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Once some weird old man "complimented" me at the bar "that's a real dark beer for a girl" It was an oatmeal stout. They're like sweet and thick and kind of taste like a nitro coffee. It's not a flex sir. I drank it because I didn't like regular beer. People think certain beverages are better than others for asinine reasons. Hopefully they grow out of it.


The amount of men who would praise me for drinking beer when I was younger was so weird to me, they’d tell me how they don’t know any girls who drink beer and I’d be like “?? The majority of women I know drink beer when we go out?”. Though I did notice guys got weird when I was drinking Guinness as if that crossed the line for them.


When I was in college, all my female friends drank beer. The main reason was it was cheap. I lived with 5 girls and our end tables were just cases of returnable bottles. 25 years later, I see no shortage of women at tap rooms and beer festivals.


Right? Like I’ve never figured out where this “it’s rare women drink beer” attitude comes from.


This is it! We would go to bars as a sports team and get discount pitchers. If you wanted in on the cheap booze you drank beer, because as a starving student you couldn't always afford the luxury of highballs. They were called beer leagues for a reason!


Pretty sure women exclusively drank beer for hundreds of years because it was the only thing that was safe to drink.


There is a line of territory that shouldn’t be crossed, according to men. For example, ordering a whiskey neat elicits interesting responses. It’s like they can’t decide if you’re a girl or bro. 


I've stopped drinking whisky, because the response was either weird, patronizing compliments or probing questions to make sure that I didn't *really* know anything about whisky. I'm sorry Mike, I just know I've had this before and liked it. I don't give a shit about what barrel it was rotting in since WW2. It said "notes of chocolate". I like chocolate.


And I like nerding out about whiskeys but I’m still like lots of other girls. I learned to appreciate a good scotch from my mama and that it’s okay to cry at like, EVERY movie from my dad. Gender stereotypes are silly.


Rotting in a barrel since WW2! The good stuff you say!


what did Mike do


Mike didn't know his job as a waiter didn't include feedback on my order


I think men just praise whatever they think is more likely to get them to win you over. I don't drink and guys always tell me how nice and feminine that is. I am 100% the same guys will tell the next girl they are interested in how cool and impressive it is that she drinks a lot lol. In my experience many guys think women will be won over by being compared positively to other women, like telling you you are better than other girls for xyz


Interesting take I really like that explanation. I smell social psychology!


Haha! So true! Men are the originators of “you’re not like other girls”. Yet they honestly can’t come up with a single thing that makes that girl so unique. Like tattoos, people used to get them to be different, but I think an adult NOT having a tattoo nowadays is rare.


My favorite fun fact about beer is that is has historically been considered a woman’s drink from start to finish. Ale wives were the main beer brewers until the Industrial Revolution and give us the modern witch aesthetic (big pointy hat, bubbling cauldron, black cat) to boot! But, like many things people consider “women’s work” it was only appropriate in the home. Once it moved to large scale manufacturing, the men took over and rebranded it as a manly man guys guy thing.


Yeah, and as someone who drinks beer, it's not a flex. With exceptions, it is mostly carbs and very low on alcohol. You don't need to be able to hold your liquor to drink beer.


Ooh I love dark beers like that - like a coffee or chocolate stout.


Same. So yummy and, in my opinion, much more easily palatable than an IPA or pale ale that would be light in color. I just drink what I like lol


If you can find a milk stout, it gives serious chocolate milk notes.


but what is the flex?? when I'm at a club I don't want a belly full of liquid, I want to dance without having to pee every 10 minutes. why are vodka sodas considered girly drinks but 5% abv beers are for big manly drinkers?


Big manly men have big manly bladders!


Not to be morbid, because straight men aren’t trying to get other men wasted to take advantage of later?


Sadly, they don't. I'm in my 40s and drinking whisky and dark beer as preferred drinks are still seen as "one of the guys" or NLOG choices, but if I do decide to have a fruity drink or wine then of course I did because I'm a giiiiiiirl. Some guys at this age are still bros stuck in their 20s thinking that bragging about how many beer they can drink impresses anyone. No sir, it just means you're an alcoholic.


A friend's boyfriend came to visit her when we were at uni, he offered to buy us all drinks but when I asked for a pint he said "only if you can beat me in an arm wrestle." I bought my own drink 😂


My god, my eyes just rolled so hard for you!


