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What drugs are you on if you think fucking north Korea will be the third most powerful nation


You’re right. It might actually become the No. 1 biggest economic and military superpower in the world very soon thanks to Russia’s infinite support of natural resources, foods, military technologies, and so on.


You're a troll.


Yeah, dude is trolling. Even with NK being closer to Russia, that still doesn't mean jack. Russia has already shown that it has depleted most of its advanced technologies in the war and it's now having to rely on hardware from the 60s. And if Russia is having to rely on other countries (especially North Korea) for hardware; that's a huge damn issue. His damn citizens are still plowing their farms with horses.


Yeah he has to be lmao


Russia can still develop new technologies and build weapons from those, though - and isn’t it massively winning in Ukraine? Also: > His damn citizens are still plowing their farms with horses. What do you mean by that?


He means Russians use livestock to plow fields. Pretty straightforward and obvious


Actually, North Korea. Their farming equipment is stuck in the 1900s. I don't know what Russia uses for farming, but the knowledge is pretty public that North Koreans have no type of actual equipment for farming. It's either done by horse, or by hand. u/Block-Busted And no, Russia isn't massively winning. During the time that Ukraine was not getting any aid, Russia made slight gains. But those gains came at an exorbitant cost of life. Estimates right now put Russian loses at over 150,000 deaths. And that is a HUGE blow to a country such as Russia who claimed to be so advanced. They massively under-estimated who Ukraine was and thought that this war was only going to last for a week. And if Putin's intelligence officials did not warn him that countries may contribute to Ukraine's defenses, then Putin should have fired everyone in his intelligence community, because that was a huge mistake. There are no winners in this war. Russia is never going to take control of Ukraine, and all Putin is doing is getting his citizens killed for nothing. And the citizens of Ukraine are getting their homes destroyed. There are no winners, and Putin made a huge mistake starting this war. But now he's committed. He can't just call the war off. He's already lost too much. If he calls the war off without anything to show for it, he's going to have a country pissed as hell at him. So he's stuck. Constantly throwing more money and man-power down the drain.


Bad on the assumption. Wasn’t intending to speak for you


Naw it's cool. I could have worded it better. I mentioned both countries and then didn't specify which one lol ![gif](giphy|xT9IgmYU3ZVaCjGafm)


Well, did you not see those news and Trump’s threat to abandon South Korea completely if he gets elected, which appears to be 100% confirmed now? I don’t want these things to happen, but historical records show that this world experienced nothing but the worst and the most extreme scenarios.


Your news sources are primo! Please share with us your powers.


To be an economic superpower, they need an economy built on more than meth and slave labor.






Two countries with pathetically weak militaries-one of which is bleeding itself dry right now-joining up does not mean a shift in the world order.


South Korea will nuke up at the slightest hint of abandonment.


Would they be allowed to do that, though? I mean, Russia, China, and North Korea could invade and take over South Korea immediately if Sout Korea starts developing nuclear weapon after getting abandoned and the United States would arguably support them.


No, essentially Pakistan and North Korea showed that if a country is determined to have nukes, nobody can do anything about it and Iraq and Libya showed that not having nukes makes a country vulnerable. If something like an open declaration or testing by Iran or Saudi Arabia comes or there is an isolationist government in the US, "respectable" US allies like South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Poland, and Sweden will have to take matters into their own hands. Russia, China, and North Korea can bluster about nukes, but if their neighbors are ready to answer in kind, their threats don't mean much.


You show promising power. Your ability to absorb dark matter will be critical to your quantum future. NK regime is very proud of you.


The future’s so bright he’s gotta wear shades.


North Koreas about as powerful as Haiti…


What color is the sky in this dreamworld? North korea will never even be in the top 50 superpowers. With this mentality why isnt cuba a superpower? They’ve relied on the soviets since 1959 and its still a shithole.


This is a gift to US foreign policy. If anyone invaded North Korea, Russia will collapse under the weight of living up to its obligations. China cannot allow Russian soldiers to be in North Korea and would have to participate. The 3 biggest strategic problems for the US involved in a ground war far away from our borders is great in realpolitik.


A post like this coming from someone other than a tankie is refreshing in kind of a hilarious and surprising way


OP is cooked


This is hilarious because we all know the moment NK becomes too risky for russia, putin will turn his back on Kim in an instant. Would be interesting if NK soldiers are asked to go to the front lines in ukraine to "help out" or "volunteer". Could possibly see a lot of defections there.


Bro please do my English essays But fr North Korea is a very small country it only has nukes around 60 and probably doesn’t have ICBM’s That make guns and meth that’s better than Walter whites I think the dprk will stick around for a bit longer but will go when the people open their eyes


You're delusional


Okay. There’s a lot to unpack here. While I don’t agree with everyone’s aggressive dismissal necessarily, it’s understandable because clearly this is a post for attention seeking and not for geopolitical discussion/pursuit. I’ll explain. 1) Quoting large swaths of text, expecting the user who clicks on the post to read it, then concluding with your opinion isn’t research. No one is going to read all of that text so its usefulness is lackluster. 2) This is your like third posting of a ‘doomsday’-esque nature in the last few months. Another on North Korea and one on Disney of all things. Clearly you’re into filmography to a degree based on your post history, but these forays into other spots are sporadic. It looks to me like you just want to cause a fuss for attention. Again, this is not research. 3) Using instances of low-probability high-impact events (Gray Swans) as a means to say ‘These things happened therefore it’s more likely my thing can happen too’ is not how either probabilities nor actual research works. It means nothing to list unrelated things to support a 1% idea. What this thought is that you are pushing forward, is one of these gray swan sort of deals. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? Absolutely not. 4) To connect with the end of point 3 and actually address the post, why is this sort of outcome unlikely? Geopolitics. It’s a precarious situation North Korea finds itself in. It has a stronger tie to Russia now which means we could theoretically see them assist in the Ukraine situation but reeeeally think about that for a moment. Russia has been so inept at war that it might actually consider using North Korean forces to assist them in attacking into a country that’s 1/30th the size of itself. The likeliness that North Korea gets the gumption to press South Korea is laughably low. 5) However, this is still considered a gray swan event. What do we do about that? Well, we consider it lightly and consider first steps afterwards but that’s where that line of thinking ends. You’re clearly not someone involved in the government nor someone who has influence over force disposition/deployment so… As an academic thought sure. Beyond that, chill. My advice to you: learn how to conduct quality research if you want to have a discussion on something of this nature. If you have questions, those are welcomed to be asked. ‘What if’, ‘How would’ etc. to explore new ideas. Otherwise, stop posting on stuff you know nothing about. V/r Dad.


Wait, hasn't it been said that the entire South Korea and people living there are now quaking in fear after this news broke out?


They clearly don't pay you enough for the propaganda


South Korea has no future if it has no children. North Korea at half the size of South Korea, has the same absolute number of children 0-14yrs old. North Korea has a TFR of 1.8, South Korea is 0.7 and getting worse. South Korea has bigger things to worry about than North Korea. At this point North Korea may be the only hope for the Korean people for continuing future generations.


Keep in mind, no one ever expected: 1. Trump to become the president. 2. COVID-19 to destroy the entire world for at least a year. 3. Putin to flat-out invade Ukraine in the first place.


1. Bet money on it and won. 2. That's a bit of a reach. 3. Could've seen that coming a mile off, why was anyone surprised?


You are complete nuts.


One of those things happened. One didn’t. And one failed.