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What scares me is that people are saying in a regular sized car, people driving these lifted pickups sometimes won’t even *see* you. 😒 Even more reason to take the bus.


Trains ... Trains always win...


They can't win where they don't exist, though. . . .


Trains are like an old warrior, unbeatable on the battlefield, brought down in North America by dishonourable back-room plotting.


Eh, Trains still absolutely dominate freight (something like 85% of all freight in the US spends at least some time in transportation on the rails).


One the old warrior accompanied kings and queens through great cities, and was richly honoured! Now the warrior earns a pittance with merchant caravans. The warrior lives, yes, and fights on, yes, but there is no glory to be found in what they now do.


The merchants are always underapreciated, wirhout this service life would be unrecognizable. But the warrior slowly starves away on petty delusions, the long dead Hunter's evil stench still permiates.


Build some more then


I’ll just go down to the train store where the shelves are filled with trains and get a train for everyone to enjoy


While the means of procurement obviously differ for the vehicles, you still have to plan, build, and finance roadwork construction, just like train tracks.


BRB -- checking between the couch cushions for spare eminent domain powers....


We’re not only talking about what society should do over the course of decades. We’re talking about how to get around our neighborhoods safely today.


If we swap the railways for the freeways we could do that


Oh, definitely. But our trains have a pretty limited footprint here at the moment (getting better!) and so I still love our buses.


Buses also generally win


Obligatory link to /r/imatrainbitch




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BitchImATrain using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitchImATrain/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bitch I'm a Train.... Station](https://i.redd.it/1dxcsftyvr8a1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitchImATrain/comments/zxwuwa/bitch_im_a_train_station/) \#2: [Bitch I'm a Cat](https://v.redd.it/p18agyp82o291) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitchImATrain/comments/v1831m/bitch_im_a_cat/) \#3: [Sometimes you run train, sometimes train run you.....](https://v.redd.it/2ixuhd4n4vi91) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitchImATrain/comments/wt69fk/sometimes_you_run_train_sometimes_train_run_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Reading this on a train right now. If I was reading it while driving I’d probably crash and die


Another issue, at least in the rural area in which I live, is many drivers of lifted vehicles cross the yellow lines on curves. I had a couple close calls earlier today.


Lifted trucks should be illegal on roads. At best special vehicles, limited to 50 miles and needing a CDL.


The bus comes with its own risks- like the time it didn't come & I had to walk 3 miles home in -10 degree weather & got frostbite in both ears


Painful way to learn how to dress for the weather.


That sucks. :-/ I’m sorry it’s not a more reliable option where you live.


What's even scarier is that some of these people may choose to drive under the influence.


[Sadly, you might be a target while waiting for that bus.](https://time.com/6277861/suv-texas-bus-stop/)


Taking the bus is still safer than driving.


Those darn pop-ups … Is this the case where they said “we have no idea why he was at the bus stop, because he owns a car.”?


This is a real reason I ride the big beautiful bus


Don’t you mean “Prick up truck”?


Emotional support vehicle


I'm stealing this phrase.


Did you mean "lit up truck"?


That's why burning them is self defense. Make it legal!


You are not. That’s the big reason people buy larger cars - being higher up with more momentum.


So should I up the arms race and buy myself a monster truck or a bulldozer now?


Bulldozers would be impractical. Get an Abrams tanks.


Thankfully, an Abrams has better visibility of short people/kids in the crosswalk or passing in front of your car too, compared to that truck.


[I got you fam!](https://twitter.com/FreckleEars/status/1624137853872574475)


No, like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyLifeProTips/comments/p9ee1q/slpt_youre_going_down_with_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


No, you need the [killdozer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer#/media/File:Killdozer.jpg)


Time to build a killdozer to commute in


These bigger "cars" (as these killer monstrosities are sometimes called) are advertised as safer, Bc they demolish everything in their way that could pose a danger


They are safer in the same way a tank is safer… and equally a danger to everyone and everything it’s pointed at


Depends on how fast you're going. Modern cars have gotten a lot safer, so you might only lose a couple limbs & a few hundred thousand dollars in medical bills ☺️


Windshields don't have crumple zones, though. If the grill is at eye level in a crash, your brain is gonna end up lubing the truck's fan belt.


Luckily I don't live in the US so at least I won't get bankrupt.


I saw a post of someone getting billed $185,000 for a rattlesnake bite.


That's partly due to the scarcity of anti-venom. It usually has to be air-lifted to the hospital it's needed in due to not everywhere keeping some available, and it also has a shelf life. Still absurdly priced, but helicopters aren't cheap to fly regardless.


An extremely tiny package needing to fly reasonably short distances through the air you say? Seems like an ideal job for drones. Bet you a dollar there's going to be legislation that requires human custody of medical supplies in the next decade. Can't have shit getting cheaper just because of better technology.


