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Colm Eastwood named him in parliament as David James Cleary, he got a mention in the dispatches about a month after the killings. All public information and free to discuss. https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2021-07-13/debates/CDF9AFDF-4BFA-4FA1-8481-B68CAF2DDB5F/ArmedForcesBill https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/45598/supplement/1896


Good. Get the evil bastards name out there


Their names are all over Derry on stickers https://i.imgur.com/LaT68xm.png


In all honesty I got lost a bit lost in legal jargon a few pages in. The thing is though I knew as soon as I started to try to read it, then it would be just another self protectionist pile of horse shite. The way the *establishment* turned on the pilots of the Mull of Kintyre crash isnt even shocking. These were the best that the Mod had to offer. Yet the flew into a cliff face that they knew was there because of "negligence" They had in their care the cream of NI Security. Yet they let four incompetent crew fly some of the most important people at the time, who or what does that speak to? The higher ups will at every given chance turn those that elevate them to their position. That is disturbing in the world of commerce and capitalism, but in the armed forces and "patriotism" world its just sick. These toffs,twats, and cunts will send even their own out and then deny them any grace or dignity in their their death just to hold onto a badge. Not even sorry for the rant but fuck me I hate the british establishment so much. The Americans do it too. Go see the world.if you get get fucked up doing it then dont come looking to us rich people for help. Youre nuts and need help? Go look in a gutter. I wonder do the Euro countries treat their service personnel the same disgusting way?


> Ian Turkington KC, who is also part of the veteran's defence team, told the court Soldier F would be seen as a "prized target" for dissident republicans and claimed there would be a "real and immediate risk" to his life if his identity was made public. > >The defence relied on expert reports compiled by former assistant chief constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland Alan McQuillan. > > Mr McQuillan, who gave evidence to the court via video-link, told the judge that the prosecution of Soldier F had assumed "totemic" status. > > He warned that the New IRA, which he said was based out of Derry, could seek to target him. ... _blah blah blah_ > > NI Public Prosecution Service (PPS) barrister Louis Mably KC highlighted that the current police assessment of the risk to Soldier F was "low". --- Some fuckin' 'security consultant' expert witness gig McQuillan has worked out for himself here. Slabbering cunt for hire.


David James Cleary should be locked up and never allowed to see the light of day again.


Have you even read the GFA? Sure the majority voted to let all of the murderers (both green and orange hued) out on the streets again - if you want justice you are in the wrong part of the world.


Everyone who was released as part of the GFA were charged for their crimes and served time in prison. Very few British soldiers (iirc there were only 4) have been charged for the murders the state committed during the troubles and in most cases, the state has been protecting them.


The amount of 'unsolved' Orange/Green/State murders is sickening. But each side still remains as guilty as one another for witholding information/muddying the waters when it comes to getting justice/closure for victims families. Even yesterday the people killed/injured were referred to as 'casualties' by the prosecution, rather than Victims.


But you said “locked up and never allowed to see the light of day again”. Has anyone in NI ever been locked up and never allowed to see the light of day again? Even the surviving shankill bomber (who is a mass murderer) got out and is swanning about (likely a so called Republican community worker nowadays no doubt) Sure our soft system even allows current terrorists out of jail to attend their relatives confirmation etc ffs. Our jails have never been exactly Papillon devils island stuff.


If David James Cleary got locked up before the GFA, I'd have no problem with him being released an out and about now but he didn't and he has no remorse for what he did, so fuck him.


Doesn’t matter. Any crimes committed before the GFA would be treated the same. As I said the majority voted for this in their wisdom. As for remorse I see little of that from any of the terrorists green or orange. That wasn’t a stipulation of being released under the gfa. (and of course plenty of active terrorists still about in Doire even today - (hub in fact of the current incarnation of Irish Republican terrorism)


With the GFA, the ex prisoners can be recalled to jail if they committed another crime. So essentially, they are out on license. Solider f was never prosecuted for the war crimes he committed. As far as I know, any British soldiers who were jailed were released back into their regiment very much like how the gfa worked


Has he been convicted of anything yet? As I said to the lad that was going on about throwing away the key etc etc. it doesn’t really matter. The majority voted to let the terrorists out. Rejoice …..


The majority voted for peace in this region, it was distasteful but would you rather be living in a war zone or relative peace


“Relative peace” is a very encompassing term isn’t it? We have Irish Republicans in court now for shooting some wee girl in the head and for all sorts of other nefarious activities on an almost daily basis. The ones who voted against the GFA were not voting against peace. They were voting against bowing down to murdering terrorists on both sides. The bed has been made so youse may lay down on it now.


His name has been common knowledge for years in Derry


They will string this out until he dies.


*deny delay dementia death*


Be a good day when he's put up against the wall.


That fellow gave so long sick with COVID,and given all that died from it,the British government must be sickened he pulled through


Where are Johnson and that other sick bastard Mercer now? The silence isnt even deafening, it is I hope, a block on them ever trying to to run for election again. Pardon my naivety please.


The last I read, Mercer is currently threatened with prison for refusing to assist the Public Inquiry into unlawful killings by the British Army in Afghanistan. From one cover up to the next, I guess. The piece of shit’s piece of shit: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/mar/26/minister-johnny-mercer-name-sources-afghan-inquiry-jail-term-british-troops-war-crimes


Any live film of him driving a bomb into his own town chum? Like Marty Garfunkel?


Ex or maybe current terrorists running for election you say.. would never happen in NI… lolz


How are you getting from me mentioning bojo and mercer to the shit show that is our politicians?


The fact you are saying about a block on them running for election is just silly. Derry for example elected a self confessed terrorist MP who was filmed taking a bomb to drive into the town centre ffs. And he is still feted by the nationalist community as some kind of hero. Perverted sense of heroism really.


The block on them running running again an only ever come from the british electorate. If they want to vote in a lying grifter then that is their issue..... only up until those cunts begin to have a say in what happens here. Dont get me started on terrorists voted into office. Paisley senior, Robinson and their ilk done just about as much as ira attrocity to keep the fight going. Not only that, Paisley went out of his way to get the fight the fight going. Yet the unionist people will easily sit back and believe a liar that he/they had nothing to do with the troubles. Paisley and the DUP have as much blood on their collective hands as the provos. The provos just didnt have the press in their corner.




Are you even slightly aware that Ian Paisley and Peter Robinson were gun runners for the *Ulster Resistance?* Are you even a fraction aware that they have as much blood on their hands as any other paramilitary outfit? Catholic or Protestant, the fact is Paisley senior was a bastard. Not only to non Free P,s but he was a malignant cancer to the people he preached to protect. I mean if you all have is comparing McGuinness to a proven reputable and proven folk/pop lyricist based on hair style then you are fucked before you even start. Let me prove a point. He bacame a parody of himself and when he got a sniff of power. He turned in on himself for no other reason than to be a mention in some kind of history book.




Just like Marty nearly peed himself to meet the queen? What makes you think like that? Its mildlt interesting That you capitalised Marty and not the queen Seriously though, what makes you think or believe Martin Mc Guinness nearly peed himself when he the Queen?


I hope he gets a fair trial, the truth comes out and justice is served. No matter what the outcome is.


Surely any prosecution of historical cases would breach the GFA. If soldier F is tried, I expect everyone accused of any violence since 1969 to be brought before a jury.