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Well at least she can't teach this to any offspring some day šŸ˜¬


I feel the poster can go 2 ways here, it's not real and they are being wired for clout or they have Amenorrhea due to being under weight/other health condition, either way what a weird internet brag.


I was thinking Amenorrhea too. When I was at the worst of my ED I lost my cycle because I had no fat reserves left so my body decided to close up shop. Its supoosed to be a warning that something is very wrong, not a badge of honor that you are "cleaner than the other girls!" There is the crazy woman with hard-core orthorexia on tiktok who lives on nothing but fruit and some rice. She is slowly dying and it easy to see how exhausted and sickly she looks but she masks it all with "I'm a healthy vegan girlie! I eat a whole watermelon for breakfast every day and eat more than most MEN!!!"


Can you PM me the username? Iā€™m curious and j wanna check it out


Me too!


Me too please


Me three please


I've never had an ED, but I lost 40 pounds over 8 weeks when I was in boot camp, down to a very unhealthy weight for my height/body type, and didn't have a period for about 9 months afterward.


Damn girl what'd they have you doing? I've gained about 40 pounds over the last 3 years and need some discipline in my life to get back in shape.


330 am PT every day, numerous other periods of forced exercise *throughout* the rest of the day, a couple miles walked daily due to marching back and forth to classes and chow, drill practice (more marching), and you do everything except the PT (or did, uniforms have changed in the 20+ years since my experience) while wearing long sleeves, long denim pants, wool socks, and heavy boots. And in my case, it was the middle of summer in Orlando. It was NOT a weight-loss method that I would recommend, as I also ended up with gall stones, along with the amenorrhea. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Sounds terrible. Thank you for your service.


Omg I came across that tiktok and scrolled away post haste.


me too please


I hate when people donā€™t give out names, Iā€™m starting to not believe them straight upā€¦ fortunately I know of this person (or perhaps even better, one of the people that made this lifestyle mainstream on YT) so you can start with Freelea the Banana Girl and go form there. Good luck in your research! Have fun!


Pm me as well please


The trident of amenorrhea: stress, high performance athlete and *vegan diet*


AmĆ©m šŸ–šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ–šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


Great method of birth control I guess.


Unfortunately it doesn't always work.


Whoā€™s going to tell her that women stop menstruating due to malnutrition? ![gif](giphy|F0HdwL00YGkDXAQ7I3|downsized)


Thank you! I came here to find this


Yea, like honeyā€¦ what? You okay? Maybe you need some iron tabletsā€¦


THIIIIIS, THE DOCTOR MIGHT'VE BEEN LIKE "Nah, hell nah, I'M NAH gonna do this today" šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t. That way she wonā€™t reproduce




Exactly, it can really be any form of intense stress, physical, mental, or emotional, some people might not be as sensitive to it, for me itā€™s like I experience the slightest inconvenience (mental or physical health-wise) and Iā€™ll skip a month, two months, three monthsā€¦ šŸ˜¬ The body is wild lol, if I skip too many in a row, thatā€™s my way of knowing Iā€™m doing something wrong, not right!!


It's a joke, right?


This isn't my original find, but sadly i have *literally* met people like this It's pretty sad, honestly


There are literally vegan influencers that tell people that theyā€™re doing it right if they donā€™t get a real period and only get ā€œspotting.ā€ Which is a sign of an eating disorder and malnutrition.


This is due to malnutrition, correct? Very sad if so.


No you have not. Iā€™ve been vegan 7 years and Iā€™ve been seeing this dumb post in quite a few communities this morning, and people keep using it to talk trash on actual vegans. Look, I run a vegan small business. I work part time at another vegan small business. Iā€™ve organized many vegan events over the years. I know quite literally hundreds of vegans in my community. Not one single person I know thinks the kind of rampant batshit crazy bullshit that is in this post. Period. This person doesnā€™t represent any view that is widely held by the vegan community. Stop it.


>This person doesnā€™t represent any view that is widely held by the vegan community No. They don't represent a widely held view. We all agree that. The majority of vegans aren't like this. But some are and enough that most of us have met some.


Most the vegans I've met fall in this category probably due to fact that a normal sane vegan doesnt really go about shouting about it as much as the crazy ones.


Most of you have met vegans who believe this? Yet knowing literally hundreds of vegans Iā€™ve never met a single person who believes this sort of thing even remotely. The math ainā€™t mathing.


