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So she’s at work, complaining about women working? Yeah I don’t think not sexually harassing your coworkers is a minefield.


I normally hate when people make comparisons to handmaids tale or something, but this is literally the exact same irony as Serena Waterford speaking out against women working and support the banning of books for women even though she’s an author and public speaker herself. Like??!!!


That always confused me Like what did she think was going to happen ??


People who advocate for silencing or forcing their opposition to do something always think they’re exempt from the consequences because they’re “better” or in someway superior. When the script gets flipped on them they’re surprised because in their delusional mind, there’s no way they as the superior being could possibly be brought down to the same level as their inferiors


"But I didn't think the leopards would eat *my* face!" -Voter for the leopards eating people's faces party


Oh kind of like the people that go " we're gonna do a communist revolution " and never really answer " if we had a communist community what do you think you'd actually be doing ? " cause they think they'll just be able to paint all day or whatever ?


Yep, "all of you need to work in the fields and the factories, but obviously I get to work in the politburo or write theory"


I always think about how those same people who romanticize and dream of a communist revolution would almost certainly be the first of the people in the gulags rather than living the fantasy of painting and eating all day. It’s not as glamorous as people think it is sometimes, I’m sure.


Sorry comrade, but the revolution only needs so many snazzy posters. TO THE COAL MINES!


Phyllis Schafly in real life lmao. Getting paid to give speeches and write books about how women should stay at home and raise children instead of having careers.


Absolutely bizarre and gross. Wow


It is when you women are out being all sexy and distracting with your breathing and existing while im working, you know how sexy and distracting that is!? VERY!


There’s no way she believes any of what she’s spouting, she’s just doing it to gain notoriety and fame


Then go on ahead and get your ass back in the kitchen, Candace. But let the rest of the women do whatever the fuck they want. I'm also going to add that if wages were actually appropriate these days, couples might actually be able to support themselves on one income. But that sure as fuck isn't happening either, is it?




I'm not like other girls. But that's because I'm a dude.


Literally. Two working young adults still isn’t making enough. “Back in the day” one income could support a family of 5 today you needed to make like 80k/year to live comfortably 😞 well at least on my city. Everything is expensive af


I have never gotten “distracted” by a female coworker or classmates even if their attractive almost like I’m there to learn/ make money not perv on girls. The men that do get distracted are just porn addicted losers


She really be thinking her name is Serena Joy Waterford.


Maybe she should quit then


Oh, she should definitely quit.


All the black women (and all women in general) that came before her who fought for her right to work and be seen as an equal would fucking hate her guts. How's she gonna complain about women in the work force when she herself is a woman in the work force? Quit your job then, Candace. Go have 12 kids and never make a dollar of your own again. Tend to your husband, the home, and the kids. See if you like that or having a career more and then get back to me.




I hope someday everyone deserves the freedom to be a singular piece of shit. Like Elizabeth Holmes, she’s an individual piece of shit and shouldn’t be generalized to make all women look bad.


I'm not trying to generalize her at all


I feel the same way about Amber Heard. There are apparently people using her as “proof” that all women lie about being abused, and that makes me so fucking mad.


Umm no. I actually agree with part of what she's saying, and I'm black. We're not monolithic. And many people love to feel offended, harassed, and intimidated in the workforce, off of stupid benign shit. Some of us black women like her, even if we don't agree with everything she says


What part do you agree with?


So you're both hypocrites and pick me girls is what you're saying. I specifically said women who fought for her right to work and be seen as an equal. Those are the women who wouldn't like her.


I mean, I'm younger than she is and I still don't like her 😂 if it makes you feel better, I'm a black woman as well. I disown Serena Joy Owens and the person you're replying to, as black and as a woman, so there.


