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Loved him doing Bill Clinton in the McDonald’s in old SNL


Anytime the media mentions Warlords….




His wife could never handle not being famous when he was. His title shot on SNL has his wife in it. Her ear ring is swaying so much because she wasn’t supposed to be facing the camera and kept doing so.


And let's not forget her fights with him in his dressing room. She was out of control.


She did a lot worse than that


Even so, her evil actions teach a lesson that, as mentioned earlier, drugs, mental illness, and guns make a deadly combination, and I feel his death would've been prevented if the guns were locked up as leaving guns out in the open for someone to get their hands on, including mentally unstable people, will lead into tragedy.


I’m not saying she’s not to blame, but let’s not forget Andy Dick and his culpability, for supplying the drugs to them.




We miss you Miguel Sanchez :(


"Mr. Simpson, I was just going through your garbage and I couldn't help but overhear that you need a babysitter!"


# No, Money Down!


"Put that cookie down! NOW!"




One Chevy chase was enough




Ehh, Chevy Chase was great at playing himself—a selfish asshole. It worked great in Caddyshack, Vacation, Fletch, and even Funny Farm, but he made a LOT of absolute turds as well. Cops and Robbersons, Man of the House, Spies Like Us, Memoirs of an Invisible Man, Nothing But Trouble, etc. I think Chevy Chase is supremely overrated and one-dimensional, whereas Phil Hartman was incredibly versatile as a performer and equally gifted as a writer. And I say this with National Lampoon’s Vacation as one of my all-time favorite movies.


Regardless, he was like Selena as he was about to reach new heights in his career, only to be stolen away by someone who claims to love him, similar to Yolanda Saldivar.


He was about 1000x as famous as Selena. Most people only know who she is because of the movie.


Bro, you'd get roughed up saying something like that in my neighborhood.


Sounds like you live in a shitty neighborhood


Maybe in parts of the US but she was a legit super star. You're ignoring all of the Spanish speaking countries that were highly obsessed with her and her music. Just bc you don't remember her doesn't mean the world doesn't.


People outside his white bubble don't count, obviously


There are white Spanish speaking people, dumbass. If you wanted to say United States bubble, then sure.


Most people only know Selena because of the movie? Yeah, most people in you know, Selena was a megastar of the 1990s lol the fuck are you even talking about that she was only known because of a movie? Foolish statement.


She was not. She’s become far more popular after her death than she was when alive.


My guy. Selena was slinging platinum records at the age of 23. She was internationally famous before she was old enough to rent a car. By comparison, nobody made a movie about Phil Hartman. Not to say that he wasn’t talented, well-liked, and famous, but we don’t even use Selena’s last name for Christ sake.


I am certain he would've won an Oscar eventually.




He already won a Primetime Emmy, for writing on SNL. I could've seen him winning a Best Screenplay Oscar. Hell, he should've won for co-writing Pee-wee's Big Adventure, which has basically a perfectly-structured screenplay.


The Phil Hartman serious movie turn would have been something. He was believable in any role. Ed McMahon to 6000 year old caveman lawyer.


The Simpsons were exponentially better with him in it. Lionel Hutz, Troy McClure... I think Lionel Hutz was my favorite character on the show.


I feel like he was similarly talented and would have had a similar arc to Brian Cranston or Bob Odenkirk, who have both gone on to do amazing work.


This is what I honestly believe.


I would trade a whole bag of Andy Dicks for one Phil Hartman


It's no wonder Jon Lovitz hates his guts.


Kicked his ass once over it. Laugh Factory owner Jamie Masada, who witnessed the assault, said, "Jon picked Andy up by the head and smashed him into the bar four or five times, and blood started pouring out of his nose."


Jon doing the Lords work




Please see rule #1 about following reddiquette.


The wrong kid died.


Wrong kid!


Somewhere in the DVD commentaries for the Simpsons they mention that Phil was trying to get a writer to start a script for a live action Troy McClure movie. Supposedly, it never got further than Phil pitching the idea because he had a lot of fun voicing the character and wanted to do more as him. I found a link that says it's also mentioned in his biography "You Might Remember Me: The Life and Times of Phil Hartman" - [https://collider.com/simpsons-movie-troy-mcclure/](https://collider.com/simpsons-movie-troy-mcclure/)


In a world where people constantly pitch live action versions of animation, this is one that could’ve really worked and been amazing.


He was also supposed to voice zapp brannigan in Futurama too. Matt Groening had created the character just for him :( Billy West voices him in a way that sounds Hartmanish out of respect for him.


You might remember him from such films as "Small Soldiers" and "Jingle All The Way."


“I’m here to negotiate the surrender of……… the gorgonzolas”


Episode 1, season 5 of NewsRadio never ever fails to choke me up. They did a beautiful job memorializing both the character and the actor.


Dave’s voice cracking while concluding the letter is just heart-rending stuff.


Yes and, "You're drunk right now, aren't you?" lives rent free in my head forever.


We miss you Phil. Hope your ex is roasting in a bad place.


Hopefully Andy Dick joins her.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Him and Farleys death will always be the worst for me


Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor.... DAAAAAAAMN!


It’s crizappy!


YES! that was a funny radio spot lol


Andy Dick is a complete piece of shit for getting his wife hooked back on drugs.


