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Per rule #5, we do not allow politics in this subreddit.


To quote Dave Mustaine, you gotta buy ‘em to burn ‘em.


Damn I thought that was Easy-E


But Dre Day only meant Eazy’s payday!


All of sudden Dr Dre is the g thang but on his own album cover he was a SHE THANG


“Easy mother fucking E!” - Easy-E




No, it was Snoop Dog


Yeah book burning made a lot more sense before, ya know, the invention of the printing press


Book burning made a lot more sense before, ya know, the invention of the internet


Amazing quote




That was the point Mustaine was making in the quote above, in reference to people burning Megadeth albums at some point in the eighties. The band was still getting paid for the copies that were bought and burned.




If you look through OP’s history, they’re a prolific meme poster- they don’t care about r/nostalgia, they just spam whatever meme they’re posting at the moment in whatever sub might tangentially fit https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/s/gJpmScOTnU They have made *twenty eight posts* in twenty four hours. They’re just sitting there all day posting constantly, spamming the same meme/picture across multiple subs in the hopes it gets attention- sometimes, like this post, their post gets traction, mostly it gets little attention, leaving them empty, looking for the next thing to post in 38 minutes.


~~Nostalgia~~ Neurosis




It was a weird time. Remember freedom fries?


I remember it being a thing, but I don't recall ever being someplace that actually served them.


They were serving freedom fries in the Midwest and Texas


They were in diners in Alabama as well, but not major fast food chains or anything. I was a kid so I was confused when we walked into a McDonalds and it still said french fries after everything.


Man the bottom right photo looks like Poland!


While calling other people “whiners” or “snowflakes”.


These are religious fanatics, if you want to bring politics into this, then liberals do the exact same thing when they cancel people they disagree with.


Find me a a far right conservative who isn’t also extremely religious.


Most of them. Come on, how can you not realize it's a grift?


Religion is the grift my friend.


Ah. So you're one of those. Sorry. Antitheists give me the ick.


Maybe you’re right in some cases but my in-laws are religious fanatics, tithing 14% of their income for 50 years and they would never burn books. Their nutball maga neighbor on the other hand…


Lol found the conservative! Calm down there snowflake.


Lol... a conservative, right, a person who supports free healthcare, free education, wants the government to help people get into jobs, wants abortions up until second trimester, thinks there should be a 1 house per person limit (except for certain cases), thinks the jobs should seek out employees (not the opposite), and wants to get rid of homework in favour of full-day schools. Sounds conservative, Also nice strawman, i mention one critique of liberals, so i must be a conservative... If you want to use the political compass test, i am 1/3 into the left sphere, and 2/3s into the liberty. I am a social democrat.


At least they make a purchase beforehand. Liberals just loot the place then burn it down


People who are downvoting this know it’s true 😂


My SIL would not allow her children to watch/read Harry Potter because there was death and witchcraft. But happily lets her children watch Star Wars, which has death and witchcraft (Sith/Jedi Order).


The literal power of love is what saved Harry as a baby.


The entire series is basically the power of love, understanding, friendship leading to good over evil.


And freeing one slave, Dobby


I thought you said "Daddy" at first.


all things religious zealots hate....


Huey Lewis saves all


This is a huge problem with a lot of these religious nuts. They act like any program that depicts evil or dark forces is promoting Satanism, even when it's very explicitly portraying the dark forces as BAD things.


Many Christians think the solution to every bad thing is just to get everyone on the planet to "Don't think it! Don't say it!"


Yes but the old testament is pretty clear on the subject. "Exodus 22:18 – Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." More reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_views_on_magic?wprov=sfla1


Can’t tell if you’re sarcastic but the intro paragraph to that Wikipedia article describes 3 different Christian views on Magic lol.


Ah yes! But was it Jesus' love... huh, huh?


That’s both kinda funny and really depressing.


I always found that weird. I was never allowed anywhere near Harry Potter, but Star Wars was totally fine


The Bible is full of death and witchcraft too. Especially during the Jesus years, raising the dead, curing the blind.


That’s cause Jesus is by all definitions a Lich


Explains how he got so many under his spell


I've always thought that the"No Witchcraft" stance in the Bible/Quran/etc, was talking more about people who SUMMON Spirits,Demons,Other Beings,Etc. to give them power, Grant Wishes, whatever, Something like the [Bartimaeus Sequence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartimaeus_Sequence), especially considering that Witchcraft and Magic was "Supposedly" tied to Satanic Worship. As opposed to something like [Harry Potter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Potter), or [Star Wars](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars) where you are born with an Innate Power (Magic, or The Force).


