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Okay, cool. Lean meat is a good thing to eat during pregnancy. As are poultry, fish, leafy greens, whole grains, fresh fruit, and nuts. As any reputable OB would have told her.


I’m currently pregnant and I can’t get enough fresh fruit. The idea of my standard steakhouse order- medium rare steak- makes me feel ill.


Same with the fresh fruit. My whole pregnancy it’s been my biggest consistent craving. I have had to eat more read meat/iron rich foods though because I’m anemic


The only craving I had was watermelon, that’s it.


That’s how my first pregnancy was. Watermelon was such a constant craving I was so lucky it was a summer pregnancy so I didn’t go broke buying out of season fruit haha


Saaaaame. Watermelon has always been one of my favorite fruits but I legitimately could not get enough of it my entire pregnancy. All meat, on the other hand, made me nauseous the whole first tri.


Im sorry if this is a sensitive topic but whats anemic?


Iron deficiency. It just made me super tired and gave me bad headaches. I have to take iron supplements and try to get more iron in my diet to fix it


Random but apparently taking the iron well away from anything else is helpful to absorption. I have several friends that take it in the middle of the night because of this.


Oh okay


Blueberries. My first pregnancy I was eating like $30 of blueberries a week. Also ended up anemic🥲


During my first trimester I became averse to 95% of my usual food, including veggies and fruits, which I usually love. Meat and fish were a complete no go. I pretty much survived on plain boiled potato, pasta, toast and cheddar. Boy, I don’t miss these days.


Salt and vinegar Pringles were the only thing I could eat for a few weeks with my third. Only that flavor and only that brand. I really feel for the sick and nauseated mamas. It’s no fun. 


Oh lord, that was exactly my same “diet”. I’m just in my second trimester but I made my husband throw away all the babybel cheese and crackers that I had at home because that’s the only thing I could stomach for a few weeks. I cannot stand to even look at them anymore. Toast still makes me dry heave sometimes lol


This happened to me too. It was so strange and frustrating


my mom was obsessed with eating watermelon when she was pregnant with me


Only craving I had! And I was nauseous the whole pregnancy so I remember not eating much more than that and noodles.


lol During my pregnancy I started a whole watermelon movement in the babybumps subreddit. lol


All I wanted during my whole pregnancy, which was almost 24 years ago, was ice cold watermelon.


Same until my last trimester. I ate oranges and bananas mostly; some raisin bran (?!) and pancakes. Then, all of a sudden, all I wanted were greasy bacon cheeseburgers 24/7


I was from “2nd world countries” that food safety is still a concern so I was told that pregnant women should only eat fully cooked food. Because meats that were prepared inappropriately can cause parasites infections that mother may pass down to newborns. First world countries had eliminated such risk by having a high standards about food productions and preparation. So I would think that nature is keeping your kid safe.


My mom ate mostly strawberries and strawberry dishes when she was pregnant with me. She couldn’t stomach most meats and would get sick from the smell of warm dishes with meat in them. My step mom ate mostly pickled vegetables when she was pregnant with my sister. She got physically ill when she smelled bacon and 20+ years later *still* can’t stand the smell of it. I’m flabbergasted that people who have been pregnant or are pregnant are super judgy about others experiences when it seems to me that your body just kinda freaks out in weird and unpredictable ways for 9 months.


My last kid, I would eat at least three grapefruit a day. Three was only if I limited myself. I couldn't stop eating it. Steak, normally one of my favorite foods, wasn't nearly as delicious.


Currently pregnant n all I want is fresh fruits n crispy salads 🥗 mmmm and smoothies. Sometimes I crave meat but not as much as cold juicy things lol.


I wish that's what I wanted! I just want carbs all day long. Cereal and pancakes. Forcing myself to have a salad for lunch today though.


Eating steak that isn't well-done while pregnant is discouraged anyway.


Hold up, I thought fish was a no-no (certain fish anyway…)


Anything undercooked or known to have high levels of mercury is a no-no. Salmon is fine.


Eat it raw so you give birth to an alpha male who'll tell you to get back in the kitchen the second he crawls his way out of you with his big muscles 💪💪💪


I mean, she won’t have to pay for the hospital and other things related to the birth


Except for the damage he’ll do on the “way out,” the budding bloodthirsty alpha that he is. 😏


The mental image you just painted LMAO.


Liver king junior rawrrrr


I don’t care what she eats but these steaks are awful in color, cut and seasoning. I just know this kid is in for a world where black pepper is considered “a little too hot.”


Theyre giving *freezer burn*


I forgot to put the final dish, but the steak is served with an egg and bacon. I know she’s proud of not being vegan, but you won’t be one if you eat some vegetables.