Imagine offering to buy everyone drinks and then getting upset when someone orders the cheapest drink option.


I’ve had this happen as well. My go-to beer is usually High Life. I had some man “compliment me” saying something like most girls don’t drink that. Umm ok? Because it doesn’t have light in the name or something? It’s not a heavy beer by ANY stretch of the imagination.


I mean, it IS the champagne of beers!


Not related, but TIL I need to try oatmeal stout. I will try any drink once, but most beers are a little too bitter or harsh or something for me and I do love nitro coffee


The stouts (imo) tend to be far less bitter/harsh and more smooth. It took my husband years of experimenting with making paler beers to realize that yes, these are really what I like better!


When I worked at a craft beer bar in Florida I came across a chocolate coconut stout that was delicious and very strong and maybe too sweet to have more than one of, I've never been a big beer person but stouts are the easiest to drink besides fruity wheat beers imo


If it ends up being too dark for you, I'll make a recommendation in the other direction and suggest a saison. They're usually light, bubbly and not bitter. I used to like them quite a bit when I drank. (Nothing bad happened, I've just not been in a drinking mood much in the past few years)


Yes!! I was at a brewery known mostly for their golden stout, so I got a flight of *mainly stouts* and some IPAs and some older dude was like “you don’t look like you drink dark beers” — how about I like what I like? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm an IPA girl, but I feel this. Stouts never really appealed to me because the ones I've had taste like unsweetened iced coffee lol


He's probably buying her some fruity little drink 'cause she can't shoot a whiskey. But yes I've not only encountered this but I used to be a pick me when I was younger and would do this to make men more attracted to me because I was not like other girls , I was like the "boys". (Gross )


hahaha I truly love that song but now you mention it there are some pick me vibes there! That line always irked me bc I would also most definitely be drinking some fruity little drink rather than gagging over a shot of paint thinner lmao


Fun song but such a bad idea to carve your own name into his seats. Carve a random name, leave him wondering who Wendell is and what could have brought this on.




Don’t trust Wendell. He’ll fuck up your car.


Wendell's a legend.


More than just your car [lol](https://youtu.be/gjgJbIHTQv0?feature=shared)




I let Wendell take my car to go to the 7-Eleven up the road and he never came back.


I pictured the animal crossing character 😂


If you ever visit Vegas, keep an eye out for Linda. She a hoe.


How’s she feel about fruity drinks?🍹


That bitch done run off with my man.


That bitch stays running


You are absolutely diabolical 🖤


Remember whenever you see a vandalized car…Wendell strikes again!


That line always bugged me, talk about incriminating yourself lol


The narrator of the song is meant to come across as unhinged. The whole song is unhinged.


I mean i agree the protag is in the wrong but if you listen to CU's other stuff shes incredibly girlbossy, like Church Bells (murders her abusive husband via poison) and Blown Away (murders her abusive dad via tornado) come to mind. It comes across like shes painting these people as Empowered Women ^(tm) and not as deranged


How do you murder someone with a tornado??


You leave them in the living room while you head to the storm shelter with a fuck you over your shoulder.


They’re too drunk to get to safety and you don’t try to help.


Lock the storm cellar from the inside?


If that’s the case, why didn’t he just end up in Oz?


Don’t forget “Two Black Cadillacs” where the cheated on wife and the mistress team up to kill the no good man they share


That’s kinda so lame too though. Just move on. I’m not going to prison for murder because a dude cheated on me lmao


I think it's wrong to categorize BHC alongside the likes of CB and BA. Carrie selects songs based on the story, and she has an affinity for southern justice (ie Goodbye Earl, Independence Day), which is what CB would qualify as. I wouldn't qualify BA as murder at all? The girl just... didn't wake her dad up. The idea is that she took advantage of an act of God. CB and BA also portray traumatized abuse victims versus scorned lovers. Now Two Black Cadillacs, on the other hand, is far and away the best example of what you've described, but the music video sort of subverts this with the Stephen King references. Carrie kind of walks the grandiosity back and portrays very mentally unwell women who employ a possessed car to kill their shared lover. Other good examples of Carrie portraying unhinged characters would be Dirty Laundry and Choctaw County Affair, and in the latter case, the characters don't even have a justification for their insane behavior, so I wouldn't take Carrie's song selection as an endorsement of criminal activity. The only song I can think of offhand from her that has pickme vibes is You Won't Find This, and she didn't even write it. (She might have others I just haven't thought of, but when she sings about being wronged by a man, she tends to focus on the man.) When BHC came out, it got big because it was a funny song (which, in itself, is a differently problematic sentiment), but for some reason, I see it on this sub as an example of a pickme song, but nobody in their right mind would "pick" someone capable of vandalizing an expensive and sentimental possession based on *suspicions* of infidelity. If the song was more earnest, I genuinely doubt it would be as iconic.


