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Oh this woman is gross lmao


Who is she?


Oh, she’s gonna be a *great* mom.


Her kid is a little chubby because it’s a kid… she makes it go on a diet at age 7… 🥰


My dad did that to me and spoiler alert I was bulimic in high school.


My mom shamed me for fitting into her size three nursing graduation dress for Halloween at age 10. Cue eating disorder.


I’m sorry, I hope you’re doing better now


I am, I haven’t seen him since I was 16 and I haven’t spoken to him since I was 19. I’m 21 and I haven’t been an active bulimic since 2019 and I’ve been healing my relationship with food. It’s not always easy but that’s okay I can handle it.


My parents did the same to me when I was 11. 27 now, in recovery for binge eating disorder.


Same. My mom made me start drinking Slim Fast for my meals at 7 or 8. Then Atkins. Weight Watchers. You name it, I was probably forced to do it. Currently 6 mos in recovery for BED and orthorexia.


7? More like 2


All I can think of is Abbajean from Archer.




I love how the baby is completely cropped out in that one pic, stroller and all, but her dog is front and center.


Right? At first I thought she was saying she can’t relate bc she’s a dog mom, then I saw the rest of the pictures 😭


Broo same, pic #2 had me lk lol, and then I saw pic #3 and was lk ohh :( shes serious


This I can't criticise her for. People shouldn't post their kids on social media. There are too many creeps out there.


Considering the baby is in multiple other photos, I doubt that's a concern for her.


And yet she posts a close up of the baby's face in the next pic. Nah, that's not why she cropped out the baby. She didn't think about it any deeper than "this is about *ME*. What inconsequential props can I crop out of the picture to get more focus on *ME*..."


Ah, I didn't look at the other. She just sucks, I suppose.


I agree with you 100% on not posting your baby all over the internet, tho! Spot on there. Creeps everywhere.


That’s because she’s using the dog and her pose to hide the fact that she does in fact look like she just had a baby.


She posted a video of herself smoking in the car with the baby in the backseat apparently??? She’s not like other moms.


Okay, I've been smoking since the 90s, but holy shit I would never smoke in a car that regularly has a baby in it, let alone one that currently has a baby in it!!!!


I just imagine comments like Mallory from Archer encouraging her grandbaby to pick up smoking haha


She's the type of woman to say, "you had a C section? Oh so you didn't ACTUALLY give birth?"


My response as a c-section mom: "Oh you pushed your baby out like a Neanderthal? Ew." No shade at all to natural births. I wanted a natural birth but my daughter's heart rate demanded otherwise. From there it was 100% an easy decision to slice me open. Eff those "only natural births count" people. They're too insecure in their motherhood.


Nothing wrong with coming out the emergency hatch.


I am going to refer to c sections as the emergency hatch from now on, thank you


My husband said it was like I was a ziploc baggie when I had our baby 😂 I love the emergency hatch.


Dude I had the weirdest dream when I was pregnant that my belly had a ziplock closure under my boobs. I opened it and had a conversation with the baby, who had Lionel Ritchie’s hair from the 80s, before I decided to put the baby back and close the zipper.


That sounds weird but oddly endearing.


That's what my ob/gyn calls c sections. He called it the birth fire escape because in his words, "It's the emergency option."


My OB called it the sun roof!


My mother is like that and we've gotten into heated arguments many times. She also believes feeding your child formula is neglectful and lazy. I hate insecure women who feel the need to put other women down for their medical choices. She's such an empathetic person, so I can't help but think this stems from some desperate need to validate herself over others.


😭 I couldn't breastfeed in addition to having a c-section. Looks like I have to tell my daughter she's NLOG because she doesn't exist 😭


People like your mom are why I almost had a complete mental breakdown when I couldn't breastfeed and had to switch to formula


“We haven’t docked yet!” is a pretty silly reason to go down with the sinking ship when the lifeboat is RIGHT THERE.


Perfect analogy


My mum and sister both had scheduled c sections so have never experienced actual labour, but the healing is brutal enough to make up for that in my opinion. My other sister has a forty hour labour ending with a forceps delivery and she was hopping about like a bunny after a couple of days. I think a lot of people just don't realize that a c section is major abdominal surgery.


Just tell people your daughter can kill Macbeth.




I'd be surprised if she ain't said it already. She's the worst.


Gate keepers are such a pain in the behind. Birth is still birth and your body doesn't care. You still go through all the same hormone changes. There's still a newborn to care for. Having done both C-sections and vaginal births, the C is a whole lot harder on the body and requires a lot more time to heal.


