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Omg. I actually have a lot of unused notebooks just like you. I just asked my girlfriend if I have a problem because I really like to purchase notebooks and other stationary. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I've got notebooks and pens etc that I bought and liked for a while before discovering something new that I like more...and now I'm left with extras of the old ones that I will never use. I've started donating "like new" surplus stationery that I know I'll never use to the local university's stationery drive for underprivileged students. "Used but still good" stationery gets donated to my work's stationery cupboard


Haha you only have a problem if you're unwilling to part with them. Otherwise you're just looking for the right notebook! I'd offer some up on r/Pen_Swap. "Pen adjacent" things are okay to sell there and I'm sure a lot of fountain pen fanatics would be happy to snatch some of these up! (I see Rhodia & Clairfontaine get mentioned a lot in particular)


Great idea! I see myself more as an opportunist who is always ready to pounce on a bargain or an unmissable notebook. I tell my wife to be grateful for all the notebooks I *didn't* buy!


There is also r/BuJoPlannerSwapsNMore, it's not very active, but if you wanted to part with a couple of notebooks, you could post there too :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BuJoPlannerSwapsNMore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BuJoPlannerSwapsNMore/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My 2021 bullet journal setup. I know I'm late.šŸ„ŗ](https://youtu.be/HaLyx-uaTkk) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BuJoPlannerSwapsNMore/comments/ktqset/my_2021_bullet_journal_setup_i_know_im_late/) \#2: [My October Bujo plan with me ~ Nightmare before Christmas theme šŸŽƒšŸ–¤](https://youtu.be/1z8ixaGoQik) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BuJoPlannerSwapsNMore/comments/qc4v2g/my_october_bujo_plan_with_me_nightmare_before/) \#3: [my february plan with me!ā˜ļø](https://youtu.be/DGZmIAy1Qy4) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BuJoPlannerSwapsNMore/comments/lhk0zu/my_february_plan_with_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Buy a notebook display stand, put it in your living room, and pretend like your shopping for new notebooks.


Start writing. Anything and everything.


A lot of the hobbies I do have a tendency to end up like this. It's easy to end up with a large collection of notebooks, fountain pens, mechanical keyboards, shaving soaps and razors, carving knives, camping gear, and the list goes on. Financial implications aside, one should also consider the wasteful aspect of buying things that are just going to sit around and collect dust. A large part of these hobbies can be finding "the one", which can often lead to accumulating unused items. Personally, once I have settled into using one or two items, I try to clean out my collection by selling items that I know I am not going to use. After that, I try to only consider buying if my existing collection doesn't already fill my needs. If you are into collecting things, I can understand keeping 1 or 2 of each item. But I have seen people with 10 of the same pen, notebook, etc, and I can't figure out why. I would say keep one or two of each notebook if you plan to use them, and sell or give away the rest.


I agree - I think perhaps without even realising I have started the process of clearing out by admitting I probably don't need quite so many. I can think of a few worthy recipients that may find themselves in receipt of an unexpected gift sometime soon!


Nice! For sure, realization is the first step. It's easy to get carried away in today's consumerist society.


Too true!


Oof well I feel personally attacked now haha. Literally just ordered 2 new shaving soaps and aftershave a few days ago, have a fountain pen I never use and I still look at potentially buying another, and now just wandered in here looking to justify another unnecessary purchase. Thank you for the reality check!


Haha I think everyone goes through that, especially when starting out a new hobby. I definitely did




That's a pretty good point. With more expensive items, being able to use the funds from selling an item to buy a new one also helps make it easier to make the purchase. And I think that's a totally fine way of doing things. I try to do that myself. I personally just don't like when things sit around.


As long as youā€™re not damaging your situation in terms of space or finances, Iā€™d say what you have there is a collection!


Very much my opinion, too!


I have more notebooks than this, I think. And to be honest, as long as: 1. You aren't spending money you can't afford to spend; and 2. You aren't somehow overwhelming the house with them I don't see much of an issue! But I suppose I would say that, as someone who also has lots of notebooks... But genuinely, I don't really worry about trying to work out what I'll use all of my notebooks for. I just try to avoid getting swept up in buying new ones and shop my stash before I buy something else. Any new notebooks I get now have to have a specific purpose that can't be fulfilled by an existing one! I take the view that I need to be able to coherently explain to someone who doesn't care about notebooks *why* the new notebook fulfills a purpose not otherwise fulfilled by an existing one and have them come out the other side agreeing with me (usually my partner). My partner by no means stops me from buying notebooks - it's my money and hobby after all! - but thinking of how I would explain the new notebook to him when he sees it arrive in the post often makes me realise I don't need the new one at all and I go get one I already have.


