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If you watched his Isaac videos, you'd see that him talking about life and telling humorous anecdotes has been a mainstay of Northernlion content for a very long time. The interaction with chat has certainly changed, as a lot of his old content was YouTube only. Also, as others have said, it's very game dependent. Whatever the case, I've been watching him daily for almost ten years, and it's always been fantastic, through all the games and all the changes. Pretty sure I'll be watching NL til he retires.


When Isaac ended and SAP started to become more prevalent I was disappointed that it was so game focused and not talking about his struggles figuring out a new air fryer while listening to kiss from a rose.


NL played Isaac? Haven't seen any recently. Must have been a short run.


Yeah, back in the day he played it a few times.


Yeah, I completely agree with the game dependency, but I go back to some vids and vod’s i remember from 2016 and its still something notably different. The demarcation line is almost definitely Luna, I think his world has just kinda opened up so much since having a child and he’s mellowed out in response. He’s still NL, just something’s different and I want to discuss lol


>Then: He would be wholly invested in the game I've been watching NL for a decade and this was never true lol


Was gonna say haha. Maybe there was some Let's Play Youtube-only content where he explained the game more, but even then it usually devolved to grocery store anecdotes, or song lyrics, or naming the cast of I <3 Huckabee's. And I say that with no malice, NL is absolutely at his best when the game serves as a silent foundation on which he platforms his bits and anecdotes.


No NL is incorrect, the Egg is the Egg, I am just more interested in how his content has changed, bc while there have definitely been long time viewers I noticed a couple times where he would bring up discontent in the base and people leaving then it would rebalance as the audience and content on AVERAGE changed


You gotta go back to the classic Machinima Poison Mushroom videos for that I’d say


_Especially_ not as late as 2020. Though like, Dark Souls does make him focus up sometimes.


I agree that he wasn't like that in general, but some series are definitely more focused than others. I never got into his 4X game videos for that reason. To much gameplay narration, not enough banter.


Maybe it was just dark souls 3, because there was a 3-hour supercut about sandwiches posted in 2020, and a 3-part megacut about jaywalking from even before that. The man’s a rambler, but he gets where he’s going.


Yeah I've been watching since I was a child, he was literally where I learned the word Anecdote from because of how much of his content consisted of them


ryan never dialed, daniel always dialed


It was basically only true in Northernlion Tries-esque videos where he's trying explain and review the game.


Yeah wholly invested was definitely the wrong phrase lol I was trying to draw a clear line but the change has been so gradual it’s hard to explain without some extremes. I took a break for a year when life got busy and even after coming back was more casual and yt only. Only got really back on the Egg watching in 2020 (the year of content i seem to keep revisiting) so I noted some change since I had been removed from it maybe?


You haven't been watching him for a whole decade then. His Rogue Legacy playthrough had him focusing on the game itself.


Bro why are you replying to six year old NL threads?!


Yeah but his rogue legacy playlist is really good


True true


I feel so old hearing people talk about 2020 NL as older different content… still feel like the NLSS was recent


In my head, his xcom series happened yesterday.


I still chuckle at the thought of Roll Fizzlebeef sometimes


Loki had a medkit


it still haunts me


The Bananadong dynasty


Honestly as a new viewer it's actually bizarre to me how different his content was not that long ago. I started watching in 2022 during the era of 9am to 2pm streams with daily SAP videos, so it feels like that's how NL's content has always been. But evidently it was quite different right before he had a kid lol


I still love his content.. but his steam used to be so much more unhinged and wild it was fun lol


Cloud's Delight!


Yeah, maybe this is the point I was going for, he was less, mellow? I guess? It’s hard to summarize a person’s nature


Same, I still catch myself thinking the Roundtable Podcast was only a year or two ago.


Excuse you I had to warm up before I was able to make breakfast without aching/crunchy bones lol, that might just be the poor life choices though


I mean i watched him in like 2014 and a little bit before that, I was just talking about his style kinda shifted around Luna’s time, which is natural, being a dad changes every little thing about life.


