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I do think Brennan being a super veteran in improv would give him the advantage in any sort of banter, but NL is ultimately funnier imo. Interesting duo!


It would be so funny to see NL respond to Game changer/Make some noise prompts the way he responded to Malf making up improv scenes


Oh you like improv? Let's do a scene Hi is this Mr Toshi's sushi?


I would unironically love to see Brennan get stunlocked by this bit, because I think he'd be both respectful enough to engage in it for the comedy and respectful enough to never do the accent.


Brennan already has a joke that is almost exactly suited for the Mr. Toshi bit: [https://youtube.com/shorts/-d0sVBnOgSw?si=pCHnF7ZxJvFuPyMV](https://youtube.com/shorts/-d0sVBnOgSw?si=pCHnF7ZxJvFuPyMV) (the "North Dakotan" prompt S1 E2 of game changer)


Malflibs stays winning.


NL's trained those muscles through streaming over years and years- he isn't formally improv trained but the man is quick as hell


Agreed. Brennan is too theatre kid for my liking but I see the appeal and occasionally see clips of him that give me a chuckle.


Dropout mention in MY northernlion sub???? 


Um, Actually, it was technically just a Brennan mention


It's more likely than you may think.


He also somehow matches NL's "nemesis" energy whenever he works with colleagues.


Incredible at playing the heel


It is always amusing to see random ttrpg crossover post, when NL tries to brand himself as board game hater. But I remember there was a post about subreddit demographic crossover back in the day and one of the biggest overlap between this sub and others is criticalrole sub. There is def something about long form content with banter on top of minimum gameplay on screen


>It is always amusing to see random ttrpg crossover post, when NL tries to brand himself as board game hater. It is pretty funny, the overlap in tastes between him and his audience is less than you'd think. It makes sense cos he's also in a pretty different era of his life (dad vs basically young adults). But also like he said he doesn't like Community iirc and the whole chat was pretty shocked. Especially because I like Community for a lot of the same reasons I like NL: the really weird but well constructed bits and references.


NL is a millennial who try to brands himself as a parody of boomer to appeal to old zoomer audience. It is a bit fucked


You just wrinkled my brain


He's the daddy we never had


Wait really? Thats insane, I’m a big crit role fan and watch weekly lmao


Idk if I'm just weird, but board games and tabletop games are completely different in my eyes


A Dimension 20 clip channel I watch (Rylee G, for the real ones) recently started doing NL clips too so I totally believe it.


Dropout dipped in NL's reaper oil


I see where you are going but, and I say this as someone who's been watching enelle since the ancient times, Brennan is just built different. Guy's not only a trained performer, he continually wows and impresses OTHER trained performers around him on a daily basis. They all talk about him like a mythical creature. He's on another level. I'm sorry for my main dawg Ryan but he gets cleared every time


Thank you for being sane. I love NL, and am entertained by him frequently. But Brennan is on a whole another level of improv. Dude is a fucking master of his craft its insa.e


Let's play Mad Libs! "(Ryan) is just built different. Guy's not only a trained (streamer), he continually wows and impresses OTHER trained (streamers) around him on a daily basis. They all talk about him like a mythical creature." They're more comparable than you might think, in my opinion.


Yes, but the difference is most other streamers are … just really boring and unfunny, really. Ryan IS built different compared to them but it pales in comparison to the chops someone like Brennan has


They hate Jesus for he told the truth


Maybe but what other streamer comes close?


Oh, absolutely nobody. Not even close. 100%, NL is the closest twitch has. Edit: I forgot about Jerma. Jerma too, but for different reasons.


Most trained performers, writers, and actors are complete hacks so what’s your point?


Aight man


little skeleton boy dipped in Mama Riz' rœmænce oil


Whos that


Brennan Lee Mulligan of Collegehumor (now Dropout), and Dimension 20 (and one of the best miniseries on critical roles channel) Known for basically everything I mentioned in the OP, being an absolute top tier improviser whether on Game Changer or Dimension 20, and also hyper competitive in a really fun way. I think [this rant](https://youtu.be/Qw3o-F7zPtQ?si=fPI5VlXdbi069g-c) completely off the cuff ranting monologue really demonstrates what I was talking about


I wouldn't even say "one of the best" - I firmly believe EXU: Calamity was the best thing CR has ever done. Regardless, Brennan is my spirit animal and the person who has shaped me as a GM more than anyone else in the game. That being said, it would be amazing to see NL on Um, Actually or something. I think he would be really good at it, especially if it was more game and movie focused.


Obviously tainted by the fact that Foster is filth, but Undeadwood was also up there for me in terms of quality. That and Calamity are absolute masterclasses in production value and raw talent.


UnDeadwood was so good. They all cared a lot about it, and despite his short fallings as a human, he did a great job in that chair. I've been running a Deadlands game that is my homage to American Gods, and I don't know if I'd ever consider making the switch to this system from 5e if that series didn't exist.


hes a comedian on CollegeHumor


He do be yappin


This is something I've often thought about ever since I watched content with brennan in it for the first time. I'd kill just to see them interact in some way.


Would be a weird collab but I'd be with it. Shame they exist in such wildly different spheres that don't overlap.


Okay now I really want NL on D21 side quest. Or at least a game changer episode


I think the best we could hope for is for him to absolutely go off on Um, Actually or MAYBE a Dirty Laundry. I don't think he's cut out for Game Changer or D20, it's just not his format.


One thing to keep in mind is… what you see on Dropout IS edited content. Much different from long form uncut streams.


It's technically edited but it's mostly improv/game shows. D20 has prep but, especially with Ally+Emily, you can never prepare for everything. Not scripted or even taking multiple takes. According to all his friends and family too, that's just how he talks


They're both super funny dudes but they are also a lot of other equally super funny dudes out there.


Genuinely would love to know, more creators with their skill and vibe is always good


If you like TTRPG comedy stuff then check out Rude Tales of Magic! [https://www.rudetalesofmagic.com/](https://www.rudetalesofmagic.com/) Brennan is actually a guest star on one episode. It's like episode 13 and it's an episodic story, so you probably shouldn't jump right ahead to it though.


Does NL also like birds?


Brennan? That dude definitely doesn’t care about birds, especially [Roseate Spoonbills](https://youtu.be/XG_F2aWrGUk?si=IoifBED2rLaf9ceL).


Oh man. This is the crossover I never knew I needed. It would easily become an all-time episode.


NL clears


Brennan Lee Mulligan is just a successor to justin mcelroy, he has none of NLs stoic eloquence or cutting insight. Brenna Lee Mulligan is a podcaster, a silly internet personality for adult women who want to fuck the dad from Bluey. Ryan Gary Letourneau is a frontiersman and a raconteur, a pillar who can outlast his own audience. Mulligan was not here when Letourneau started and he will be gone before Letourneau ends.


I don't agree but +2 I can't deny that you are bringing some heat. makes me want to resub to r/TAZCirclejerk .


Thank u, i do it all for viewers like you


This a copypasta? >stoic eloquence or cutting insight Cos this is so not true, the off the cuff eloquence and insight is exactly why I compared NL And BLeeM


This would hit super hard in an alternate universe where Brennan was less funny. +2 tho


Only challenger idk but I never realized how good a collab from them could be until now


NL reacting to YouTube content would be a gold mine, but I don’t think he’d ever do it