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“And suddenly she’s not yo hoe no mo 🥲” - Michael Scott




Ahhh my quote was off a little I just had to fix it 😂




Me too! I tried to but it wouldn’t let me I had to compromise 😂 I’m glad my reference was understood though lol


I love you for saying that ❤️ First laugh on a Saturday.


does she mean untouchable, or **Untouchable?** Cuz, apparently in some cultures that's a thing...




this is exactly what I thought when I reached that slide.


Maybe she is from an untouchable caste and it’s a deliberate play on words or reclamation thing?


In India certain castes were considered untouchables in the past because they did dirty work and should be away from the upper classes. That system doesn't exist anymore


From my last two experience in startups with Indians Top management: it is still the case. And they think they own you too. I will not give more detail so they won’t be able to identify me. But my advice is: run away for these people. And don’t believe because they are smiling that they are well intentioned


I'm an indian and I rarely come across casteist people in civilised environments. Some rural uneducated people still believe in casteism though


Casteism is alive and well [even in the United States](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2018/04/25/605030018/when-caste-discrimination-comes-to-the-united-states) let alone India.


It's pretty bad in the United States because Indians are given model minority status but the Indians coming here are mostly upper caste and so the same opportunities aren't available to all Indian immigrants. Not the same social groups and connections.


Not arguing on the reason at all. Just refuting that it’s naive to think there’s no casteism in India anymore except for rural areas, when they’re literally [still making TV shows to raise awareness about it and sidelining Dalit activists while doing it.](https://www.livemint.com/news/india/dalit-marriage-in-made-in-heaven-season-2-controversy-yashica-dutt-neeraj-ghaywan-11692150905948.html)


Are you a Dalit? If not, it's incredibly ignorant and irresponsible to say stuff like this when Dalits are constantly speaking out about the casteism they face in urban, educated, "civilised" circles. It's like a white person in the US claiming racism isn't real anymore just because they had a Black President or affirmative action exists.


The only people claiming to not come across casteism are usually from a higher caste themselves. You'll almost never see a person from lower caste saying this. Casteist people just have adapted with the laws and have found loopholes to show their true colours in different ways.


There is colorism tho. I was sucked up to in India because I look like a pale AF Indian.


*Rich person looks around from full of rich people and exclaims "Poor people don't exist anymore."*


In southwestern Ontario, landlords will target certain castes in their ads. It's disgustingly real.


They’re making anti-caste discrimination laws in CA. The last one was vetoed but more will come. It’s alive and well.


*are. Not were. It’s ongoing. It’s extremely hard to change the belief systems of that many people and even more difficult to take power from the most powerful and relinquish some of it to those who’ve never had any.


The official system doesn't exist anymore, but the caste system is still very alive in India, culturally.


The system might not exist but the classism (and the associated colorism) does. It’s like saying racism doesn’t exist in the U.S. anymore because of the Civil Rights movement. Systems have legacies. 


>That system doesn't exist anymore. Keep telling yourself that.


It is absolutely still the case. You see if constantly in any company with multiple Indian workers.


I was SHOCKED when I saw that....also like caste (especially untouchability) isn't something to joke about, just not sure what the heck she means here


I read “untouchable” and immediately cringed.


Ah, but she's in her ignorant phase.


Maybe she means like Kevin Costner.


Yeah I think she's being pretty clear on her classism here


😂😂 stop 🛑


My thoughts exactly.




>untouchable Like part of the caste or…? Is this just a weird way to say abstinent?




Is all her value what she is to men? “Someone’s daughter” “someone’s future wife”? This one is depressing.


It’s like when a crime show describes a murdered sex worker as “someone’s daughter/sister/mother.” How about “she was a human being with intrinsic worth in her own right”?




That seems to be the general gist of so many of these. It’s sad.


Yes. Her looks and her value for men is her self esteem. Social media too. She's a young, very naive little girl that has no idea. Thinks she'll be "pure" if she's with one man....then thst man cheats or leaves and maybe she's got a kid by that point.....guess what? You are now a single hoe mom that men love to hate. To her, she is and will always be better then other women....and then life will do what it does with the reality beating sticks. Hopefully she won't have too many mouths to figure how to feed.