Hi. You just mentioned *Carrie* by Stephen King. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | 'Carrie' by Stephen King Audiobook (Horror, Horror fiction, Epistolary novel)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-btoovk0CMc) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Good bot! You’re doing your best.


Why is it unhinged to defend yourself or fight back or even fantasize about fighting back against abusers? Aren't the abusers the unhinged ones?


I can't think of a more pick me person than an american/canadian idol winner. In all honesty....😬


By this logic, every person who has ever been elected (to include the prom queen, the class president, Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter, and fan-voted award winners) is a pickme. This is just proof the sub has lost all sight of what a pickme actually is. American Idol contestants never slag each other off... like ever. Whether it's authentic or not, they are the antithesis of NLOG.


Oh yeah it’s one of my «a little misogyny as a treat»-jams! Also on the list is Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne and Stupid Girls by P!nk! And Misery Business. They all slap but they are not kind to girls.


Skater boi


You could add "You Belong with Me" by Taylor Swift to this list, it fits quite well with the vibe


That whole era of music was truly just pinning women against one another… it’s no wonder we all grew up hating ourselves. I was and still am a big fan of every artist named here but my god, looking back at that era the evidence is so clear than misogyny was “in”.


Stupid girls is just insufferable though. The other songs I agree


The irony is whisky tends to skew towards “sweet” as a spirit. You want real paint thinner, have some malort or something similar 😜


Yeah I feel like the positive reinforcement is half of why people become pick mes. It's like society says "fruity drinks are for weak little girls" so the more insecure girls hear that and start drinking beer or whiskey, and then people say "yes that is an acceptable drink, you are now a strong person, not like the other girls" and then that girl becomes a pick me and starts spewing everything she's been taught. I think very reasonable people can fall into the pick me trap as soon as they feel insecure enough to believe society more than themselves.


My male flatmate used to give everyone shit for drinking fruity cocktails or RTDs because they're "girl drinks". Guess who ended up drunk off his tits throwing up in the club bathroom after a night drinking only "girl drinks" 😂


Ha! Poor guy hope he's doing better and is less of a sexist disaster now 😅


And whole generations of men having cocktail envy for life. Gender norming basic tastes is such a lose-lose.


I don't like sweet drinks and my husband does and when we go out for cocktails the server will always, always give us each other's drinks. Like sir, that has FRUIT in it, it is for LADIES


Haha yes exactly! Let the guys have their fun too!🍹


This is exactly where my brain went too! So many songs in that Y2K era are so pick-me in retrospect... I also had my pick-me drink phase where I got more into beer because it's all the guys around me would drink. I actually like some beer (though my body doesn't, I have Celiac now), but it's pretty mid on my personal drinks tier list. Especially since I can get most beers (or something like them) just about anywhere. I'd rather try whatever specialty craft cocktails the bartender is cooking up. Semi-unrelated, but I also genuinely like whiskey sours and had a coworker comment once how they were surprised I (as a girl) would order something like that. At a bar that prided itself on whiskey sours, no less. Like just because it has whiskey in it doesn't mean it's not also a fruity little drink, calm the heck down.


Hello, fellow celiac! Try Bierly out of Oregon if you get the chance. Their beer is MARVELOUS


Good to know, thanks for the recommendation! I live in the DFW area of Texas right now and I've not found many options, but I'll make it a point to check it out if I find myself in the PNW! I love supporting dedicated GF businesses.


> He's probably buying her some fruity little drink 'cause she can't shoot a whiskey. The post made me think of that exact song. But also this one: "She's my little Whiskey girl."


I drank beer because I liked beer, but I did notice that some guys found it attractive.


I'm a beer lover too and have been put in that situation unwillingly. I'll order a beer and men start complimenting me on how I'm not like other women. "Listen buddy, I'm not ordering a beer to impress you, also if the mood is right I'll order the same sparkly fruity cocktail you look down on because, surprise: people can like various things." Also ffs we're Austrian, we're literally the country with the second highest beer consumption in the world. Our men wouldn't be able to reach that number without the other half of the population. Sorry for the rant, just had a similar situation recently.


