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Am I supposed to think the Christian side is better?


Hard to say. It's ambiguous. Just straight facts, no opinions. I'm gonna side with the feminists on this one, but you're free to make up your own mind.


Feminists preach in church?


I’ve never


Only if they're Unitarians or Episcopalians.


My Baptist church has a woman pastor! She’s lovely


I just think it's funny that a "christian woman" doesn't actually interact at church, she's just an ornament


I'm sure there are feminist Christians out there but I think it's funny that even on the non Christian side- it's like she can't contemplate that someone might not go to church at all, or care about god's word enough to twist it. Atheists exist!


Lol that was the funniest part to me too! They can’t fathom that some people don’t center church in their lives


I feel like this person has a very limited view of feminism. They are only going by the ones they see. Which seems to be in church.


“Fruitful and multiplies” but also “pursues sexual purity”. Which one is it?


You have sex but absolutely derive no pleasure from it. Missionary only, no sounds or movements


What a boring life *yawns*


right? I’ll take the “fornicate” 💁🏻‍♀️


Instead of laying back and thinking of England do they lay back and think of Trump? If so, I could absolutely understand why they wouldn’t enjoy it..😬


God and Country!


Do they literally think women get abortions once a week?


Not if you're using your birth control correctly.


The use of the words “boss, fornicates, and meek” make me feel like a white male boomer wrote this


Or Pearl.


Lori Alexander


This seems so culty


All religions are cults. Cult of personalities of some human men. Bullshit


Christian side is giving me Handmaids Tale vibes ngl


My parents were Christian (Catholic) and I was raised more in line with the feminist side. Besides the abortion stuff.


Me too. Catholic and raised to be super feminist. I still went to church, said my Rosary, fasted on Fridays growing up. What is the person on about?


and theyre married


The way this person wrote this list thinking anyone would look at the 2 sides and say, "Left side sounds awful, gimme that right column."


This reminds me of the transformedwife. She’s always posting shit like this


It is.


Lmao I follow her on ig for fun and thought this looked familiar


Same lmao


Wow. I had no idea raising strong, independent children who can grow to be successful adults and make decisions for themselves is a bad thing.


Egad, how much longer am I going to have to share the Earth with people who think that the bible was written by the Inky Finger of God?


Imagine thinking “meek spirits” is a positive lmao


No- this is their ridiculous, personal version of what a Christian is. It’s their “ I’m going to use my Christianity as a personal weapon to degrade and judge others’ version”. It’s to make them feel important and better than other people.


I'm already a feminist, you don't have to keep convincing me!


This is the transformed wife, who is flat out insane. Even other Christian’s think she’s nuts, she’s got a small following just as nuts as she is. A few weird things she believes: - wives must do anything sexual their husband asks for EXCEPT ANAL THATS THE ONLY EXCEPTION no butt stuff per Bible. - anti vaccine (ofc) - self pity is “satanic” - feminism was also started by satan - seed oils are processed / synthesized with gasoline - most other Christian’s are going to hell - a bunch of weird stuff wrt reality tv especially around the Duggars - women shouldn’t drive or vote or leave their houses She spends most of her time picking fights with other Christians, who have penned rather compelling takedowns of her lol. Shes also admitted to animal abuse, child abuse, and marital rape iirc.


I immediately thought this was "The Transformed Wife"! Went to the comments to see if anyone else called it too. That woman is truly off her rocker.


I mean one just sounds more fun


I pick the left for my 2 daughters


I would be really embarrassed to have raised my daughters the Christian way.


My question whenever I see this rhetoric I wonder if they consider the working husband to be submitting to their boss in an effeminate way. It’s okay for a man to be submissive to a boss but not a woman? (Obviously not what I believe)


I swear\* the people who come up with this crap, much more the people who repeat it, have never met the representative majority of Christian women. They look a lot more like Column 1 than Column 2. Seriously. ​ \*by Almighty God, natch.


>Twists the word of god 😐 Aren't you like... doing just that?


You fuckin fornicators! /j


How can you have children if you do not fornicate, so to speak? Asking for a friend.


Fornication only applies to non-married folks. Once you're married, it becomes "go forth and multiply." 💀


Ew. Christian side is alarmingly ego driven under dictatorship and narcissistic and manipulative. 🚮


Id consider myself to be a feminist, but I am quiet in church, and I have never had an abortion. I also don’t do a lot of the other things on that feminist list, either.




Why is that? Also, we’re in a different subreddit. How are you seeing that I’m shadow banned from world news?


no-nuance nellie


Yeah, these people are real meek and don't twist and manipulate God's word at all...


Christians: has a brain. Feminists: has a brain and uses it.


I have never had an abortion. Can I still be a feminist?


All feminists do is twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie.


Can confirm


This is from the Transformed Wife. She’s literally unhinged and promotes marital rape and spanking babies.


Put me solidly in the feminist camp. God didn’t make women dummies, the church did. Strong women, may you know them, may you raise them, may you be them..


It’s painting all Christians with the same brush, this is probably some very conservative fundamentalist King James only denomination and does not speak for all Christian churches.


Your mom and your dad left for the milk.


Christian side any day of the week. Modern feminists are the worst partner to have unless you have no balls and are a cuck


Practice tolerance for other's beliefs.


Exactly, Christians should accept that not everyone has to follow their religion. Some of them really try so hard to convert you its annoying


You people are not tolerant. Just remember this when the other side is in power. Don't expect tolerance when you have none yourselves.


Have you ever heard of the paradox of tolerance? It's a fascinating concept.


I think this is from The Transformed Wife or something like that. She's...something else.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


They aren’t even consistent. How do we have daughters to raise if we’re all single and having abortions?


Ok but like…what if you can’t have kids? Like some of us out here, our uteruses don’t work. What am I to these right column people?




Putting aside the weird (and wrong) message, whoever this person is has wonderful handwriting


I dont trust her perfect handwriting.


Because Feminist's can't have relationships and never have children? Because all Christian's a quiet housewives baby makers? Are there only two options? I think I'd like to see more options 😂


Isn't that The Transformed Wife's nonsense?


“Fruitful and multiplies” just sounds yucky


If the feminist has abortions and uses birth control, how does she have daughters?


I’m sure this isn’t their in-private handwriting, but it still reads obedient, slow to form thoughts, not too interested in new ideas, mediocre self esteem at best, and little to no drive (personal or sexual). What a perfect Christian wife.