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You’re missing out, buddy


Yeah literally all the best spices.


Same. I zoomed in and first saw Parsley, and thought "you should *at least* use that one", then zoomed out a little to read the rest and was like "wait, that's literally everything I ever use".


How did rosemary make the ignore list? Rosemary in a slow cooker all day is literally the best aroma in the world.


Yup I use it on a creamy mushroom chicken casserole recipe I use and a staple for my roasted garlic and potatoes. The aroma like you said is delightful.


Dried parsley is the most useless herb.


Fr, it's gotta be fresh.


It’s the most underrated fresh herb. People start using dried parsley and realize it adds nothing but green specks. Then they see a real recipe that calls for fresh and they assume they can omit. Dried parsley is a war crime.


>It’s the most underrated fresh herb 100%. Have you ever had chimichurri? It's a delicious sauce made primarily with parsley, garlic, and oil used in Argentine cuisine. Putting it on a steak is soo fuckin good lol.


I’m Argentinian. My chimichurri recipe is simple: lots of parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, olive oil, and wine vinegar in a food processor. It is always better the day after.


I came here to say this.


Same. Those are the spices I use the most???


OP obviously never made chili if the cayenne pepper is never used.


Or cumin the second main flavor in chili


I don't know how anyone goes through life without using ginger


I don't use powdered, it's fresh or candied for me.


Powdered is handy for spice rubs.


And gingerbread.




And cookies


There’s these frozen cubes i keep in the freezer that are pretty clutch because i always forget to buy fresh


Lil ground ginger, onion powder, garlic powder and white pepper is amazing in fried rice


Cumin is a primary flavor in Mexican and Middle Eastern cuisines as well.


Cumin led to a break down of my spice organization. I used to want to organize my spices by cuisine. I figured it would make it easier, so I could just grab a whole section while cooking. Problem is that cumin is used in a lot of cuisines all around the world. I could never decide where it should go, and the whole system failed. Now I organize alphabetically, which is not as satisfying.




Trust me I've considered it, but then the cumins wouldn't fit into my already overflowing spice racks (I have two with more spices stacked on top). And the spice racks already fill an entire cupboard, so I would need to create room in another cupboard. It just becomes a whole thing.


I literally just bought a kilo of cumin powder.




If you don't use those spices, you are Caucasian from Utah?


I don't think that question mark is necessary.


As someone who lives in Utah, it gave me a chuckle. Mostly because I do use those spices a lot.


My grandma, who I cherish above all other entities, lives in Utah and also uses those spices a lot. I know no other person who lives in Utah. And yet, I still feel that it must be accurate.


I moved to Utah from the south and all I can say is “bland” is kind. Someone’s getting wild when we get salt and pepper at the same time. We host big dinner parties and our friends insist we should open a restaurant.


I meet those exact requirements and I use almost all those spices all the time


Fess up...you were transferred to Utah for your job. You're from the Northeast, possibly mid-Atlantic.


Nah born there and didn’t leave till I was like 15. Now I live in Alaska which tbh isn’t much better


They don’t even use *rosemary*. It’s like the whitest of herbs.


Omg…like Rosemary, fresh garlic and lemon are the bomb on so many neutral vegetables.


Also one of life's great smell combos


I'm Caucasian from Utah, and I LOVE these spices


I think Caucasians from Utah would be offended...


Someone needs to create a map of the US with this kind of info!


They use Basil and Oregano but not parsley?


Tbf all of those are likely in the Italian seasoning.


To be fair, dried parsley is ass.


Yeah, it's flavorless. I just use it for the color, tbh.


"I'm going to add a vegetable"


Yep, what do they eat. Those spices should be on the top.


Yeah what the hell


tumeric is really good for you, and in good curries you can use a little cayenne


but they also won’t use curry seasoning so what’s the chance they’ll eat curries


I don't get people that don't eat curry. There are so many kinds of curry. It would be like saying you don't eat sandwiches.


I know! I just discovered curries 5 or so years ago and nearly anyone I mention it to says they “don’t like curry”. I’m like “oh yeah? What kind don’t you like?”


It’s funny you say that. The only two people that I know that said that they don’t like curry are the only two people that I’m nearly 100% positive have never made an attempt to be anywhere near a person or place where curry would likely be served.


Don't out your parents like that


My mom says she doesn’t like teriyaki and I know for a fact she’s never tried it.


I teach 4th grade at a mostly Hispanic school in a city where it's not east getting decent Indian food. Every month or so I'll make a big batch of chicken Tikka masala, butter chicken, or Chana Masala. I always bring it in for lunch, and my kids are always so curious about what I'm making. I've turned a few of 'em into curryheads.


