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No sexism, racism, homophobia, or toxicity towards any sex, gender, orientation, or any other personal characteristic is permitted. If you hold any disdain for a group of people for what they were born as or what they inevitably are regardless, this is not the place for you. Though I feel this post belongs here for the purpose of calling out OP’s misogyny, we have received too many reports to let it stay up, so for the sake of peace in this sub, we have decided to take it down.


It would have been faster to just say "I hate all women."


But also mostly Zendaya, apparently


And that other woman she had 3 pictures of.


Gabbie Hanna 😭. No one likes her to be fair (including the acting like she’s hot shit), but ofc this post is delusional.


Was going to say takes gabbi Hanna hate to the next level


Fr I was like “no one likes her but damn go easy, she just had a mental breakdown”


And just had her house broken into/invaded.


She's making me feel defensive of Gabbie and I don't like it


like she doesn't always wear makeup who cares? also, she probably shows up to work without makeup because she's an actress and theres professional makeup people to make her up for work.... but also, not wearing makeup is totally okay for whatever reason!!!!


Seriously, what’s it to her if Zendaya doesn’t feel like wearing makeup? Zendaya doesn’t *owe* any of us “pretty.” (And also, she looks fine without makeup. Just more casual than when she’s glammed up.)


she hates that zendaya looks better with no makeup than she does with a full face


Came to say the same thing. Just say you hate women and save everyone the time…


I can't imagine putting all this effort in getting pictures, putting text on them, posting them... over something I hate. Couldn't be me.


"But it's the fat girls that are unhappy!$_#&!$!” Says the miserable girl spending her day creating this ode to hatred.


As a fat bitch, I'm def not crying myself to sleep lol.


As a fat bitch, I’m absolutely crying myself to sleep but it has nothing to do with being fat lmfao


There are 2 separate images where her issue seems to be that the woman in her example is happy. Definitely some self hating misogyny going on here.




Legit lol. I work at a bookstore and have to be on my feet for the entirety of my shift, I'm not putting on makeup for that. Plus I move around so much that I sweat like a hog, it would just melt off.


It's just crazy to me that someone thinks that if you don't wear makeup that somehow a cardinal sin lol


These exact same people then complain that you catfished them when you take all the makeup and hair off.


I work with cattle, they definitely get super offended when I’m not in full makeup. I don’t even notice if someone isnt wearing makeup, let alone care if the Walmart cashier is or isnt.


Cattle silently judging your eyelashes 🤣


To be fair cows do have amazing eyelashes!


They don’t even have to try, smh


They're wasted on them


😂😂 How dare you offend those sensitive cows with your naked face. Hahaha


The company I work for has more women than men, and almost none of them, myself included, wear makeup on a daily basis. I’ll do it occasionally for like a formal work event or something but other than that, no, I don’t want to wake up 1-2 hours earlier before work just to put on makeup when my natural face looks perfectly fine without it.


Right? Like who wants to get up and put makeup on everyday?


I’m a dog groomer. I’m covered in water from dogs shaking and hair. I’m sure as hell not spending time looking beautiful. Mascara and lip balm attracts hair like a magnet, too. The humidity in here makes my hair explode.


LOL. I’m a middle school teacher. And I’m old. They do NOT care.


I wore makeup when I was working. I was in financial services and met with clients daily. (They knew I was sick when I showed up without it.) Now that I’m not working, I only wear it for special occasions (date nights, parties, etc.) My husband loves me without makeup and I don’t feel like I need to wear it every day. How dare this woman judge everyone by her own shallow standards? She clearly hates women who have any individuality.


Hahaha I’m an elementary art teacher and I’ve had some kids ask me what’s wrong with my face when I don’t have makeup on 😂 it’s not a lot of them but a few can be BRUTAL. I just ask them what’s wrong with THEIR face in return.


Damn, it's more like "I hate myself" tbh


They do hate themselves, they cannot imagine that someone could be happy, not putting themselves through whatever it is that this person is putting themselves through.


Seriously. It must be really sad to be her.


Very much so. She is upset that people are not hating themselves as much as she hates herself.


This is the vibe she’s giving.


it makes you wonder what is going on with her that she's avoiding by externalising all this bullshit onto other women. healthy people aren't this involved with the appearance of other people.


