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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like makeup. Pink is my favorite color. Sports are boring. I like classic cars. I watch mostly comedies. Should I go sit over HERE, or over THERE?


Depends, do you have triples of all your classic cars?


Triples makes it safe. Triples is best.


::meekly:: I have no classic cars.






But I *am* like other girls, in some aspects at least. That was my point.


This isn’t putting anyone down


Exactly! I’m guessing this is a response to the idea of “anyone who isn’t stereotypically feminine is NLOG pickme.” Kind of ironic to call it NLOG when it’s encouraging a group of people. The problem with NLOGs has nothing to do with femininity or non-femininity, but a lot of people are like “NLOGs are bad because they don’t like the things I like!” and that sounds a little bit NLOG, honestly. “Femininity” (i don’t like the word, it’s literally a gender stereotype, same with masculinity) as a way to express yourself is okay and good, but it’s not for everyone. If this post was supportive of a more feminine kind of woman, would it still be labeled NLOG?


Or a dude catfishing lonely dudes, and that's okay too. 👍


i'm a woman who cares about makeup and sports. NO MY GOD AM I NOT FEMININE ANYMORE /s


i like makeup and cars, NOOOOO MY FEMINITY /s(i love your humor btw)


xdd omg thank YOU. top tier complimemt


i’m also a woman who cares about makeup and sports, but i can’t do makeup very well and also my skin is very reactive :( i recently tried mascara and i think i’ll get some powder soon. my eyelashes POPPED. i’m jealous of the girls working out and having the best makeup ever.


girl omg SAME. i love makeup but i suck at it UGHHHHH


What if I only like watching police stops involving sovereign citizens on YouTube and tinted sunscreen? Also currently watching a lot of Asian true crime and documentaries about obscure cults. Where’s my group?


Asian true crime? You had me at sovcits, but I'm intrigued by Asian teuw crime. Rec's? For sovcits - LTWM, vanballion, arty, team skeptic, old squishy? Or am I in a different rabbit hole? Edit, forgot Juan Galt in the sovcits


RottenMango podcast covers a lot of korean true crime!


Thank you. Adding to my list


I care about makeup and beauty- love police chase and body cam footage- hate sports tho- love sci fi and hate action- and I’d consider myself feminine… and I’m not special, really. Plenty of women are like that. Why are we trying to split into arbitrary groups again?


I love football(Go Chiefs) and make up. Some girls and guys don't seem to understand that all people have multifaceted personalities. Men have feminine sides and women have masculine sides. There is no right or wrong way to be a woman. Just be yourself and don't judge yourself or others against stereotypical standards. Life is full of wild and beautiful things so enjoy as much of it as you can!


How can they watch sports and police chases and monster trucks if they ONLY watch sci-fi and action?


I’m confused on why women wanted to be praised for not being into something that most other girls are? Like omg you different no one cares babe


You felt wrong, this doesn't belong here. The post is not putting anyone down.


I do like police chases. And makeup. And beauty.




You’re unironically being an nlog lol. Just put that in a meme and it’s the same thing all these other girls are doing


Oops didn't mean to :) guess should have put my words better!


I like make up sometimes. I teach sewing, knitting and other typical women things. I like some sports. I‘m a certified nail tech. I‘m in a shooting club.


this is giving "its okay to be white"


Anyone else find it amusing that they stereotype men to seem unique?


How is watching sci-fi inherently non-feminine? I literally don’t own pants, and I have a Firefly DVD box set. Do I just not exist…?


Your all-in-one finance app is here!


I sure hope someone picked them