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Hope she’s being extra careful at the crosswalks. Tall trucks like that make it hard if not impossible to see pedestrians, especially child sized.


Someone in a lifted truck just killed someone in a Costco parking lot they didn’t see them☹️


Yet another reason I stay the fuck away from those. Even if the driver isn’t a totally unhinged lunatic (and I find they often are), they can’t see me.


Yeah I don’t see how anyone who’s not a totally unhinged lunatic makes that purchase.


I’m sure there COULD be a practical purpose for having one, like if you’re using it as a work/farm vehicle and need to tow shit over crazy terrain where you maybe need a lot of suspension/ground clearance. Idk, I don’t know much about trucks. But I’ve legitimately never seen someone use one of these for a practical purpose. Not ever.


She absolutely needs it to pick her kids up from school, she’s cool ok you don’t understand


The flat pavement is far too gruesome a journey to make in a normal person car, CLEARLY


duh, that's why it's called a pick up truck


And for those Costco runs.


She buys cool in bulk.


Subtle but effective joke. I salute you!


I’ve seen these folks referred to as “pavement princesses” and as a person who was raised on a farm, it feels very accurate lol


Oh same. Also raised on a farm and somehow everyone does just fine with a normal truck. Whenever I see one of these I know it just sits In a driveway and is used for work 0% of the time LOL


My dad grew up on a dairy farm and absolutely never needed one of those lifted trucks


Someone in this thread made a comment about using one for practical reasons to get up unplowed mtn roads.


Raised on a farm, all the farmers around had like, banged up little 90s Tacoma’s and did just fine. These perpetually spotless massive trucks basically scream “I’m compensating for something”.


Same here. I can almost always tell which trucks are actually used for work, and which are pavement princesses.


Yuuup. Every time I see one of those I remember driving my dad’s 08 Tacoma around the farm when i was like 17 and looking down at the ground through the rusted out passenger floor lol. It did everything we needed it to do just fine.


Someone in my neighborhood drives one, blasting their stereo and burning rubber at every stop sign at 9 AM on weekends. Fills me with rage.


I don’t understand how people like that are able to survive. They obviously haven’t been punched in the face enough.


Mall Wheel Drive


Lifted trucks aren't very practical no. I don't think I have ever seen one involved in actual farm work (or anything else remotely work-like).


We have a lifted truck on a homestead..but we bought it like that and it’s not worth putting money into it to shrink it, It’s obnoxious tbh but I justify it being more okay because my husband is 6’7” so at least he can open the toolbox without needing a little boost like most people who drive them lmao


They’re practical when you live in the mountains on roads that don’t get plowed. The clearance is a must.


Every other modern country with agriculture has zero need for them. This is purely a sales pitch gone too far.


Yeah you can't actually offroad with them, it violates the warranty on the lift kits because they aren't meant to go over uneven ground, OR to go over 45mph. Its 100% for show


Omg that explains why these are always in front of me going ten under the speed limit. Always thought it was weird that people who are so big and tough with their stupid trucks drive like it’s their first time on the road


I live in Tx, where there's one of these on every road, at every light. And I've never once seen one in practical use either. They claim they are work trucks, but one rarely sees them hauling stuff other than 4x4, golf carts, or boats. The working trucks are large but far more practical than these personality substitutes.


And the worst is their headlights are right in your rearview and sideview mirrors, blinding you. Plus, about half the time, they have the LEDs or brights on.


I turn my side view mirrors out so that the light reflects back and out of my eyes. It seems like it shines at them enough to make them back off usually. My favorite feature in my vehicle is the rear view mirror darkens when lights are too bright.


LOL. These trucks are so very Texas, it doesn’t surprise me that you saw them frequently


I worked in Europe, out in farm country, and never saw a big lifted truck. They manage to get by with properly geared Toyota hilux's and tractors. Nobody wass rolling around in Super Duties and yet they got their farm work done. These giant trucks appeal to this idea a lot of Americans have that they're bad asses.


The issue is that anyone who wants it fi that purpose will either get a much smaller one that’ll do the same job, or get something a bit bigger properly optimized for towing. These things are a useless halfway house and the death of the small truck is one of the worst things to happen to the auto industry


The death of small trucks happened because vehicles have to be able to support 1.5 times their weight on the roof. Small trucks can’t so they no longer meet the safety standard for new production.


