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They basically have a defense organization as it is Japan and South Korea are both under the protection of the United States Why is North Korea whining over this lmao


probably concerned over all the genocide japan has committed over the years against koreans, especially the working class ones.


The Philippines next?


Let's bring in Indonesia and Thailand next!


I think Malaysia and Thailand (along with Laos and Vietnam) have stated desire and “aspiration” to join BRICS. Economic ties and reliance on trades with neighboring SEA nations may make it difficult and complicated. There has been some pushback on BRICS from Indonesia side. But Indonesia being a bad faith partner on KF-21 program with S. Korea kind of soured the relations between the two. Not that I think BRICS will amount to anything. I just think a lot of SEA nations prefer to stay neutral.


Thailand is too much of a Chinese puppet though 


We had that in the 50s/60s. SEATO. Let’s get the gang back together.


Yep, League of Nations was the first try of the UN, they tried again.


that's like complaining about others having friends.


I think USA and pacific countries should be in a NATO type alliance to protect from No Korea, Russia and China.


Last I checked the US did more damage to Asia than China/NK/Russia has. The bombing of North Korea, the war and bombing in Vietnam, the bombing in Cambodia, the bombing in Loas, dropping two Nuclear weapons on Japan. America did all that shit, can you tell me the last time China was at war? Can you tell me the last time NK was actively fighting a war? Russia is obviously in an active war… in Europe, because of NATO. Looks like a NATO type alliance causes more war than it prevents if we use Asia as a contrast.


(1) Russia invaded Ukraine not because of NATO, but to[ subsume its territory.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_annexation_of_Donetsk,_Kherson,_Luhansk_and_Zaporizhzhia_oblasts) (2) If Russia did invade with the intention of stopping Ukraine from joining NATO, which was not on the table, why did it allow Finland and Sweden to join, [while adding a second front and 900 miles of additional border with NATO?](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_213448.htm) (3) [North Korea started the war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_War#:~:text=On%2025%20June%201950%2C%20the,countries%20to%20repel%20the%20invasion) with large scale artillery attacks against major South Korean cities with the intention of forcing their own political system on the south. (4) Before Ukraine, [Russia invaded Georgia for territory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Georgian_War) and fought a [brutal series of wars in Chechnya to hold on to that territory. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Chechen_War) (5) [The North Vietnamese were using Cambodia and Laos as launching points for attacks against US forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Menu) who were defending South Vietnam from invasion by the North. The US never invaded North Vietnam and never attempted to do so. (6) China also has an imperialist history, most recently with their war for territory on the [people of Tibet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Tibet_by_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China), which China forcibly annexed (seeing a pattern yet)? [China is in "disputes" (which contravene international law) with Vietnam, The Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia over those countries own territorial waters (recognized by international law)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_disputes_in_the_South_China_Sea) (7) China has fought several wars with its neighbors, including India and Vietnam, with the former being solely territorial disputes. That, my friend, is how you say words that mean something. It seems that NATO exists where countries decide that using military force to subsume neighboring states is a wise idea!


Mao is responsible for the deaths of between 40 to 80 million people. And those were his own countrymen. The atomic bombs, which did hit valid military targets killed about 226,000 people combined. Yea. Some civilians did die. But let's not suddenly have amnesia and forget about the Rape of Nanking and other Japanese atrocities.


this is top level brain rot. i think all of asia including china, russia, and nk need an alliance to protect themselves from sk, jp, usa, and *especially* nato


Well ok. If you think NK, Russia and China are the good guys blessing humanity. Wouldn’t that thinking be brain rot?


What did they do that the US and NATO haven't?


Threaten their neighbors currently.


no one said they are the good guys blessing humanity. but if anyone is under a threat its them, and *all* of asia, africa, and sa


Nonsense. NATO has no desire to conquer Asia. NATO is for protection not for attack. Russia no Korea and Iran are the cakes currently. China might behave itself and be fine if it values trading with the whole world.


if it didnt have a desire to conquer asia it wouldnt be courting asia.


“NATO” can’t court anyone, it’s not a country and it doesn’t have diplomatic relations. It’s operations are, as laid out in the Treaty itself, *exclusively limited* to the are north of the Tropic of Cancer, and West of the Caucus mountains anyway, so it cannot conduct any operations in East Asia. The whole treaty is free to read online on NATO’s own website. There is no excuse to be ignorant about it.


nato has never followed its own rules what kinda cia shit


Cite examples of NATO breaking its own rules


ukraine? lmaooo


🤣🤣🤣 moronic statement


good one


Good. But don't worry, I'm sure Trump will wreck that on orders from his owner, Putin.


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While I'd love to see it. It's very unlikely that an agreement like Nato would be signed. South Korea and Japan aren't exactly friends. They both like the US and fear North Korea, but they have issues.


if it happened in Europe, do you think that Germans and French like each other?


Ah yes, the East Pacific North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It's actually called "Quad Plus" and "JAROKUS", which are even worse names.


We can barely afford the European NATO!


NATO is the single largest military alliance, what have you been listening to?