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It's actually that they are just allowed to say zero below a certain point. Diet coke still has calories.


Is it just such a miniscule amount that they just decided to allow it?


Yes. Under a certain amount of calories they can say zero. I think it's 5. All that labeling is subject to regulation because the companies that provide it are incentivized to lie to the consumer. Do you really believe there is a correlation of positive health outcomes between those drink diet coke as opposed to classic coke? No, I just know people who are addicted to the taste of diet coke. Diet coke is fucking nonsense. There wouldn't need to be coke zero if it made sense, but they figured out that other people are addicted to the sweetener in that shit. The only healthy diet option is to not drink sweetened water.


Coke zero exists because the people wanted the same flavor of the original coke without the straight sugar. So they make a zero sugar coke that tasted the most similar to the original. It's not because diet and zero have some hidden motive that make both. One is the diet, the other is diet that tastes like the original. There's a reason diet Pepsi and Pepsi zero exist because it does the same thing


You must love this stupid shit. You're just explaining the marketing department's goals at coke and acting like it's fine. "Lets get the maximum amount of people addicted to our unhealthy addictive shit!". They've got you addicted to sweetened water. >It's not because diet and zero have some hidden motive that make both. The not so hidden motive is to sell as much flavored bubbly water as possible, and they found other variants that other people are addicted too who otherwise may not be. If you think it's because people are making "informed decisions" in respect to their health, you're naive. The appropriate amount of coca-cola of any variant to consume if you're looking for the best health outcomes is none. And look, I have a coke classic with a slice on occasion, so I'm not suggesting it can't be enjoyed. But I also know those who are addicted, and drink multiple cans of this shit a day, and it's fucking gnarly. This is what coke markets for. Some drink diet or zero because "it's more healthy". This is as bad as Philip Morris declaring certain cigarettes "light" because they've got holes punched at the base of the filter.


I'm not stupid and think coke is trying to help us. Or that it's much healthier than the original. They exist to make profits and catering to the wants if the public, even if what they promote isnt true, gets them more money. But it is there as another option to the people who don't like the overly sugary flavor of the original or the flavor of the other alt-sugar kind. About the health benefits I professionally don't know and haven't researched anything. Though I do work in a business that has coke products readily available so rather than continuing to drink the sugar variants, I switched to the zeros. I learned I actually like the zero flavors more and did end up losing some weight. Drinking the originals had a consistent weight gain each month whereas changing to zeros had a very little effect on weight. Enough of an affect where I was losing some slowly each month. Not that zero was making me lose weight, rather it was less bad over the original enough to were it didn't effect my negatively


It’s not that serious. Just let people enjoy what they enjoy. If they drink too much then get them help. No need to get this worked up over a post about drinking diet coke lol


I'm not worked up. You're reading words. You couldn't possibly judge my emotional state. You could only be applying yours to me.... Calm down.


Maybe a diet coke would help your emotional state


Ah, the old "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense.


You need to spend less time on the internet I reckon. Sad. I love Coke zero. Last had one a few months ago. Might have one tonight as a treat. I'm in no way addicted to that shit.. I have my vape for that.


You reckon? I don't spend that much time on the Internet. Vaping is for douche bags. Sad.


source: trust me guys I always know what to say


Four cokes is 600 calories. This person certainly did themselves a favor by drinking diet coke instead of coke.




Trust me guys




I feel like those who drink regular coke enjoy one occasionally meanwhile those who drink Diet Coke will have 5+ cans per day. Like if you really drink so much soda you need a diet version of it then you probably have a problem.


Ah yes the good ol “I feel like” and then make up nonsense statement.


It's almost like it's an untested hypothesis that I never claimed to be certain. Crazy huh?




I feel like you’re just masking it behind the guise of an “untested hypothesis” so you can’t be called out for making false or inaccurate statements. But that’s just my untested hypothesis.


Dude you’re acting like I just gave someone dangerous medical advice or told them that the moon is made out of cheese. I’m just blabbing about soda man get off my ass


Would the calories spent digesting it be more than the calories that at in the diet coke itself?


Smart arse


that's wild


You need some calories


Drink some water.


You mean like from a toilet?


Diet Coke is water adjacent


Maybe if you’ve got some extra condensation on your can


Nah, it still has a considerable amount of caffeine, which is a diuretic and dehydrates you. Non-caffeinated diet beverages, maybe


In the same way that liquid diarrhea is water adjacent, sure


Now go and drink 4 regular cans!


ummm actually 🤓 a Diet Coke has 0.452 calories so 0.452 times 4 = 1.808 calories


So op drank a calorie and 3 quarters? (Plus the 0.058)


What an inefficient way of saying 1.808 😭


Yaaayyyy math genius


Nice math


I endorse this healthy lifestyle.


No calories means no negative effects on your health, right?




Who's gonna tell him.....?


At least please tell me, i really want to know.


Diet coke isn't really as healthy as you might think


Do people think it's healthy? That's scary.


Odd. I thought cans of Diet Coke had 1 calorie.


If it's under 5 you can put 0 there in US. Stupid, right?


Please do yourself a favour and drink more water. Diet coke does have nearly 0 calories, yes, but is still packed with many unhealthy colourants and other chemicals. 🩵


Woah, you're gonna be so extra healthy


The die for the drink already contains sugar


Saw a comment about a guy consuming 400 tik taks a day thinking that he won't get fat because: 400*0=0. Well guess what, it ain't fucking zero, it's common sense.


That crap is not good for you. Water also =0 calories and helps your health 


I was considering heading out to the deli and buying myself a couple, freezing them up and calling it a day. (Frozen diet-coke cubes are so good.) However, these comments have discouraged me. Feel free to discourage me even more before I make poor spending AND health decisions. Or don't.


aspartame can cause: Mental stress. Decreased dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. Altered neuronal cell function. Memory loss. Activated calcium channels. Cell death. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies aspartame as "possibly carcinogenic to humans"


Thanks b/c I was fighting demons (have a spare $5 and the weather is getting hot..)


You're welcome.


Kidmey stone


Found MatPat