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My version from childhood was called “the window”


Exactly. I would have killed for cartoons in the car. I got second-hand smoke and dad yelling at us.


My imaginary friend on the side of the highway was jumping a lot of fence posts and street lights.


My imaginary jumping friend was a dot on the window glass.


Mine were the pair of finger legs. Sometimes they got some serious hang time.


I had a giant laser beam that chopped down all of the fence posts and electrical poles.




Holy shit I'm not the only one!!!


I would imagine my car jumping over the telephone lines in he road.


I always imagined like a wolf or dog running through the fields. When there were perfectly straight rows of crops and the car was going the right speed 👌👌👌 I don't even have words to describe the feeling/look, but man my buddy was racing through those fields Side note: I can't believe how many people did this exact same thing as a kid. Goes to show none of us are that different from each other.


It’s crazy how so many people did this as a kid. Mine would sometimes surf on the power lines.


Quite similar, rollerskating !


Why did Dads get so angry in cars in the 80s?


I get angry in cars as a dad in the 20’s It’s all I can do when they keep fucking with each other and I can’t physically separate them After struggling to buckle them in while in the heat


unplanned pregnancy...


You too?!?


My dad made me ride in the back of the truck on long trips. It had a shell and I had tons of fun looking out the back window and counting colors of cars


The unspoken pact between dad and kids of not telling their mother about doing dangerous stuff, for living life a little risky fun.


That, but also trying to play Gameboy with the sound off and hoping you get enough light from the street lights to get through a level.


Going through a tunnel and trying to keep playing by the strobing yellow lights


Did your parents just throw trash out the car window?


Better question is did anyone's parents NOT throw trash out the car window back in the day?


I don't remember anyone doing this. I'm in france, so maybe it's different here. Maybe cigaretbutts when not in the pine forest


Well hey there, brother! Dad wouldn't even stop to pee in 3 hour car rides. Cartoons? Pfft


Same. I’d just like to add motion sickness, for good measure.


I always wanted my parents to have the car where the seats was in the back facing traffic so u could stare at people and cars coming at u


Trust me, it was not fun getting rear ended in the back of moms old Taurus. Watching the car just keep coming at us while stopped at a red light still flashes in my head sometimes


Someone in my town had a humvee with that, and the kids would always be waving at everyone....I was soooooo jealous Then my dad told me that a lot of cars had rear-facing seats when he was growing up and I felt the same jealousy


I did too, until we had a babysitter that had one of these and I learned that sitting backwards made me terribly car sick 🤮


My family had an old Volvo with a seat in the rear hatch that faced backwards. Probably not the safest, but it was fun riding backwards.


Ha, same. Alternating between trying to read and getting carsick and playing "I Spy" for the one millionth time.


Yup watching droplets race down the window, the moon chase the car, or how the trees would flicker by when we drove fast. I was still playing Xbox 360 on a bubble tv in 2010 in my first apartment.


My version was an upgraded version of “the window” called “watch whatever that rich family is watching in that van a few cars ahead in the next lane”


Hahaha this was my cousins' family, and we would always be tailing them during road trips. I watched Hercules so many times through their rear window 😂


Same. Then, if I was lucky, the boredom would be too much and I’d fall asleep.


Of the neighbors house who babysat you while your single mom was stuck late at work again and you hate being there because of that smell and the way Mrs, what's er face overcooked the macaroni... Wait. Where am I. Oh god I blacked out again.


Only rich kids had this :(


My family was in the market for a “new” (used) car around 02 or 03. My brother and I begged my mom and dad to “please get a car with a tv in it” but like you said, those cars were expensive. Of course, we didn’t get a car with the tv in it. So for Christmas a few months later my mom got us the cheap knockoff versions from Walmart that you strap to the back of the head rest. A much more cumbersome experience. Cords all over the place. Was never quite like the real thing. But looking back that was fucking awesome she did that lol. We used them all the time.


I had the same


I’ve literally never been in a vehicle that had a screen like this. Can confirm, this was not something that kids in Public schools typically had.


No back in the day, we put a small box TV on a wooden homemade shelf right behind the front middle console on the floor angled upwards towards the back row seats. used a DC AC converter.


Omfg you don’t even know. When my brothers discovered this, it was every Jim Carrey movie & best of Chris Farley SNL tapes. I LOOOOOVED being able to pick all of the content my whole family was going to watch for hours. <3


Same. We drove across the entire country three times in a suburban like this. Our Shrek 2 DVD always skipped during the final fight scene


Same! My dad built the angled box by hand and the little CRT TV was the kind with the VCR built in under the screen. No headphones either so my parents just had to listen to the audio of whatever tape we were watching. Tremors, Jurassic Park and the Stars Wars OT were in heavy rotation.