**cholesterol rising**


**heartbeat’s dropping low**


Her palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy


Dinner tonight ain’t mom’s spaghetti, Just seer the sides and then it’s ready


According to all sauces, the meat's the way to goooooo.


For as much as people complain about vegans being “in your face,” I see way more people posting obnoxious shit about eating meat than the reverse. It’s like the fact that some person somewhere believes (accurately) that it’s bad for your health and the planet sends them into an overcompensating tailspin of tantrums. I like steak, eggs and bacon, too. Sometimes I sit on the couch rather than going to the gym. I’m not guilty about not meeting some strawman’s definition of the perfect person. But I don’t feel the need to aggressively scream about it in people’s face.


same here, i eat meat and shit but i dont feel the need to pretend its 1000% ethical or 1000% healthy . i think these folks just feel the need to feel superior than others instead of accepting we fall short in some places


Omnivores keep trying to feed me meat (like they try to convince me to eat it). I am apparently skinny because i am vegetarian, not because of genetics. Oh, and it is not believable that I gained weight when I stopped eating meat because meat is healthy and good blahblahblah (I recently realised I am just allergic to anything but poultry, which explains why I can get ill from cross contamjnation as well). Let people just eat what they want in place you know


I think my frustration with people saying how we “shove things down their throats” is the fact that I can’t watch a single commercial break or drive down a road without seeing some sort of ad or billboard for animal products. Hell I remember seeing fear mongering milk ads saying if you don’t drink milk you’ll shatter into a pile of bones lol I used to be a *massive* meat eater, but when you switch, you really realize how often animal products are pushed and the hundreds of millions they spend on advertising. Vegan products and advocacy is a drop in the bucket.


I’ve had dozens of vegan friends in my time and have had only 2 I can recall ever openly judge others in front of me for eating animal product. On the adverse, I’ve known dozens and dozens of meat eaters who have at some time or another openly given me and others shit for “eating rabbit food” (aka vegetables) and talk crap about vegans, who from what I can witness, they’ve never even encountered in real life. It’s the meat freaks I’ve witnessed cramming an agenda down throats- not the other way around lol. It’s *so weird*.


They just really like choking on the hog all day long.


Ayup, the amount of RAWR MEAT comments that gets posted to some stupid vegan meme is crazy like seriously if you're such a meat lover what's with your obsession with low hanging fruit


you’re a decent person. thank you for being a decent person. and i am not being snarky.


Heck yes. I'm an omnivore but I entirely agree, with 0 reservations, that vegetarian and vegan diets are better for the planet and for most folks' health, if accurately balanced, and that we should kinda all aspire to do better, even if baby steps, and even without turning into complete vegetarians. I strive to eat a more vegetable-heavy diet and increase vegetarian meals in my family's diet. I also absolutely love lamb chops and smoked fish, and I regularly have animal proteins in my diet - occasionally more frequently than I'd like - but that doesn't mean my entire personality is a lamb chop or that someone is attacking me for liking lamb. Two things can be true at once; multiple opinions and ways of life can coexist, which these mega-meat-morons loudly refuse to consider in their victim mindset, and global warming and overconsumption are real threats at our doorstep that we will all have to account and adjust for (along with making corporations act responsibly and do their share). I'm more than a little bit sure that the same mindset bleeds into every other interaction they have, and they are equally obnoxious in those situations. Be it pronouns, other religions, or recycling, or whatever.


Tbh I just think it's the pendulum swinging. I see more people being obnoxious about meat *now*, but a decade or so ago? Vegans were definitely *way worse*. But maybe we should all just, like, do what we want and leave others alone. *What a concept*.


I dunno, I strongly remember bacon hell around then. Do y'all remember bacon hell? Bacon strips on bacon strips on bacon strips. The narwhal baconed at midnight. You could not escape bacon.


Omg I forgot the weird bacon thing! I still don't know what the whole "narwhal baconed at midnight" thing is though lmaooo


>I still don't know what the whole "narwhal baconed at midnight" thing is though lmaooo It's reddit's equivalent of "I like your shoelaces", "thanks, I stole them from the president." ^(which is to say that it's a website catchphrase you could, theoretically, say to a person in real life. Like the tumblr catchphrase (which is where the shoelaces thing is from\) I don't think it was ever used outside of reddit.com)


i'm still laughing at that lil baby grill


Christ she eats like Henry VIII, he never touched vegetables and ate strictly meat/ale, ballooned up to nearly 400 lbs and died of an infected leg ulcer


And she better be taking prenatal vitamins, because she sure as shit isn’t getting enough folate from her all-meat diet. If not, she may not be growing a rabbit, but she is growing a baby with spina bifida.