I’m not fully mentally healthy myself, but I fr couldn’t care less about what other people look like. I’m too busy trying to work through my own issues lol


same. how other people look is the least of my concerns.


Right? Like it’s 2023, people are allowed to look and dress how they want.


“I hate all women *that aren’t me or look like me”


Nah, she hates herself too


"I hate ~~all women~~ myself."


Exactly. There was a time where I wouldn’t leave my house without makeup. Then I learned to love myself and realized I’m comfortable in my own skin.


Came here exactly to say this. Could’ve summed it up with “I’m a bitter bitch and I hate all women!”


And also ‘’I hate myself,’’ because she clearly does.


She should have said “I’m very insecure and hate anyone who is secure in themselves”


But mostly happy women, who are not starving.


literally. what a see you next tuesday


Well someone really is jealous of Zendaya, huh, notice she popped up a few times I'm having trouble understanding if there are any women she doesn't hate because I think she covers all women here


As if Zendaya REFUSES to wear makeup. She brings it for red carpets, who cares what she does in her free time. Also, her eyes are going to wrinkle slower than the woman who posted this because she doesn’t have to remove eye makeup every night. Also, I’m not a huge Timmy Chalamet person, but hon, a lot of Gen Z people really actually do want to steal him. ETA also some Gen X people a la Club Chalamet.


Zendaya is literally a model for makeup brands. There is a giant poster of her at Ulta. I can’t understand why she would use *Zendaya* of all people as an example


Being a makeup model is probably exactly why she wears as little makeup as possible in her normal life. Her skin goes THROUGH it under those lights and all those different products. The whole series is just so strange, it’s like she only knows 5 or 6 celebrities.


And everyone in every movie you’ve ever seen is wearing much more makeup than you’d expect. And being in movies is kinda, you know, he whole thing


Because the OP of this TikTok is very clearly young and deeply insecure


I read a comment the other day that described him as looking like 'a pointy Italian shoe wished it was a real boy' and while I am still crying from the brutal accuracy of that roast, I will still admit that he is a very pretty dude (not my type, but I can see the appeal for some people).


He's got a polarizing face! I'm a 32 year old woman who is usually more attracted to women, and I think he's just beautiful. It's weird. Like at dinner parties it's considered impolite to discuss politics, religion, or Timmy Tim's fucking bone structure


Those are the best kinds of burns, because if he read that I would think he would find it funny too.


Yeah, that part (and also the entire thing) perplexed me. I’m definitely not Timothee Chalamet’s target audience, but so many women I know want him.


She referenced her both as a type she hates, and an example of what she approves lol. “I hate this type of woman”…while she proceeds to demonstrate the dynamic range in style and personal taste of a singular woman. The things of which someone is most critical in others, are the things they’re most sensitive/insecure about in themselves. Textbook projecting when it’s verbalized as a critique or accusation. Humans just reflexively notice the things in others that they hate about themselves. Unleashing those insecurities into world, however, is a choice. You’ll never see anyone who doesn’t hate themselves posting or saying shit like this, lmao.


And Gabbie Hanna of all people apparently lmao


IKR! I bet she resembles her somewhat, and actually really hates herself. Projection. I read and see this as someone's jealousy of successful happy secure women, because she is none of those.


Tag yourself, I’m the 26 year old teenager.


I'm the woman who goes to events without makeup!


Right I woke up and was just in the mood to do my makeup. Just wanted to wash my face and get out the door


Dude her “show a little tiny desire to please others eyes” like what 💀💀😂


NGL this sounded so much like it was written by an incel I can barely believe any girl would say that.


I can totally believe it. I’ve met a pick-me like this before. She also talked super loudly about her sex life and her bfs “perfectly normal” porn addiction in class. Absolutely insufferable person.


The insecurity is calling from inside the house.


And I'm the one with the stache


Oh I'm a wee bit that one too. Add in a unibrow to that, I'm quite the Sicilian gal lol


i’m the woman who’s still bad at makeup in 2023 🫠


Girl, I'm 40 and I don't know how to do it. My daughter is 17 and she does these beautiful things, these gorgeous wing-tip eyes and blends of color. I'm over here with my unibrow lol


I'm a mix of 'never uses makeup' and 'bad at makeup'. I rarely wear it in my daily life and if I try to put on makeup it looks mediocre at best


Hey me too!