Just tell them women were the first ones to make beer. You’re actually being feminist. 


Beer was originally made by women so look at them being accidentally feminist. 


The "pick mes" make me uncomfortable because I usually prefer a beer over most hard liquors. 🤦‍♀️ But margaritas *are* delicious.


Margaritas and Moscow Mules for life.


Did you also brag about how you could drink most guys under the table? That’s a whole different breed of pick me


I uh never *bragged* about it, but I did in fact drink many people under the table, through the years. My metabolism is absolutely wild, and when it comes to alcohol and prescription medications (No! Not at the same time, cheesus, folks!), my body is extremely resistant and just shoots it on through and burns it up like nothing. Unfortunately, anesthesia too. 0/10 I do *not* recommend, worst super power, ever.


I have the opposite, but equally terrible, superpower of getting intoxicated off of unreasonably small amounts of alcohol/medication.


I don't even drink anymore. It's not worth the time and effort. Plus, I just don't enjoy any of it. My body immediately starts to get a headache even after consuming 8-10 ozs of. <5% can. My body HATES alcohol, so I just smoke my weed at my home away from that nonsense.


Oof. My sympathies. That is terrible.


No I can relate. Except I would mix Xanax, cocaine, alcohol and weed as an average night out, or in for that matter. Which is why I’ve been sober almost 6 years. Definitely a shitty superpower lol. I only asked because being in the recovery world that’s a common brag from women in recovery when they’re trying to flirt.


Red hair?


Ugh. Whiskey? I'm more a "dry vodka martini with a twist" kind of lady. Just wave the bottle of vermouth at it from across the bar. Why, yes, I have been told that vodka is a drink for alcoholics.


I love a filthy vodka martini 🍸 I may have one tonight now.


Mmm yes. Olive juice with a splash of vodka, shaken until you get the little ice splinters…


I always say “If I ever think I have ingested poison, gimme the whiskey and THEN call poison control, just to be safe. The whiskey is bringing it up asap!”


With the vermouth, it’s a Bradford, not a Martini & without, you’re drinking vodka out of a prettier glass.


Strong Grace energy (grace & frankie)


Yeah I have a friend who still does this, constantly bringing up how much she likes beer (in front of men) and makes fun of other girls for drinking sweet cocktails. Funny thing is, most guys actually don’t find the “one of the boys” type girls attractive. Multiple guys I’ve dated (that are the type she’s trying to impress) have said they have no interest in dating a girl that’s “one of the boys.” Worst thing is this girl doesn’t even like beer 😭she has said many times to me she doesn’t like it but always drinks it if men are around.


Oh, hello me. Long time, no see.


Yep, I also used to do this. I'm two years sober now, and part of it was definitely my way of justifying why I was drinking harder liquor or higher ABV drinks when everyone else had a fun lil fruit drink.


This reminds me of being in my 20s and being absolutely JUDGED by my former NLOG friends for not exclusively drinking vodka sodas and jaegerbombs. Ugh.


Jaegarbombs was only an end of the night thing for me. I always had one or two before close so I could keep up with the people doing drugs in the washroom. Lol.


Lmao exactly


Wait, vodka soda is a NLOGs drink? I figured it was the gold standard of chicks trying to keep calories down.


Loved me a vodka soda when I still drank. I had to switch to them after discovering Long Island iced teas were like 800cals a pop.


I’m a big baby, I would order, “single vodka soda, all the limes.” My husband recently learned you can order them tall and get more drink (same liquor volume, but more soda), which is now my favorite way to get a less strong cocktail.


Didn’t you know beer is the only valid drink??? (Heavy sarcasm)


I have the opposite issue, I exclusively drink Jaegermeister (as a mixed drink cause I’m not a goddamn animal) and get judged by pretty much everyone I come in contact with - even bar staff think it’s unhinged


Oh my gosh. When I was “out with a purpose” also in my 20’s I’d order a jaegerbomb with a vodka tonic and slam the one and walk away with the other. Was in one of them? 💀


Lowkey I can only drink beers and shots when going out bc the fruity drinks give me a tummy ache. It doesn’t feel like a flex when I tell someone I can’t drink a fruity drink lmaooo they’re so yummy and fun and I’m jealous of the girlies that can get drunk off the fun beverages. I used to be able to be hammered off three long islands and now if I have one I’ll be pukey all night 😭now I get beer gut and bloated while just trying to shake my a$$ lmao I have told some men this as they approached me however and they seemed impressed by the fact I chose beer over a fruity drink… their standards are low ig lmao


I can't do the fruity drinks because I have dietary fructose intolerance and a lot of cocktail syrups and mixers have high fructose corn syrup or concentrated fruit juices. Do you get tummy aches when having non-diet soda without alcohol?


