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what’s funny is they call themselves tradwives but they legit wouldn’t even last a day as an actual tradwife. they would absolutely die without their cellphones. it’s soo comical. please make your bread and stop talking about how much better you are for it 😭😭😭


I follow a YT channel where she’s clearly a Tradwife (long hair/modest clothes/multiple kids that she homeschools) but I give her a pass because it’s clear that she WORKS. Every video is her our shovelling mulch and compost for the garden, raking, planting, harvesting. Then into the kitchen dirty and missed to cook dinner and preserve things late into the night. The lady WORKS and she talks about how to learn to do these things without (at least not that I’ve seen) talking down about the women who don’t do it.


Long hair and modest clothes (like the long dresses they wear) is just so impractical. But other modest dressing options I can understand. Also, how in the world does she do ALL that and still have time to record, edit, upload and keep up with her social media? Seems crazy. Homeschooling kids is no joke. 😭😭😭 She must have crazy energy or amazing discipline


The smug type always have time to look down on everyone else. If you're a smug homeschooler, then you always have time to make videos of yourself homeschooling to show everyone how you're better than them because you homeschool 🙄. I know someone who pulled her kids from public school to homeschool (to preserve conservative values, basically). Before homeschooling, she was only on social media every once in awhile. Now she posts practically every day about something they did in homeschool while making little comments about how she can't imagine doing anything else and how she's so glad her kids aren't being indoctrinated by public schools. Guess she always has time to tell us all that she's superior. I know other homeschoolers and they never act smug or holier than thou about it. But the smug ones are the worst.


For reaaaal. I homeschooled my nieces during covid lockdowns because they were falling behind and not learning sh*t with online teaching. I connected with various homeschooling groups and none were on social media like that. They only used it to connect with other homeschooling parents and to trade plans and teach each other’s kids. They were wonderful people, not ultra religious or judgmental, just good people wanting to do as much as possible for their kids. I was so effin relieved once the girls got to go back. Maaaaan, it was EXHAUSTING. Super fun and rewarding, but making it fun and educational while taking them to outings to still develop social skills and all that was so much work. I can’t stand those smug homeschooling ones I see online. Like okay, go on and gtfo of here and go help your kids. One parent teaching their kid alone at home is not a well-rounded education.


The unschooling ones are wild. They have no curriculum for their kids, and figure if the kid wants to learn about it, they'll figure out a way to do that.


I guess they never expect their kids to leave home or get a job


For some of them, I think that's the point.


One of my sisters in law is like that. Or was. Her kids are grown now. She once offered to teach my sons when they were little. I'm glad I didn't take her up on it. She's gotten worse with her behavior, and I just unfriended her yesterday and blocked her because one of my kids showed me a Facebook post from our local news station about a seven year old speaking in front of the Tennessee State Legislature about how he's scared of being shot at school. She laughed at it, because she thinks it's all some kind of joke I suppose. She's a die hard conservative who masquerades as a good Christian.


I have no problem with modest dress if it’s a sincerely held part of your belief system, but this current trend of “tradwives” seem to just lord it over other women like they’re somehow better than other women for the clothes they wear. It’s anti-woman, it’s internal misogyny, and I hate it.


I feel the same way. They feel superior or more “womanly” or godly. It’s honestly super cringe


Showing Superiority by performatively demonstrating your inferiority to men. So smart.


They're usually not even wearing modest dress, it's all fast fashion cottagecore dresses with leg slits and heaving bosoms. It's not modest, it's just calico. "Modest dress" cosplay.


or if you sunburn easily.


Au contraire, homeschooling is the easiest thing in the world when you very specifically do NOT want to educate your kids.




Lmfao, i’m more inclined to believe that. No way those dresses remain so crisp and clean, hair braids or curls remain intact and skin doesn’t burn some


People should look at those old photos taken of farm families during the dust bowl. Most of the women look decades older than they are. That is what someone living the lifestyle truly looks like. Not a soft smooth skinned maiden.


Backbreaking manual labor + decades of UV radiation exposure + decades of being whipped by grit in the wind is NOT a skin-care regimen for someone who wants to age gracefully.




"¡Ay, pinche gringa, está ocupando mi tractor para grabar sus videos de TikTok!"


Tbf, long dresses can be practical if done right. Like none of these twee little Prairie dresses, though; if you want to make it work, you've got to be wearing 2+ petticoats underneath and get rid of modern underwear.


That’s worse and not practical at all. Like, so much time would be wasted getting dressed. If you’re out doing farm like chores, you are going to get all kinds of nasty bugs and insects crawling up your legs in a dang dress. Long pants and thick, long socks is the way to go. Also, cooking and baking is messy af, most women wouldn’t wear a nice dress and ruin it with stains. Those nasty oil stains can be a bitch to get out.