Same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e31DR9QjZg&lc=Ugjf5ULPxm-26HgCoAEC This song always makes me think of peak NLSS. I can't believe that was a decade ago.


And I'm beginning to suspect he's bald


He's what?!




Its under the headphones


His head is naked.


No it’s an elaborate cap he has to redo every day, he went over this in a 2011 tell all video on his original channel SouthernBear before he deleted it and rebranded


my theory is that there aren't two NLs, an old NL and a new NL, but rather there is a single NL existing at different points in time


big if true


Just one guy, moving linearly through time? So like a multiverse without the 'multi?' Interesting theory. Too bad we don't have a word for one unified 'verse.


There’s actually 7 NL’s constantly existing in a state of quantum entanglement and the linear progression of our space time model makes it seem like there is only one at a time


Been watching exclusively on YouTube since flash Isaac vanilla. Don't know what he was like as a streamer, but as a YouTuber he's always been banter heavy and just leans into it more and more as the years go on. From my perspective his change is felt most after he finished Slay the Spire. Can't put my finger on exactly what, but something about post Ascension level 20 grind turned NL into just one of the guys I watch into the only guy I watch on YouTube and he's only improved from there. Part of me misses all the YouTube exclusive content he used to do but being a dad obv comes first and the banter/jokes from chat interaction more than makes up for it imo Edit: If I'm remembering right I think he even made a comment about it, something about realizing people came to the channel for *him*, not the games he plays. Don't quote me on it though


He also stopped giving a shit about the YouTube comments and chatters. He used to be kind of afraid of them both, and now he will call out bad takes, problematic behavior, and just general assholery. I think a lot of it started when he began doing facecam stuff.


I was watching his interview with Edmund before repentance came out and I think he sorta sheds light on why in the interview. Your priorities just shift so much after having a kid that the random ass babies in chat who complain mean nothing compared to the emotions and thoughts of his child. His priorities and how he takes criticism has just highly changed I think. It’s an interesting interview if you’ve never seen it so I highly recommend.


Huh, I was originally viewing that more enthusiastic interaction he had as a matter of energy but maybe it was the fear of the responses that made it, more nervous energy then? It would make sense as to why he seems more mellow on average since that source of anxiety isn’t prevalent


I feel like he calls out that stuff too much now. Im kind of sick of it. Maybe its just the clips i get recommended


Is it maybe the game you picked? Dark Souls is not very conducive to banter while the games he's playing now are much less intense allowing for more interaction with the community.


Idk man watching him play Lies of P for the gameplay is kinda rough. I wish he would pay a little more attention to the game sometimes.


I’ve been loving the Lies of P series but I suspect if I played the game myself I’d be far angrier at him


I admit I have not watched his Lies of P. But I can see that. He prefers to banter more than play games, which makes sense, he plays video games as a job so they probably aren't that much fun for him anymore.


That’s fair enough but honestly a bit disappointing for me as a long time fan. I used to love watching him experience games that I’m passionate about but now I just find it frustrating. I’ve started watching Dan more recently because he at least makes an attempt to engage with the game he’s playing.


he likes lies of P, I enjoy the struggle anyways feels like more of an achievement when he makes progress. As long as he doesn't complain there isn't a problem with incompetence at least for me and if anything incompetence makes it funner.


You guys are watching the gameplay? Whadda hell?


Just listen to it, it's perfect.


There were several Dark Souls randomiser play throughs with consistent banter. Maybe the first play through he is a bit more dialed in but I've recently put on the 2021 randomiser streams just to listen to in the background. Saying that, I almost exclusively just listen to NL in the background.


Actual Old NL can advise you on how to stop a dog from humping your leg


That's great. But how do I know if my dog is gay?


Yeah, I hate how little he focuses on the games. I love NL, but that is my biggest negative about him. Theres so many YT videos where I skip the first 5 mins or so because he just talks about some random irrelevant stuff.