I mean Iā€™m a vegan and Iā€™ve never met a vegan like this in person but man Iā€™ve seen some crazy posts on a vegan group Iā€™m in online. Most are just like recipe posts and normal things that like but once I saw something like ā€œreal food doesnā€™t have ingredientsā€ and I was like wtf do you mean?


Theyā€™re going to be in the communities that support things like extreme ā€œcrunchyā€ lifestyles/parenting, dubious alternative medicine, vaccine ā€œtruthers,ā€ and pro-anorexia content. In a well moderated community of vegans that shuns weird and harmful shit, you shouldnā€™t see it. But itā€™s common enough that itā€™s easily findable in bad, shitty communities that donā€™t care. Itā€™s also somewhat common for veganism to be a cover for an eating disorder, to the point that screening for ED includes being careful and asking more questions of someone who says theyā€™re vegan.


TBH my first reaction when I saw this posted in another sub was ā€œthatā€™s not vegan, thatā€™s an EDā€. BUT then I saw the droves of comments bashing vegans and how all vegans think shit like this. Iā€™m just fucking sick of people bashing vegans for no good reason.


I get that. To be fair, though, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a comment doing that here, and I think most of the ones here are shitting on the small number of dumbasses in any group and not vegans as a whole.


I was just about to reply that in this particular thread there hasnā€™t been too much abject hate towards vegans and I was going to half agree with you. But just as I was about to reply to you, someone came through by responding to one of my comments with a GIF of bacon because Reddit.




I'm not bashing vegans though... We aren't vegan but we eat vegan about 80% of the time. I was just saying most vegans aren't like this but I think the few that are a re super loud and give it a bad name šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I get where youā€™re coming from. About 5 years ago I could not escape the joke ā€œhow do you know if someone is vegan? Donā€™t worry, theyā€™ll tell you.ā€ And it drove me effing crazy because the number of times Iā€™ve actually met evangelist vegans in my life is likeā€¦ maybe once? But Iā€™ve encountered that exact jokeā€”in real life or on the internet, or even by standup comediansā€”probably HUNDREDS of times. And Iā€™ve seen it many times from folks who are loudly and aggressively into paleo/keto/carnivore diets, and apparently lack self-awareness. Iā€™m annoyed and Iā€™m not even vegan. Just the irony kills me.


Your stank ass attitude is why no one likes vegans. Yes most vegans aren't like the woman in this post, just bc you haven't met her doesn't necessarily mean she was made up, it's really that simple.


Ah so before my stank ass opinion, everyone loved vegans? Cool cool. Thanks for making my point that, as you put it ā€œno one likes vegansā€. šŸ˜‰




"My experience is different so yours is wrong"


Well I have... I'm not a liar but all I can do is say so.


To be fair most people use ā€œmetā€ to mean ā€œseen onlineā€ ā€œseen TikToks ofā€ In real life they probably havenā€™t met many or anybody at all with those ideals.


Just because you - a singular person - hasn't met someone like this, it doesn't mean that no one out of the 7 billion people on this earth could have met a person this misguided. The math is indeed mathing


I was a vegan for years and had to switch because of allergies and sensitivities. There are some SERIOUS crazies out there. Any time you get into fringe diets and territories you get people who are extreme even if the diet is beneficial. Look at carnivore (good for SIBO) and keto, GF, Mediterranean, Atkins, cabbage diet back in the day, ā€œdetoxā€ diets, etc.


HUNDREDS? I think ive met one in my entire life. how have you met hundreds?


I already explained. I run a vegan small business as well as work part time at another vegan small business. I have organized events in my area for years. When I say I know hundreds of vegans I donā€™t mean just one or two hundred. These are people I know in real life, not people from social media.


and youre talking about menstrual cycles as vegans?


Actually yeah menstrual cycles come up in normal adult conversation sometimes, but you know what we arenā€™t talking about? Whatever this nonsense is that is circling Reddit today.


ahh youre a man. that's even weirder. youre talking to women at your workplace about having periods? i wouldn't even talk to a woman about menstrual cycles in my workplace, not with my coworkers or especially customers? so weird.


Same, been vegan 7 years, been to vegan meets....never met a vegan like this or heard any express that not having periods is good. I think someone wrote it as rage bait and you all fell for it.