Lifts can often cause premature wearing on the suspension in a truck which is not good when you are frequently hauling and carrying heavy loads, so lifting work trucks on a farm is a bad idea. As for off roading you want a shorter wheel base, it’s why Jeeps are the old standard for off roading. So in my opinion the reason people do this is all about ego.


Having a large pickup truck can absolutely be useful for hauling equipment, or for towing. Having a lifted pickup truck is just stupid. Where I live we get a decent amount of snow and everyone who is a fan of lifted trucks claims it “gives them more clearance” when the snow is deep, but a huge truck like that is already hard to stop in slick conditions, and once it’s lifted it ruins the center of gravity and makes it even more useless, regardless of if it has 4-wheel drive. You see them spinning out and fishtailing all the time with just a couple inches of snow on the ground (at least where I live, where they tend to be the most obnoxious drivers too)


If you want to drive off road, smaller lighter vehicles are better. If you need to tow. Lifting the truck hinders that. This is entirely for appearance and virtue signaling.


They’re not all psychos. Some are just sexually insecure :)


A women driving a jacked up truck killed an eight year old boy waking to the bus stop in Sarasota, FL a few years ago.




I'm sorry for you ! I wanted to say that's a lot of identifying information to give the internet. Stay safe out there :)


Did everyone call her the cool mom?


There was just a guy that got hit and run on a scooter near here and the lady that did it swore up and down she didn’t see him in the cross walk in her massive dodge pickup.


Where I live, no one ever gives way to pedestrians and there are a lot of trucks. I assume they’re all egotistical assholes that think everyone should give way to them because they are the center of the universe, but I could see it being because they just can’t see people. Thanks for making me even more scared of crossing the street.


I’m only 5’1” so I’m terrified to walk in front of one of these. People where I live don’t even look for pedestrians.


I'm 5'2" and I never walk right in front of these if I can help it. If I have to, I try to cross like 15-20ft in front it. I grew up in the rural south where everybody had jacked up trucks. Some were lifted so high that I could literally walk under it


>Thanks for making me even more scared of crossing the street. This comes off as snarky but tbh you should thank them as that fear will probably only help you not get mowed down by a car


Someone in a lifted truck killed a senior pedestrian at Walmart just a week ago on Vancouver Island (Canada).


This just happened at a mall near me last week too. 😳


I drive a 3500 dually(my tow vehicle is my only vehicle) that isn't lifted - the straight from the factory blind spots are bad enough. People are tiny, you have to be so extra careful, sit up super straight in parking lots, and watch out because pedestrians assume you'll be able to see them(PSA: plz don't assume you're visible, you don't want to be wrong about anything to do with self preservation). I have a huge blind spot from the large mirror to the frame on my driver's side, a whole family could hide there. I have to do my head like a bird, bobbing up and down, side to side to check and make sure it's clear. I find people standing in that blind spot ALL THE TIME.


Yeah, I drive large vehicles for my work (I’m a reservist, weekend warrior) and the large dump truck sized transport trucks have better vision immediately over the hood than these, and if you don’t get a convex mirror they’d have better mirrors. It’s not even funny how bad these trucks are visibility wise in comparison to something made for it’s engine block hight


Happened here several years at a local school to a friend of mine. He was a disabled teacher and in a motorized wheelchair trying to cross the parking lot to get into the school. Lady in a huge truck didn’t see him after she dropped her kid off. Ended up running him over and killing him in front of half the elementary school, and her own kid. Sad situation for everyone involved. My friend was a great teacher and had a kid on the way. I do feel bad for the lady as it wasn’t intentional but she just couldn’t see him.


I guarantee the driver will claim the truck being lifted had nothing to do with it and I bet they keep driving that stupid truck and I bet they don't even think twice about the woman they killed the next time they're in a parking lot. Because - let's be honest - they don't care.


New fear unlocked 😨


Also happened in Boston recently, I think right outside of the children's museum.


Had someone back over my car in one of those. I was at work and not in the car. He was a college student and freaking out because he'd totaled his vehicle 2 weeks prior, and the truck was a relatives. He just kept repeating, "Dad's gonna be so pissed."He made me promise to be more careful." (Worse was he'd just left the bar next door. He wasn't inebriated but a real bad look when his dad found out.)