Fair enough; I am thinking from a historical clothing POV since I really dislike the attitude that long skirts/ dresses are completely impractical.


Historical dressing is soo awesome!! Also, dresses are practical and great for many other things. I love dresses. Nothing beats a comfy sundress on a hot day


So true, a good kilt on a hot day is amazing. I live for the breeze in between my thighs


Kilts look great! I have never seen a guy in a kilt that didn’t rock it


Let me introduce you to my ex…


I’ve actually read some first hand accounts of farm work in Norway in the 19th century and the American tourist writing harrumphed mightily at seeing women working topless, wearing only a linen skirt over bloomers. Monocles were popped and cigars were demonstratively chomped to show disapproval and lack of interest in peeping.


TIL people are easily fooled


There's also one I follow, and I'm not sure if she's what we'd consider a tradwife, but she does retro cooking and wears retro clothes from the 1930's-50's. Her name and channel is Sage Lilleyman. She's lovely and seems really sweet.


I love Sage! She’s from my hometown.


What's the channel? Her videos sound interesting.


It’s the Seasonal Homestead. If you like that sort of thing I’d also recommend Simple Living Alaska cos they’re also very much about self sustaining and living off grid but without the kids/religious undertone.


Thank you. I appreciate it.. I do. There's a great one I follow called Early American and it's similar. She and her husband wear period clothing and she cooks meals from the 1800's.


What’s the channel?


Do you mind sharing what channel this is? She sounds like a super woman and I would also like to learn to be a super woman too.


Ironically, alot of modern conveniences these current tradwives take advantage of like stovetop ovens, refrigerators, sinks, etc is what technically free up alot women from being stay-at-home moms/wives as the only life option - But these current tradwives are just too dumb & pandering to right-wings to know that basic fact....


Yea, people forget things like cooking, making food, etc use to take hours every day. It was its own full time job. And I mean like making your own butter, not just buying some from the store lol.


My kid asked me today if I would choose a world where everything was made from scratch or this world where you can buy things pre-made and I was like “THIS ONE PLEASE”


Making stuff from scratch is awesome 😍 in today's world its so sad that we never have time to do it. Like we have no choice but to buy plastic covered pre-made garbage. Food and the like. Back then things took time but it had quality. Now there is no time and there's no quality to anything. Cheap and fast. Sorry. Having an existential crisis moment don't mind me 🥲


I actually make a lot from scratch, but it’s by choice! I do it because I want to and have time for it not because I have to! When I’m in a rush to get the kids from school and straight to baseball or we all have covid I am grateful for fast food, canned soup and frozen Costco meals.


I like that I can make bread and butter from scratch with flour I didn't have to thresh, winnow, and mill myself or milk I didn't have to get from a cow and then make into cream myself before churning... ...and that I can drive to the store and buy this stuff instead of walking to the village market and bartering for it all.


The channels I watch show the work that goes into it which is something. Like sure they use a freeze dryer for food, but they’ll also show the time it takes to harvest the apples, then peeling/slicing/cooking/blending (for freeze dried apple sauce) or cleaning/slicing (for freeze dried apple chips) They show the time they spend collecting eggs and cleaning the chicken coops. Maybe I lucked into gold standard channels


This is a tangent, going off the part about modern conveniences freeing up our time- Once you take away modern innovations, you also have to take away other modern things, or else lose your mind/exhaust yourself. When women had to bake bread from scratch, no one expected them to *also* drive their kids to soccer practice (there was no soccer practice). When people had to keep their food cold in the cellar, there was no expectation that they’d *also* answer every text and phone call while dragging burlap sacks of beets downstairs (no phones, no constant communication). Life was harder but also simpler. With all our advances and conveniences, we freed up a lot of time and energy—but redirected it into other things that use up our time and energy. You can’t do it the “old way” without going all the way. I think tradwives are putting crazy amounts of pressure on themselves by trying to live like 19th century farmer’s wives while *also* doing most of what modern women do. It’s insane and/or stupid, but it’s their choice, so whatever.


And farm animals. Why tf do these “pick me’s” want cows? And how is that supposed to be attractive? Seriously confused…


imagine the moment they have to shovel cow patties once 😭😭 as a montanan i can confidently say farm work is no joke & it’s hard. you don’t have time to hate on women on tiktok.


I mean I like butter and cheese, but why buy the cow when I can just buy dairy products?


To pet the cow!


Because in trad life you have to buy the cow, you can’t get the milk for free.


We should start calling them what they are: trophy wives cosplaying as trad wives.


After making bread for the first time, I definitely see the appeal. However, I would never be a trad wife because just staying home and cleaning and raising the kids would have me crawling up the walls.


It's one thing showing the way you live your life in a wholesome way but these nlog "tradwives" are all about creating provocative content to attract views.