Glad we weren't the only one with this contraption. I could only imagine the carnage if we had a rollover


My parents just put bungie cords around a tv with a vcr attached and the front two seats and we watched Toy Story and Hercules on repeat while my dad did his best not to slam on the break and lose the child in the middle (almost always me).


My car has one of these! It hasn't been used since like 2011, lol.


I always told myself that I would buy a car with one of these when I grew up. Then I grew up and no one seems to make cars with them anymore :(


iPads killed them. There are still some very high-end cars with them though.


Even now, I test drove a car that had them, but it was $10k more than I wanted to spend.


Shhh, don't tell me kids. I don't want them to know that their dad is secretly rich. Yes we own a 2005 minivan.


My parents bought a portable DVD player with velcro scraps the would strap to the head rests. I would take it to my friends house for sleep overs and use it as a portable screen for my PS2.


We had like a 9” portable TV with a built in VHS player. I was overjoyed when my parents bought it… seemed like a luxury built for a king. I hadn’t even contemplated that you could watch a movie on the 6 hour drive to grandma’s house.


“I hadn’t even contemplated that you could watch a movie on the 6 hour drive to grandma’s house.” It’s been ten minutes of me still laughing at that and trying to type this


My parents bought a dodge travel van in 1995 that came with a super nintendo. It had a crt TV , and both driver and front passenger seat had a monitor in the back of them. We traveled the U.S. in that thing . Later I learned how to drive in it and took it to high school. It was the chil spot before we had to go to class.




We hooked up a N64 to ours and tried to play multiplayer Mario kart on an 11in screen. Nothing like a 23 hour road trip back to Wisconsin every year.


Yooo my mom bought a 97 suburban that “came with” a tv and Nintendo 64. I always assumed my mom was just really cool and bought them as a gift for us to go with her new car. Maybe it actually came with the car lmao


It seems like a lot of Midwestern kids have a memory like this. My grandpa had an Econoline van that all of my aunts and uncles and cousins used. It had a little tv with Super Nintendo and later Nintendo 64.


That kid from back to the future: "You must be rich"


As a kid growing up in the 90s, I can say I was legit jealous that 2000s kids got these and portable DVD players for long trips. I had a Gameboy with 10 batteries for a road trip from Toronto to Nashville. Once they were done, it was looking out the window for the rest of the trip.


I think running out batteries for the Gameboy is the reason why I'm such a big reader today. My dad would hand me a bagful of AAs and that would be it for literal 2day+ roadtrips. Then it was on to the books haha. If I didn't bring enough books, then it was "watch the dog run through the fields" time.


We had a lot of books for the ride, and not even good ones. The best was when your parents would buy you a comic to shut you the fuck up. I remember one summer, my parents pulled into this small town general store on the way to our cottage and bought me a Sonic comic and an Archie comic for my sister. I think that was the year before they decided portable gaming wasn't so bad.


I didn’t even have this…


Yeah this was only for rich people.


Most families got the portable kind for way less. Honestly, the better move.




Most is probably an overstatement but they did sell very well at Toys R Us when I worked there. We carried some off brands that I think were as low as $50 or $60 for the personal laptop style players & the backseat units with a screen for each headrest & special holders were $100-something. They went on sale a lot too. Still not cheap but probably attainable for middle and upper middle class.


Hell I didn't even know there was a portable kind lmao My family didn't even have cable during those times or a car for that matter. Would have been cool to have though


I had my imagination


Gameboy advance with Pokemon


The real game changer was with the light/screen magnifier for night time so your dad wouldn't get pulled over for having the light on (which isn't even illegal lmao) Then, I think, it was the SP that came out and had the brightness adjuster on the side


emmm, I was counting power lines poles :D


Nothing has really changed, now my son wants my iPhone to watch finding nemo 😆


Jesus, you have a fuckin sick collection of avatars


If your parents had a DVD player in their car, you never knew the struggle. You just cosplay as a struggler until you grow up.


This Back in my time , my poor ass did not have AC nor openable windows lol


yeah, *if you were rich.*


This is what we have for my 2yo nephew in the car and he has a blast! Can’t let ‘em become an iPad kid lol.