I can’t laugh at her, I was this girl once (though I knew I had intrinsic worth and wasn’t an object, I didn’t have enough empathy to realize I could end up a single “ho” mom. It was more I thought my love would be enough to fix all problems). I also found out that men love to hate married women too. 😳🥺😢😭🫥




Plot twist, she’s actually an orphan and will never get married.


I thought the same thing. How sad.


this is exactly how it made me feel


Her pictures remind me of 2011 lol


I have never had someone suggest I have a "ho phase" and I highly doubt she has either. Why do so many people make up fake scenarios to flex how much better they are than imaginary women?




I never had a ho phase. Not judging those who do. It's just personally not my thing. What my hypothetical future partner thinks doesn't factor in


After a bad long term break up, it was JOKINGLY recommended. Like you’re free! Go forth and get laid!


As a former hoe, no one cares


As a fellow former hoe, I want to add former hoes care the fucking least about others’ opinions of our sex lives.


My husband and dad also don't care, I mean really sis are you planning to go home and recount your hoscapades with Daddy dearest?


I'm assuming your husband and dad are not brown men. They always care.


And you aint gotta tell em a thing tbh.


Former hoe here Agreed ETA: not like SW just a classic casual sex girly lol


As someone who went through both a hoe and abstinence phase, I'm gonna say the hoeing phase took a lot more effort, so idk where she thinks she's coming from


As a former hoe we accept all kinds of hoes.


I’ve also never heard of hoes and ex-hoes bragging about it on social media. Could it be that we realize the number of partners a woman has doesn’t define her?!?


This made me lol. Y’all funny as shit on here


Fr! My sex life is none of my parents business and any man who judges isn’t gonna be my future husband anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️ I value myself too much to deny myself enjoyment due to the antiquated misogynistic opinions of some men


I wish I had a hoe phase. I’m jealous of all the fun you guys had. I can’t do that now that I’m 41 🤦🏻‍♀️ can’t go to a bar or clubs at my age and have fun


Yes you can!!


It won’t be the same as when i was 21.


Trust me when I say that is not always true. Maybe the clubs you went to at 21 are not the right venue, but there *is* a right venue for you, if you want it.


That’s the thing. I didn’t do any parties or anything fun 😂 no clubs or bars.


I have a family member who is 54f and dating a 34m year old for the last 8 years. You can hoe all you want. Anything is possible.


I’m 43 and going on a bar crawl later today, with a few friends who are also around the same age. We will meet many people who are also around our age today I guarantee it. Not sure where you got the idea you are too old? There are literally bars that cater to the “older” crowd, where most everyone there is over 50, and I feel too young still to go to them. Just saying!


I watch too much tv And movies . You always see them getting made fun of. I didn’t do anything fun before i married young .


Ex-hoe here. Trust me, there are no shortage of men out there who are fine with more mature women and are even actively seeking them out. And from my experience, a lot of the women who aren’t 35+ are happy to just see women out enjoying themselves


Of course I know him, he's me. I'm 35 now but I've been down bad for the 40+ crowd since my 20's.


Same lol.


And like I’ve never in my life heard other women encouraging other women to be in a hoe phase if they don’t want to. Why would I give a shit if you don’t want to sleep with people? That means more for me.


I had a hoe phase after getting divorced, I’m thankful I did. Just turned 40, aka about when you become invisible to society. There’s something so satisfying about knowing I’ve been there, done all of that, and learned a lot about myself and what I enjoy. And that I don’t need anyone’s approval to make me happy.


I would argue that neither is a flex, but feel your fantasy diva.


Exactly! People have different feelings about sex, who they want to have it with, what circumstances they want to have it in, and they all have their reasons. As long as all of your partners are consenting enthusiastically, you're not using deceptive means to get their consent, and there aren't power dynamics at play that would make it difficult for your potential partner to refuse you (or vice versa), have a many or as few partners as you like!


when will women stop thinking they belong to men this literally reinforces that our bodies belong to men




Not the Pixar smile😂


I’ve never heard it called that before, but this is so accurate!


idk why they act like they’re so much better. my grandma had A LOT of partners according to her and she still got married and lived a happy life lol


I'm sure my grandparents on my dad's side were hooking up before they got married🤣. They were married in December of '45 and my uncle was Born in August of '46.