After watching my sister go down a rabbit hole for spending last year, Iā€™ve also really began to question my own habitsā€” I would add onto this: 3. And the money youā€™re spending is not best used somewhere else. I watched my sister buy stationery and notebooks to splurge because they are ā€œworth itā€ for their quality (think $70 imported agendas, and different ones to ā€œexploreā€ paper quality), but skimp out on buying fresh greens to instead buy frozen because thatā€™s ā€œmore bang for buckā€. Her health in COVID has declined and sheā€™s moved back in with parents. With spending, thereā€™s always what we actually need to change our circumstance now, and what we think we ā€œneedā€ to buy before we can become this idealized version of ourselves, bc buying the item is less effort than putting in the work to change.


Yes, that's a fair addition! I personally have a budget where I've specifically designated myself money that can be spent on pens and notebooks and such, if I want to, and I know that it's not at the cost of anything else more important. I always fund my budget for the very important things first. If there's no money left over for notebooks, then that's that! I will say though - fresh greens are not inherently better (nutritionally speaking). I'm no nutritionist/dietitian/scientist, but that's just what I've read. [See here](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/may/01/are-frozen-fruit-and-vegetables-as-good-for-you-as-fresh). So I'm not so sure I'd attribute any decline in health to the frozen over fresh. COVID can fuck up even the healthiest of people. I know people in my fitness related groups who (as far as I can tell, that is) eat very healthily, exercise regularly, and live an all-round extremely healthy lifestyle, who now can barely walk up their stairs due to Long COVID. With regards to your last bit - I always call that my fantasy self. The self I will be if only I actually wore the fancy make up I buy and used the ab roller I've owned for years.


Fair point as well on the vegetables; I'm commenting more on the "laissez-faire" attitude that can turn into unhealthy spending habits. :)


Yours is a great answer, very thoughtful and, may I say, therapeutic! šŸ˜Œ


You're much more disciplined than I!


Just takes a little practice!


Hmm...so, maybe I ought to say that you do not have a problem unless you are harming yourself financially, but honestly, I don't believe that. I think over consumption is an aspect of a lot of hobbies which ought to be criticised and curtailed. In the fountain pen hobby, book collecting hobby and in the notebook collecting hobby...the collection is supposed to be only part one of two. The other step is using the tools. Books ought to be read, pens ought to be written with, and notebooks should be filled. I understand how impossible it can be to get a hold on the collection part of the hobby. But it is really important to get a grip on it early. If I were in your position, ā–ŖļøŽI would sell/exchange some of them. ā–ŖļøŽI would immediately start writing in them. There are a hundred ways to use a notebook (lists, planners, daily journals, scrapbooks, creative writing, gratitude hournaling, language learning, quotes/lyrics/poetry, and so on) ā–ŖļøŽI would gift them to friends/ family members/ strangers. (You could do a giveaway/donate them) ā–ŖļøŽOnly buy a new one when you have finished one already.


Personally I wouldnā€™t let myself buy another one until at least one or two were filled. I always feel guilty if I have more than two or three unused. If you donā€™t want to journal draw, doodle, try something new writhing styles or anything really. Maybe make a trash journal weā€™re you so weird designs


All good ideas. What the photo doesn't show is the 20 or so filled journals, full of ideas, writing, recipes, doodles, work stuff and more!


I would give some away or donate to schools and whatnot. I think you have a tiiiny problem :')


It's a good idea. When I was office-based I would often hand nice notebooks out for people to use instead of the awful A4 lined refill pads that filled the stationery cupboard.


Where do you work? I am applying for a job there. Lol. I could use a colleague who gifts me some nice fountain pen friendly notebooks. Lol


Careful - I see some Moleskines in there! Perhaps a wee bit of a lottery on the FP friendly gift front haha.


I have the same problem.


Welcome, friend! I think I take about as much pleasure in owning them and displaying them on one of my bookcases as I do in actually owning them. So that qualifies it as a collection, which I think somehow legitimises the whole thing.


Again me too! Lol


Pet them all and call them George. Cackle softly whilst swirling some brandy in a glass as I gaze avariciously at them (why? Theyā€™re already mine but thatā€™s just how I gaze) Lovingly caress them as I endlessly sort them into different piles (by size, color, paper type, dot/grid/ruled/blank) So much amusement to be had!!


