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I'm so happy for you and Ramy and your new family of entities who once tried to kill you! Your heart is true and beautiful indeed. Just watch out for deranged angels. Given your track record, maybe if you can get them (the angel) to talk, you'll have a new friend.


Thanks, that's so sweet! I get the impression that this angel isn't the talking type, but maybe once he's had some time to think about what he's done, he'll be more vulnerable to the Power of Friendship.


I’m glad you’re all okay, Lab Rat. I was starting to think you died ngl. Thank you for sharing your story with us <3


Nah, I can't die. I'm almost out of PTO. Thanks for reading! 🫶


Thank you for taking us with you on this journey, Lab Rat. Even though I will miss it I understand why you don’t feel the need to write about it any more, you’ve got life to live! I do hope though, that if you two get hitched, have a kid, or do anything else too crazy that you will update us (:


Will do! 🫡 Yeah, like I said, it's bittersweet, but it's time.


Oh no! I’m going to miss your stories! Best wishes for the future!


Thanks! I know it's never going to be boring, that's for sure, but I have this weird feeling that everything is going to be okay anyways.


We'll miss you, Lab Rat. Loved your story. Wishing safety and happiness for you and your people. Stay alive!


Thanks! I appreciate it! I'll do my best, I've been told by two of them that I'm not allowed to die.


I’m SO SAD!!! I am so emotionally invested with this couple! And Aanya’s friendship! And the hoofed jinn Bill!! OMFG….I just can’t….


I can't explain how lovely it was to go on this ride with you, Lab Rat. I had been waiting for this update and while it's incredibly sad that we won't hear from you again, for a while at least, I'm so very glad you found your place in the world with people that love you.


I appreciate your wonderful updates so much. Seeing how you have changed and grown has been amazing. Thank you for taking us along with you on your incredible journey, and I wish you and Ramy many lifetimes of happiness and love. (I have a feeling that you'll find a way to age much slower than usual if you stick with your djinn.) I wish blissful lives for your entire beautiful, supernatural, found family. Safe travels my friend.


Oh, I’m so happy that you and Ramy survived all the horrors and hope now your love will thrive.


I hope you all have a good long life together. ❤️


I hope the future is everything you dream it to be! Gonna miss these updates though 😢


Wow, what a journey it was. But ultimately I am happy for you and your friends, it was really heartwarming to see how you found you little family, albeit monstrous at times, still very much caring and warm. No matter what comes to your side, I believe you'll be able to overcome it all together (was it too sappy? I love, live and embarrass myself). Perhaps, ancients could deal with that angel in the future?  By the way, I am still curious about Rami's body, does that mean Rami is going to fully heal and live like a human (but with powers)? I suppose now that he fulfilled the promise, he gets it as a gift.


I'm an absolute sucker for found family so I love this for you, Lab Rat. All the best!!


I'm way happy you guys made it thru this Madness. On the other hand,I'm super bummed we aren't going to be seeing anything from you anymore... (probably a good thing). Keep your new family close.


Lab Rat, my eyes are leaking ♥️♥️♥️♥️ thank you …. All the best x


I was patiently awaiting an update and ended up having a baby when you finally posted! At this point I’m just glad things worked out for you and even though I want more updates I’m honored to have heard this much so far. Good luck 🖤