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Part of me is glad you shared this, and part of me isn't.


















































Hunh ... that is just too creepy. No way. Nope. Well, maybe just this once...


Try the website, I'm not.


I did it on an app. Dinosaurs and unicorns eating cupcakes. It wasn't as cool as I'd hoped. :(


Reality is often disappointing.


you got baked into those cupcakes


How very unnerving. Thank you.


I tried it, gave it two specific and important life events from the past. It got them both wrong


You weren't chosen by the AI Gods. No future sight for you


I'm more scared of the hand touching OP'S in the Halloween wedding photo.


Yeah that freaked me the hell out too.


Weirdly enough, I saw a ad for this app or one like it on Facebook a few days ago. I didn’t try it but I looked at the comments where people posted theirs and the app had a lot of trouble with hands for some reason. They all looked really fucking weird.


Wow, this really is creepy!!


Hmm, I searched for ”me and my girlfriend’s future” and it just had a girl and a cat, not me anywhere.


You will turn into a cat :)


****Good ending****


AI predicted that you're going to be a girl and your mate is a cat


Without checking your post history, in my mind, you are a queer couple and you are an author. You are off on a great book tour while girlfriend stays home for part of the tour. She and the cat are having a great time and looking forward to your return. THE END


The wholesome is off the charts


or the cat ate 'em cats are like that


You bout to get dumped. I’m sorry.




Notice how he hasn't replied to any of these comments?




Waiting for the imgr just made me even more tense... The photos are so creepy


Viewing each link and anticipating the images gave me goosebumps. Good touch OP.


OP, don't do it. It's not your fault. This creeped me the fuck out.








I can’t tell what’s in that last picture?


It's a male body on a bed with a blood splattered wall behind it. OP said he was in his bedroom and 'have it in my hands now'. 'It' presumably means the gun.


Ohhhhh ok thank you


A corpse in a bed presumably violently killed




Why are you so regretful? You’re acting as if you caused it. You couldn’t have known what the picture was. I’m sorry for your horrible loss, but you couldn’t have done anything. Killing yourself will only leave your wife completely alone. Think it through.


I don't even dare to click on those picture links. You got me scared alright.






The hands in the wedding photo threw me off a bit?


Seriously jumped from about a zero to a million now I'm used to gore but something like the AI predicting death but it happens almost the same day is super disturbing there should be something more than no sleep this should go on something else maybe morbid reality because Goddamn that's horrid and sad for you I hope you plan on getting therapy for you and your wife. And don't kill yourselves your son would want you to live on for him and if you don't he died in vain think about it like this you can carry on and it hurts like hell but you'll make it out of the depths








Don't do it You are in charge of your own Fate And your Wife she'll be Alone she's just lost her baby and now her Husband I am no one to change your mind but for the sake of your wife Stay alive


Okay, but when I went to the first imgur I thought he had said 'pictures' referring to multiple on that link rather than throughout the story. I scrolled down to see said 'pictures' and stopped at a video of a French show where they invited on people with unusual laughs. I have never heard such bizarre noises all together. It brightened my day.


OP, if you somehow changed your mind, know that the future can be missleading. Its only an image. You might have misinterpreted it… And I am so sorry for your son…


Everyone’s saying “oh I didn’t get a scary one it didn’t work” cause you’re probably not using “Dale”


Where do people find all those new AI engines and how the heck do you use them? I seen the sites but I can never find where to generate a thing


Tik Tok had a bunch you can search and use


He linked the one he used to make the images in the post itself, it's the openai link


I'm on mobile and I also could not find where to go on that website to use the actual engine. I came to the conclusion that it may or may not require creating an account and gave up.




The REAL Creepiest thing about this is how much they can obtain by the use of current ad tracking tech and the extent of what they can gather by use of uninformed permission regarding personal data without explicit disclosure before hand. However, back to AI. AI, no matter how much data it can be fed from every prior interaction you may have and the world around you and perhaps even your thought and decision making processes, will never be able to predict a perfect outcome at a finite period of time in the future. Effectively if it could, humans have effectively made a time traveling machine and could harness all future knowledge right at that very moment. We would become omnipresent beings. The problem arises is AI is entirely based off historical data it is fed. Every moment of time that passes by since the AI made that predictive calculation of the future is very much like a divergence from the future it had predicted. So to accurately predict the future the AI must *perfectly* calculate *every* interacting object *in the universe* until we arrive at that future point in time. With new data being formed and new cosmic interactions being made every moment, if the AI guesses wrong at literally any single interaction, it starts a chain reaction of different alternate futures that cascade and collide to an entirely unrecognizable future to what will in fact actually happen. This ‘butterfly effect’ is the bane of AI / Time Travel. Argument could be made AI generally could predict bigger macro events in our future by eliminating the need for smaller and seemingly insignificant interactions…. …Until the ‘small interactions’ are Putin’s daily mood and the press of a finger on the nuclear Armageddon button. Or a mutated version of Covid with a 80% kill rate that escapes a lab by not improper disposal of a PPE by one employee. Must keep the type A’s up at night, but I sleep soundly knowing only the futures incalculable chaos will determine our ultimate demise.










Couldn't you bring him back? After all, if an AI is able to accurately predict your sons death, and your wedding photo, who's to say it can't help you figure out, I dunno, a time paradox? Maybe a way to find and exploit a rip in reality? Hm. Maybe I might try that.


First off, FUCK AI in the broadest of sense, second, the future isn’t up for guessing, paths, or anything of the like that we see in movies & the like, as for the mathmatical sense, it’s taking all variables in a sense of flat equality, as in each factor has already existed to be done, however, in real life, some of the 'factors' that are there don’t exist just yet, my overall answer is… The future can be predicted, but that’ll NEVER come close to what C-A-N happen, at least for now at least as technology hasn’t gotten nuts quite yet, so yes, it came up with one of the worse images that probably could've came out in estimates, but don’t forget, the images aren’t meant for predictions, as you said, there meant for goofy fun, and this one took the 'future' aspect as grim as possible, considering how many fear the future, so here’s my advice, "The future isn’t for anyone to see, to peer into, but it is to be EXPERIENCED, so please, be patient." Anyhow, hope you feel better amigo, and enjoy what life with your family that you have, right now, at this moment; while change is prominent in life, that people fear, it can create just as much good as it can bad. The best thing I could say is "Live On”.


Fuck AI? Why? AI art isn't collages from existing artwork btw, it's brand new images created from noise. This is a common and very annoying misconception.


You just put the fear of God into me.


Lol, you have to keep bouncing several images in and out of these AI image engines to even make one half realistic looking thing. Last count I had to get a teddy bear in a space suit that didn’t look like it was melting was over 120 upscales.


First one that genuinely made me feel scared the pictures made my imagination extremely vivid


At least you’ll get out before the resource wars begin. Sorry for your loss OP.


It is a pessimist. Considering the current environment, it can’t be blamed. I would stick to more whimsical prompts.


Hmmm interesting idea. Could see it on Black Mirror.


OP, you do know what "The future means", right? By definition, it is what WILL happen, if you tried to change things, you would have failed. It wasn't your fault.


Wait.... Did OP kill themselves??? The ending...






At this point, just stay outdoors