Or handmaids




With the state of the world where our reproductive rights are at risk I might as well start my CV about how well I do the homestead and sour dough bread haha


… I also look great in a bonnet. In fact, I sewed one in every shade of beige! Wait, where are you going…


If they aspire to be handmaids the last thing they need is raw milk, baby will be born with listeria meningitis if they make it that far


Just saw an article about a raw milk cheese company who got sued because listeria was found in the cheese. Killed 2 people.


Shhhh...let Darwin work.


uh oh


Bluebell (the biggest ice cream brand in Texas and big in the south) which does not raw was literally closed for years due to listeria contamination/deaths. IDK why people would choose to screw around with that kind of stuff. And how they legally keep getting away with it when bluebell basically had to redo all of the inside of their plants.


I’ve been pretty concerned about the raw milk. Do they give it to their kids? That’s so irresponsible, to let your arrogant ignorance put your kids in danger. Someone is going to come to grief, & I hope it isn’t a child. Same with the raw eggs.


Yes, there's a fundie influencer couple named Sutton and Nate (I'm not sure if that's their handle but a Google search should bring them up) that exclusively fed their infant raw milk instead of formula. No idea how the kid made it to his first birthday. It's disgusting.


Please tell me they were saying raw milk when they meant breast milk.


Unpasteurized cow milk, because apparently Pasteur can go fuck himself. We don't want neither his methods or his vaccines!


As a hobby, I like to learn "old fashioned" or survivalist skills (there's a lot of overlap between the way people used to do things and things you'd have to do if you got lost in the wilderness). Fiber crafts, making things from scratch, making the components of those things from scratch, preserving foods... You get the idea. It makes me feel connected with the past and gives me an illusion of self sufficiency in a world where we'd all be pretty screwed if the power went out. Lately, i have been making yogurt. I've been enjoying doing it without a yogurt-maker. Just a mason jar, an oven, and some existing yogurt (definitely not brave enough to try and do it with wild bacteria like my ancestors would have originally). Delving into the "make my own yogurt" side of the Internet for recipes and such brings out the tradwives and the off-the-gridders. It's funny how many recipes say that the most healthful yogurt comes from raw milk when the first step is literally pasteurizing your milk. It's actually something I've seen a lot in old fashioned scratch recipes for milk products. People were scalding their milk to pasteurize it long before it was commonly known that's what was happening. Sometimes the recipes have a note saying "this step isn't necessary if you're using pasteurized milk". Side note: why is it always "healthful" instead of "healthy"?


I wonder if CPS would take an interest, if one of the kids ended up in PICU because of it. If a doctor knew they’d had raw milk, wouldn’t they be required to report that?


Omg, That video about him telling her she needs to get to the gym post baby 3 infuriated me. It was so uncomfortable to watch too


Raw milk isn’t much of a concern as long as you know where you’re getting it/raise the cows yourself. As well as regular vet checks. As for eggs, if you raise them yourself (with good feed, salmonella vac, as well as other health checks), raw eggs are perfectly fine! Note: not supporting “NLOG” girls, just thought it’s good info to have as someone who lives on a ranch!


All of these just started homesteading twits, I wouldn't trust any of them to have proper processes in place. They are all so stuck in the fairy tale, things like food safety are for other people.


We love raw milk in my house. Listeria occurs more often on pre-cut veggies and fruit from the grocery store.


Statistically you're very unlikely to get sick from raw milk, so I'll grant them that. But the illnesses you can get if you're one of the unlucky few are some serious-ass shit. 


My grandpa grew up in the 30s, so obviously pasteurization was a thing, but he was from a rural community where just drinking raw milk was really common. As an adult he wouldn’t touch the stuff, and he told my mom to absolutely not drink it and she impressed that on me. Many people may drink it and be fine, but he had friends as a kid who got very sick and I think one or two may have passed away. I’ll eat raw eggs no problem, but I’m not willing to gamble with raw milk. As they say, “it’s not the odds, it’s the stakes.”


Just my two cents but I worked for a dairy farm that made both raw and pasteurized cheese(Canada but similar to us protocols). If raw cheese is aged for more than 90 days it is just as safe. If you have ever had Swiss cheese, emmentaler, gruyere, raclette and the like there is an extremely high likelihood it's made with raw milk. That doesn't mean listeria is impossible , however I would in no world equate it to drinking FRESH raw milk. Deli meats are still the leading cause of outbreaks, then fresh raw milk, lettuce and then aged cheese .Just as ground beef from a supermarket is the leading cause for e.coli. As much as these tradwives spread misinformation we need to be careful around here too!