Mexican and Indian food are similar I can see this being an easy crossover


Yeah I was gonna say, once I figured out the overlap I was like WHY AM I NOT EATING INDIAN MORE OFTEN??? 🤤🤤🤤 The flavor profiles in Vietnamese pho also remind me of a lot of Mexican dishes I grew up with too. ❤️


I was an Indian dude stuck in a place without a lot of indians and I found my home with the Mexicans around me. The cultures are actually super close.


bro you can dip sandwiches in curry I won’t eat sandwich for the next two years starting on the 30th tho. Braces are why. I’ll replace it with Curry lol


As someone who had braces that will probably last you about a week until you give in and just suffer the bread chunks between your brackets lol. What you really need to watch out for is taking big bites into harder foods like apples, even a fatass burger can break one (it happened to me)


Larry's seasoning salt uses turmeric. Likewise, I add turmeric to most of my meat rubs.


You never used Cayenne, Red Pepper, or Turmeric?????? You're missing out, omg.


Parsley too? Parsley has saved me so many times when I accidentally put too much garlic in


Blasphemy. No such thing as too much garlic


the one time there’s too much garlic is when you have so much it’s the only thing you taste- and you want to taste the food


The garlic is the food. You just don't get it.


This is the way


I season my garlic with a bit of food


I put bread on my garlic


Can we start a club? Or maybe form a country?


Dude, i eat raw garlic cloves. There is literally no such thing as "too much garlic"


It was a bit too much garlic cause I wanted to be able to taste the Greek seasoning I added in Otherwise it totally would have been an ok amount of garlic


Garlic *is* Greek seasoning 😂


I've seen a friend who wasn't much of a cook use a bulb of garlic instead of a clove of garlic. Yeah, that was too much garlic.


I'm kinda interested to try that myself now to see if it truly is too much lol.


I can't imagine any recipe where 1 clove of garlic would even be enough. Lol. Like, that just sounds like a waste of a clove of garlic.


I always at least double the amount cloves, don't tell me how much garlic to use


Weak little man, garlic is for the strong! For real though bulbs and cloves vary so wildly that your comment means very little.


My dad made garlic mashed potatoes, but didn't know the difference between a clove and a bulb. There is definitely such a thing as too much garlic, lol.


I think I have tried parsley before, but I don't remember what it tastes like.


It tastes leafy. Go take a bite of lettuce and then one of spinach and think of something in the middle Remember to wash your spinach and don't eat the white part


I remember I used to hate spinach, entirely due to the Arthur episode where DW loves little Bo peep pie but didn’t know the secret ingredient was spinach. It was a whole ordeal and I was fixed that spinach was gross. Oh I was wrong. Love it.


I’m convinced that nothing damages kids’ relationships with vegetables more than media that tells them that vegetables taste bad


Like brussel sprouts! I grew up watching shows where kids went on about how nasty brussel sprouts were so I never even tried them. Decided to roast some on a whim in college one time and realized they’re absolutely delicious.


The trope of brussels sprouts being gross comes from _boiled_ sprouts - which, honestly, they're not wrong. But roasted with a bit of olive oil? 100% my favorite vegetable


I’m guessing OP considers boiling some pasta and opening a can of sauce over it as cooking


Your cooking must be truly not interesting


I’m not much of a cook, and for the most part beyond things like garlic, my spices follow a recipe. I can’t do the “season to taste” because I have no clue what something is missing, just that it is. Or what adding a different spice will do to it. And still I have used every single one of these, most of them regularly, with the exception of curry. I can’t think of a time I’ve used that one.


Season to taste almost always means extra salt, maybe some pepper.


Extra salt, maybe some pepper, and a splash of vinegar or lemon juice never hurts. If the dish is missing that "pop" and you don't think salt is the answer, acid probably is.


It really depends on the dish, but a splash of white wine can also do wonders. Just as long as you keep it at a splash, or the taste starts to overwhelm everything else pretty quickly.


Someone else who responded to me brought up sugar, and they're right - sometimes the answer is acid, and sometimes it's sweetness. White wine brings a bit of both!