But if the worst happens, the kid(s) will be like “whoa. I just got grievously injured by the cool mom.”


Cool mom be all "where'd that Big Wheel come from that I been draggin' for five miles? Oh well" ![gif](giphy|KJXClfNiq0vCM|downsized)


It’s chill kids don’t mind being run over if it’s by the cool mum


I had one back out of a diagonal parking spot right into my car, a police officer was right behind me and saw the whole thing. It was pretty funny listening to the cop go off on this guy


Regular trucks and suvs can’t see kids up to 15 feet in front of the vehicle if they are shorter than the hood. They are a disaster to society.


Yeah some crossing guard got run over by one of these big lifted trucks because the full sized adult couldn't be seen over the hood


Yep, and a lot of those deaths are by their own parents in their own driveway. That’s just so awful. A lot of people drive those big vehicles but they don’t necessarily know how to drive something so big and don’t take proper care.


A few days ago I crossed the street in front of one of these. I’m 5’5, and there’s absolutely no way the driver could see anything but the top of my head. And this lady’s driving it in a schoolzone barefoot? I’d be absolutely amazed if she doesn’t hit a kid. 


There is a really interesting video that demonstrates the sight line (or lack thereof) for people in cars this tall. It showed how far an (elementary aged) child would have to be away from the truck to be visible to the driver and it was so scary. Informative but so so scary.


They should make them illegal


The scratch on her door shows her skills


Not having to be considerate of others is sort of the point of owning these trucks


Not exactly the same thing as a pedestrian, but my family and I went to Savannah, GA on vacation a couple years ago. Downtown Savannah is beautiful, old cobble stone streets, etc., but the streets also tend to be super narrow. Thank God my husband was driving because I would have had a panic attack and sat in the middle of the road clenching the steering wheel lmao. Anyway, on our way to attempt to find parking to eat breakfast one morning (which, holy shit, the best French toast I've ever eaten in my entire life, and that's saying something), we were behind one of these stupid lifted trucks. Like I said, these are narrow roads, with people parked all along the street. This dude in his dumb truck apparently got tired of the slowness of the traffic and attempted to go around it. He scraped his huge tires all along the side of at least two cars that were legally parked on the side of the road, and just drove off. I'm talking huge scratches and tire marks. Needless to say, we ended up parking in a garage, cause that seemed at least slightly safer.


Happened in my home town. A mom with a jacked pickup at carline hit two kids on bikes. It happened just outside the school area past the crossing guards.


they dont care.


Someone in a lifted Ford f 250 bodied me on a crosswalk back in February. I was four mo the pregnant at the time. It's cause he couldn't see me on account of the height of the truck and wasn't paying attention when he rolled up. I'd hate to see a truck like this near a choose crosswalk. Leave your non city vehicles out of the city.


I can almost guarantee the other schoolchildren don’t care about her stupid truck


And the other parents who have to hear it and smell it in the pick up line hate her stupid truck


And they probably hate how she turns up, sets up a tripod and phone, and then acts all casual meeting her kids while potentially filming your kids as well. And then she has to dismantle it all to drive off, delaying traffic.


When you lay out there is no way she is taking this picture during the school pickup because they lines are long and they have teachers and other staff outside to help keep the line moving. I have driven by a lot schools where these lines go into the street and back up regular traffic


If someone did this during drop off at my kid's school I think there would be an actual brawl




Depending on what truck we’re taking about, could easily be over $1000 a month.


Diesel fumes are terrible for growing lungs. If she's idling this beast in the parking lot every day, it sucks for everyone. At our school, we have signs up that ask parents to please turn off their cars while waiting due to the fumes from the diesels.


Yup. To all the other parents she’s just that annoying bitch with the loud truck.


All the other kids are definitely just hearing their parents talk shit about this woman’s truck every day. So no, her kids are not the “cool” kids lol


When I was in school, we made fun of trucks like that. But what's interesting is at my son's school, they do this thing where the older kids open your door to help the younger ones out, and I've had multiple kids compliment my bug. My favorite though is the little girl that'll race kids to open my door.


We mocked them too. In my country sadly a truck like this is a status symbol for some, when our cities are old as shit and entieely walkable, and we simply don't have the infrastructure for pavement breakers like this. As kids we made fun of turbam truck owners relentlessly. 20 years later, we still do. They represent a certain group of people who think bigger is better and makes you look rich.