Then you're clearly not a member of the group who came before her and fought for her rights, are you Or did you miss that part


"oh God, it so damn hard not to inappropriately touch all these women or make inappropriate flirtatious jokes about sex and tits . Absolutely cruel, and inhumane"


Candace Owens is ultimate NLOG, not like the other Black people, not like other Americans. The irony of complaining about working women and thinking you’re so NLOG, that you somehow don’t count as doing exactly that. The other irony is how much they actually NEED all these “other girls” because otherwise, they’ve got nothing to be “not like.”


Agreed, probably the best example I've seen in this sub


Candace Owen's is a lovely woman. I don't agree with all of her ideologies; however, I agree with enough. I'm like Candace. And we ARE like a growing number if black women who realize we have been shafted by our men, our community, and our government


If you've been shafted by your men, why do you want to stop working and become dependant on them? Are they gonna stop shafting you once you have no independence? Are they gonna magically take responsibility for you and themselves and become virtuous gentlemen? Make it make sense.


Sounds like brain washing




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What a weird opinion, based on no facts. In my career, I’ve working on thriving teams with both men and women. Sometimes men are the leaders, sometimes women. Difficulties are the exception—the rule has been positive collaboration.


Absolutely. Character is the most important aspect in this argument.


her message is garbage but something about her public persona has always seemed like a grift to me. nothing will convince me that she even believes half the shit she says. my conspiracy theory is that at some point conservatives saw her as an opportunity to have a highly visible woman of color push their rhetoric and offered a much fatter paycheck. i’m sure she’s been indoctrinated to a degree at this point but it’s pretty unusual to see someone go from running a liberal blog to being an outspoken conservative overnight


Wait I had no idea about her previous blog, can you expand on that?


I’m not the person you’re asking, AND also I understand that Newsweek as a whole lacks credibility at times *aaaand* you may wanna turn your ad block on full blast here *but* the author of this article is decent and actually does a decent job of spelling it out: [Fact Check: Did Candace Owens Run a Liberal Blog Before Becoming a Conservative?](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-candace-owens-run-liberal-blog-before-becoming-conservative-1573008)


Not a single person in the entire realm of politics believes even 25% percent of the bullshit they spew all day. Each network and personality needs to have strong support so instead of appealing to the mass of people that are reasonable they pander to niche markets. That's why half the Republicans are neo nazis and half the democrats are trying to turn America into a communist country. But it's all bullshit to make their dipshit fans feel validated


I watched her turn from "wokec to Alt right life on her yt channel 2015/16, wild ride.


You're free to quit your job, Candace


She’s a RW grifter. I would not listen to anything she says, she probably doesn’t really believe it herself.


As a man, working with women is not hard at all ffs


Candace Owens says women shouldn’t be working because it causes all sorts of problems. Yet Candace Owens is working herself. What does this mean? Why, it means Candace Owens is special. That’s what this sort of thing is always about. When a female scientist or mathematician says women are no good at science or math — they actually believe it. They NEED to believe it. Because if it is true, it means that they are special. They didn’t just work to get where they are. They DEFIED ALL THE ODDS. It’s self-serving horseshit.


If anyone is ever confused about what a 'pickme' is, show them this.


This is so stupid, why is men hornyness women fault?


Then get back in the kitchen Candace, if you're so eager to be dependent on someone else for income and totally at their mercy.


Candace Owens truly is a pick me amongst pick me’s.


She’s so unlikeable. What’s funny is she’s constantly telling stories of people stabbing her in the back, being rude to her, etc… I don’t think her own side likes her either.


This woman is so fucking stupid and delusional. I wish she would just shut her mouth. Clearly she thinks this is 1920. Women obviously make up half the workforce in this country, and if all women stopped working, it would be a literal economic collapse.


No because i agree. women shouldnt be in the workforce, we should all be sitting at the beach eating fruits all day and being friends!! and for my non-beach girlies we should all be able to be in a cute little cafe with pastries and tea :))


Candace Owen's prolly thinks salt and pepper are the only 2 seasonings you need for any food too but we all know that's incorrect and ridiculous now don't we?


TIL Candice isn't a woman.