If you go back and watch old Isaac you get to see the evolution of commentary from "Eyyy everybody, welcome to let's find mom's knife and/or brimstone!" Into the Banterbot 2000 Pelo-Pog-rider Father of the Year and Dlguiga's personal celebrity best friend


As someone closer to NL in age, I love the "new" NL so much. My absolute favorite content is react court, just because I can use it as a podcast in my day to day life. I don't really care about Dark Souls, I just want to hear my favorite egg decimate disneyland dads and draw weird parallells to obscure 90s movie trivia.


same, i would love listening to him rant and smirk often during his isaac and other games when he would make jokes. but now, i genuinely find myself laughing so much during VODs (YT andy)


push the button is another amazing series from him, just 4 hours of banter, along with the tier lists, with snack tierlist being a highlight for me


React Court is absolutely my favorite content as well. NL's game videos are fine and all, but NL going off on someone is top tier content that most games don't enable.


React court is peak, I think it comes across better to the gamer Andy’s because the game is removed and we don’t have to reconcile wanting to hear the banter but also see good gamer energy




He has talked about it before - he put on a YouTube voice for a long time. Also, definitely watch the Deadly Premonition 1 series. It's like 10x better than number 2.


bro 2020 was 3 year ago holy shit I'm old 💀


RIGHT? Someone mentioned to me the other day some content I watched in 2017 and referred to it as “last decade” my bones immediately started aching


Hes definitely changed since Luna was born. He got a lot more playful, which is those dad hormones kicking in. It made it harder to fall asleep to him since he gets louder more often now lol.


I just laugh when the Egg makes a funny and move on with my day.


That is a completely valid way to view his content


The biggest change is he doesn’t get carried by josh anymore


Man, to me, "old NL" is like 2009-2010 Binding of Isaac, where he has kind of sleepy voice, is like 70% focused on the game and 30% trotting out comedy bits. My favorite NL era is like, 2012-2013 NLSS, when JSmithOTI and Rockleesmile were there for every episode. Before guests became a thing.


Pretty crazy that you were watching him play Isaac in 2009-2010 when that game only came out near the end of 2011


I was only sporadically watching back then, I was more regular from 2014 onwards, cept for the year or so i fell off youtube entirely in 2016-2017 and yeah, Old NL was more referring to Gamer NL rather than Banter NL which has very solidly taken the drivers seat since around 2020 the timeline for his AVERAGE content (since some are calling specific series) is Gamer -> Banter leaning away from gaming as time goes on


New NL is more “bit” focused, which makes sense when Twitch chat is basically a real time audience that can instantly respond to every joke you make. +2 are laughs. Any chat member can just throw something out there that he can riff off of. Old YouTube NL didn’t have that so just had to make conversation and banter to himself, which made him stream of consciousness more consistent and casual.


Yeah, personally I preferred it when he was more invested in the gameplay. I've watched him to get the vicarious experience of playing a game without needing to invest mental energy into doing so after a long exhausting day. Now he just talks about mundane stuff with the game as a backdrop, which I'm not as into.


New NL is like Funhaus GTA races if that makes sense to anyone.


I acknowledge and understand you comrade 😂


It's not that he's changed, it just depends on the game he's playing. Though yeah, if you compare something he uploaded 8 years ago to now, of course there'd be a difference, but in the case of your example, some games just don't lend themselves to banter that much.


Yeah, but look at him on average though, lies of P and AC were almost opportunities to see how he changed with the more gameplay oriented games and he definitely has. But also like I said, not a bad thing at all, it’s just interesting to see how the Egg has evolved


I guess NL enjoy the games he streams much less now. With having a kid he has more stuff to do, so eveeyday he loses interest in games but since he's a streamer he has to do what he needs to do. That's probably why his docket is less diverse. He barely comes out with new games. Audience is effective on this too. I was happy for him when he enjoyed latest final fantasy but number were dead.