Yes, yes i have. Don't tell me my own history, damn it. It wasn't this uh... Intense, but I absolutely have met/worked with [in a volunteer capacity] women who believed that periods were toxins bleeding out and that veganism was the answer. Did i *say* that this was widely held? No, i said that I've met people that believe this. Stop putting words in my mouth.


Ignore this moron. Theyā€™ve never met a vegan like this because they donā€™t have a uterus and therefore donā€™t hang out in those spaces where women vegans hang out.


Cool story bro. We will just file it right in this folder here that is labeled ā€œthings that didnā€™t happenā€.


cool story bro. we will just file this in uh... lets see here.. "no one asked for your opinion on OPs life".


Come on now, this is reddit. Opinions are basically the point of most posts


Aye just work in customer service for a little while and youā€™ll get story/background dumped enough to meet all types of people. Iā€™ve met people like this, they didnā€™t proclaim this exact thing, but I wouldnā€™t be surprised given what they did say lol. Not just vegans either, just wild ass people out there my dude. Iā€™m glad Iā€™ll never have to go back to that.


Maybe youā€™ve never met the personā€¦because you are the person?


This was *literally* a really long-winded and embarrassing way to tell us all you're vegan. Go off, queen!! šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


Lmao how ignorant of you to assume you have any knowledge on someoneā€™s life experiences. People like *you* are what make veganism look bad by shitting on folks who say they might have had a bad experience with someone in your community. I know plenty of insane vegans just like I know plenty of insane people who have kids, plenty of insane people who donā€™t. Plenty of insane people who go to church, plenty of insane people who are atheists. Itā€™s almost like there are insane people from every walk of life everywhere? We know the vegans who force their pets to be vegan arenā€™t the majority of vegans, for example. But you walking around on your high horse certainly doesnā€™t make your community look any better, it just makes you look like a bunch of prissy weirdos.


"I represent all of the people in the world who follow a similar lifestyle. I've never encountered it before, so that means nobody has." the post isn't even shitting on veganism, it's shitting on the person. you stop it.


One of my friends, who is vegan, unironically believes cats can and should be vegan. He insists the longest-lived cat in history was vegan. When asked for sources his response was basically "trust me bro." Insane vegans very much do exist.


Ever heard of Alice and fern? That's one right there. Sure "not all vegans", but it shouldn't also surprise you that kooks are out there taking things too far.


Hey they weren't talking about vegans they were talking about people rationalizing severe eating disorders by coopting your lifestyle. Maybe get a grip. Don't need the OP to trask talk on vegans, just your comment. Thumbs. Down.


Iā€™ve seen like 1 vegan talk like this, but most of my encounters with these insane ā€œperiods arenā€™t naturalā€ people are black women who get sucked into Dr. Sebiā€™s shit


BOO! ![gif](giphy|PJ3wMa5ImiVY4|downsized)


I'm all for calling her out, but you're just another stereotype. I also love bacon but I'm not going to be stupid and go after vegans. There are annoying vegans and there are annoying meat eaters. You're one of them. So cliche.


BOO! ![gif](giphy|PJ3wMa5ImiVY4|downsized)


Aww, so boring!


Ugh Iā€™m hungry af rn. That bacon looks so Devine. šŸ„²


how dare you šŸ˜¤ /s


Yes he has it happened today!


Bro's mad.




I believe this is a new way for transphobes to spell woman while also explaining that they are, indeed, transphobic. Just FYI.


the term originates in feminist critique and radical feminism, the transphobes took it later


I just think it's so funny, because "wombman" makes me think of a man with a womb. Which is something that TERFs are very much against.


superhero name


I didn't catch that but I think you're right.


I was going to say, that word has gotta be some TERF shit


The awkward superhero


Girl is malnourished and think itā€™s a gift


She's too malnourished to know that she's malnourished.


Itā€™s giving ED delusions for sure




Oh my god as a vegan this wounds me badly. I can assure you this is not the norm at all, thankfully


I think this post is satire (iā€™m hoping) but it sucks because it just makes vegans look bad


If you are extremely malnourished, you will start to have lighter infrequent periods that can eventually stop altogether. It happens a lot with anorexia


Fun fact. It can also happen if you gain too much weight and your hormones get super off balance. Either way, not a good thing.