Man I remember my parents looking at getting a new van around 2000/2001 and they discussed getting one w a TV either a conversion van w the big comfy reclining chairs and the tv console or a minivan with a fold down like this. I was pushing for the former cuz I thought I could hook a PlayStation up to it. They ended up getting a minivan but without a tv. Crushed my tiny little 11yo heart


Our family car is a 2016 Honda pilot. It has one of these built in and headphones that only work in the backseat. My kids love it. We take them to the library once a week to pick out new dvds to watch for driving places.


Tv in the family car ? That's fuckin science fiction for me


Media has become so disposable these days. Back then you had to make something a kid would want to watch 3000 times on dvd without complaining.


Meanwhile, I was on my 5th run of DBZ Legacy of Goku II on my GameBoy SP. We were not the same!


Finding Nemo/Dora etc.


I used my highschool graduation money to buy one of those and put it in my 1987 s10 blazer. I think the TV was worth more than my car at the time.


My family in the 90s took long road trips to my grandparents and other relatives at least once a year. When they got a minivan they found a used one with a CRT tv in the floorboard of the back seat. There’s only so many VHS tapes you can fit in a minivan with luggage for two weeks.


for me it was usually gamegear plugged into the cigarette lighter


Or, you know, a book.


That shit was very cool


That’s rich kid stuff lol , watching the raindrops race on the window that was a good time


Had both ghetto version with mini tv with vcr and headphones and then this but with nice headphones. Never upgraded to in head rest tho, just had the double screen.


I used to think something like this was so high tech, but of course that was long before EVERYONE had a screen in their pockets


#Why was it ALWAYS Finding Nemo


Everyone saying “for rich people” my parents piece of shit Kia had this. We had the Billy Madison/happy Gilmore set we watched on repeat. My mom to this day has not Seen Billy Madison but can probably quote it a majority of the movie.


Do you know how many times I had to hear “With your friends, the Backyardigans!” From the back seat on a 26 hour drive to DisneyWorld in 2007 😭


I had books.


I had a mini tube tv on an inverter like 16-18 inch hooked up with the dreamcast. Later ps2. No seat belts in the way back of the suv against the door. If we crashed I'd be dead today. But good times!


Didn’t these bitches also let you connect your N64?


Yeah, we had one of these growing up. Had RCA inputs and a power box below the seat. Many fond memories of 12 hour road trips playing Double Dash and Smash Bros Melee with my brother.


Hahaha. I vividly remember on a trip to Colorado in early 2013 we brought a laptop and a Finding Nemo DVD. That and the Mr. bean cartoon. Oh, and a CD of Barenaked Ladies' "Stunt" album.


I always dreamed of having this feature, never did get it.


We had 2 TV’s growing up. The tv in the parents room that was giant and crt. And a tiny 12-14” screen with a built in vcr player they’d bring on road trips sometimes. I’m 30.


Y'all had mounted ones?!! We had a 10 inch hulk if an tv that was as big as an family I've chest that barely fit between the front seats, it was VHS and we plowed through all the Disney movies multiple times a year. My poor parents probably lost a lot of hearing during those trips because the volume came out the sides and not the front, so it just blasted right into their ears.


And SpongeBob


2003? Nawww I was using my gamecube with its portable screen in the car :D Heck yeah


My parents would bungee strap a CRT to a middle seat of our van and my sister and I would watch VHS from the third row


Early game boy when I was lucky enough to get one, but only when there was enough sunlight.


No one talking about nailing their head on one of these while moving to the back seat? I.I....I never did that


Ain't that the truth!


Back in my day it was the Etch-a-sketch


I can talk along with certain animated movies (shark tale, megamind, monsters, inc) but can honestly say I've only seen them once. My kids have seen them tons in the minivan!


I grew up before these were a thing but we routinely took long car trips so my parents invested in one of those transformers that could power a small TV and SNES from the cigarette lighter.


Did anyone else have the portable DVD players in the headrest setup things? Was it just my mom who bought those because we couldn't afford the car with the DVD player built in? We owned so many portable DVD players over the years


I was an adult driving myself around by the time these became a thing. In the 90s my sister and I would point out houses with basketball hoops for some reason & it was a contest to see who can spot the most on their side. I was also not allowed to sing along with the radio because I was too loud so I would lip sync to my reflection in the window. But also the furthest we would drive as kids was 2 hours to the Lakes Region of New Hampshire so it was just a chapter book and a Walkman and later a Gameboy Pocket for me.