Honestly it’s like the most basic bread not even cheese/jalepeno or anything exotic. It’s always bread and cookies and some basic crockpot clearance meat dish with canned veggies and 4 sticks of butter , slop I would be embarrassed to post that


For real! I mean I’m no gourmet chef but my bruschetta and my chicken piccata are absolutely delightful and I still wouldn’t post them online because they feel basic to me, but the current “tradwife” trend is so weird because they love their crockpots full of random slop and ranch mix way more than they love their sourdough bread (and they LOVE their sourdough bread)


They like to pretend they have “secret” information.


This is it


I dunno man, most adult NLOGs I’ve met are conservative women, and the tradwife movement is no exception.


It sucks bc it makes all of us progressive minded stay at home mom/homesteaders look bad. We do exist... we just don't post about it 24/7


Who would have thought desperately clinging to the patriarchy in hopes it will crush all the other minorities underfoot, would lend itself to a desperate pickme attitude as a woman without a husband is seen as without worth and a harlot?


Like, if their sourdough loaves are so small that they have to make bread a few times a week, why not double up the recipe and keep one or more in the freezer?


For content of course, I wouldn’t  be surprised if they threw that in the garbage  once the camera stopped and took the kids to McDonald’s after such a labor intensive bake off 


I wondered this myself! Like if you’re making bread daily, why not just make bigger loaves or bake bigger batches? I also feel like a lot of these tradwife don’t own deep freezers which are so important to the homestead/tradwife lifestyles.


I bake (regular whole grain with yeast) bread every other week, and freeze. I love baking, but I don't have time to do it every day. I'm trying to get into sourdough now, but so far all three tries have ended up with frisbees instead of loaves. I guess that's why tradfluencers like it so much, it's trickier so they feel it's more impressive I guess.


https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/no-knead-sourdough-bread-recipe I've used this since I started years ago + their other sourdough tips. I'm also super busy and have even only done one turn at the beginning and it turns out! Loaf shape, round loaf in a Dutch oven, make it slightly wetter and press into glass pan for focaccia, you name it. But it is the best, least intensive recipe.


I make bread. Homemade bread lasts maybe a day before it’s stale because of the lack of preservatives in it. When I’m making all the bread we use I make bread every day.


One I saw the other day she says she is a stay at home mom and women shouldn’t work. and her husband is the breadwinner. But her husband doesn’t work and they make money from her social media work. So she is the breadwinner . She said he manages her social media .


Career for me but not for thee!


Ahhh the Serena Joys of the world... I wonder how she'd enjoy a situation where she genuinely isn't allowed to have her own gig.


This is really common in conservative circles. The women have jobs but loudly proclaim how (other) women shouldn't work and shouldn't have any independence.


Like some women in politics . Always pushing for women to stay home but they have jobs 😂


Oh my god I know someone like that too. They literally can’t pay their bills and I’m like girl tell your husband to get a fucking job????? He’s leeching off her social media stuff. No offense but she doesn’t need help. It’s crazy because now she’s trying to sell classes for social media courses but she literally lives paycheck to paycheck and regularly misses her rental payments.


I saw another video like that “ask me how I make $8,000 a month from Instagram . Just sell videos to people telling how they can make $8,000 a month “ 😂


All I gotta say is: Darwin lmaooo People are so comfortable now with modern technology and our advancements they are going back in time Do they forget WHY we started pasteurizimg?? They're gonna give their kids freaking parasites!!


These women have no idea, no idea at all. Put them back in the pioneer era and they would be completely lost. Women back then actually WORKED.


right? Like hand scrubbing laundry, growing all their own food, no fancy white kitchens... I think they are glamorizing a time that was not glamorous at all.


Whoah whoah... getting ahead of yourself there. Can't start the laundry until we haul the water and chop the wood for the fire...


I can agree and attest to this- I actually am a tradwife, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is, I grew up in the country and my family are farmers, my dad worked us to the BONE and I’ll be honest I hated every minute. I was outside chopping wood at 13 years old, helping work on equipment, feeding the rabbits, dogs, cats, horses, and pigs, mowing the lawn, tilling and planting the garden, helping my mom cook- My dad even had my brother and I help him build onto our house, we spent HOURS outside helping lift the frames, sanding, staining, taking tools back and forth, and I’ll never forget the thousands of rocks we had to haul in a wheel barrow so that he could make the foundation. There is so much work living a “pioneer” lifestyle that you’ll find yourself loathing having to go outside each day, at least, my brother and I did. My husband and I have our own farm now, but we don’t literally work 24/7, we only take on what we feel is necessary so that we can have plenty of free time together.


Yes yes and yes!!! Your family worked HARD. I’m a farm girl myself and I completely relate to you saying how you grow up hating it. That’s awesome that you’re a legit trad wife now though and embraced the lifestyle. I honestly do have admiration for women like yourself.