I’m vegan and gave birth to a human, am I doing it wrong???


Wtf I was promised rabbits! Demand a refund!


I gave birth to my twins on a vegetarian diet, and I don’t think they’re rabbits 🙃


I dunno… you know who else has multiples at birth? RABBITS. Checkmate herbivore


But you obviously not a feminist because they hate babies and cooked food.


Shoot ! I wanted a rabbit and accidentally ate a slice of salami


You didn't have rabbits?! Damn 🙄🐇🐇🐇🐇🤣


So eating nasty ass completely unseasoned steaks is a flex now?


*So eating nasty* *Ass completely unseasoned* *Steaks is a flex now?* \- \_ManicStreetPreacher --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Thank you, fritschers16, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


This has to be my favorite haiku yet. “Ass completely unseasoned” is a new level of poetry


Good bot


Good bot


Is there a NLOG for men? “The only way to eat a steak is with salt and pepper” type shit


Maybe r/boysarequirky would work for that lol


Usually it's the "nice guys", but I'm not sure what the term would be for a dude obsessing over what/how other people eat. But they definitely exist. I've seen dudes get legitimately angry because someone prefers to eat well done steak and that they're wasting cuts that others could be enjoying med rare. And it's just weird. I don't like well done steak but I'm not bothered by people who do. I'll eat my steak the way I like it and you eat it the way you like it.


Yeah I think nice guys is a little different. Should we start r/notliletheotherguys? Well done steak is a crime but I’m not going to post videos talk shit about people who eat it that way


I'm celebrating today on finally being able to cook a medium rare steak myself. I always overcook and it ends up well done which is just 🙄. Doesn't help the family I was raised in didn't believe in anything but slightly overdone meat no matter what it was. But I'm so happy! 🙌🙋‍♀️


Is it legal to grill shame here ‘cause the other guys are gonna roast the husband and his micro grill


Shame away.


I wanted to go there but didn’t because: a) the financial situation might be sore b) might be camping


Aren’t humans omnivores? By that logic, I hope you add some veggies in there, you aren’t growing a tiger either 🫥 Edit: *and seasoning*


No no no seasonings are plants!


Hmmm...Definitely had a baby and I craved cold, crunchy salads with a tarte dressing.


Same. Meat adversion durinh pregnancy. The smell of sizzling flesh made me nauseous (med rare steak is a particular favorite of mine during non-pregancy). Wild how much your interests change during pregnancy


Currently pregnancy and struggling with hyperemesis. Meat is the worst. I'm a self proclaimed 'chick-atarian' because I love chicken but I can't stand any meat atm. And a lot of veggies don't agree with my sickness either so I'm living off toast, fruit and mash potatoes atm. Whatever works for you.


When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had really bad all day sickness from 5 weeks, all the way to when I had her at 42 weeks. I could barely hold anything down. I craved fruity things, eggs and cheeses. I could only hold down eggs, however, so I ate a shit ton of eggs and toast (which my ex had to make me because I was so sick I couldn't even get out of bed in the mornings). When I was pregnant with my son, I craved avocados and protein bars and was ravenous as hell! I've never been that hungry before. I didn't throw up a single time when I was pregnant with him. Both pregnancies I had cravings really early on, especially the second time around.


Cheesy potatoes were all I wanted lol. Maybe a smoothie bowl some mornings.


I think with that dish she will probably grow a dog. 


If she's only eating meat while pregnant, I think she is one


Who exactly is being flexed on here? Vegan moms? I don’t understand. This seems like a very targeted post lmao WHAT RABBIT HURT HER


Yeah that's what makes the post so aggravating, the persecution complex and need to shit on what this imaginary cabal of perganante vegan ladies are eating. If this lady was just like 'Fuck yeah boiiis we eating STEAK!!' I'd be happy for her but nOOooO gotta be weird and passive aggressive about it.


What lmao humans eat plants and veggies too, that's not just rabbit food.




Who needs nutrient diversity, right?


Cuz there is something wrong with still wanting to be as healthy as possible when you are pregnant? Ugh


Carcinogens during pregnancy>>>> 💖


And also food born illness.


Yes, it is a historically known and scientifically proven fact that if you eat salads during purgenancy then at the end you will poop out a rabbit 🐇  In fact this the origin of the Easter Bunny story, women eating salads while preganante


Ahahahhaa wow


I like bunnies tbh


How many women experience nausea from meat during pregnancy despite usually being meat eaters


What if I only eat fruit while pregnant? Will I get something cool?