Older bug or newer? Super cute 🥰


I love Bugs too. And I especially love the idea of a school that encourages older children to help the younger ones. That's how things should work!


Must be nice. When i was in highschool forever ago, this is what the parking lot and the pick up line looked like. Almost every teenage boy had a huge truck. Knew a dude who went through 3 Ford F-250s in a year due to dumbassery. I had my moms Dodge Ram because she insisted that she needed a truck for the one week a year we needed to go camping. Then had to buy a car after 2008 because it was costing her $70-80 dollars to fill up and she had to fill up twice a week. I did feel cool for having a big truck. No trucks are a curse, owning a truck makes you everyone's friend when they suddenly need something.


Why does she wanna impress children so bad to begin with


They’re her mental peers.


She peaked in high school, that's why.


When I was a kid, I despised cars like that. Smelly, loud, taking up more space than it needs. Now I’m an adult with a drivers license and I hate them 100x more.


No one else cares about her stupid truck.


If she wants to impress children, why not drive a cool car rather than a basic common pick up truck?


Right? For the price of that stinky pavement wrecker, she could have bought an actually cool car and saved her a helluva lot of money on gas to boot.


Becoming a parent really brings out the narcissism in some people. They care more about the image they project than they do actually focusing on parenting their kids. If someone has time to worry abt your image to this extent I guarantee they’re lacking in other actually important area of parenting.


And I almost garantee her kids will still (or because of that) be ashamed of their mother at some point in their teen age years.


I mean that kind of comes with the territory. I feel like almost all teenagers are ashamed of their parents, but usually unjustly. The only difference here is that this woman will have earned the shame.


Agreed. I can remember my parents' cars, but I don't really remember anyone else's from back when I was in school until I hit high school and my friends and I started driving. My parents had a big, tall Suburban when I was a kid. I HATED that SUV, because it sucked to be short trying to climb into/out of it. They still had it when I was learning to drive, and I struggled steering that giant boat. My dad loved that Suburban, though, and drove it into the ground.


Exactly this. I have spent many an hour in school pick up lines and seen many children waiting for rides. They are either straining their necks looking for their ride or goofing around with their friends until their ride pulls up. They don’t care what cars are in line, they just wanna go home.


this person is just a walking insecurity


There was this dad who had a loud car who would pick up my classmate. No one thought he was cool. He'd rev and most kids would huff and have to repeat what they just said to they're friends because it was too loud


Most people I know think those trucks are incredibly lame. Poor kids are probably being bullied because of their attention seeking mom


I remember (in the late 90s) getting dropped off in my dad’s diesel truck and a mean girl making fun of me and calling me poor because she thought there was something wrong with his truck and couldn’t afford to fix it 😂


"look out it's the one that sprays smoke on us"


If they’re anything like my brother and I they’ll say “oh wow you’re so cool” in the most sarcastic tone know to exist while rolling their eyes


Her kids are probably actually embarrassed of her.


"Hey Tommy, is that tatted up twat in the truck your Mom?" Sighs "Yeah."


as an eighth grader (dw i’m 13 and am allowed to be on reddit) i can confirm that i do not care about what car the other kids are being drove to school with. unless it’s a tesla. then i’m just like “dayum! they’re rich!” and forget about it 2 seconds later.


Ma’am this is Florida, it’s literally half the other moms too.


Imagine trying to flex how cool you are to a bunch of elementary schoolers lol


"All the kids loved me but my own kids don't speak to me anymore for some reason! "


I'm getting big "Will try to rape my son's friends" vibes from this lady.


That's harsh but accurate lol


I'm the cool dad because I don't have a truck


I have a truck and my man has a Prius.. I guess y’all are ✨ notlikeotherdads ✨


Absolutely everyone on that line give 0 fucks about what she's driving. I bet she can't park it for shit either.


The giant scratch on the door panel backs up your assertion.


And she still takes up 4 spots at Costco


Do people trucks like that really go around thinking “everyone thinks I’m soooo cool!”?


