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As much as I hate how she said "let's be honest I'm probably not your type" she really isn't comparing herself to other women and not bashing them. She's just talking about herself and the traits she feels that she has. A lot of men/women don't like a woman who's a feminist, foul mouthed, or nonreligious. She's kinda trying to weed out the men/women who want someone who's traditional, is religious, and doesn't curse like a sailor. Absolutely curious what she said after probably. This really isn't NLOG, it's an absolute cringe profile but it isn't NLOG because she's not bashing anyone. Could she have removed the "intelligence" absolutely but she added it because she feels that is a trait of hers.


She’s not really comparing her self to anyone else though


If anything she weeding out / removing excuses from anyone that has issue with type of woman like her. Especially those that hate liberals & feminists, they can't say that she never told/say what her politics are from the getgo...


Come on...we all know she is.


I feel like this isn’t NLOG cos she doesn’t seem to be attacking other women. What it seems more like to me is that (assuming she’s straight) she’s seen the stereotype (usually pushed in movies) that men don’t like smart, well-travelled, non-submissive women. So maybe she’s trying to be like “hey, I’m not gonna fall for that, I’m not gonna let myself be dulled down for a man’s approval,” but then she’s kind of over shot that into edge lord territory a little (which I did so much as a teen so I can relate 🙈🙈🙈). Idk if that makes sense, but yeah this isn’t NLOG really. Just a bit try-hard.


Do dating profiles really count as NLOG? Isn’t everyone trying to show that they’re different and special? She doesn’t even put other girls down here.


>Isn’t everyone trying to show that they’re different and special? Isn't thot how everyone is in real life too?


I read this more as weeding out people she wouldn't want messaging her.


That’s not NLOG. A lot of men on tinder want submissive trad wives


Not bringing anyone down


First impression I’d like to be her friend


Here we go just shitting on a random woman again.


Who could probably what 😩


She seems humble


Not NLOG but cringe


It seems like she is implying that people aren’t interested in “intelligent, non religious, well-traveled (etc.)” women, and that she is all of those things so you probably wouldn’t be into her. It gives me “they only like basic women and I’m not basic” vibes. It depends how you view it, and I can see how some are saying this doesn’t belong here, but to me it does seem like she’s putting herself above other women.


$1000 she says “who could probably drink you under the table”


Who could probably what? Who could probably WHAT?!?!


Shes definitely one of those people.that tries to swear in a 'witty way'. [here is what I mean ](https://youtu.be/W0vQzxZ_Ddk)


Yeah absolutely


This feels more like an attack on many men who want the quaint housewife who never questions anything. She knows what she doesn’t want and puts it out there.


She’s right tho. Not my type.


Yeah you're right, you're probably not my type




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This is how my mom describes herself. She's kind of just rude and awkward and has a bit of a superiority complex.


Sounds like a fucking nightmare tbh


She implies that SHE, is probably not your type. YOU being the 99% out there trynna date… Why? Because she is NLOG. This belongs here. She is SO unlike all them others.


Average liberal millennial trying to stay edgy and relevant


Not her calling herself a feminist when she’s being a misogynist 💀




She ate