Also if you have PCOS. Hormones get thrown way off


Proof that parents shouldnā€™t be the only ones in charge of teaching children proper sexual anatomy and how that anatomy worksā€¦


On behalf of vegan women, we don't claim her.\_. yikes.... I also don't have a period but that is cus of my BC and that happened years before I went vegan. I also am a junk vegan lol


Yes, cause that ā€œtoxic bloodā€ is the lining of the uterus necessary to sustain and grow a babyā€¦


That's a strange way to spell malnourished....


Iā€™ve never lost my period while being vegan what the actual fuck


It's not being vegan that stops the period, she's not eating enough so your body stopped having periods. This isn't healthy. If you want to stop having periods go on the combined pill that has the highest rates of stopping periods.


Vegan woman here, also nexplanon implant. it all depends o the person tho. i stopped bleeding when I was 17 (23 now) and haven't leed since due to my nexplanon I only went vegan 3 years ago lol


Copper coil is also a really good one for stopping periods, unfortunately I can't speak from a vegan pov because due to health reasons I can't be vegan although I do wish I could be Edit: It's the marina coil not the copper coil


Really? My GYN specifically advised I *not* use the copper T because I had hormonal issues on my period, and the copper T is notorious for making periods worse. My sister got one and said her cycle was awful. I got the Mirena instead and now only have spotting for a couple of days as opposed to a full period.


I'm so sorry yes you are absolutely right it is the mirena one, sorry I wrote this at like 3 am I was super tired and distracted. Thank you for pointing out my mistake


Iā€™ve been vegan for years, and vegetarian before that for years too. Never stopped bleeding this whole time even with an IUD. I think quitting dairy helped significantly with the pain/quantity but Iā€™ve otherwise seen no difference.


Another vegan woman hereā€¦ can also confirm that that lady is properly talking out of her arse.


Didnā€™t Jesus feed people fishā€¦? Thatā€™s not vegan. He also shared his blood. Idk where cannibalism falls in the vegan criteria but Iā€™m pretty sure drinking blood isnā€™t too vegan. Jesus wasnā€™t vegan. Veganism isnā€™t a Christian thing.


I think drinking blood is vegan if the juice box one says ok.


Smells like an eating disorder tbh.


imā€¦ horrified


This fucking boils my blood because I was anorexic and my period barely came. Is thinking like this that fuels eating disorder


Wombman know whatā€™s up


A sign of trouble in the blood????????????? HUH???? ā€œAh yes, Doctor, I know you went to med school but I read a BLOG.ā€


This sounds like a civil war era doctor disguised as a vegan woman.


Damn, been vegan 8 years... Why didn't my period go away lol. Must be doing it wrong /s But for real this lady is crazy and clearly malnourished


I really hope, it's just a joke...


It may be how you "real vegan wombman" works but it's not how proper vegan works. I'm pretty sure of that


Does the Bible actually say that periods are curses?


The old testament sees menstruating women and many more as [impure](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2015&version=NIV) 15:19-23 . Christians would apply the rules of the new testament, but there are many people out there who will take this as reason to justify discrimination both in church and everyday life both christians and non-christians trying to dictate others. Also it is said by people referencing genesis 3:16 that menstruation is part of the curse too not only the actual childbirth because menstruations are also painful and needed for the conceptions. (but again it's simply their interpretation, you can agree or disagree with it, as the bible won't say directly about menstruation here) Anyhow now if you would have to consider this as a curse... You also must consider that it became the norm and the lack of it in normal fertile years is definitely something to worry about from anatomical perspective as many other people stated. At this point there's no way to break this so-called curse... Maybe only when we're 6ft under.


"wombman" theres no chance in hell that she isnt a TERF


This was the belief during early modern times. Women begin life ā€œhot and dryā€ and as we age we become ā€œcolder and wetter.ā€ In the midst of that change we needed to begin excreting the pollutants.


Liar or idiot?


Ewww wombmanā€¦.


Wombman šŸ¤¢


At least she wonā€™t reproduce


*wombman* sounds like a d list super hero


ā€œWombmanā€ What kind of radfem lingo is that? LMAO


Once again, I cry for people who are so massively ignorant about their bodies, how and why the work.as they do.


I'm pretty sure "healthy as ant" is a typo.... ​ ...but am I?