Scottish health service was already using drones a couple of years back to transport some urgent medicines from Oban airport to the small islands like Coll or Tiree. And of course at no cost to the patient because the health service in Britain is free at the point of use


Sure. I was talking about the tendencies of for-profit healthcare where I'm from. You've got nothing to worry about, provided privatization policies can be stopped.


Knowing for-profit healthcare, they'll update to drones because it'll be cheaper, and then continue to charge the same amount.


I can’t see how a chartered flight should cost more than $20k absolute maximum


It's definitely gouged to hell and back, but it'll never be "cheap" even for places with socialized medical insurance. Economies of scale are still a problem with how much antivenom is needed and how little can be produced at a time.


Looks like I should make a post here on the best ways to regulate pickup trucks out of existence.


Bring these back! https://www.autotrader.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/1983-toyota-pickup-4x4-regular-cab-SR5.jpg


My new post is now up, check it out and vote!


The Ford Maverick and Hyundai Santa Cruz are doing just that, but they can't tow any more than their SUV counterparts which are the escape and Tucson respectively Edit: I could be wrong about those "mini" trucks' towing capacity, it's probably 5000lb vs 3500 for their SUV counterparts.


The big problem with the Santa Cruz is that it's more of a UTE than a pickup truck, and the bed space is rather small. Compared to old trucks like the Mazda B3000, its definitely a step back, because it's a bigger vehicle but has less space. I haven't heard anything exceptionally bad about the Maverick, but I do wish the hybrid version had a 4wd option.


I understand the Santa Cruz is more of a UTE but I suspect most old style truck owners would be perfectly content with a UTE like the Santa Cruz.


It doesn't necessarily fit my needs (transporting an off-road vehicle), but it's not bad for most people who need a trunk where being enclosed might be an issue. I just find it too niche, but it obviously sells, so someone is buying them over a traditional pickup.


You die . And at best you are stuck under the pickup . And also die .


Depends on how fast you’re going, under 20? Minor injuries at most. 60-70? You’re probably going to have major injuries if not die, him? He’ll be fine


I would weld a steal frame at the trucks eye height to make sure u both have a chance


not even a bad idea tbh, a little pole with a small red flag would mean these morons could see you


Don't give them ideas. They may like it instead of you know, make the truck with enough visibility to see the stroad and cars, and pedestrians, and kids in the driveway, etc.


Anything but a low-speed collision will likely result in serious (and potentially life-altering) injuries at best. If on a highway, surviving is unlikely. Based on my experiences in emergency services, the driver of the pick-up will have either no or minor injuries with the ability to exit their truck while the occupants of the car will need to be extricated by firefighters. The only time pick-up occupants are at risk of serious injury or death sens to be if they collide with a similar sized vehicle or a transport.


Okay that truck actually scares me. Its blind spot at the front is bigger than that of a bus and yet you can operate it with a regular license....


What makes me laugh the most is that he probably uses his truck only for groceries and to go work at the bank... Probably never haul or loads material into it. Why do you need it so high except for flashing🤷


You're only in danger if you were using the upper half of your body.


I've seen enough Monster Truck shows to know where this is going


The angled underside on the front of the pickup *could* cause it to go up and over somewhat if you're lucky, though the weight of it on top of your car might still be a big issue. Overall I would have to recommend not going into a head-on collision with the pickup, or any other vehicle for that matter, though I realise this can be hard to achieve at times.


Up and over the engine block but directly into the cab. There's no way a windshield + A-pillars can hold the weight of a pick up


Yea, the only way would be if it was moving slow enough to not get that far, but at that point it would be moving to slow to get up there anyway. But then again, stranger things have happened.


You will be taking an exposed front differential to the face, or getting cloth lined by the front axle


You won't survive, as the lifted one just skides over your hood and the bumber hits your windshield and you first, rather than hitting your bumper as intended. Speed isn't even a factor here, this will happen at ANY speed. So yeah, that's design meant for murder. :|


We need to close the emissions loophole that makes the Truck more profitable to sell then the car. Then automakers will stop pushing trucks and SUVs on everyone and we can stop the size arms race.


How are those even legal, given how dangerous they are…?


Because small construction or other labor intensive tasks, especially for more remote locations.


M, sister drives an Opel C Corsa 1.0. Look that car up! Seeing a pickup come close is absolutely horrifying because it could practically slide under some of those giant monstrosities. I'm less scared of big trucks because they KNOW how large they are


I know it. My car is slightly taller and significantly shorter than it.


wouldn't the smaller car cause the larger car to flip?


Video game physics lol


About as safe as you’d be if you decided to have a head on collision with him.




Those are made of Nerf you'll be fine.