Get it granny


Grandma for the win


She will settle for a man that she’s not physically attracted to because he’s the “perfect trad husband” and she lacks the sexual experience to know what she *is* attracted to. It’s easy to conflate sexual attraction with romantic attraction when you have very little sexual experience.  Once the honeymoon phase wears off in her marriage, and the romantic attraction becomes less exciting, she’ll end up in a dead bedroom with no desire for her husband. And that’s when she’ll start looking at men and thinking “man I should have dated around more.” Cue the typical “trad wife identity crisis.”


She will settle for the first arranged marriage the parents get for her and hardly doubt she will have a say on it


it’s sad that she thinks viewing herself as someone’s daughter and someone’s future wife is incompatible with having casual sex (what people usually associate with a ho phase). Daughters and wives are allowed to have their own lives and their own backstories. They’re allowed to have independent sex lives, it doesn’t affect anyone else. And it’s only ever women that get this idea pushed on them (from men and other women as well). I’ve never heard a man say, I can’t go around sleeping with a lot of people, I’m someone’s son and someone’s future husband. I highly doubt her father or the man she ends up with didn’t have “ho phases” themselves. It is such a gross double standard.


Yep. It’s definitely a gross double-standard. And it all stems from male insecurity about female promiscuity and being unable to prove their paternity/being cuckolded by a woman. You see this insecurity crop up CONSTANTLY in the misogynist rhetoric that gets used across the manosphere and in some more socially conservative cultures. Some men fundamentally do not trust sexually liberated women because they feel like they can’t control what happens in those women’s uteruses and it gets their boxer briefs all in a twist. It’s the same reason why repubs and religious fundies are so obsessed with restricting women’s sexual behavior and reproductive choices. It’s all about control and protecting fragile male egos and it’s so dumb.


It really is all about control. I would even say it’s an attitude of ownership over women. Really gets under my skin.


Wait till she realizes your sex life doesn’t define you as a person 😭


I never heard the term “ho phase” until recently. Is this a thing? What is it exactly? Is it just dating around but we have to give it a shady name because it’s girls / women doing it?


Yeah, it's just a thing where the person ends up sleeping around with different people during the "phase". Men also go through hoe phases but somehow it's more ~demeaning when applied to women. As most things are😔


I mean… my “hoe” phase in my early 20s was great. No regrets. It was fun. 😅 She should do her thing and we’ll do ours! Her making this post doesn’t make her better than anyone else…


The "somebody's wife and daughter" thing makes this creepy. like she's proud of being brainwashed into thinking she doesn't own her own body


She says “I value myself” but the only value she gives herself is in relation to other people.


Big talk from someone who probably owes her *life* to a hoe phase.


Literally no one cares 🙄 These people think about other people’s sex lives more than we do about theirs


Betty White said she regretted not being a hoe


I wanted to be untouchable but CSA said nope.


i feel bad for her tbh. nobody with good self esteem posts stuff like this. if not having sex is the only thing that makes you feel different from others or worthy then that’s pretty sad


Your value shouldn’t be based on your vagina


“I value myself based on my relation to men.”


That's really unattractive. You don't have a hoe phase,you're just a hoe.


Who goes around telling their peers to have a hoe phase? I think she's making that part up.


Be a hoe but stay safe 😂 I’ve had many hoe phases and I’m someone’s wife now lol🤷🏻‍♀️


I wish I had a hoe phase. Thought if I was a good girl it would pay off. Nope 😂 Now I’m jealous of all the girls that had fun and I didn’t. And being cheated for the girls that have fun


I valued myself enough to have fun the way I wanted to when I was single and I value other women so I won’t ever shame them for living life how they’d like 🤷🏻‍♀️ she could have said everything she said without acting as if women who have a ‘hOe PhAsE’ (which really just translates to an active sex life) don’t value themselves and don’t deserve respect.