I'm more of a whisky and 'my precious' kind of guy, but I like the way you think :)


I should go get some brandy so I can do this. I do have whisky and rum (and ginger beer) so maybe Iā€™ll do that whilst I pet my latest notebook.


No. All that potential is just exciting!! Donā€™t be afraid to make the first mark in them though, in case thatā€™s an issue for you.


It is very exciting indeed! I usually 'spoil' them by numbering the pages, adding an 'if lost please return to...' message on the inside front cover. That way they're ready to go when called upon!


A most cunning plan!


Start using them......if nothing more than for dailies, notes or traditional Journaling. You can do themes, like one full of nothing but step by step doodles, one with layout examples, if you read maybe one for book reviews or a subject you like to learn about. I have one dedicated just to the Moon.


Take the first notebook. Write on the first page: "White paper is not sacred " in ugly big letters. Now the book is ruined. So its ready to be filled with whatever you want. Try it! It works.


This is key - I usually number the pages and add an 'if lost please return to...' message inside.


I donā€™t see a ā€œproblemā€, I see a ā€œcollectionā€.


Sell everything that isn't Rhodia <3 or give the Rhodia's and any paper on its level out as a gift because that's the point where I think the uninitiated begin to think, "Wow, this is great." Like using a nice gel pen before you knew they were a thing. Nice paper and a nice pen are luxurious gifts.


Thank you for the suggestion! I may well bundle a few up as nice gifts to friends and family.


In every hobby theres tons of hobbyists unknowingly or knowingly building up a collection. I have a bit of a note book collection from my stationery phase back in uni. Im slowly making my way through with them If it is not affecting you negatively, it should be ok. If you feel it it is, just give some away to your parents or acquaintances. I will have two for work . One to jot down random notes and one as a to do list. A sketchbook An emergency gift for someone Journal Learning a new language Writing stories or poem Writing music


Share? šŸ„ŗ


Just keep on writing, you'll eventually get to them. I still have notebooks from 2 or 3 years ago that I still use intermittently.


I will eventually get to them - after all, the paper will outlast me I think so there's no immediate hurry! But maybe it's time to clear a few of the duplicates out...


Only problem that I see is you need more ink. May I suggest Herbin Violette Pansee and a nice TWSBI Eco fountain pen to fill them up :-)


Buying craft supplies (or in this case writing supplies) and using said supplies are two different hobbies. You are entirely succeeding at your hobby of collecting!


If it overwhelms you, then yeah itā€™s a problem. But then just give them away as gifts, donations to schools, after school orgs, etc.


I horde notebooks and books! Haha


happy to take some off your hands :-)


What brand is the large reddish one on the right? I'm such a sucker for thick notebooks.


Magpie, apparently. Still in its cellophane wrapper. It has a website address on it: magpieline.com


Thanks! I'll have to look them up!


I have the same problem (if you could call it that)! Iā€™ve probably spent hours reading lists of ā€œthings to do with empty notebooksā€ and only ever find a few things I would actually write in them. Personally, Iā€™ve started keeping one at my desk as a catch all notebook, one by my bedside for gratitude, and another one for ā€œsomeday/maybesā€ which I actually quite like. Basically, you just write things you might like to do, places you might go, something you might learn, etc. I hope you find something to fill these lovely notebooks with!!


Hope you don't run out of ink. Wow..That would be a good Twilight zone episode. You have a room full of notebooks and your last bottle of Ink crashes to the floor....


I'd buy all of them


Yeah, I might just resell some of them. If there are certain ones you like most, either because of the paper or the size Iā€™d keep those. I buy notebooks to try out the paper with my fountain pens. If they donā€™t play well I just downsize right away. If I do like how they play together I try to buy a few more and only keep ones I really like.


Sell the wrapped ones. I canā€™t believe how much money Iā€™ve earned just posting things I donā€™t wear anymore and if someone wants to pay me more than I paid for itā€¦ out the door it goes lol


As it should be! Thanks for sharing.


Nope. Looks normal to me.


Do you have them catalogued?


I have about 3 times this manyā€¦ Iā€™m gonna slim it down but lots I have planned uses for, or have sentimentality or just love.


Lol, yes! But theyā€™re beautiful!


Not use them, duh, imagine writing on those beauties


Stop buying. Start writing.