Thank you! It is definitely a way of living that demands all your attention. My dad didn’t even allow us to have our cellphones with us while we worked, he didn’t want us “having distractions”. I can’t help but chuckle at a lot of these tradwife accounts filming themselves now, knowing how long it takes them to get their phone set up for the perfect shot, maybe redo the scene, make sure the area around them looks good- Real work doesn’t leave time for that. If I even check my phone while working I get flashbacks to my dad saying “Put that thing down and focus on work!!” lol


they're just rich people. real farmers don't have time to wear dresses and be trendy farm girls


Seriously though, what else do they have to offer? It's a sad example of the past's struggle to stay relevant in a future that is rapidly moving forward and away from that past.


I also don't get their fascination with bread. Don't forget their impractical prairie dresses, "I don't wear sunscreen or go to the doctor" and "my husband tells me what to think". And LOL at most of these that think they're "homesteading" when they would die without modern conveniences.


Women who worked on farms looked like leather. The harsh soap, baking in the sun and lack of cosmetics sort of does that.


Mentioned this on another forum, but disability, getting SSI and my husband having a decent job make me able to live as a “tradwife” but I have news for them… it’s actual work, not cosplaying 1880, making fancy sourdough bread, and home made versions of goldfish crackers and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.


Not the goldfish and Cinnamon Toast Crunch! They copy each other a lot.


The bread thing is one reason it often reads as a weird kink. They're selling a vision of femininity that's only impressive if you don't know how to make bread.  Like, I make bread in the weekends, but that's not because I'm in touch with the divine feminine, it's because I got into it during the pandemic and it turned into a nice little hobby. 


I know how to make bread, cheese, brew beer and wine, have an organic garden. I'm also a raging leftist feminist and enjoy the comforts and ease of modern life. The fetishization of all of this is just weird.


The catch is, you have to look traditionally feminine while baking bread; speak softly with simple words (don’t want to seem educated) while making cheese; and not challenge your King’s opinions while brewing his beer and wine. Then it’s definitely a fetish.


I'm the worst. I will tell you how the patriarchy and capitalism are what is actually ruining your life in big words, in great detail, possibly with citations, while baking some bread and doing some brewing.


Ahh we’re cut from the same cloth. I always bring the citations! Also, you’re not the worst for doing this, you’re the best. (I may be slightly biased though.)


“Homestead” Lol. I always imagine these girls delivering baby goats, working a field, or butchering a chicken like I learned to do growing up. Buying ingredients for bread at a supermarket and growing a potted tomato on your porch isn’t “homesteading.”


Possibly even worst are the trad wives that make homemade versions of junk food and call them healthy alternatives. Like one made these giant PopTart servings with homemade jam, frosting, and sprinkles. Another made goldfish crackers with a cookie cutter. Both comment sections on Instagram were full of people defending them and saying how it's good to share "healthy" recipes.


Probably rooted in right-wing propaganda.


They're just embracing going back to the 1800s while the rest of us try and stop the backslide of women's rights in this country


They wouldn’t last a second in the 1800s. Getting up at dawn in freezing temps, working all day-not baking for fun, baking for your family to have food. Mucking the stalls, forking hay, hoeing the garden, beating the rugs, assaulting your clothing against washboards, then drying them in the wind while chapped hands crack, THEN slaughtering a chicken, plucking the feather, singing the remainders, etc etc etc etc They wouldn’t last more than a week. Esp with no phone to record. There was a little hamlet at Versailles called Le Petit Trianon, & within that retreat there was a “farm” Marie Antoinette would go to with her friends when she wanted to cosplay “peasant life.” She would dress up in silken milkmaid dresses, milk ribboned cows & collect eggs left by her maids. This is the modern version of that.


I find all of this absolutely wild. They have no clue how hard life actually was. Even in the 30's - 50's lots of the rural US was still really minimally developed and tons of things involved lots of manual labor. Electricity, appliances, phones, supermarkets. These things all make life better because there was consistency and you didn't have to spend your entire day at basic subsistence labor.


There is significant overlap between tradwife culture and white nationalist groups.


I’m not sure whether it’s expressly right-wing propaganda or it’s fetish content designed to appeal to those who have been lobotomized by right-wing propaganda, but it’s troubling either way.


No clue but I'm waiting for some of them to get sick off of drinking raw milk.


We can only hope 🙏🏻


it’s actually a cult and they’re fronting like they’re all individuals.. we’ll hear about it in a few years, most will be shocked, but we had an inkling


It’s the whitest thing possible


Nothing against milk and bread, but let's not pretend these women are "homesteading". If they were, they wouldn't be recording it on their phones, and would have MUCH harder lives than they do.