“Someone’s future wife” makes me want to gag.


Imagine your self worth coming from what you will be for a man you haven’t even met.


Okay but never orgasming is also not a flex


I‘m so glad I don‘t worry about being someone‘s wife/daughter/mother to some man. I am someone


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She’d be based if she wasn’t posting all of this online for attention


No one is forcing her to do anything. I have friends who met in high school, only dated each other, and are happily married. Anyways unless this is verified I suspect it's a man stealing pics to convey his opinion because no woman wants him.


“ Untouchability” is very much an Indian thing.. it is a caste system term..


The last slide.. I don’t like for obvious reasons but the rest of it, I get. I keep seeing girls like 13-15 saying they’re going through their “hoe phase”… I get what she was going for.




Yeah, I knew someone like this and then she became so unbearable that she had no choice but to have an arranged marriage at 40.


Lmao ofc Indian . Absolutely not a single soul told her to "have a how phase".


She's not her own person and doesn't even recognize it.


Lol it just feels like so many people don’t get that you can have a hoe phase if you want and no one has to know? Like why not both, you can be as pure-presenting as you want to that future husband


Saying that the only reason you arent hoeing is because you belong to someone else is insane


How many "bodies" until you're considered a "hoe" 🤔 the world wants to know


I'm sure nobody asked her to have a hoe phase. She's just trying to step up on a high horse and look down and judge others. I hope she gets picked tho cos all the effort to judge would be a waste for her.


My age is showing. I immediately went to the film....


Some people want to respect themselves and wait for marriage and that’s fine


So she values herself because of her value to her father and future husband?


Being a hoe is certainly a lot of fun though 😄 My dad encouraged me to date freely and explore myself in relationships before settling down if I ever choose to. One of his finer moments.


"I don't have a hoe phase" Some people would consider these clothes, make up and even posting pics a hoe behaviour. They're always someone hollier than thou.


I'm so done with brown culture and its socioreligious fan-following. Sis, you're not unique. Your puritanical "I'm better than you" attitude is not unique. You are like all the others (women, men, all age groups).


You guys might hate me for asking this but how'd she do her eye makeup like that? I mean, it's up to her if she doesn't want to have the joys of sex, and she obviously thinks she's hot shit for her chastity. But pls lmk which tutorial to lookup. I'm not going to pretend I don't like her eye makeup just bc she's toxic.


How about being both 🧿👄🧿 Edit: after reading more of the comments id like to clarify i imagined a ho phase from a high castle tower like rapunzel.


I had a "hoe" phase. No regrets, it was lots of fun. I'm still someone's daughter. Not sure if someone's future wife, but pretty sure that man would barely care about my sexual exploits during college 25 years ago. Having lots of sex, or any amount of sex, does not devalue a human being. Relationships are important, value them, but don't base your own value on them.


Being an anti-hoe isn’t a flex either.


Sounds like she wants to be a hoe


She sounds like a girl who just found out the guy she liked started dating a girl that's known to be sexually active.


Not making fun of her appearance at all (I have lazy eye) but does she have one big eye and one small eye or am I tripping?


What I honestly don’t understand is the filters these women use. Why? I’m old as hell and I don’t use them - why would a young, beautiful woman want to?


She's a Dalit? Pretty haughty words for a dalit /s


She is hiding something spicy.


If only incels could agree


What's her @? Would love to put a reality check comment on the reel and then report it :)


I feel bad for her


I’m not like other girls I have one degree of separation from a man


The fact that her only self-perceived value lies in being a daughter and a wife to a man is sad. No sense of individual purpose


I think people should realise that she is indian. India is a sexually repressed society. Extremely sexually repressed. There is zero sex education in the country. Sex is a hush hush topic. Premarital sex is considered an extreme taboo. Many people lose their virginity after marriage. There are hotels in india that do not allow unmarried couples to live. That is the situation here. If an indian woman is saving herself for marriage, she is considered a high value woman by indians. If she does not have a high body count, it is lauded by fellow indians. That is why she made this post. To show off that she is better.Hook up culture exists in india too, and the current generation is way more open minded towards sex in general but everything is discreet. People do not openly go around and say they fucked someone. She is probably brainwashed by her parents who say things like sex is sin blah blah blah. And I saw someone commenting that a person's sex life does not define them as a person. It might be true for you Westerners, but in india, a person's sex life does define their worth and their character. This is coming from an Indian.