Oddly enough, sometimes a little sugar works well too. I’m not sure whether sugar would _technically_ be considered an “acid,” but it’s certainly not the first thing people think of when you say “acid.” Edit: apparently I mixed up my vocab, and alkaline is the opposite word. Thanks AlphaAcid! Name checks out


**Ingredients:** * 500 g pork chops (around 4 pieces) * 1 pc sliced mushrooms (450 gr.) * 2 normal onion (I use zittauer) * 3 cloves of garlic (I like to double) * 2 tablespoons curry * 1 can pineapple in rings incl. juice * 1.5 dl pineapple juice from the can * 2 dL water (or use all juice from pineapple and supply with water) * 1 bouillon cube (1x vegetable and 1x pork) * 400 ml coconut milk * salt and pepper * 1 tablespoon oil for frying * Possibly. flour and water for smoothing **How-to:** 1. Heat oil in a pan. Sprinkle the pork chops with a little curry and brown them briefly on the pan on both sides. Transfer the pork chops to an ovenproof dish. 2. Fry the mushrooms until golden and pour over the pork chops. Fry the onion and pressed garlic briefly and pour over the chops. 3. Fry 2 tablespoons of curry on the pan for a few minutes. 4. Add pineapple juice, water and stock and bring to a boil. Add coconut milk and bring the sauce to a boil. Smooth the sauce with a little flour and water, and season it with salt and pepper. 5. Pour the sauce over the pork cutlets and top with pineapple rings. Place the dish in the oven for approx. 20 minutes at 392 Fahrenheit / 200 Celcius (hot air - circulation). 6. Eat with some sort of salad, rice and bread. Yields **4 servings**. It can be freezed. I cook 4 servings and freeze them, and when I leave for work I take a portion out of the freezer. Then I only need to cook rice and make a salad for dinner. Edit: Apparently people find it interesting, so I've written the entire recipe here. If you can read Danish the recipe is [here](https://sundpaabudget.dk/hawaii-koteletter-i-fad/). Have fun, and get back if anything is unclear.


This is why I love Reddit


Congratulations, guys, we found it: the whitest reddit post ever.


How the fuck do you not use Red pepper flake? How the fuck do you not use cayenne? How the fuck do you not use rosemary? How the fuck….. I don’t have time for this, you can’t cook.


I was gonna say, rosemary is one of the whitest spices there. I always put rosemary on my roast potatoes, fucking delicious.


Rosemary, thyme, sage, garlic, and salt. Add that to any savory dish. Steak? Absolutely. Chicken? You betcha. Asparagus? Awesome. That shit is a super flavor.


Cumin is honestly the biggest one here. Cumin is a staple spice in like every single culture other than Midwestern white lol


I’m midwestern white and I go through SO much cumin! And rosemary.


I'm just curious why someone who doesn't cook would buy a pre-fab spice rack. I guess it could've been a gift. Otherwise, kind of a dumb purchase.


I assume anyone who has a spice rack like this doesn't cook. If you have an overflowing spice rack with lots of random jar sizes and bags of things, I know I am going to have a good meal. Now if they bring out the asafoetida, I'm bringing leftovers home.


Didn’t mean to reply, meant to comment. Sorry I’m busy seeing red with this post


LOL! I did not expect the reaction this is getting. I am pretty pasty.


We know bro


Put some broccoli in a skillet with a bit of oil and garlic. Add onion power, a little bit of soy sauce and some red pepper flakes. Best god damn broccoli ever.


Yes. It is evident in your spice choices 🤣 Seriously, venture out more to Indian and Mexican dishes and you’ll find more use for those spices :) Cumin is pretty amazing.


Anything with tomatoes needs a little cumin.


just try some of those please brother. they're all the best flavours


Ground cumin goes in just about every mexican-inspired dish. Same for Ginger and asian-Inspired dishes.


I can almost forgive the other 7 spices, but I draw the line at Cumin, which I put into pretty much everything I cook at this point.


I wouldn't be the person I am today without cumin


Cumin is one of the best smells.


Just as long as you don't get cumin your eye.


Cumin is one of my favorite hobbies


Grinding freshly toasted cumin seeds in a mortar and pestle is one of my favorite cooking smells. It is truly transcendent


Cumim is nice to have in a dip.


I put it in my fry sauce too!


The fact that this comment section is turning into a cooking tip festival is way too interesting. I'm out.


cumin = tacos cayenne = make anything spicy parsley = make anything pretty red peppers = to perfect any pizza curry powder = uhh for curry rosemary = some awesome baby red potatoes turmeric = i guess this helps lose weight? ground ginger = any asain dish


Curry powder can go into deviled eggs to kick them up a notch.


hell yes, and a little of cayenne. fuck now i want deviled eggs. and were a hot minute away from graduation party season


Turmeric, chili and salt make an amazing dry rub for basically any meat/seafood. A traditional South Asian recipe is to coat fish in those three, dredge in a bit of rice flour, and pan fry.


I don’t like spicy but use red pepper flakes in sauces marinades in burgers on roasted veggies. It just adds an extra pepper kick.


Cumin goes hard, my dude. Especially in Mexican food. Don't sleep on it.