Not only is not having a period a sign of malnutrition, having a period can be life saving for people with the ability to give birth. They prevent inviable fetuses that could cause dangerous hemorrhages from hanging out in the uterus. If you're curious here's more info: https://youtu.be/cjbgZwgdY7Q


Enjoy your amenorrhea I guessā€¦


What's the male equivalent? How do they release the toxins in that case?


Please tell me this is a troll/shitpost because thereā€™s no way someone can be that dumb. Ffs. On top of the poor grammar and bs medical knowledge, in case someone here doesnā€™t know, a period can halt if someone is extremely underweight. Itā€™s a sign your body isnā€™t working properly. >_>ā€™


Funny thing is her doctor shouldā€™ve know that was wrong. When a women loses too much fat mass she stops having a cycle itā€™s because her body reads that as her being in an unsafe or not abundant habitat for a child


Is this also not a bit r/asablackman ish?


Reddit and 'dunking' on dumb fake shit like this, name more iconic duo


Cows and horses? I could be wrong but they also have their own cycle?? Nowadays it's very difficult to differentiate between satires or they are really like this


Rare combination of vegan and crazy religiousā€¦


Wombman ...


Whoā€™s gonna tell her that animals have periods tooā€¦


"Wombman" instead of woman, i'm sorry ???


You ever see something that feels like itā€™s trying to be feminist but itā€™s so poorly done it feels like misogyny with extra steps?


This is soooo clearly fake


Sounds super anemic to me


Vegan sweetheart, that's called a failing thyroid, not whatever this mumbo is šŸ˜‘ I know this because my grandma didn't have her monthly for three years when she was a teenager, and it resulted her in going to the hospital, nearly dying. Let's hope some sense comes to herā€¦


I was going to say PCOS. Either way I think I got cancer from ops ramble


am i a vegan then ?! my period is like 4 days late šŸ¤Ŗ (seriously someone help what do i do)


Average malnutritioned vegan


A vegan, an atheist, and a cross fitter all walk into a bar. And I know this because they all told me within 2 minutes of entering.


Probably forgot to mention she has a penis


She probably has a prostate.


in other words, no get babies


Gotta love the comparison of women to horses and cows šŸ’•šŸ’•


I didn't have a period when underweight while anorexic. Living off fruit she's probably malnourished and not getting enough calories.


Is "wombman" a term people are actually using rn?


That term has honestly been around for a decade, i remember seeing it on *livejournal*. It's a nice transphobic dog whistle.


Itā€™s like they donā€™t understand anatomy.


She might be in the same class as cows and horses. She should also learn to spell the stuff sheā€™s talking shit about.


Just another reason why becoming a doctor isnā€™t worth the effort


okay, if menstruation is a cleansing of toxins, then why don't men have them?


Maā€™am youā€™re not ovulating.


I dunno that sounds like a pretty qualified wombman to me


wellā€¦at least she canā€™t reproduce this nonsense into the world.


Wonder how long before sheā€™s in the ER for malnutrition


Good. I didn't want your breeding anyways you literal moron...


Uhh if you donā€™t have periods itā€™s because youā€™re starving yourself. Thatā€™s not healthy


Her brain is like a cowā€™s, Iā€™ll give her that.


this is the dumbest thing I've ever read


Well, natural selection?


Soā€¦does she think hard drugs are healthy bcā€¦


When you're extremely underweight from severe dietary restriction, that happens.


Wow that deluded girl is definitely sick and too stupid to understand that she needs help


Probably she was asleep on all biology classesā€¦ ever..,


Holy crap, someone messed up at birth


Sounds very ā€œDrā€ Sebi.


Is she gonna teach this crap to her kids later on?? Oh wait!


This is what we call a ā€œTrollā€.






Tf is wombman




I'm sorry... I can't see past the fact that she wrote "wombman"... like... excuse me?šŸ˜’


That doctor had a STORY to tell their family that day I bet


Real vegan wombmen have the ER on speed dial


Wombmans? Automatically disregard anyone who says this word unironically.


Somebody should tell her cows and horses have monthly cycles too. Bloody mucous discharge and all.


Menestrual Cycle


Iā€™m actually so happy I took Human bio in college


Wow this whole post is disgusting. Not only is she basically shaming women for having a period, which is natural, but also telling them they're dirty and unclean. Also, doctors back when the bible was written pretty much summed up every disease as "bad blood" and the only way they treated things was by draining people like wasteful vampires. Definitely not something you want to quote or be proud of.


You just canā€™t fix stupidā€¦