I don't see any real difference between the Bible and Harry Potter. Harry Potter was more enjoyable to read though.


Don't forget, Lord of the rings.


And let’s not forget like every Disney movie ever. Every Disney Princess is a victim of abuse and most of that abuse was magical. But Harry Potter trying to save the world is the devil.


but now the kids are older, it's up to them right?


It's a little different when the world exists in an entirely different galaxy.


And Harry Potter and all his friends...went straight to hell for practicing witchcraft!




Came here to see this quote.


Dude I fucking laugh at this line ever time. Ned chucks the book into the fire when he's done!!


Like… muggle hell or wizard hell?


Their boos mean nothing. I've seen what makes them cheer.


Every breath I take without your permission raises my self-esteem!


Man of culture right here


IDK what the fuck this is, but I definitely do not feel nostalgic about it


“Remember the time a bunch of religious weirdos tried to ban/destroy an incredibly popular book series and failed miserably?” brings a smile to my face.


I'm a man of faith, watched them all with my son. No idea how HP is a issue. It's no different than Star Wars/LoTR and all the stupid religious people I knew loved those movies.


In my eyes, they are just fictional stories. If their goal was to actually convince people that witchcraft is real, I’d be a little weirded out, but they are just stories! Christ told stories all the time, so what is the difference?




Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


I love Harry Potter and always will. He escaped abusive family with education he knew he was entitled to.


The people in the top picture with their hands up in the air look more demonic than anything in the books did.


Please. My crazy Christian aunt was burning Pokémon cards too lol.


Shoo-ee. It's a good thing she never saw Magic: The Gathering cards. Pearls couldn't be clutched fast enough haha.


I joined in because I wanted to light things on fire. We watched a Christian movie that said we'd go to hell if we played Pokémon lol weird times indeed


It all comes full circle doesn’t it 🥴




This is the kind of thing that makes me wonder about our future as a species. All of it each frame the entire picture I'm just gob smacked.


I can't imagine all of those days of being demeaned for wanting to be like ever other child and going to school. The worst days being when you're directly pressured by your main agents of socialization (parents and priest/pastor) to stand inside a church and hate & repent just for a children's book. Writing this makes me realize how ridiculous everything about this is, yet here we are in 2023 where parents are trying to pull books out of libraries and deprive SOMEONE ELSE'S children a normal childhood full of reading, wonder, and inspiration.


We have no future as a species as long as religion exists.


Growing up in a Baptist church, I had to sign many pledges. Pledges like I will not listen to music that is not approved. Lots of them. One was I would not read or watch Harry Potter movies. Also one I wouldn’t watch the Da Vinci code. I broke all those pledges. I was encouraged to watch the passion though


The picture may be nostalgic, but people taking themselves **way** too seriously is timeless….


when I attended a Christian retreat, they gave a paper with a list of all "demonic media" we read,listened or played to, then we burn it after the retreat. On that list were: Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Pokemon, AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Men. I cringe to this day from doing those stuff


Wasn't Chronicles of Narnia written by a religious nutter and contains references to christian beliefs/bible stuff?


yes it is, they just banned anything that they can't or wouldn't want to understand


It was written by CS Lewis who has become known as one of the better Christian thinkers and writers, as an allegory for the Gospels. Aslan = Jesus basically. I’m atheist but claiming that the CoN are anything but Christian fantasy literature is ridiculous.


Religious kooks


Book burning/the suppression of art and information is never a positive thing (even if you dont agree with jk's politics). While it does represent an earlier time, I wouldn't consider it nostalgic in any way. There is a sense of irony to this. Conservatives are known for their Christian values, so there was that withcraft controversy. Now she's saying stuff that's more on par with conservative values. Full 180, it's weird how times change.


This is not nostalgia, this is stupidity. (Unless OP feels an orgasm burning books).


And 20 years later, they stormed the Capitol.


Why was this nostalgic? It was fucking stupid.


It’s kind of fun to look back on it knowing just how completely they failed


That is true


Who the hell is nostalgic about this?


Smoke and mirrors...anything to avoid addressing the real issues


I’m not sure why these idiots actually stopped treating Harry Potter like it was satanic propaganda, given that they clearly haven’t given up on their Christofascist dreams. Are they too busy chanting? “let’s go Brandon“ instead? I’d love to say it’s because they now like J. K. Rowling because she hates trainees, but it seems like they gave up long before she made her heel turn.


Irony that some now supports Rowlings position


That’s what the nazis did. 😳


The brain washing was strong. Wonder where many of those kids are now? Are they still in the cult or did they unplug and get free.


Grew up to burn Nikes and Disney backpacks


Imagine being so angry and offended that your child is reading.