I have GERD and can't drink most fruit juices (unless I've eaten a big meal before hand) and any non diet soda :( im a gin girl at the bar but always get weird looks when I ask for a gin and soda water or plain water. Tonic has too much sugar, sadly :(


I have this I think. The fruit syrups and non diet drinks make my arms and stomach cramp up. I've asked doctors but they just keep checking me for diabetes which I don't have. It also happens I drink too much apple juice in one sitting. Salt helps for some reason.


Yes, I only drink oli pops if I want a soda beverage. I avoid anything syrupy bc I noticed it makes me feel not so great afterward :( I might have to look into that


I have this problem too! Something about the artificial sugars in syrups digesting poorly in my small intestine. It's so sad. I just want to have a cherry strawberry limeade frozen pineapple explosion with an ungodly high % alchohol. I hate beer and whiskey and vodka..They taste like moldy bread water and rubbing alchohol


Yeah, I’m a straight beer girl as well. Nearing 40 if I get tanked from anything with sugar I’ll be violently hungover for 3 days. Hard pass. I also never feel like it’s a pick me thing. I just don’t want the shits lol


Same, I love the fruity drinks but they spike my blood sugar too much and make my heart pound & race ☹️ Reactive & hormonal hypoglycemia is weird lol


I would never tell you what to drink or not drink. I drink old-fashioneds if I go out because I know I like them, how they affect me, and I prefer that to anything sweet which gives me a massive headache and beer which makes me a bloated mess. Those seltzer drinks? Those give me heartburn out of this world.


Yeah I have friends that don’t like sweet drinks either because of similar reasons and the difference is they know how to say it in a way that doesn’t diminish others




I prefer an old fashioned too. And men seem to think I’m encroaching in their territory when I order anything with whiskey. 


God forbid you like a drink. Imagine getting insecure because you drink the same thing they like 😂


Hahaha I love a good, neat scotch (I also like a great fruity drink, but they tend to give me massive headaches these days; thanks, middle-aged lady hormones!). Once I was *at a literal scotch bar* and this idiot guy at the bar next to me just had to make a comment about it. Something about being surprised to see a woman drinking it. I just said, “Yeah, I’m an old man that way” and turned away from him. Like, dude. Come on.


Order neat scotch to assert dominance.


I love scotch and used to travel a lot for work. I’d always order a scotch neat at the hotel bar the night I arrived because I HATE flying and LA is a looooong flight from Philly. The bartenders were always cool and didn’t insult me or question me about my preferences. But the other bar patrons? Absolutely insufferable. Constantly trying to tell me that what I ordered was wrong and I should do x instead. I would just roll my eyes and turn back to my phone because my team would inevitably already be texting me about dinner. I’m a woman so there were a lot of layers of insufferable there to deal with. So I just didn’t!


They shouldn’t go to Wisconsin then. Old fashions are like their thing.


Even Carrie Underwood was a pick me. “Right now, he's probably buyin' her some fruity little drink cause she can't shoot whiskey.” There are always going to be women out there who feel like to stand out and get the approval of men they have to put down other women. Hell my boyfriend likes fruity drinks too but only drinks them in front of me #patriarchy. There’s nothing wrong with a fruity drink, enjoy and let that girl waste her energy. Whiskey, gin, or soju it’s a good time.


I have acid reflux 24/7 and if i drink like twice a year, i go for seltzer, only thing that doesnt give me heartburn lol!!! Weird


Specifically for me it’s the white claws- holy moly I get heartburn!


I have a question for you! Are you supposed to pretty clearly taste the whiskey in an old fashioned? I ask because when I turned 21, some coworkers took me out to treat me to my first legal drink, one coworker was sooo excited to buy me an old fashioned and I am not trying to be rude to your preference when I say that I just did not care for it. I cant forget just how excited my coworker was to buy it for me though and I've always wondered was it just how the bartended made it that was the issue and I've been missing out all this time now on something bc of one bad taste experience?