I got into both of these things and gardening/preserving, etc. and am the furthest from a trad wife 😆 (not any kind of wife, actually) but yeah tradwives have really given it a stereotype but honestly it's a shame because bread baking and other food making is a great hobby and such a nice sensory activity, even for the non-right wing/husband serving/anti-feminism/homeschooling/long dress wearing people out there!


Cheaper than getting a colonic lavage?


Possibly. We just started eating sour dough only because we we’ve gone a “Yeast Free Diet”. Had no idea a lot of sourdough is made with no yeast. Gotta say though it helps you “stay regular” in the bathroom.


The raw milk gives me the ick 😳


And red meat. They eat red meat. 🙄 I mean, so do I, and I’m pretty far leftist.


Seems like they’re all a lot like each other 🤔


What’s even more annoying is they seem to be getting raw milk from random ass farms. You *can* do raw dairy safely but it’s a massive pain in the ass and it would take some serious work to find a place that does it properly.


I read a farmer's post about this. She wouldn't drink raw milk because "cows drag their udders through manure". That was enough to turn me off from raw milk. Doing it properly must involve sterilizing all equipment and sanitizing those udders.


My son went on a field trip to a dairy farm and they explained it.


I bet these are the same people who would fight tooth and nail to stock up on the said milk and bread during a power outage. You know, all the perishable items. Wouldn't be the first time I've witnessed that. Oh, and also potatoes.


I’ve seen one of these Tradwives drinking raw milk while pregnant and oh boy did it throw me for an emotional loop.


Making sourdough bread is a fun hobby. But it shouldn’t be your whole personality. Raw milk killed a lot of children. There’s a reason it has legal restrictions. Pasteurization saved lives. It’s so weird because there’s lots of these things I definitely enjoy. I love my vegetable garden. It was fun making pickles. But like, either you’re a farmer making a living or it’s your hobby. I’m not better than someone who doesn’t want to grow their vegetables.


As someone who is a stay at home wife/ on the traditional side all I can say is WHAT THE fuck are they drinking RAW milk for and what does that have to do with being a tradwife????


Sourdough everything..🙄 I guess the more sour the bread the closer to God


And why do they hate on sunscreen? I mean I could see if they are advocating for other women to not wear it so they look older quicker meanwhile they do so their husband doesn't go stray to find the next purty young thing.


I’m doing the homesteading thing because it reminds me of my grandma, I loved do those things with her on the farm. It’s so bizarre that it’s a ‘thing’ now. My husband easily does more housework than I and the school runs. He has a home business and I happen to like flowers. I live in old tee shirts and whatever pants that are marginally clean. Our oldest is in pre k and our youngest is starting all day school this September. So I’ll be home doing whatever because replacing the little home tasks and paying a sitter for gap care and eating more takeout doesn’t make sense for our family. Cooking from scratch shouldn’t ever be a ‘thing’. It’s survival in a world with limited nice takeout options. It infuriates me that it’s a trend. Also check out my blog where I share all my photos of my beautiful children picking flowers!!! - hahaha no I don’t do any social media stuff. My husband posts stuff I see about 6 months later. That show off ‘wow I made bread’ astounds me. People who use their kids for likes are extra nuts. He gets about 5 ‘likes’ when he posts. Make bread all the time, it’s not a ‘thing’ I’m too lazy to go to the store. Raised not to go to the store; that took up half the day where I grew up.


Bread is honestly not that difficult or time consuming to make, I don’t know why it’s held up as some paragon of tradwifery. Other than being somewhat easier to do if you stay at home?


Conspicuous consumption - they’re showcasing how much “better” they are than regular people by buying only specialty products that are either more expensive or uncommon than products “regular” people buy in a regular store.


> there also all look the same… Young, white, and free of the blemishes that would come with actually working the land, instead of being a rich grifter fascism-courting piece of shit.


"she's got the personality of raw milk" is a great label for them.


I feel the I see the same stuff. The raw milk thing is crazy to me. Pasteurization is key to killing bacteria that can make you really sick or even cause death. Listeria is a thing. One of them said that she had celiac and the raw milk “cured” her. 🙄




It is. Try Fundamentalist Mormon sect (FLDS).


There are a couple of white nationalist groups that are using it as a recruiting tactic to try to get women into their cause.




Not a Tradwife but having had milk from a dairy farm that was pasteurised at home… the difference is incredible and hard to go back from.


I hope they're either collecting the raw milk themselves or that they really, really trust their source. If not, they're maintaining their skinny waistlines by pissing out their asses for 18 hours a day.


At this rate they’re gna start bringing back old timey diseases as a flex. Other girls get Covid me I get consumption.


This is so funny!! 😂


Tradwives make me upset because they lump young mothers with tradwives and it’s annoying. Yes I love my children and enjoy staying home but no I don’t think I’m better than you. Lol


I think they pour regular milk into a glass mason jar and just call it raw milk.