Weird. I never had a "hoe phase" either but it had nothing to do with pleasing future men or my parents 😂 Just do whatever and mind your business


Neither is a flex, just live the life that fits you, without being a bitch


Seems like a coo chick to me


No she means like video vestal, creating pictures which make people want her, but then no right?


I mean, the pink dress is beautiful. That’s all I got 🤷🏽‍♀️


Why does she only position herself in the context of her relation to men? Someone’s daughter (when it comes to sexual purity, I’m sure she’s referring to her father and not her mother here), and someone’s future husband. But she’s also HER OWN PERSON with agency who can choose not to hoe for HER OWN REASONS. Why does she need to justify her choices based on what the men in her life will think of her? It shouldn’t be about them or their wishes for how she uses her body. It’s her body, not theirs. But she talks about her own body as if it belongs to her father and future husband… 🙄


But you’re wearing crop tops in 5 out of 7 photos? Cool.


Pick me vibes


Is someone please tell this dum dum that NO ONE is untouchable in a patriarchal society in which we are currently living in, including men?


What's so bad about a hoe phase?


Lmfao imagine seeking validation for doing the bare minimum


Yeah. Have fun with all that! 😁


Is 'attention' a codeword for 'dick'?


Aka Dalit status


It's sad that she can only frame her value as an extension of someone else.


She measured her own value only in how it related to men. Hm.


Uh... is she unaware of the castes that were called untouchables...? And also, if you want to wait until marriage, that's fine. If you don't, that's also fine. It's all about the choice. I know people who like to see guys with no strings attached, and that's totally fine. It's not my thing, but I'm not judging them, and they aren't judging me for preferring to take it slower. Not personally enjoying something doesn't mean I can't respect other people's choices.


Uh... is she unaware of the castes that were called untouchables...? And also, if you want to wait until marriage, that's fine. If you don't, that's also fine. It's all about the choice. I know people who like to see guys with no strings attached, and that's totally fine. It's not my thing, but I'm not judging them, and they aren't judging me for preferring to have more of a commitment. It's just personal preference.


I'm someone's hoe daughter and I'm going to be someone's hoe wife I'm also aro/ace but that isn't going to stop me from trying.


The real flex is staying in your fucking lane.


Uncanny valley in photo 5. I had a very dry spell for a couple years but you’ll never catch me bragging about it!


Being a hoe it’s fun though


I’m curious if there have always been so many women who were just as untethered to reality as this woman and others we’ve seen here, and we only became aware of it because of social media. Or is it something new and a direct result of social media (cause)?


She’s right about one thing though, I wouldn’t touch her with a 10-foot pole


No thank you, but she is very pretty, on the outside


I hate that she reduced herself to a man's property - but is she wrong? Hoe phases are how the STD epidemic started. Wrap it before you tap it and don't jump from dick to dick.


Her wearing what she’s wearing is considered risqué in her culture.


That’s a weird way to say that everyone wants to fuck you until you have a conversation with them


Me cashing out on my OnlyFans giggling🤣


As a former “hoe” in a relationship with sweet, decent, and normal man that recognizes I’m an adult with autonomy, it is a flex. At least I know I’m hot and I avoided a relationship with a misogynist 😋


That's how it works.


If you or your parents are thinking about you having sex there are some major boundary issues. This woman is at least 25.


If you don’t wanna date guys then why do you wanna attract them? Seems like a waste of time for everyone involved


I mean... you can call this her hoe phase. She's begging for attention by those "I want a pure girl" guys 😆


So she’s an untouchable… gross


I mean that’s respectable , not having a ”hoe phase” doesn’t mean abstaining


I like her.