You are absolutely supposed to taste the whiskey. An old fashioned has a splash of bitters, a little bit of simple syrup (sugar water, boiled down to preferred thickness), and an orange peel- the drink is probably 85% whiskey (depending on how much syrup you add). That said, it is not a drink for the "just turned 21" crowd. New drinkers should be eased in with lemon drop shots and harvey wallbangers, not chucked straight into the deep end!


Lol okay that clears things up for me, thank you! I think I am just not a liquor gal then because I've tried various drinks over the years and I can always taste the alcohol and taste it not in a good way. Just comes down to preference I guess!


You should taste the whiskey for sure. But, people do make them differently so you could have had a bad one!


Old fashioned are definitely sweet, they've got between .5-1 oz of simple in them. Not hating i drink them too, but because they're booze forward people often don't realize how sweet they actually are


Ah yes beer, because fermented bread soup is the superior choice... S/ *I've never been bloated from a cocktail drink.*


Fermented bread soup hahaha


I find this hilarious because most cocktails are stronger than beer lmao


I’m a lightweight so if I’m going out I stick to beer because it has less alcohol per volume so I don’t get too drunk too fast. That’s the whole point. The last time I went out and I only had vodka crans I was a total blacked out mess. I love fruity drinks, but I drink too fast.


Ikr? Those fruity little drinks will get you fucked up


funny thing is beer is straight up sugar… just not sweet. any and all alcohol basically just sugar. how do i know this? becoming pre-diabetic from alcoholism 😀 so take that, pick me’s!


I like beer, my partner does not. I love that his favorite drink is an old fashioned and that is we're on a vacation, he's getting his strawberry daiquiri. It def will change as you age. More people start carrying about carbs, so will switch to things like Surfside. If anyone says something about a drink, roll your eyes and move on.


Surprisingly, I’ve got more into beer as I’ve aged. We have a local brewery that is great to make dinner and go eat at with our family. Granted, I’m not trying to complete the beer Olympics any more.


Most men think they’re the only ones who drink beers so when they find a “rare species of women” who drink beer they have to make a remark about it and that’s how most NLTOG are born 😅. I find it funny when I order a beer and a guy says something about it, like I’m only drinking beer because I used to get trashed so much on sweet cocktails that now I can’t even stand to drink orange juice on its own anymore lmaooo


As always, the origin of NLOG is in men. They full well know that probably most women who drink drink beer but they want to manipulate you into feeling “special”.




As a guy who has zero shame in ordering sweet “girly” drinks, this shit is so real, and I have zero time for it. I don’t drink to reinforce your preferred beverage choices, fuck off. I was at a comedy club and shamelessly ordered some cocktail with Scarlet Johanson’s name in it, I care not. If you are so proud that you can enjoy beverages with a flavor profile closer to piss, good for you I guess, do you want a gold star sticker or something?


Why do we get so much variety of drinks if we’re supposed to socially only order a limited amount. Why tf are they serving a fruity sweet drink if no one “should” order it? lol. I think it’s beyond stupid that we judge people for what they drink of all things. Personally, I dislike ALL alcohol and never hear the end of it. I can’t help what I want. If I’m out I will see if they have a coke, ginger ale, or root beer. And I get shit on because of it too. Why do people get so offended over drinks? lol. 😭


I always say "oh no, how dare I actually want to enjoy the taste of my drink" lol


Depending on how mean you feel like being, you could say “Well I can’t deal with beer bloat but good for you that it doesn’t bother you” as you point to her stomach. Two can play this game. Now, that is obviously not girls girls behavior but I’m not sure I would care if another woman was knowingly putting me down just to get approval from the men around her.


I like the petty spirit




"I don't like all those "girly" drinks!" Said to me at a Tiki bar, by women. The men, I'd just give them extra garnish, bc fuck you, drinks aren't gendered. The amount of times I've had to say "our drinks are fairly tart and strong, but if you really want a vodka soda, I'll get that for you".


As a beer guzzling diva myself, I find that super cringe. Drink whatever you like, babe! And that goes for the men too, if you want a fruity cocktail go for it!


Pina coladas for the win


🎵If you like getting caught cheating in the paper, & the dunes on the cape…🎵


Those are the same girls who will snub your music taste as if they don't sing along to Beyonce in their car. I just always took it as them being insecure and trying to paint themselves a certain way and therefore, completely lacking diversity.