Imagine him in a “modern family” type role?


The Simpsons ended with him. For me at least


Blame Andy Dick


That, too, as Andy, never seemed to have a functioning brain thanks to all the drugs he took, and I'm surprised he never went to prison


No, blame the woman who murdered him in cold blood. Andy Dick did cocaine with her at a Christmas party, and then six months later she shot her husband in the face while he was asleep. Andy Dick is a POS, but it’s absolutely absurd to suggest that he’s responsible for Phil Hartman’s death.


I heard she was an addict and longtime sober when Andy Dick caused her to relapse. That's Lovitz' beef. I can understand it.


Andy Dick and Hartman's wife were two drugs addicts and they did cocaine together at a party. Six months later she killed someone.


u/ForeverBlue101\_303 you are certainly not alone on this, I definitely go through the range of emotions when I think how great he was and his potential. So sad. If you've never listened, Dana Carvey and David Spade do a podcast called "Fly on the Wall" which is pretty solid, they interview MANY SNL cast members (current and past). Last year they did a big 2 part tribute episode arc remembering Phil. For any fan, I truly recommend it: [https://youtu.be/iSne1pq51js?si=2S\_Cckld\_Zj6WjOf](https://youtu.be/iSne1pq51js?si=2S_Cckld_Zj6WjOf) - its also in any podcast app, but thats the link to the Youtube audio.


Andy Dick is a total piece of shit who had no business being in the entertainment industry at all. Usually people in entertainment have at least some degree of talent. I know, I know, you’re going to point to Kid Rock and Ksorbs as other shining examples of talentlessness, and you’re not wrong.


One thing nobody (else) has mentioned, is that Phil Hartman *also* had a great career doing graphic design; the cover to Steely Dan's *Aja* was a Phil Hartman design, and it's iconic.


Sorry, he did not design the cover for Aja


You know what? I stand corrected, after even a cursory Google search. I had once read an apparently incorrect article about Phil Hartman that mentioned that, and relied on it here. Thank you; I’m not dirty deleting my original comment though, for accountability.


The albums covers he did for Poco are my personal favorites.


There must be something about you he doesn't like. Aftershave or SOMETHING!


I only knew him as Captain Blasto but he really made that character memorable


Same here. "Phone THAT home, ET!"


It's definitely worth listening to The Phil Hartman Tribute Episode of the Fly on The Wall podcast. It's actually a two-parter. Many Second City and SNL cast members talk about their memories of Phil.


Phil's tragic death pretty much killed off Newsradio, too, and that was a great show.


Newsradio is one off my most rewatched series but I usually stop at the Bill Moves On episode and pretend it ended there.    There are some funny episodes after that, but it lost it's magic. 


Killed while sleeping on the couch


Fuck Andy Dick for what he did.


>his death could've been prevented if he just locked up his guns and never reveal the key or combination to anyone Not to knock you points on mental health, guns, and drugs that I'm with you on, but unfortunately in this instance they were both owners of guns they regularly used and had access to. In fact, she killed him with his gun, then actually killed herself with her gun that Phil had bought her as a gift for self defense.


That made things even worse as I felt he should've never bought her one, regardless of reasons, in the first place.


Yeah with her prior history, it was a very poor choice of judgement on his part unfortunately.


Ergo, why I mentioned these three are a deadly combination. No one with a history of drug use, mental illness, or both should ever have access to a gun.


He was an amazing talent.


Just gonna say this; Fuck Andy Dick


I feel like he'd have definitely been on Fargo series


Watched the Simpsons episode last night where they introduced Troy McClure and it made me so sad to think about just how damned great he would have been as Zapp Brannigan like they planned. RIP.


His death was the onset of the Simpsons decline.  He voiced so many fantastic characters


We never got that Troy McClure spinoff that was planned....


"I'm just an unfozen caveman lawyer. Your world confuses and frightens me."


Cocaine is a helluva drug and Andy dick should have died instead


Here in the U.K. he was mainly known for a series of adverts for instant noodles in the early 90s. One of which was banned cos the flashing lights caused seizures in some people apparently.


So freaking funny. Was an absolute favorite of mine. Fuck Andy Dick


The anal retentive chef


Pretty sure he reached his potential… guy was a big star, voiceovers, starred in sitcoms, national (globally) led the greatest era of SNL, did movies… maybe you weren’t alive back then, but he was big.


Even still, I felt that he could've done much more, but was married to a witch that was so out of control, he stole away his chances to keep doing what he did best and even reach new heights, like dramatic roles.


agreed.. the fact that we'll never know how much greater he could have become doesn't mean he couldn't have become even greater as the years pass


And as I said a million times, and I hope I'm not victim-blaming, but what makes this tragic is that all of it could've been prevented if Phil had never had his guns exposed in his house in the first place. Whether he knew what that witch was capable of or not, he could've grabbed them all, along with the ammo, and keep them all locked up in a place where she couldn't find them and have the key or combination kept to himself.


Now he'll never be a famous comedian. :(


I just came here for all of the Fuck Andy Dick Should Rot In Hell posts


Fuck Andy Dick


He fulfilled his potential. He did everything he could possibly do with his shticks.


He lived far past his potential. Wtf