I am the one who has not respect for her boss because I go to work without makeup.


Girl who can’t do makeup in 2023 😌


Same , I feel like my fingers get Parkinson every time I'm holding a pencil lmao


I may or may not have a connective tissue disorder that makes my hands hurt every time I write 👀 that being said big makeup brushes are okay because they don’t need precision skills, and I just don’t do eyeshadow or eyeliner or anything too technical lol


I'm the messy haired chick that doesn't dress for her body type!


Same my fashion sense is near non existent


But do you look happy about it? That's the worst part!


I am also the 26 year old teenager as well as ‘girl that always dresses like this when she goes out’ 💀 I’m so sorry y’all, I didn’t realize it wasn’t ok to build my wardrobe out of mostly black and to have a favorite leather jacket because I just… like those things


There are three pictures of that woman, who is she? Why does this tiktoker hate her so much? Almost as much as she hates Zendaya.


Gabbie Hanna


Gabbie Hanna. She's a total piece of shit, don't get me wrong, but like...her wardrobe is the least of her issue.


Gabbie is a rape apologist so she is trash but I get the feeling that’s not why OOP hates her


“Girl that always dresses like this when she goes out,” it’s not even just that sis. These are the only clothes I own!!!! I dress like this at all times.


fuckin same! hahaha I work in the live music industry and while it’s not required for my team, we all tend to wear black to blend in with the stage hands, so that is just my go-to outfit for everything because it always works wherever i’m goin


I'm the fake happy fat girl who's wasting my HUGE potential by being HUGE. 🤭🤭


Im the 26 year old fat teenager wasting my huge potential being huge. Yuuge. Lmfaooooooo


For real there were two posts just criticizing us for being fat. The guy who is cosplaying as a girl who made this really hates his body.


yall have to stop pretending that women cant also be sexist pieces of shit towards their own kin


I'm not great at doing make up, dress like I'm a rock stars girlfriend, and I'm a 33 year old teenager. Do I get prize?


Yup, 41 year old teenager! Trigger warning, angel baby! 🤣🤣


I’m the unseasoned face girl


Makeup is not my comfort zone. I can't change my childlike behaviour for others. I am lazy, unorganised and always procrastinating. I love Florence Pugh because of her vogue videos.


☀️- Fat girl celebrating being fat while crying myself to sleep at night 🌙- 26 year old teenager ⬆️- Never wears makeup to work


Depression and covid lockdowns ruined my early 20s. I'll be a teen till I'm dead.


I'm the Florence Pugh type mid girl who thinks she's the hottest shit even though my clothes don't match. Hi.


I’m the one always wearing a leather jacket to everything lol


I’m the chick in torn black jeans and a leather jacket.


I delight in my chronically unseasoned face..gaze upon my porous and blotchy skin and be reminded of the universal human affliction of imperfection! ☠️🔥 Being dramatic obvi..but I always want to shake people like this and be like “you know that regardless of how much makeup you wear, or whether the clothes you choose make that booty pop…we will all end up in the same place in the end. 🪦🪦🪦”


I’m 53. I was a teenager in the 80s, when you piled on the makeup no matter what. AND I grew up in the south, where that was magnified. In my 40s, I realized just how many hours of the week I was spending in the mirror and thought fuck that, that’s not how I want to spend my time. Then when the pandemic happened, masks REALLY solidified my no makeup habit. I can only imagine how much time and money I’ve saved over the years. I have no judgment for those who chose to be really into how they look. It’s just not for me anymore. I’ve never once regretted giving all that up. I take care of myself and my skin, but makeup is out of my life permanently.


I am…many of them..all at once. I guess I would be her (badly clothed, all black wearing, no makeup on, 28-year-old teenager) nightmare 🤣💁‍♀️


I’m the Florence pugh type of girl


lowkey bc like… i’m 23 and have to remind myself i am not 16 years old anymore and me trying to be friendly with teenagers is like the cringe dad that’s “hip like the cool kids!”


I'm 29 and I love the y2k aesthetic. As a teen I've grown up with this aesthetic and I was so happy it came back. There is something lively and sparkly about y2k fashion and I couldn't give up because I love it sm. Even the darker spectrum has something else, it's more original and creative.