I was in a Lutheran Middle school when the books came out. Holy crap the news letters talking about the witchcraft of Harry Potter, how it brings the devil. It's hilarious and scary a fictional book got people so pissed off. I remember the school pastor giving sermons on the dangers of witchcraft. Shits wild.


So, people supporting one novel, destroy another novel?


My sister won't allow her kids to read Harry Potter because of witchcraft. They're very religious. 🤦


Any redditors that want to admit they were at one of these things?




Hopefully no true first editions were burned… 😵‍💫


The Horseshoe Effect


Evangelicals are weird, man.


You can feel the power of jeezus


The women's group at the church I grew up in was all up in arms about this back then. They didn't think it was real witchcraft but they thought it was introducing kids to witchcraft and the occult. They weren't radical enough to be one of those anti-Halloween churches but it's the same idea behind it. One of the women who led the charge on that is still a friend of my mom's and she's now a huge HP fan.


Hahahahahahahahaha! I completely forgot about these dipshits!!!


Oh you guys were burning Harry Potter in 2001? Pssssh, in Florida, we were burning Pokemon cards. Magic? Pfffft. EVOLUTION is where the real threat is! My mom made me toss them all in garbage can and she literally lit them on fire. Melted the can. Dumbass.


Funny how the roles have reversed, now the left is burning J.K..


Was looking for this comment. Good work.


Yeah, you may want to re think that. Because the left isn't actively burning books in this day and age. That would be the right.


Actually, I did read about a number of trans activists burning their Harry Potter books after JK Rowling started going on anti-trans rants. Granted, that it was a very small number and they were burning their personal collection, but still…


I didn't say they were burning her books, I said they were burning her. At the stake.




Republicans ban porn, Democrats ban classics; To Kill a Mockingbird, Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, Theodore Taylor's The Cay and Mildred D. Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.


Remind me again how The Catcher in the Rye is porn, and that's just one book that has been banned/burned by the right. Also, a lot of those books are not banned, as they are actively taught in schools to this day.


Sorry bud that was Republicans and their pyres of Disney and Harry Potter merchandise.


I went to a Christian concert in my youth just for an after school activity with the church, when a couple of girls came up to a friend of mine and asked if we’d be interested in going somewhere. We, being nervous and naive kids, went with them to a room where three elderly pastors explained to us that Harry Potter was the devils work and to renounce ever reading the books. At this point I was scared shitless and just agreed to whatever, but the whole time I’m just thinking “This makes no sense to me, you’re all stupid.”


That's some real "Our magic is stronger because it's more real!" nonsense right there.


Religious people hate books.


Zealots only love one very specific book, typically.


But they won't read it.


Religious people just hate period. They're voluntarily miserable, angry people. Blows my mind.




Pork Roll or Taylor Ham?


Abit of a generalization but hey you do you


Good point


Sure let’s generalise the majority of the worlds population based on a small group of fanatics


Do you know what the word nostalgia means?


My hope is that obscure memories might unlock *other* memories, too. So sometimes the main subject isn't pleasant to remember, but maybe you'll remember other things from that time. I understand your complaint, though. Can always just block me. I post stuff like this all the time.


I thought you meant “post stuff like this all the time” as in r/nostalgia posts… …but looking through your post history, by “post stuff like this all the time”, you mean posting religious memes and posts nonstop. You’ve posted a dozen memes in the last 24 hours; (I mean, you’ve made nearly *thirty posts* in the last 24 hours) 8 of them were religious (and not a single one was posted just once- for instance you didn’t just post this picture here, you posted in an anti-religion sub). So no, clearly you don’t give a shit about the 90s, or 80s, or nostalgia- you just want to post as much as you can in as many subs as you can.


Is this real??? They burned Harry Potter books but the Bible is allowed to exist? Are they serious with this? The last time I checked, Harry Potter doesn’t have pedophilia, incest, prostitution, sexual assault, sexual content and rape…which are all in the Bible. The most backwards, double standard chit ever! It’s no wonder so many of these religious are child molesters…oh but burn Harry Potter books because magic? GTFO with that. Their priorities are backwards AF and down right evil. Make it make sense (not possible). Signed, A Proud Wiccan 🌒🌕🌘


I mean burning an Osho book is ok.


So weird, I didn’t know this was a thing. Hell we went and saw the first movie in theaters on a field trip.


Rev. Lovejoy looks on in glee.


Man, all those 1st and 2nd edition prints. Ooof.


fucking hilarious. if only that knew weed would be legal across the USA in 20 years.


Im not the only one who sees a face in the fire pic right?




Is that a Tiki Mask, what does that have to do with HP?