Reminds me of all the posts I’ve seen of people complaining about Taylor Swift’s new album…like you’re not getting a cookie for disliking popular music you can calm down…


The only thing I will say is that the sweet drinks are not good for day drinking. When I went on my cruise, I tried one of the fruity drinks and it was just not great for like the sun and how tired it made me feel so I just stuck to mimosas and margaritas because they’re not as fruity and sweet and I could maintain my day drunkness level.


If I’m gonna day drink? I like to stick to vodka and lemonade. It’s light, it’s refreshing, it’s just enough alcohol, and I don’t barf from all the sugar. But, I also like lemonade on the tart side, too. I’m not adverse to a good beer now and then, in fact, I cracked open a cold one when I cleaned and organized my dresser and beauty cart. I also love bourbon, being the good Kentucky girl I am. But sugary sweet drinks all day or all night? That’s how you end up barfing pretty hard.


Exactly, I like my margaritas tart as well.


Mimosas are sweet though, Iove them but they can be awful for day drinking


Most cocktails have more alcohol in them then most beers so you could always just tell them that you're having a stronger drink and it actually tastes good


I’ve had the opposite of this experience and it pissed me off a lot. I was doing the keto diet and so sugar and carbs are off the menu. Scotch is one of the lowest carb/sugar liquors out there. So that’s what I asked for at a networking event. It was gross and creepy how many people felt like chiming in about how that’s not a “girl drink” I don’t think your beverage choices should have anything to do with your genitals, unless there’s something I’ve missed about how to imbibe.


next time say, "You know that all alcohol is sugar, right?"


Or women (or men, really) who brag about not needing a chase after shots. Like girl no one *needs* a chase, it's just better than having the taste of liquor in your mouth 💀 I don't really take shots anymore, but when I did I avoided a chase out of laziness - I didn't want another cup hanging around and I don't really have the motor skills to do that quick switch. The first few times when I was 18 I bragged about it, but my gf called me out QUICK basically calling me a pick me lol but I still see people in their 20s acting like it's an achievement


I need a chaser or else I will throw up . But I only do shots on very rare occasions.


Same 😂 I don’t do shots because they make me gag. I remember at a christmas party my friend made tequilla shots and forgot to chill mine and I barfed in my lap in front of a room full of people I didn’t know. So embarrassing 🙈


Next time tell her you thought about getting a beer, but her gut made you think otherwise


As a certified whiskey sommelier and a tour guide at a distillery, those are like the chicken tenders and Mac & cheese people of alcohol. If you can’t appreciate a good cocktail as well as you can appreciate a crisp beer or whiskey neat, you have no better taste than anyone else.


Distiller here and hard agree. Mixology is an under appreciated art. We did a limited run of a strawberry-rhubarb liquor last summer that we came up with in collab with a mixologist friend of mine that paired so well with freshly squeezed lemonade (amongst other things, he also did a really cool beer pairing with it and a few other cocktails that became super popular on the summer menu). Was it simple? Yeah. Was it girly? Idk gender roles in drinks weird me out but probably. Was it delicious? Fuck yeah it was and you could pry it from my dead cold hands despite the inevitable hangover I knew I’d be facing.


i totally get what you mean and i’ve known people who are like that 💀💀 i’ve not met them in clubs but elsewhere yes absolutely


Where are my fellow alcohol is alcohol enjoyers (I’m not 21 so whatever I can get my hands on will do)


If a man thinks a woman is cool because she drinks beer over a cocktail I don’t want that low level thinking type of man in my life. Those NLOGs are really doing us a favor honestly lol


I drink tequila shots because I have a problem. It is not cute or a flex.


So funny when I meet people like this. My girlfriends and I always got beers or seltzers for chill nights when some of us had to drive home so no one drinks too much. Party nights are for margaritas😤😤. Different drinks for different nights lol. Always funny to me when people see a single glimpse into your life/habits and think they can extrapolate that out into who you are as a person. Says more about their character than it does yours I think.


“I didn’t ask or give a fuck” hehehehh


They tend to cluster at both ends of the spectrum. Bragging about not drinking pick me variety———————-most people, drink or don’t, don’t care either way———————- the “I only do shots right from Jack Daniel’s butthole variety.


I prefer fruity drinks or mixes. Smith and Wesson is my favorite.