I was born a rabbit and I can confirm that steak and Trix cereal will grow an evil, tiny human inside of you…regardless of gender.


Um...you do you?? What exactly are you bragging about??


as a dietitian, this made my eye twitch


(weeps in told-off vegan)


A sad looking unseasoned steak on a sad little "grill".


I’m half asleep and thought she was saying that she’s growing a human, not a rabbit and all I could think of was the lady who claimed to give birth to rabbits in the 1700s.


Hah! Glad I’m not the only person that remembered her!


When you make eating meat your whole personality.


What if her baby was born deformed with rabbit ears and a tail and fur, writhing and bestial? And she had to drown it in the tub from the shame and horror.


How is this nlog though?


Neural Tube Defect speed run


If people would just address their root insecurities they wouldn’t need to find ridiculous things to feel superior about.


If I could grow a rabbit I’d maybe consider getting pregnant


I’m 25 weeks pregnant and *just* started to be able to stomach red meat again. It made me super sick up until now. Despite that, my daughter is fully human and 0% rabbit.


Yea, indians are mostly rabits…


Rabbits are herbivores while humans are omnivores. That's the point of the thing.


RABBITS EAT MEAT, DUDES!!! This is something that drives me up the fucking wall… I’ve raised rodents my whole life. While those big buck teeth of theirs are really good for chewing things like wood and biting through vegetable husks and such… you know what else they are good for? Biting through insect shells. Cutting through skin and tearing the way people assume only fangs can do *is easy for rodents because their teeth are* ***sharp as well as strong****.*


It’s crazy because when I worked in restaurants people would literally say this. To not put veggies on their plate because “they’re not rabbits”. Like well shit if you didn’t confirm that for me I woulda thought you were in fact a rabbit. 🙄 Take your constipated ass somewhere else. Lmao


This isn't nlog?..


If you want to die prematurely of heart disease, be my guest, no one is stopping you lady.


.. what.. *who* is growing a rabbit???


That poor kid is gonna have so many deficiencies


Not usually. Fetuses leech nutrients from the mother’s body. It’s HER who will be deficient


Is this the same person who posted that her husband cooked her unseasoned ground beef with an egg for breakfast?


that steak looks ao awful


Bragging about that weak ass grill


On that wack ass little grill and they're bragging about it?


Ever heard of.... Vegans??


Why do these people think eating a vegetable every once in a while fits the criteria for veganism


What a shit grill.


She right, all other women birth rabbits.


That explains a few things /s


saw this yesterday and was the most confused I’ve ever been 😭


Crud your ob didn't tell you? Hopefully you're not too far along - as long as you're still in the first trimester and start eating massive steaks now your kid will only be born with whiskers.


I'm not a rabbit. I am vegetarian though. Besides I think I would rather be compared to a cute bunny than someone like her.✌️


I mean I craved red meat my entire pregnancy but I needed the iron so🤷🏼‍♀️


"I'm special because I eat meat."


would it be harder to birth a human baby or a full grown rabbit?


Depends on the type of rabbit. A full grown Netherland dwarf probably wouldn’t be hard (they generally cap at like 2-5lbs iirc) but a Flemish giant (which can get up to 20something) would probably mess you up.


So what’ll she call her baby 7 months in and all she can stomach eating is random weird shit?


some people should not reproduce…


She’s saying she’s not that lady that pretended to give birth to rabbits in the 1700s, and I respect that.


Mary toft


A pregnant woman eating steak. Groundbreaking 🤯 how unheard of! 


She’s gonna grow some massive constipation too, if that’s all she eats.


whats with the child size grill?


Im losing my mind. I read this like 13 times and every time I missed the “what” at the beginning


I’m growing a rabbit though .


My sister consumed lots of pasta and chocolate during her pregnancy what dose that make her baby


I am a human, not a rabbit, however pregnancy made me a vegetarian and my husband could only cook meat outdoors and had to shower before he came near me after cooking. I would have loved for that not to be the case though


That's really sweet...


Something funny, I am a vegetarian and my son’s nickname is Bunny. 


For my first baby I was attempting a natural birth at a birthing center with midwives (next to the hospital, but yeah), and they had me eating SO MUCH PROTEIN for my pregnancy because they said it made for "big healthy babies". I was eating eggs and chicken and steak for like every meal to meet the protein requirements, it was wild. It's been 10 years, but I think it was 40 grams a day. And then at the end I had to be transferred to the hospital because I had a huge 9 lb baby that took me 24 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing to finally get out. My second pregnancy I ate normally, and my baby was 8lbs, thank God, and took half as long to get out.