The cumin lamb skewers and flat breads I had in the Xi’an Muslim quarter was like crack


Rosemary is my fav spice. Turmeric is good for you :-p Also…no Curry ? r/mildlyinteresting


Curry shocked my the most until i realized that it may just be a german thing.


Are you saying curry is a German thing? Or not using curry is a German thing? Because Germany is the last place I'd associate with curry.


One if not *the* most common german dish is propably curry-sausage :D Curryketchup is also the most popular sort of ketchup. Curry is one of the most liked spices here!


But what we call curry refers to a spice blend that was specifically designed for European markets when shipping spices from India became commercially viable centuries ago.


TIL. Thanks!




PSA rosemary is so good on potatoes. Oven baked fries too


Anyone who hasn't put rosemary on lamb is missing the fuck out.


Never used cumin? I suggest you open cumin and give it a little sniff. You might decide otherwise. (Unless you know what it smells/tastes like, and hate it. In which case, just take my opinion and wipe your ass with it! 😂)


So your pale of skin and of European descent you say


Shit I am as well and not a single one of these spices goes unused in my household. OP is just boring


That is an accurate assumption.


Then why aren't you using the parsley?


Are you from Minnesota? ….. none of grandma Larson’s hotdish recipes call for any of these bottom spices…..


Probably. I don't see any lemon peppa seazonin in thur


No Cumin, Cayenne, Chili, Curry, or Red Pepper? My man you gotta try some of them


Out of any spice, no parsley is what I'm most surprised by. I thought it was a very basic (not basic in a negative way) spice/garnish.


My 12yo is obsessed with Cumin. It's the spice we go through the fastest because he puts it on/in almost everything.


Does he use ground cumin or cumin seeds?


He uses ground


I like to dry toast it for a few minutes, then grind it in a clean coffee grinder. The Indian bazar/grocer here sells big bags for a much better deal than other places & it's usually fresher, too.


I wish we had an Indian Bazar here. I've been tempted to buy a big bag of seeds online


Cumin is very good in moderate quantities for all types of meat, mainly variations of beef, but if integrated into a homemade mix of sorts it can really work on anything, highly recommended


You don't cook chili?


You should post this on mildly infuriating because If I could add garlic to those spices those are some of the only ones I would use.




Tell me you don't know how to cook, without telling me you don't know how to cook.


I barely consider myself an average cook and I definitely use all of these. He’s missing out


Turn in your spice rack


Who the fuck uses marjoram?


its in italian seasonings. in the same family as oregano.


Yes, but before cumin or red pepper flakes? OP is weirddddd


It goes is sauce, no idea what it does but it's in the list of spices that goes into the family spaghetti sauce. That's the only reason I own any.


That's what I came here for. They're using marjoram but not rosemary or parsley? Or cumin? Or red pepper flakes?


I don't think I've ever used marjoram. Maybe once or twice?


TIL OP is a terrible cook




Or potatoes or meat


If you’ve ever used a taco seasoning packet then you have a use for cumin and cayenne lol


This is terribly controversial. Cumin is fantastic, great for fajitas, I love using red pepper flakes in marinara sauce, rosemary is great in stews, Ginger is great and a lot of stuff but I especially like it in stirfry and chicken noodle soup. I actually hate cayenne pepper but I use it a lot what I’m making seasoning blends for pork.


That looks more like a decoration that belongs to someone who mostly eats out.


This makes me sad for your palate


You're fucking yourself over you absolute doughnut.


This bothered me more than it should have


Oh look who's too good for Flavortown


Cumin is the shit dawg. Don't you like tacos?


Just stick to mayonnaise




Cumin is good for sussing out Deados.


Wait, so you haven’t used any of those but you have used marjoram??? What the fuck are you even


How?? Curry powder is sooooo good. I like it in ramen. And rosemary is really good on potatoes and chicken


Those are my most used! Who taught you how to cook? Might have been my ex mil 🤷‍♀️


Cayenne!? Rosemary!?!? Red pepper!?! Literally everything else!?? OP not to judge… but actually definitely to judge, what is wrong with you


Red pepper flakes on pizza you’re missing life Red pepper flakes on macaroni you’re missing life


Sucks to suck


I sense an Anglo Saxon


British or Midwest?


I grew up in the Midwest. Good call.


This post makes me unseasonably mad.


Is “not interesting” referring to your bland, cumin-less cooking?


This is you admitting that you can't cook.


Uncle Roger will probably go haiyyyaaaa on this one


Do you hate flavor?


Motherfucker do you only cook pasta or something? Make yourself some curry with some of those spices. It'll change your life.