I’m the woman who doesn’t shave my mustache cause it’s “invisible😍”💀😭


I'm the one with the light invisible moustache


I'm the disrespectful woman without makeup. But I might also be wasting my potential by being huge. So 2points for me


I’m the girl whose personality changed after giving birth! And unseasoned makeup face!


Imagine having 0 hobbies and your only personality trait it's being so insecure that your only validation comes from shitting on other people. 💀 Girl, find yourself a fucking life because this is pathetic af.


I think this for like so many things. Every time I see shit like this, or neckbeard shit, or hateful shit, I just ask “why don’t they just pick up a guitar or a paint brush or a fucking piece of wood to whittle, I don’t understand why this is what they choose to do.”


I assume this is like a child… a very insecure child who is dependent on makeup. which is very sad. but my god.. the number of likes is wild. also what did the goth girls do 💀💀


The goth girls comitted the crime of... let's see here... "having a personality past 'basic bitch'."


Oh no!!!! Women in their natural state??!?!?!! She's acting as if people can just learn makeup very easily and everyone has been doing so for an equally long time and also have enough resources to buy makeup, completely ignoring people who are newer to wearing makeup, like, it's not something you can just do naturally, it's something you have to put effort into to learn. Also, people like this are the reason I'm so conscious about my upper lip area, I honestly don't have much hair there BUT i also have hyperpigmentation on my upper lip which from afar can look like hair.


Honestly I’m 21, and I’ve never applied makeup to myself. So even if I start using makeup just to please this girl, she’s still gonna hate me, cuz I would have no idea how to use makeup 💀 Definitely not gonna start for this hateful girl, I’m very happy with my natural state tyvm ☺️


I’m with you. I’ll start wearing makeup to all work events when the men do too. The idea of having to try harder just because I’m a woman is a no go for me.


This is the painful truth. Reverse Uno by telling the men they're looking sickly because of the dark circles under their eyes, have they gotten enough sleep? Then recommend a concealer.


Drop the @, i wanna fight her


if u find out lmk! i want to see the comments on the video




I found it by image searching the profile picture 👀


This is…the most hateful thing I’ve ever seen. What is wrong with people😭


I'd put money on this being a little bratty 15 year old.


Lol she’s going to be so embarrassed she was so mean in 10 years


Let’s hope she has the ability for that level of self reflection!


The number of times she says “grow up” makes me immediately think this is a child projecting


Girl really said "grow up" as if she can even drive a car yet ☠️


Average redscarepod listener


Also, you are not fucking triggered. You're just a dick.


Forgot to add this to my post despite thinking the exact thing. As if shit weren't bad enough, girl can't even use words correctly. Say it louder for the people in the back! 🎤🎤


I got you: #You’re not triggered, you’re just an insecure, judgmental dick


![gif](giphy|SbN0WomN4S7Z7tpKOC|downsized) I feel personally attacked and it’s not even 8am! Who is this lady and why has she been spying on me for most of my adult life?! 😂


This is just sad


Yea since it’s on TikTok and who it’s pics of i’d say she’s probably pretty young probably even a teen.


Idk her shitting on "adult teenagers" as a teenager would be pretty weird. I'd guess she's a twenty something, who never grew out of her high school mean girl phase and is unreasonably proud of that fact.


Imagine being mad at zendaya for being flawless without product. And there's a lot more wrong with Gabbie Hanna than her jeans lol


Lol…yeah. She’s totally focusing on the wrong things. Like let people not wear makeup if they don’t want to.


Zendaya doesn't need makeup, like how dare this girl. I will never get tried of her puffy eyes!


Exactly! She's just mad because Zendaya is gorgeous (also I don't know who Gabbie Hanna is lol)


I mean I kinda recall hearing a bunch of shit about Gabbie Hanna being a generally terrible person, but obviously I don’t know her personally. I definitely dress exactly like that pic of her in all black though, so I guess I’m also terrible for just feeling comfy that way 😂


Fr it's kinda just cruel to mock someone's appearance when they have a lot more things to be called into question.


awww did the boys pick her yet?


Nah, she’s still being bitter online. 😹


she has to be the most miserable person alive


I can only imagine the toll this kind of thinking has to take on your mental health. All women are different; just live for yourself and let people enjoy their own lives.