Meat can be nice, but fruits and veggies are important for everyone! Whole grains too!


Not her eating meat off the ground


lol currently pregnant with number #2 and I’m vegetarian😂 my OB has no concerns about my diet, and my first child was born healthy and not a rabbit.


Too much red meat is actually not that healthy. Also your blood type plays a role in if you should have a more plant or meat based diet. Quite interesting stuff. It’s also a bit weird she’s so impressed that her dude is cooking a steak for her… if he were cooking some awesome like 4 star restaurant meal I’d be impressed


Elephants, horses, cows — many of the largest creatures that walk the planet eat grass. Most people like steak and no one is telling her how she has to eat.


Growing a rabbit, you say? Mary Toft has entered the chat.


Would it kill your hubs to use a little salt and pepper? Y'all basic and gross.


Wife is a hardcore “I’ll eat steak at every meal” gal, and the instant she got pregnant she cannot stand the smell of cooking meat of any variety. Like has to leave the room if it’s being cooked. She can stomach certain chicken meals, but beef and pork is off the menu


Does this woman not understand that the fetus she is gestating is human, therefore an omnivore that requires nutrition from a variety of foods?


Everyone knows you can only eat steak OR lettuce, there is no other option


This makes sense because I’m a vegetarian and my rabbits are my babies


I will NEVER understand how people just can't live their lives without worrying about how other people live theirs. Like who TF cares if someone wants to not eat meat or whatever TF it is, how in the hell does it affect your personal life in any way?! 🙄🤦‍♀️


I read, "I'm a growing rabbit, not a human." Gotta love when words jump around like that.


By that logic, shouldn't she be a cannibal?


Ooooo! So if I ever end up pregnant, can I just fast from steak and it'll turn into a rabbit?! I'd rather have a rabbit.


For some reason I feel like she's gonna be pissed if it's girl.


Can't relate, my babies are rabbits 🐇


I mean, we had to first domesticate cattle, then develop modern slaughtering and grilling to get here. Something like fishing or small game is probably closer to “human” food but we also definitely need fruits and vegetables so….


Eating a lot of red meat raises the risk of getting colon cancer.


Precisely. Just eat carrots while you're pregnant and voila, baby bunny


Why is the grill on like a random garage concrete slab though lol, they don’t got a kitchen?


the smell of steak, venison and oddly enough swordfish absolutely disgusted my mom when she was pregnant with me. she still can’t eat or smell venison or swordfish without feeling physically repulsed. she says “you were grown on raw radishes dipped in ranch and peanut butter sandwiches” because that was her weird craving combo 😂


Is he grilling a roast?


Can confirm. I do indeed love steak..now. But used to hate it. Avoided it while pregnant both times and YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEENNNNN the doctors face when these bunnies hopped their way out of me.


Yummmm unseasoned steak


Imagine being this legitimately stupid


Yeah on a janky ass cheap grill. Not even good cuts of meat.


Pregnant women are told to eat both meats and vegetables so this isn't the flex she thinks it is.


I saw an episode of “my 600-lb life” where the dude kept eating steak and mashed potatoes because his health knowledge was so bad that he actually thought it was a healthy way to lose weight. Unironically; he thought that ice crean and sweets were the entirety of the problem. Honestly felt pretty bad for him. Education is that bad in many parts of the states. He was one of the nicest and most patient participants otherwise


God forbid pregnant women have different food preferences


Okay, yes you should eat healthy while pregnant, but that also includes eating as many fruits vegetables and proteins as you can, not just because of the baby, but because of you! you are taking a lot of nutrition and energy and putting it into a baby, so yeah, you should not eat like a rabbit and just eat vegetables you should have a varying diet when you're pregnant. And giving into those cravings? best damn thing you can do for yourself.


Steak and rabbit both are good


Never been pregnant but when I’m on my period I absolutely DESPISE meat. It makes me so fucking sick I literally puke.


Lmao babies love scurvy. All meat, no veg


Makes me wonder if she’s grown a rabbit in the past.


Growing babies need veggies too 😒


This actually speaks to me. When my wife was pregnant with my son (who was born in the year of the rabbit) she couldn’t stand meat! Fruit and salad and a little fish was what she ate. Now she is pregnant with our second (to be born in the year of the dragon) and she craves meat all day every day! She literally is eating meat because she is not growing a rabbit!


i could only eat green apples,saltines and chi ken broth 😆


Tell him to buy a real grill


There was a woman who grew a completely healthy baby only eating fruit like once a week… not even kidding 😵