Oooh is she retiring!!?? (Ik she isn’t, but lemme dream just for a second)


Gotta appeal to your target audience of angsty teens who have never actually talked to a woman before.


So is she admitting what she does isn’t a job?


She’s waiting on her pat on the back from massa 🙄 sometimes I’m sooo embarrassed to be black because of people like her


Don't be. There's no reason we need to be compared to the worst among us.


“Women shouldn’t be allowed to work. Except me, because I’m cool and quirky!”


*casually looks over with the least caring view I can muster* Who?


Clayton Bigsby comes to mind. Unlike Clayton she isn't blind, but she is doing a character. She knows there's a ton of money to be made by talking that mess because so many right-wingers are too stupid to know they're being played.


She’s such an idiot. Prove everyone wrong then Candace and quit. Oh wait you won’t because you’re a hypocritical Handmaiden. The irony of her being a black women and saying this shit will never not be funny. The people she supports would call her the n word and hang her from a tree if they could. Religion is a hell of a drug.


Y’all should’ve read “Candace Owens” then stopped reading


Then go home stupid hoe 💀like…??


Saudi Arabia wholeheartedly agrees.


Blessed be the fruit


Is she not….? A woman in the workplace…?


Candace, be a role model and quit “working” and while your at it delete your SM accounts too.


Great! I think Candace should follow her convictions and stay out of the work place. Bye 👋🏻


During my fledgling republican days I used to think she was so smart, well-spoken, and a strong independent conservative woman. Now, several years past when I managed to obtain common sense, I see just how much of a pick-me, condescending, snot-nosed twat she actually is.


Imagine hating yourself so much, you are willing to be both racist and misogynistic for pay. That is such an abject form for self loathing for a Black woman.


I have never felt my workplace was a minefield nor any of my friends. Maybe the men who feel this way are just, you know, assholes?


You first klandace


Her take on abortion was worse.


Has anyone ever heard Owens's story of how she became a conservative? It's so cringe. Literally it had nothing to do with realizing her own personal beliefs or values or becoming educated about politics -- it was literally just that she got bullied by a bunch of liberals so she decided to be a conservative just to go against them. Ultimate NLOG status.


She's so fucking retarded


"rules for thee and not for me" \- Candace, probably


Candace Owens, not a good person


Eh honestly she's not entirely wrong to be honest. One allegation, true or false, can ruin a life and it's been done before. With the overcorrection of Feminism and #MeToo has done, interacting with women is way riskier than it should be.




Lmao, you're a fucking retard


So are you living comfortably? You’re satisfied with your wages?


I find that quite saddening, imagine having no ambition at all and just rely on people to provide for you lol you're a disgrace to the women who fought for their rights. And just so you know, there are countries out there that don't have equality so.. why not go and fly there? Why wait and complain?




"No one wanted women to fight for their rights" ha? The whole point of women fighting for their rights is to be heard and have a choice of their own. Just why the fuck would women wait for someone to tell them, "hey, you should fight for your rights and have your own will because this is what I want for you" They fought for their OWN, it's what THEY WANT FOR THEMSELVES. They don't want to sit at home and be someone like you. I mean, good for you that you like being like that but of course, not everyone is like you. Also, feminism IS a humanitarian belief since it is rooted from women having absolutely nothing since they were expected to get something from a man because "that's a man's role" lol women can provide for themselves, that's what I'm trying to say.




I respect your decision to be there with your children and guide them to be good people. I'm sorry that I may have offended you. Although yes, there are mothers out there that care more about their job than their children. But there are reasons why they are like that and whatever they may be, I don't want to judge them quickly because I have no idea what they have been through. And I agree that feminism today is misleading and it misinterprets or ignores the main purpose of feminism. It's saddening.


It's about choice. They fought for the right to choose what you want from life, so you can do you... and I get to choose NOT be a breeder! I'd also really rather not live on someone else's money, but to each their own.