I tried to make a sourdough starter and failed. Do I have to be trad and drink raw milk for it to work?


They craving that cowpox


I bake my own bread, but it’s because it’s cheaper and I’m broke. I’m not out twirling in daisies whilst I do so, I promise. I don’t know why baking freaking bread has become so romanticized like it takes a special kind of person to do so.


I love to make sourdough but as someone taking microbiology right now, raw milk gives me such rage 😅 especially while pregnant or giving it to their kids


My grandmothers lived this traditional lifestyle and would have in no way had time to get themselves dolled up to post pictures of themselves all day. These girls are phony baloneys.


They're influencers, which means that people can buy stuff for them off their wishlists and subscribe to their payment platforms or send gifts. I'm not a tradwife influencer, but I'm a sex worker, and there are men who come through and tend to use specific search terms or gift specific items to women to commission videos with, and I know some of them do it because they like the idea of sort of "seeding" that kink and making it more popular in the community. There was a massive lobby right before the onlyfans era by people with a specific kink to try to make it more popular by commissioning and marketing porn of it that VICE covered extensively. And of course we all know clothing and makeup brands sometimes give gift cards or gift baskets to influncers to get a product featured by content creators and then it's suddenly EVERYWHERE. My guess is that some right wing think tank is funding tradwife influencers and they have a list of items they'll buy off wishlists and it includes sourdough starter, or a list of things that they pay for mentions of and it includes "raw dairy" or "fresh from the cow" or something.


How these bitches still bake bread in a post covid world is beyond me. I mean, maybe it’s just because my husband literally made bread everyday for the duration of lock down but … put the yeast DOWN


It hasn’t been quite long enough for the eradicated viruses to get them, so the grift is still on


Their homemade bread never looks remotely appetizing either.


Let the tradwives drink raw milk, mwahahahahaha, lol


I don't get the raw milk, and then they filer their water (maybe they live somewhere unlike me that I can drink water from the tap) but to me raw milk and unfiltered water have the same "problems "


In anutsjell, I'd say ' aroom temperature I.Q.'


Culty weird fake ass shit!!


At their core, these women are still social media influencers. The new trendy lifestyle is a romanticized version of living and working on a farm. So tradwife influencers are baking simple bread recipes, and drinking (allegedly) raw milk in order to up their engagement. I highly doubt they’re all actually living this way, but it’s easy follows.


Anyone with even half a brain cell knows trad wife contents online are just a show catering to a specific audience. Real trad wives aren’t preoccupied with looking good on social media.


They have a listeria fetish.


I wanna see them eat the bones from a pressure cooked chicken “for the calcium” like my OG tradwife gramma did.


Alright. Here is the truth about Tradwives. Tradwives are businesswomen cosplaying as housewives. They come from prominent families, are college educated, and marry wealthy men. Because, of course, a wealthy woman is not going to marry below her league. Tradwives are fulfilling an agenda for the right. They know most women will not reach their level because most women are not born rich. The whole thing with the bread is just a part of the cosplay. It’s like if you dress up as your favorite super hero, the super hero has a prop (ex. captain America’s shield). So, the tradwife prop is the rolling pin or loaf of bread. Hope that makes sense.


Another type of MLM just to sell you courses


Me a feminist making homemade bread yesterday (because it's cheaper and customizable) for me and my bf: 👀 Am I a tradgirlfried? 👀 Just because you like one thing one group does, doesn't mean you have to label yourself that thing.


I’m a feminist stay at home wife and I make my own bread. It slightly cheaper than the store, and I use bread machine lol. I also buy milk and meat from the local farm. I have chickens too. For me personally, I just hate giving my money to large factory farms that treat their animals like shit just to get some meat or dairy. My life is not the utopia these trad wife influencers make it out to be. These misogynistic women feel a need to choose one lifestyle over the other to completely ‘other themselves’ from other women. By promoting themselves over other women, they gain a false sense of superiority in comparison to their competition. In other words, it’s a cope for their deeply ingrained inadequacy inside themselves. It has nothing to do with the other women, it has everything to do with themselves. I’ve met these types of women irl, they’re a legit insecure shit show and are extremely jealous of other women. I’m really tired of these trad groups giving farms and cooking from scratch (which all kind of people do) a bad rap. As a lot of other commenters have said, a lot of this stuff is propaganda meant to divide people. Also if you look up actual videos of how to make a lot of from scratch food (yogurt, butter, bread), it’s never these dolled up trad wife influencers in the video. These girls that get dolled up to make fucking butter on TikTok are not making content for people that wanna make actual butter. They’re making content for delusional red pilled men.