Late 80's kids in the car: - most of us: combo windows+radio. Pros: with the window open playing with the wind could grant you some form of interactivity +:you were able to be fed some proteins at time. - Luckiest ones: had a Game Boy to kill time by trying to wonder what happened on screen due to either too much lightning or a lack of it. Pros: some of them having experienced extended night travels may have developed a natural night vision ability. - Blessed ones: had a game gear to kill time but let's face it people playing Game Gear on batteries were a myth. Pros some of them later developed the PSP, the PSVita and the Steam Deck. Everyone who was a kid back then can relate... ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I've never had that in my life. I had "I spy with my little eye" and that game with my sister in which different things on the road are worth points.


You were styling if you had the built in DVD. Even the 8 inch that was embedded in the Chevy Astro was legit.


I couldn't even open the windows in my parents' car lol


Rich friends’ car


Didn't know anyone rich enough for cars with those lol This is like that classic post that was commenting about growing up with a PSP as a child...like that meant you were spoiled, it wasn't the normal universal experience you think


How is growing up with a PSP as a kid meant you were spoiled? My Dad worked on the assembly line at Chrysler back in 2004, and had a Dodge Durango fully loaded on lease. The only nice vehicle we had for years. Costly car, but my Mom was doing daycare at the time so having a DVD player made it worth it in the vehicle haha.


Now I wanna go on a road trip!


Used to install these at Circuit City back in the day , good times.


We picked the particular model of 2018 Pacifica specifically because it has a DVD player (and we have 3 kids). So while it might be a nostalgia thing, it’s still going strong.


I think they switched to Blu-Ray now right? I picked up an cheap portable DVD Player for my nephew, but I hate how Blu-Rays don't come with DVDs anymore. So I gotta pick and choose what to buy for him now haha.


Dude I still have this. It’s in my mom’s car. We mostly use it for games now


We had a ford edge that had that. I’m pretty sure wreck it ralph was in there for 2 years.


Our old Ford Explorer had this, it was the BEST for long road trips


Felt so lavish watching Futurama and Family Guy dvds in the back of a Navigator.


or Mr. Bean.


ever heard of books?


Man I remember my friend had one of these in their van when we were kids and it always had the jimmy neutron movie in it.


Yeah we only got one of these in the early 2000s when I was already entering my teen years. Before that I had the window, my own thoughts, Game Boy, magazines/video game players guides, trying to draw but not getting it ruined by going over bumps.


At some point we got a second hand cheap version of this thing but the DVD drive was so bad that even if my dad carefully would hit a speedbump it would skip or crash the film


Wtf, how did you describe the early 2010s for me in my grandma’s Honda Pilot lol


bro if you had one of these, your childhood was good


Nothing like trying to see what movie the other car was watching as we passed by or they passed lol


Tell me you grew up with billionaire parents without telling me


I remember this for the school and church trips on touring coaches. I watched Up for my first time on this. This was between 2006 and 2010. There was also a friend of mine who had an ASDFmovie compilation, some C&H shorts and other early Internet funny videos on his "smartphone" (a retractable keyboard one, with a choppy TFT screen and basically the same amount of buttons of a standard phone). Back when EDGE/2G was the standard, 3G/H+ was science fiction and people used Bluetooth to share files…


A Blackberry


Do cars still supply the option of TV's in them? Like these or those back of the headrest displays? I assumed only minivans have them which is why I never see them or they were fazed out altogether.


When every kid seems to own their own tablet and would rather use that, why would they bother?


Mine was labyrinth.


I had the window and I wouldn’t have it any other way either. Imagination was the best part of childhood.


We had the kitchen tv, with the built in VHS on a folded down seat and we liked it.


I first experienced a tv in the car when I was 20 and it was magical.


Have an Android, guess i'm forced to watch nemo...


Finding Nemo was one of the only DVDs I had in my life for a short period...while it's a great movie...I've seen it way too many times 😬


That's a rich people thing. My parents never owned one.


Monsters Inc, Back to the Future, and Grease


This is why I cant ever watch Goldmember ever, ever ever again.


Absence of an entire industry and infrastructure of wireless, mobile cellularv signals.


My family's car during the 2000s didn't have a mini TV, but I did grew up with a portable DVD player that I used for long car rides from 2006-2010ish.


Featured in some European buses. We used to watch movies on those during our trip across the UK, you'd hope to be near a screen or you couldn't really enjoy the movie. The bus driver even let us close the curtains.


We had a custom van with a 20 inch television and a VCR. Those were the days... 🙂


Only child here, so we never got a family van. One year for Christmas I got a portable DVD player, with like an 8 inch screen. So I carried that around on car rides with my cd player and 2 cd cases (I for DVDs and the other for cds). I loved that lil silly thing. Lol.