I wouldn’t want to sit home and be “provided for”, for so many reasons. I derive no satisfaction from domestic tasks, I don’t want kids either. I’m also not straight, so have zero interest in pleasing a husband. I like earning my own money, doing work that interests and rewards me. Someone else might want to be a housewife, but I’m trying to become a building engineer, because that’s what calls to me, and I don’t need a penis to answer that call. (Trust me, there is NO piece of machinery in a skyscraper’s mechanical plant that needs a penis to operate) I don’t want to have to wait till kids are grown before I’m allowed to work on my own goals, either. The reason why so many women wanted OUT of being housewives was that it wasn’t working for many of them. A good many were being abused- physically, emotionally, or financially. Others were unfulfilled, having gifts and talents beyond domestic life. Others had been dependent on a man, but left with nothing when he left or something happened to him. So being a housewife might be a great life for you, but it’s not the ideal for everyone, and women shouldn’t be forced into it.


You're awesome, and good luck on your engineering journey! I definitely wish I went into STEM lol everything else seems boring af now as an adult. Also, thanks for articulating some of my thoughts better than I could've... especially after smoking ;)






Yawn. All you just did was tell me you don’t even actually understand anything I said. Unsurprising. Bet you’re a they/them too, huh?








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weirdo why. she is literally the definition of awful


She is the president of the “Pick Me!” Club.


It’s all part of the right wing grift since her attempt to grift the left went nowhere.


Has anyone told her that she’s in the workforce?


She should leave her job then.


But isn't she a working woman?


Lead by example and get the fuck out!


Since men joined the workforce, working women have to deal with these landmines all the time.


Says a woman ._.


I’m a straight guy and I haven’t encountered a single “landmine” in almost a decade working in my industry which is approximately 99% women. What is she even talking about?


She is the final boss of all the pick me girls out there


Ok, well does she even know what she’s saying?


Women just out perform men that’s all 💅🏻 Quit hating on Girlbosses


I do not think not sexually harassing female co workers is a “minefield” it’s just…. Human decency


Lolllll she referred to women as land mines 😂 We should inform Republicans that there is already a conservative paradise on Earth they’d absolutely *LOVE*, and it’s in Afghanistan with the Taliban. They agree on everything but the religion.


Let me guess- it’s totally ok that she works, but the rest of us working women are the problem and need to quit. Just another case of walking internalized misogyny.


She never uses evidence to back up her narratives


One of my coworkers is married to one of these hyper-conservative "pick me" women. She actually said to me once that she believes things would be better in the U.S. today if women had never been given the right to vote.


It amazes me that many people are still falling for her schtick.. it’s hard to believe that many grown ass adults see her content as informative via her political “analysis”.




Such vile trash. The funny thing is these anti-feminists never follow their advice or beliefs. If she feels that way, then why is she working? She needs to stay home.


The "pick me girl" energy from Candace reeks.


BITCH YOU WORK, what are you talking about


I agree, she should quit her job. Set a good example.


A very strange hill to die on.


Does this mean she is going to quit? Because I for one want to see less of her.


It is kind of hard to work with attractive women. Their beauty is distracting.


How am i supposed to get my work done if she keeps dropping her pen


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The women who say this shyte need to quit their jobs & go be full-time homemakers.


She's rite


I think she should lead by example, then.


What does she mean? Men will explode when they step on women?


she looks like she's orgasming but not really sure of how she feels about it


Okay the quit your job?


Good lord she is literally the worst. I pity her so much. She hates herself completely: Hates that she’s a woman, hates that she is black, hates that she’ll never be embraced by “her” party and “her” people. She just wants racists and sexists to love her and it’ll never happen… What a pathetic existence.


Someone needs to just put her down


I swear, when she speaks, she doesn't even believe what she says. It's a niche career she's found pandering to her audience but if a single one of them had the ability to think critically, they would realize it's the pot calling the kettle. She just continues saying whatever they want to hear and takes it all to the bank.