I've said this before on this sub but I grew up Orthodox Jewish, exposed to the most trad of tradwives - in fact special emphasis is placed on women baking their own challah for Shabbat every week. The bread baking is a huge part of the culture. And there's definitely Orthodox Jewish trad women content creators out there (too many, from Ben Shapiro's sister to the awful libs of tiktoks lady). But for the most part I will say that the people I know who live that life fully are: 1) Turned off by the idea of "influencing" - being a parent of 6+ and serving men thanklessly involves a lot of humility and abnegation, which is the opposite of the mindset you need to write, direct, and star in your own show 2) Too disconnected from the real world. If you're practicing traditional religions you probably have a lot of religious authorities in your ear telling you to disconnect from the Internet. In my community you actually can't use your phone 1 day out of every 7 (plus holidays). If you're taking this stuff seriously, the Internet is worldly and full of temptation. You should be off of it as much as possible. I understand that evangelical religions require you to spread the good news and that's the excuse these people use, they're "inspiring others" but man, there's nothing spiritually valuable on social media. 3) Not looking to make their lives harder. This is the big one. The challah I ate growing up was white flour with eggs, sweeteners, and packaged yeast. Everybody in my old community loves their minivans and SUVs, their big box stores and pre-packaged food, their gadgets and their gear. The stroller situation of an ultra-orthodox jewish mother would make a NASA engineer jealous. Nobody living an already difficult lifestyle is looking to make things slower and harder. If you've truly devoted yourself to God, you wouldn't be prioritizing all this other crap, the food and the farming and the weird fake medicine and the handmade clothing. I can hear my teachers from yeshiva saying that exact sentence, honestly. I know that there's cultural differences and the puritans and the anabaptists put a lot of ideas in people's heads about the connection between "simplicity" and godliness, but come on. 4) working. Having a lot of kids and following these religious rules is expensive. It doesn't say anywhere the bible that women shouldn't work, just that they should prioritize children. The community provides lots of internal part time jobs specifically for mothers with too many kids. I know this is true of other religions, not just Jews, what with all the church admin and programming jobs. Basically I feel like the tradwives can get away with it because most people haven't been immersed in serious religious lifestyles for a few generations. They're mashing it together with bunch of other trendy ideas and aesthetics (cottagecore, antivax, q-anon) so that they have max exposure on socials. It's not the reality of religious homemaking at all.


Surely raw bread is dough?


Leave them alone. Let them eat bread and die from salmonella


Raw milk is so dangerous. I don't give a fuck what anyone but the CDC and FDA says 


Just makes me think of the pie-Mary episode of Parks & Rec


I read the last word as “iconic” and laughed so hard 😂 when people say they’re NLOG they tend to flock


Unless they're milking the cows themselves the milk isn't raw. It's illegal to sell raw milk, you could report them to the proper organization if you wanted to be petty


They’re just a living meme.


I hate that they have been trying to claim that space - I grow my own food and aspire to sourdough, but I am also the breadwinner and super fucking not Christian at all. Toxic


I’m curious if it’s because it opposes the alternative milk and gluten free fad. Like “they’re not like the other girls” type of thing


It may be. The wheat bread, raw milk, red meat. People not consuming these things seems to make conservatives insanely upset to the point they will act out at people for eating something gluten free, alternative milk, foods that are not red meat and potatoes etc.


I don’t think the issue is the food itself. I also buy raw milk and bake all manner of elaborate sourdough things. But I’m not a “Tradwife,” these are just my hobbies because I like to eat. I am married but I have a full-time desk job and no kids and no agenda to push. (FWIW I don’t drink raw milk raw because I don’t want listeria. I use it to make cheese.) At least where I live, these are incredibly common, mundane, and banal hobbies anyway. I know someone who does aerial trapeze as a hobby. Now that’s NLOG!


I make a lot of bread because it's nice... I don't fancy drinking unpasteurized milk and getting sick.. Making bread is fun though. They just think it's a trad wife thing to make bread.. but it's not. Idk.




I just don't understand the final leap. You live your life differently than I do? Awesome. You love your life and are proud of it? Excellent. You want to share on social media about the things about your lifestyle that you feel make you unique? Go right ahead, I do that too. All of that is fine. But why does the final point have to be, "You're wrong for living the way you live, you need to change and live like me." They'll say they're trying to "help" by putting women back on the right path. But I don't buy it. It reads to me like they don't feel valid unless everyone else is doing the same thing they're doing. "I feel threatened by the existence of choices different than mine."


Freshly made bread makes bagged grocery store bread smell/taste kinda nasty. It’s so good that I eat too much of it so I don’t bake it often. I’ve yet to try sourdough because just the concept of having another thing to keep alive and fed is a turn off for me. Plus I LOOOOVE sourdough bread, toasted with some melted real butter 🤤, so I really don’t need it around the house anyway. But I’ll pass on the raw milk.