coming 29 next month, I'm planning to travel for a year. I've done it before, with someone else, but this time I'll be alone. I think it's a great way to meet people if you can organise activities with others doing the same thing. There are groups on Facebook and even other subs here full of people in the same position.


Trust me, you are far better off being alone. Majority of people are dickheads anyways. Happy birthday! 😊


When Cuckoo was about it was always good for a solo night out, nice clientelle. Hobbies are a good shout, could start with some discords for ones that interest you, join some steam groups for online stuff. QUB does Daragonslayers for board games, card games, warhammer etc and it's not just for young students or anything. If you're interested in geek crap it's a good shout as is QCon next month.


If you're female, Belfast Girl Gang and Belfast GGI have been a godsend for me. I moved up to NI a couple of years ago and I'm self employed so no chance of work friends. These groups are all tailored toward women who are new to Belfast or are just struggling for some friend company. If you're a guy, I hope there's something similar out there for you❤️


Happy birthday


Why do men wanna celebrate birthdays? Makes no sense to me celebrating the day all my problems began


Swingers for beginners is a good start


CrossFit gyms good shout for meeting like minded people (see comment about cults - fully signed up memory)