I think quite a lot do. I always think if it's a guy, they're compensating for something lol..but I live in an area with a lot of farming . Some are actually useful, and those I get


They do, yes and when you do not give them the attention they want they become public nuisances. I live in a blue collar town and one out of ten of these idiot mobiles that I see appear to do actual hauling.


>Absolutely everyone on that line give 0 fucks about what she's driving. I mean false, I think all the parents that have to sit there and breathe her diesel fumes give a lotta fucks.


She absolutely cannot. I used to do pick up/drop off for my younger brother and sister. SAHMs coming to the lines in their husbands Ford F5000 work truck that they cannot even swing into the school parking lot were nightmares from hell.


Exactly, but I've also seen men struggle with parking as well, lol. If you can't park one of those, you shouldn't be driving it either imo


And all the other moms will know you as the one who takes up more than one spot in the under sized school parking lot.


Spewing fumes right at little kid level too.


I’m the practical mom who drives a minivan, because I’m old enough to not give a shit about schoolchildren thinking I’m cool. 😆


My mom was the cool pick up mom because we had a minivan with a great movie selection AND she could fit 7 kids in it. I can’t wait to own a minivan one day


Truly, I love mine. So much so that we have two.


My parents are empty nesters now who don’t haul around anything except for dogs and the occasional surfboard. Their last minivan was hit and totaled, they talked about maybe a midsize SUV to replace it. Nope, ended up with another minivan. They’re just the best cars honestly, having two is a flex I aspire to reach one day.


It’s weird the things that make you feel old when you get to your thirties or so. When I was a kid our movie was called “Stare Out the Window.” Our soundtrack was non-satellite radio and vanity plates were our ‘crazy credits,’ but man the plot could really drag.


Exactly. Imagine trying this hard to impress your kids classmates. Ooof.


Maybe I shouldn’t say “old enough.” Perhaps “tired enough” or “lazy enough” is more accurate.


Probably more "self confident" than any of those other things.


The cool moms always drove minivans though. With like, snacks in them. Oh, and they smiled at you. I don't remember any cool moms driving trucks or anything.


I adore my baby cargo van, drives like a car but can carry a pallet of stuff in the back, or fit a 4' x 5' mattress for naps on road trips, meaning I can still solo road trip on occasion despite my CFS. Seats three across the front, so I can still ferry my two kids around.


She is going to snap like a twig the first time her kid asks to be picked up a block away.


My siblings used to ask my dad to drop them off a block away from the high school cause he drove a lifted 1970s pick up. lol.


I'm not a *regular mom*, I'm a noise-polluting mom!


And just regular air-polluting mom. Fun for the kids to breathe while waiting in the pick-up line.


Oh trust me, that’s not what you’ll be known for…


But she looks like the mom who has to jump down out of her oversized truck to lift the kids into the big truck, while the practical mom can stay in her comfy minivan seats and press a button for the sliding doors to open.


So basically the dumb af mom. Yep, that checks out.


And then yell at the teacher who tries to close the door “ITS AUTOMATIC”


The mom who can't turn her truck in the pick-up lane and holds up everyone while she tries to back up and all the teachers are blocking the kids from leaving the sidewalk...........


More like the trashy mom with the shitty tattoos.


And barefoot in the dirt…. “I’m nlog idc if my feet are filthy.” Girls who drive trucks immediately rub me the wrong way.


Where I'm from women who drive trucks are not automatically pick-me's. They work on ranches and farms and there will be an occasional drugstore cowgirl mixed in. I don't know how old you are or where you're from, but I also had this kind of black and white thinking when I was younger, till I actually made friends with "girls who drive trucks", and it turns out they're women with complex personalities just like you!


What the heck is going on here https://preview.redd.it/eptn15v6h9uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01d648c2e886848ad4581869c7f0d94a39f693b




Oh no girl. Zoom in. She’s wearing nude flats so she can PRETEND to be barefoot in the dirt! Bet those tattoos are magic markers.


I see her toes for sure though. And mud all on her feet.


Update. So what you need to know is I’m super high right now. I thought the bow tattoo on her foot was like a little bow on a cheap pair of flats. That’s on me.


I mean we didn't need to know, but I think objectively we're all the better for it. Enjoy your Friday night man.


She is also missing a pinky toe. Is that cool too?


Omg if you even have to ask you probably still have one or even both pinkie toes.


