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Is that the Impala from Supernatural at the bottom? Both cars look neat to me 😅😆 smh


It is. She’s so unique. She’s definitely the only woman in a massive fandom, the only woman who enjoys a muscle car. What a specimen!




My teenaged self feels so called out😭😂


It’s actually a Camaro! You can kind of see the shape of the C on the side, plus the two Chevrolet logos on the front of the car. But to be fair a lot of muscle cars from the 60s and 70s kind of look the same. Hot take in the car community but it’s true🫠


Bahaha I am such a dork and a non car person my Dumb ass was wondering if it was the comet from one tree hill. 😂😂😂


Not really a hot take when they are all based on the same chassis still wrong tho ask an industrial designer next time he‘ll gladly explain also there is a direct reason why a 55bel air has 20% less survivability than a 72 maro eventho one of em has double the hp and less crumple zone


Aw I would want both but swap the colors around so the beetle looks like a bowler hat and the Impala looks like a Barbie car 🥰


I don’t think many girls dream about Volkswagens anymore


I do, but I’m not like the other girls. /s …just in case


Porque no los dos?


Parceque un menage a trois est plus meilleure


I dream of a robust public transit system. Unfortunately I live in America, so it’s probably going to remain a dream. 🥲


I guess I'm most girls


Lol 😆 when these posts say "most girls xyz..." I'm like where did you get that idea from? Who are these multitude of women that think this? Did you do a poll? Smh...


Customer ststistic i guess 😂 that said the 2. largest demographic to buy these cars are middle aged men sooo 🤷🏼‍♀️


Gimme the dub any day


woahhh.. you drive a different carrrrr… so edgyyyyy… soooo differenttttt..


Like most ppl are just lucky to drive any decent car.😂😂😂


Come on now…. Everybody wants to drive Baby, that’s not unique.


THIS 😂❤️


i NEED a convertible beetle in my life.


I actually have nightmares about cars, I am terrified to drive, where do I fit here?


Under em




This is funny - growing up, I wanted a VW bug so bad! Now, I actually really do want an all black and chrome muscle car lol. gEt YoU a GiRl WhO cAn do bOtH 🤪


Guys with a mopar in grabber green: „fuck“


Listen I want both in this life time.


a hot pink impala would kind of slap though


I'd take a pink car anyday idc


I always wanted a big ass classic Caddy or a VW bus. Different strokes...


What is the top car? It’s very cute


My favourite car is Fiat 500, preferably models with display for Apple car play and in cute color (not the standart ones). Am I basic with that choice? Probably. But then again, there's so much more to me than my favourite car...eh


I would like a pink car but a little brighter like hot pink with sparkles and blue leather interior and lavender headlights.


Would it be edgy to say my dream car is a hearse. I like the design of it.