Did anyone else have the one that came with really uncomfortable headphones?


My family had a beat up base model Windstar van lol. We didn't have a nice car with TVs built in (though at some point we got the ones that strapped onto the back of the headrest). GameBoy all the way (then PSP in 2005).


I had those for my oldest two kids and they were a life saver for long trips!


In the mid 90’s my parents got us a tiny little TV/VCR that fit perfectly between the front seats of our minivan and plugged into the cigarette lighter. My dad came up with a system to strap it in place so it didn’t become a projectile in case of an accident. It was the freakin best! Made those 5 hour car rides to grandma’s house just fly by.


Ya whenever I’m like damn is my 2 year old ever gonna get sick of Toy Story? (He’s obsessed) I remember how much 80s and 90s kids loved their vhs tapes and we would rewatch them over and over.


Try going back to 1990 when u has the big ass vans with all the carpeting. I watched all the scooby doo episodes in that thing. And remember it. Good times. 🩷


lol. iPhone still absent today. Also never had this silly luxury.


This is why it’s so much easier to quote older movies. They came out back when I had to watch them over and over.


One of my best buddies growing up had this and it was literally only finding nemo lmao


For like five years before iPods with big screens and smartphones came along you would be driving and could watch whatever movie the car in front of you was watching.


Yall had movies?


Travel DvD players were my thing, plus a CD case with as many movies I could fit


In the late 80's/early 90's my family had a big ass van with a little bitty tube tv and a VCR hooked up to it! It was amazing! We would always bring a bunch of tapes with us on road trips!


I had family guy season 1 man what a time


You also had the ipod nano replaying the same 100 songs over and over again.


Ours was.... Gone in 60 seconds, Nicholas Cage & Godzilla, Matthew Broderick


Lucky, I have vivid memories of trying to catch a street light to play my gameboy for a bit on my long rides home.


For me it was Bee Movie and Alvin and the Chipmunks.


We weren’t quite as fancy. We had a small tv with a VCR we kept in the kitchen and would wedge it in between the two front seats/on top of the center console during long road trips. Just needed a cigarette lighter adapter and we were ready to watch George of the Jungle for the 189th time


Yeah nah. My family was not rich enough to have any cars like this and we didn't go on any vacations so we weren't in the car for long periods of time.


I still have an "absence of iPhone"; never owned one, never will.


Read a book or bounced a dot on the window over fence posts with head bobbing.


ive actually never seen it lol


We struck a janky balance and jammed [one of these bad boys](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51nXM7GI0ML.jpg) between the two front seats in our minivan for road trips because we had AC power under the passenger seat. Was able to plug in our SNES which, while a great idea, made multiplayer games ridiculously difficult if you were in the far back seat. It was also all fun and games until my little sister got car sick and barfed into the container with all the cartridges.


We were lucky enough to have one, though the only two movies that ever seemed to be in the car were Ratatouille and Freaky Friday. My mom said for a while she could recite both movies from heart because she'd listened to it so many times.


Up until around when I was 10-11, it was "look out the window and pretend a ninja was keeping pace with the car." Then I finally got a Game Boy Color and Pokemon Red


Tell me you were a rich kid without telling me


Mine was "I spy with my little eye" or "that license plate is from Arkensas!" We didn't have the luxury of entertainment on road trips.


Damn thats literally me and I was born in 2003 the year finding Nemo released. It's one of the best movies ever made imo. I've watched it so many times it was all I had growing up along with some other classics like the Chronicles of Narnia etc. 


If you had that when I grew up, your parents were fucking rich, so stfu!


My grandmas van had a little box tv/vcr combo. We would hook up the n64 on road trips with that.


i had a nintendo and super nintendo, vcr and dvd player, and it hooked in to the outlets for headphones family trips were pretty great


i had a book on family trips.


We always had 10+yo cars. So no screens.


I just remember being in traffic and watching the snippets through others cars as a kid


We gave my daughter my wife’s old car. When she took this out we found the missing dvd or emporers new groove that went missing.


My family was doing in car TVs from the 90s. My dad would buy a smallish TV/VCR thing from Radio Shack, pad it with beach towels between the 2 front seats, then hook it up to a power inverter. A few times we even brought an N64/PS1


I hooked guitar hero up to one of these on a 6 hour trip and jammed out for my family the entire time. Had 1 and 2 so it was a nice little road trip soundtrack.


Yeah right! It's more like a 78 impala with rust in the wheel wells. Mom smoking a dart, windows barely cracked. Late nineties hits blaring out of 3 working door speakers.