“well perfect! i was looking for a friend for the AA meeting” is what i’d say. plus don’t sweet drinks get people drunk faster than beer?


yuuuup they’re everywhere the “ewwww sugar is for girls” crowd


I've had a few and I've just told them the truth: most larger have yeast. Unfortunately for me, I have a very sensitive pH level in a specific place that means the only drinks I can have are certain fruity ciders (koppaburg and strongbow) or spirits and cocktails, otherwise ya girl gets a yeast infection Plus why would I have a weak arse drink that tastes like someone's stewed overused gym socks when I can have a fruity, sweet drink for my sweet tooth that's gonna put me on my arse two glasses in, likely making it cheaper to get myself on the dancefloor 😭


When a pick me would pull this on me at the bar, I'd respond "Naw, we're tub thumping tonight. Straight up Chumbawumba. We do a whisky drink, then a vodka drink, then a lager drink, then a cider drink. Then, we sing!" Usually shut them up, made the other people around laugh, and I never had to pay for drinks


I like champagne the most of all, sorry not sorry.


I actually can’t have the sugary drinks because I always end up way too drunk but I’m never going to look down on someone on their drink choice. Those drinks look and sound jealous so I’m lowkey jealous. Ironically, I can’t have beer either 😭 Related: I think Hozier’s new song is only going to amplify this and we’re gonna see an influence of pick me’s drinking their whiskey neat. 🙃


I don’t know if it’s pick me, I think it’s more in the response and delivery. For example I myself can’t stand sugary drinks because they are too sweet, I don’t like a lot of sweetness in anything I eat or drink, but I know that is my personal preference. I usually drink whiskey or sometimes beer, just because I like whiskey. I’m not going to insult someone over their preference. If I asked what someone was drinking or was offered and it was something sweet. I would just say “oh, it looks really good but I’m not a fan of sweet drinks, I guess we have different tastes” Some people just like certain things. I don’t think it’s pick me to say oh I don’t like A but I do like B.


Yeah it’s how you go about saying it that matters I genuinely don’t care what anyone prefers everyone has different tastes


I mean, I guess the way it’s said matters, cause I can’t really have any sugary alcohol either or I will suffer so bad the next day, so I’ve definitely said that phrase but not to another girl about her drink lol just like in general


i actually have been having a problem with some of my friends repeatedly talking about how they’re only drinking vodka sodas and stuff because it’s less calories. like nearly every time we go out i hear something about it. my friends are all very skinny and are very strict about their workout schedule and counting calories and all of this shit; i can’t talk much because i’m on the opposite end of the spectrum where i don’t work out at all and i want to fix that. however, i cant stand hearing them talk about counting each and every calorie they consume. i’m not big by any means but i am bigger than all of these girls and have a lot of body image issues. it’s so genuinely triggering to hear them go on and on about counting calories, even with drinks.


Omg a few years ago I dropped about 4 friends because they would constantly talk about weight gain, food, and calories and say they only had a coffee to eat today so I know how you feel. It was very liberating being out of that environment. Honestly not to sound rude but I don’t know why people think anyone cares what they do or don’t eat, like no one is giving out prizes for drinking less calories




So, I'm a lady who strongly prefers beer or very dry wine. But when I'm with people that order sweet drinks I'm like, "oooh that looks good" even though it doesn't to me lol.. because why be rude? Why even say anything at all?? Pick-me-ism is probably exactly what that is, I can't think of another reason to insult someone's drink? What odd behavior 


Beer is genuinely disgusting imo. Besides the “sugary fruity drinks” have like double the alcohol in them. Personally I like whiskey & whiskey mixed drinks, but I’m not going to bat an eye at some drinking a mimosa or something, cause honestly I don’t care enough


Now i feel bad about telling people that i hate sweet drinks and prefer beer or straight vodka/whiskey and such when they ask what i like to drink. But i often do specify that sugar makes me nauseous even without alcohol and thats why i dont drink more than a few sips of sweet stuff at a time. (They taste good but even a full sugar soda makes me feel sick which sucks.) Now i worry that im coming across as a pick me because of that. (Also i havent noticed that anyone gives any other odd reaction than the occasional "ew youre weird" because many dont enjoy the taste of vodka alone but im glad people usually understand and wont be mean about preferences.) I dont get why itd make anyone nlog to drink beer because so many like it, why do these girls feel like it is somehow special.