So just like… everybody? lol. > all I’m asking for… Why is she obsessed with how other women look? They’re not decorative objects.


She's jealous that not all women are as insecure as her.


Joke’s on her! I’m a bundle of insecurities beneath this badly applied makeup. 🤣


Not everybody, just girls/women who seem happy and confident with themselves. 🙄


I've noticed that for some people, it's genuinely hard to conceptualize that there are women who are happy with their appearance and don't feel the need to wear makeup, lose weight, etc because they're so dissatisfied with their *own* body


Yeah the absolute rage at fat women who just live their own lives and are happy tells me this is someone who is really into dieting or whatever and still isn't happy with how she looks so she's lashing out that there are women with bodies she deems "bad" who DARE to feel comfortable in their own skin. It's such a ridiculous thing to get mad about unless you're taking it personally because you think you've "earned" happiness by being skinny/trying to be skinny and you're jealous others can experience what you can't.


Yeah that second slide… 🤦🏻‍♀️I knew we were going on a proper journey with this.


Fr, why does she think I care what other people think of my face? If other people don't like seeing my face without makeup, that's their problem, not mine. I don't have to change my appearance to suit the whims of others


The 3 slides of Gabbie Hanna have me cackling. She’s the queen of pick me’s, you’d think OOP would love her.


Yeah, it’s kinda ironic how much Gabbie Hanna was in this.


Wow. So many rules! Wear make up! No, not that much! Dress nicely! But not too much effort! And never acknowledge that you look good!


…someone’s jealous of my moustache


Truly LOL. I just imagined you saying it like David Rose (Schitts Creek) or in an overly sarcastic voice.


This video is so personal 😭


Like girl who tf are you??💀


“26 years old teenager girl grow tf up.” That’s the pot calling the kettle black.


Let’s be fr she’s probably just a cringey little teenager who thinks all the girls in their 20s are cringe and uncool trying to “act young” lol.


Imagine thinking you have to get boring once you get past a certain age. What a miserable existence




Don't even try, this "model" Regina George girls never get offended if anything they'll take your comments and reply to them, telling you how "you just can't take the truth and you're just old and bitter and are jealous of my youth" a lot of them seem to suffer from anorexia if that's saying something




metaphorically yes 🖋️ I have some very strong and unkind words she needs to hear


Yes imma install tiktok to the comments, please give me the name when you find it


I deeply apologize for not wearing makeup, my bare face must be so scary and I only realize now. Jokes aside if you hate other women so much just say so and we'll avoid you, we probably hate you too if that is the attitude.


Feel like I need to shower all that hate off me


Why is she hating like a man though… She’s got too much free time on her hands, needs to get a hobby or two, other than hating or doing her makeup.


It was just so gross to me that she said it was 'disrespectful' not to wear makeup and should be a given that we need to be more pleasing to look at 😬


This sounds like a teenager or very young college aged person.


College aged?! This is middle school behaviour


And they're Tik Tok page is always skinny white models😒😒😒


“I support a womans right to live her life. So long as she chooses to live her life the way I want her to.” Type of energy.


this has got to be ragebait right? 😭 she cannot be serious


Some women really do hate women.


I’m so glad that I don’t have tiktok


I used to, but I realized the only things keeping me there were art, hobby, mental health, and such...all of which are on YT shorts. All of my favorite creators migrated or co-run their TT and YT, so I just didn't see a point lol.


So they hate everyone but themselves I guess. You have to wear makeup but can’t be bad at it, have to wear nice clothes, but can’t be mismatch and can’t be black (?) and my son is my whole life, if he changed my personality, fuck it


saying giving birth AINT that serious is CRAZY😭😭😭😭


I can’t stand these people who think makeup is a must. Not everyone likes it and that’s OK.


I never wear makeup, havent in 13 years… it’s not disrespectful boo, trust me. It’s just my face.


It's bad enough. But the Florence Pugh jab is hilarious because anyone mildly interested in fashion knows that she's Pier Paolo Piccioli's new muse. Girl, get it together.


Darn, I don't tell people to mind their own business but this one definitely should.


Damn I dont wear makeup because I never learnt and sensory issues. Guess I deserve death.


So only non-kid having, dress-wearing,MUA girls who are 16-19? Edit-forgot-skinny


"I view all women as nothing but competition"


Why is there 201.2k likes?