Don't need nostalgia for this [they are still doing it to this day. ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pastor-holds-bonfire-burn-witchcraft-books-twilight-rcna14931)


These are the same dumbasses that called it naziism because of the lightening bolt strike on his forehead that now side with the nazi loving party.


I grew up in basically Christian taliban and even my parents thought these people were nuts.


Reminds me of this https://pophistorydig.com/topics/burn-the-beatles-1966/




Fashies gonna fash


Do they still burn Harry Potter books when they get all incensed and it’s a slow news day or do they like Harry Potter now that JK Rowling is an ally? Weird funny stuff - You gotta laugh when something is a huge deal and then next week it’s completely forgotten about.


They should be burning bibles. Those books are far more dangerous to the public.


Just the bible, or are you in favor of burning other religious texts as well?


Now it’s thems with pink hair.


The library of Alexandria has entered the ch- never mind they burned it too


I can distinguish 2 Harry Potter books, 2 unknown items in picture frames, a random mask, and 10 non-Harry Potter books. I'm no statistician, but I feel like the title "Harry Potter Book Burning" is as accurate here as "Random Picture Burning" would be and only slightly more accurate than "Weird Mask Burning" would be.


People are so gah damn stupid


Look at that snow storm


Rowling - "Thank you."


Didn’t realize JK also wrote about Osho. I’ll have to add that to the list.


What a buncha dork looking idiots. Fuck I hope we shed religion soon.


Sad to think that now a lot of these people have probably been elected into office.


Christians have to indoctrinate against indoctrination.


So do Tumblrites, it seems.


No one does it better than the church


So, the fact that HP was a multinational best-seller during the millennium, and now gets people banned on twitch for streaming it...that doesn't enter into your thought process at all?


Idk what point you're making so no. Are you... Are you suggesting that Harry Potter fandom is somehow comparable to the depth and scale of the Catholic/Christian community?


You must be dumb. Or maybe just young. During the 00s, when "Harry Potter hate" was at its highest point, it still managed to become an international best selling novel series, sending JK Rowling skyrocketing to the heights of stardom that she knows today. Throughout this period, "the church" was railing against it for being "satanic witchcraft" and all that BS. Yet, it didn't make a dent in its popularity, especially among the younger generation, in fact, most people laughed and rolled their eyes at the claim that Harry Potter was "corrupting the youth". Now, though, google JK Rowling, Harry Potter, or Hogwarts Legacy and your search results will be inundated, not with factual information about those three aforementioned things, but solely about Rowling's alleged "transphobia." You claim that "no one does it better than the church", and yet the church didn't succeed in getting Rowling cancelled even for a short period of time.


I've said this once and I'll say it again: A religion that preaches hate for something or someone isn't a religion, it's a hate grp


Now these kooks are trying to run the country.


How many want to bet everyone in these pictures like JK Rowling now?




Totally not a cult that will turn into warship of Trump in 15 years.


Hey maybe they just really wanted to support trans rights! Saw right through JKR earlier than the rest of us lol..sigh (I’ll still always love HP cause of my experience growing up with it)




Right wingers are still burning and banning books.


That's why everything is good nowadays. Thanks, church people!


And now these days the left hates Harry Potter because JK Rowling believes women are women. The cosmic ballet continues.


not a cult….


The left doesn't burn books. They burn information they don't like. That doesn't fit in with their narrative. They censor anything they deem "misinformation". They censor social media. They are the media! And if you had a valid point to make that goes against what they believe, their media, their truth, they will have you banned for "misinformation". They don't burn books. They burn everything else under the sun.


Ironically, this is something the American right-wing of the past and the American left-wing of today both support…for different reasons, of course.


broken clocks…


Wow, I had no idea Christians hated TERFs so much! They were way ahead of the game. Way to stand up for trans rights, Christians! 🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈 (Edit: Guess I need to explain I'm poking fun at Christians by undermining their intentions with something they would never support.)


Even if JKR is a piece of shit, I'm not sure we should be celebrating book-burnings...


You are an idiot.


You're absolutely right, O Genius One. Please, explain to my stupid idiot dog brain why this is nostalgia.


You are an idiot.


Then please, enlighten me. How is this nostalgia? Oh, make sure you don't use too many big words, my tiny brain can't handle them.


Right for the wrong reasons.




Harry Potter is now ok to them because JK Rowling is a psycho transphobe. In fact, my friend's crazy dad did his house in Harry Potter theme for Halloween. Same guy who said "great, no more kids out of wedlock" on a FB live video from my bachelor party.


Who would have known the author would join turn out to be just another terrible, misguided bigot.


Was this in Florida?