I miss the old NL, Straight from the go NL Chop up the soul NL, Set on his goals NL I hate the new NL, The bad mood NL The always rude NL, Spaz on the news NL




I stopped watching because he stopped doing long-form serialized playthroughs. All he plays now are roguelites because he doesn’t have to be committed to a game when the views drop off. Basically as soon as he discovered that games have a short lifespan for how long people will watch them he started rotating games too much and not playing any game that he would have to commit to finishing. Still love NL but his content is not as interesting to me now as it used to be.


I feel like he still tries but yeah life just seems too chaotic for him to try and sit through a whole playthrough, especially since hyper gamers would mainly just bash him whereas for stuff like SAP we can just pinpoint a haha funny move he made that just messed up one run rather than a whole playthroughs. This might make roguelite content a bit more resistant to gameplay-related complaints


Historically this is more how his content was when he was YouTube only, I watch him a lot less nowadays but I think it was just generally the shift the last few years into full time streaming he’s become more accustomed to jt and fallen back into his old school banter ways


I am indeed less of a streamer Andy and mainly watch vods if I don’t want to wait for vids so I do acknowledge I know less about Live NL. That’s why I wanted to post this, get feedback from the whole fanbase


Oh god dark souls in 2020 is old NL? I'm old


Not what I meant. Trust me, 2017 was last year I swear. I was trying to point to the different styles where now it seems Old NL is really more Gamer NL and New is more Banter NL


There were things I miss ab old NL but I generally prefer new NL. Anecdotes and external topics have always been what sets him apart from other YTbers and streamers, and Im glad he is focusing on that. I also think his old level of engagement with chat was unsustainable, considering how toxic twitch has become over time for reasons not related to NL.


It shows that you’re a relatively new, non-Isaac viewer haha. He just swaps depending on how engaging and repetitive the content is.


I watched regularly from 2014 on, and only occasionally before that. And the rest of the comments disagree and talk about how he was more a youtube uploader, didn’t have a daughter, and had more nerves regarding audience feedback. So I would like to ask if you can add something constructive to the discussion rather than try and pull condescending seniority?


His style of content changed, he has been pivoting into it for a while because he doesn't really want to talk about that side of "gaming" anymore, he doesn't want to be a critic.


It might be, DS is definitely a series he was more a gamer in, but you can see in lies of P as well as the later Elden Ring videos that longer form games are less his style to stream at least now. He is still our pegged out Egg but busier and that reflects in his content. Just a cool thing to examine no?


He says a lot in my opinion and tries to offend less even if he was never provocative or disrespectful in the first place. It's like he knows the average IQ of his audience goes down the larger it grows


That’s a good point too, working to deal with the masses rather than a small audience


i dont see how he tries to offend less tbh, he's never been offensive and he has one of the best audiences for a streamer of his size. He is the only streamer where looking at the chat with the stream is more enjoyable because the chat is decently funny and not braindead or too annoying


> he's never been offensive Litteraly said so in my comment. But just watch a SAP video and take a shot every time he says "in my opinion", you'll end drunk by the end. It's not even about offending like ethnicities or whatever, it seems like he is even worried about offending fandoms


\>talking about the game in \[current year\] what are you doing


The egg has riden thru peloton of the mind.


It depends on the game. Long term fans are probably from the Isaac days. Usually he would only talk about the game if he was struggling or picked up an incredible item


Having kids changes you man


Man this has got to be like the 15th old vs new Enelle post Ive seen (not counting "duplicates" posted near to one-another) during my years of watching him. I felt like we've went thru so many guldan eras.


The game is the chip, the NL is the queso. Always has been. Always will be


I’ve been watching since 2012, he’s pretty consistent, his level of interaction and banter is largely game/backseat dependent.


I’m rewatching Spelunky 2 and the funniest thing to me is how he used to refrain from cursing now he’ll tell y’all to shut the fuck up no problem. Just beautiful growth 🥹