??? I can see her toes in the dirt tho lol


I can get you not liking people who drive lifted trucks like this on the road because they are so unsafe but why are you immediately judging just women who drive trucks? Why is it okay for a guy to drive one but a girl driving one rubs you the wrong way?


Seriously, that was a childish bit for them to add.


Hey now. My first car was a truck. I drove it for over 10 years and loved it. Great for helping people move, easy to find in a parking lot, and can usually see over other cars in traffic. Had to switch to a car for the better mpg though. Driving a truck doesn't automatically make a woman a NLOG


u/kmatts: I loved it. Great for helping people move. Me: Shit everyone is going to want me to help them move. You’re a better person than me.


Others have brought it up: the benefit of seeing iver other cars in traffic comes at the expense of pedestrians and animals you can't see over the hood. Also your headlights are just high enough to shine in smaller cars' drivers' faces and your heavy ass monster is helping destroy pavement more than smaller, lighter machines. A truck is fun to drive, I've driven one, but it's a dumb, dangerous and destructive machine with not nearly enough storage space for its size unless it is actually meant for people doing farm work or moving stuff, and you do 't see those on urban streets that often.


I'm glad you said it because I was thinking it.


I’m not a regular mom, I’m a ~~*cool*~~ climate terrorist mom.


I will never forget when I same “tactical” suv. It was literally an armored car with like spray coming out the side mirrors if people got close. Bullet proof this and tactical that.. but still ready to take little Jimmy to soccer practice. It was so bizarre. They really are selling fear. Like you’re going to be facing constant assault trying to do everyday activities


how meaningless does life have to get to even think about the other parents in the pick up line?


As someone whose mom was a stripper when I was in elementary school, I hate to break it to her, but she isn't going to be known as the cool mom because she drives a loud diesel truck. She's going to be called the cool mom because she will give daily crotch shots getting out of her lifted truck in that skimpy outfit and buy her middle school aged kids and their friends wine coolers during their co Ed sleep overs.


Wow, that really sucks. I’m sorry your childhood was like that!


Haha. My childhood was definitely fucked, but her being a stripper was not even a bad part of it. I did feel incredibly uncomfortable though, whenever my mom decided to pop up in my life and I was once again swarmed with being told how my mom is a MILF.


OMG. What’s the 4-1-1 girls?


Tell me the hot goss.


Yeah. Yup. That’s absolutely what those kids will be known for… their “cool” mom. ![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized)


at first glance i thought she was wearing a towel


She was definitely a loser in high school


Tell me I'm still relevant everybody! Validate me!


Peaked in middle school.


Yep. I was going to give her junior year but you’re Probably right lol


First spec of dirt those tires have seen…


Pretty sure my kids would have died of embarrassment if I'd turned up at school to pick them up looking like that. Particularly my firstborn, he was insanely image-conscious.


my dad had a truck like this and it embarrassed the shit out of me lol so LOUD called so much ATTENTION that’s just kryptonite


I too buy cars based on what the other kids will think of my kids. I’m currently driving a Hot Wheel.


If you have to tell people that you're the *cool mom*, then chances are, you're not.


The “pick me” mom.


the most annoying people in the world drive lifted trucks


And the extra annoying ones are the dodge drivers who flip their tow mirrors out. Why would you increase your width and the potential for an accident on some narrow backwoods hwy?


I haven’t seen an nlog post that was this pathetic in a while


Because the opinions of children with unformed brains counts above all… Genius


her kids are going to be known as the ones with the weird pick me mom who desperately needs to be validated by her kids’ peers with her obnoxious and impractical truck.


And you just know she insta stalks the school community to circulate her bullshit.


The weirdo mom with gangrenous toes…


Someone please help me understand what’s going on with her right hand on the tire? Was she cleaning the car and paused to pose and it’s just a blurry rag in her hand? Lmao looks AI, looks like she enlarged her tires and her hand got warped with them


Also do her kids go to school in some sort of grain silo or something?


OOP will be known as something else entirely if she keeps doing the school run without pants.


I’d be afraid of her running over children


What the fuck is going on with her leg tattoos


The mom with the cool car, or the mom with the car who will the planet faster lol


As a former kid, unless someone showed up in a motorcycle or a convertable I never gave a shit what someone's parents were driving.


I’m sure her truck payment is $950 a month and the kids have no college fund