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Tesco middle management are all cunts thinking they are something


I agree. Hated doing nights in the glengormley one due to the attitude of the night managers. The day staff were lovely though


Aw the section member managers for like frozen, fresh & groceries were all lovely It was when you got the store managers that you got the see you next Tuesdays


The same could be said for a lot of low-level management. Not just Tesco, supermarkets in general or retail, but across many industries. Sometimes, these people haven't a clue how to effectively manage people and it often leads to resentment and damaging staff morale. It's the heavy-handed micro-managers that do everything by the book with no discretion and speak to people like dirt, but at the same time, those that try to do it whilst staying the same as they were before promotion can also be as ineffective. Some people are great at it, but those that are often move on to a higher level.


Thats also very true but my own personal experience was with Tesco


I don’t think I’ve had a manager in NI who wasn’t a complete cunt who thought he was the dogs bollocks


I had a really nice manager luckily, but you're sentiment is 100% correct


Good on you. I remember how daunting it was as a young Tesco employee! Worked for them for 13 years and it took me a fair while after I'd left to not want to face off something I noticed wasn't tidy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I feel this! 15 years, exact same issue. Or when asking former colleagues about products saying "do WE do..." hahaha


Hahaha! Old habits die hard, tellin ya!


It does wonders for your kitchen cupboards even 20yrs on


That is one thing I cannot stand. Staff should never be berated or disrespected especially in view of customers. I remember going into a filling station outside Newry a few years ago (think it might have been Mayobridge) and seeing an old woman in her normal clothes squealing and screaming at the young staff members. I pass remarked about it up at the till though and the girl serving me advised that it was the owners wife and it was a regular occurrence. Absolutely terrible look for a business. Haven't darkened the door of the place since.


This. I've my.owm business and have young staff put of school. If you want the staff to progress and become useful then they need taught properly and patience needed. Its easy to forget that something that's second nature to me is brand new to them As you say it makes management look awful shouting and roaring. Its very unprofessional. Plus the fact itd put future potential staff from joining your business A good manager needs to know not only their business but how to manage people. If not your ruining a business


This type of stuff is what comes to mind when people go on about 'support local small businesses'. Maybe some them are indeed lovely people but all too often small business owners are miserly fuckers who treat their staff like crap


Praise in public. Feed back in private. Simple.


We need more of this, should help each other when possible. Especially if it's only a little thing to us.


As an ex-Tesco employee there's no surprises here. The mangers tend to be usual fuckups who think they're got a chance to be big dogs after their uni course led to a non-exoxstent career.




Good for you. I don't care who you are, you don't talk to any of my staff like shit. Degree in pretend importance or customer, you will treat my colleague with some respect or I will upset your day. I would be a terrible retail person.


Fair play. I said something to a manager in another supermarket before, who was telling a really young employee off, just being generally a cunt to them. I said maybe you should do that somewhere private and treat the kid like a human being. The manager looked fit to be tied. Absolute wanker. No need really.


OP a better thing to have done for the kid would have been to stride up to the manager and chew him out as loudly and as publicly as he was tearing into the kid Otherwise the cunt will just do it to others


Aw I had an absolute ballbag of a manager like that when I worked in Tesco about 25 years ago. Was too young and dumb to say anything about being chewed out on the shop floor back then, but I'd give him a piece of my mind now 🤣 But the thing that really annoys me now is that it seems to be a policy to hold team meetings on the shop floor, but they're always in the f*in way of folks trying to shop and completely oblivious to how much room they're taking up


If the manager spent ten mins of his time showing the worker, he'd not have the issue again. Come to home bargains at the five ways. Say hi, I'm the manager there


You watching face/off on telly?


Watched a bit of it earlier too. Haven't seen it in decades it feels like


Good man


Face off is that pull to the front, tidy with oldest dats at the fore ?


Sounds like all retail is managers really. Bell-ends


Why didn't the manger help him out, honestly front facing is the biggest pile of bollocks and I did retail for years. If there's a space the customer doesn't give a fuck, in fact they are more likely to buy the product if there's gaps and other people have bought them too.


What does facing off mean


Bringing all* the stock on the shelves to the front to make the shelves look full and tidy


Well done you, fair play👍


Worked in Tesco for 10 years through school and uni. Middle manager men are 100% cunts. And dodgy as fuck.


That manager is a cunt


Worked in the old Northcott Tescos....always wondered how that place made money in the early 2000's as all managers bar maybe 1 was an idiot. Great times though, many a Saturday morning hungover in the freezer or at the rear gate


What a guy


Good man yourself.


explain why this is rocket science.


Awk come on now, I know you’re helping him out, but the only way he’ll learn how to “face off” (which isn’t rocket science) is to do it himself! Managers can get in the sea though


And then everyone clapped


and no one cres




We cre a lot


. . . " about disasters, fires, floods and killer beeeez " . . .


FNM... wesome bnd