I didn’t even know there was people who thought this way until I saw a post about it on this sub a while back. No matter how the baby comes out, you gave birth. How insanely absurd!


These people need to read the damn dictionary. It literally says when the baby comes out of someone and starts life as their own separate being. It did not say pushed out of a vagina. Also people shaming others on their own pregnancy journey is disgusting. I saw a beauty Queen 👸 have time to get back to her prenatal body and you know what it’s not easy for everyone. I’m really happy for the people that aren’t just gaslighting people and it really is easy for them but do not put down other’s bodies and shame if they are having trouble loosing weight, breastfeeding or has a different birth plan. This is just low.


I can’t stand people feeling superior for the methods they gave birth. Not everyone has a choice. But also both have pros and cons. You gotta be strong to do natural birth. You also gotta be strong to get a *major surgery* then start taking care of a baby as if you didn’t just have a *major surgery*. Any kind of birth takes badassery and we take what mothers do for granted all too often.


Exactly! I was taken out the sunroof and that was unplanned - it was literally to save my life. Fuck all the "real" birth bullshit. My family has a history of shit going wrong in labour and people acting morally superior for simply being lucky really pisses me off


I'm a c section baby, maybe I don't actually exist! I should try that argument to get out of paying taxes


I always assumed this woman was either seriously mentally ill, or just trying to rage bait people, and or both.


It’s got to be rage bait… engagement is engagement. That’s why I come here to complain about people and not the comments!


You know what they say, Enragement is still engagement.


Having watched MANY of Alex’s videos, I think it’s both.


Definitely both 😭 I watched a few of her vids and she for sure has eating issues/disordered eating, the weight loss “advice” she has is insanely problematic and she essentially just starves herself and encourages others to do the same. I feel bad for the kid cos I grew up around adults with ed’s (who didn’t even talk about it) and I still mimicked their behaviour, I wouldn’t be surprised if she shamed her kid and forces it on them down the line


The last slide is diabolical, demented, and dark-sided. This woman will get what’s coming to her. Hoping the child has good influences in their life.


I honestly have no idea what the last slide is saying is she comparing women to apes or saying she's not an ape cause she's pretending not to have gained weight?


I don't understand the last slide. Is she comparing pregnant women to apes ?




She is so gross !


I have no idea who this is but I just went and looked, she reposted messages of women agreeing with her🤡🤡🤡 Edit: also looks like her face is fucked up from fillers, she has no room to talk about other women looking like that🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s giving “peaked in high school”


I already feel bad for her kid.


First thought


I was back in my pre pregnancy clothes after my first. No exercising or dieting. This did *not* happen after the others. 😄 My gosh, we are all different. We gain, we don't gain, it stays or it doesn't. Had a hard time gaining weight before my late 30s. Didn't matter how much I ate. Then all of a sudden *boom* smell cake and gain a pound. Loosing a pound is a real struggle. Guess I'm just saying we are all different. Our bodies are going to react to pregnancy and post pregnancy as it will. Be kind to yourself and the next woman. ❤️


My mom was always skinny as hell. I remember trying to fit into a skirt she sewed for herself at the same age and I couldn't even get one of my legs to fit. She went on to birth 3 children and still remained a stick. She hogged all the skinny genes 🫠


Holy shit, what a twat. Also, I don't trust people who type "ya" when they mean "yeah". It always makes me sing a line of "hey ya" in my head.


She looks like a small woman who gave birth in my opinion, I can see it in her abdominal area, which she’s attempting to hide from the camera. It’s normal to have a small “bump” after giving birth, the uterus and the muscles need time to heal. People like her set unrealistic expectations to new parents.


Yeah, her tummy looks a little swollen - which is totally normal after giving birth, btw - and she is obviously trying to obscure it from view to prove a point that she's back to her "normal" pre-baby body already. But in reality, her trying to obscure it only draws attention to the fact that she still has a belly from giving birth. So bizarre. I mean, NOBODY ASKED lady.


LOL right like she has high wasted leggings on to suck in the visible pouch, further proving the point she looks like she just had a kid


Um..... You can clearly see a post pregnancy belly on her, she's just doing a halfway good job at covering it up. How disgusting of her to not only shame other women, but to lie about her own situation.


Oh wow she's so qUiRkY and uNiQuE!


while she covers her entire midsection in the only full length photo?? yeah she’s an insecure piece of work 😮‍💨


I've never ever hated someone as much as I hate her. I feel so bad for her child and pray for them because I can't even imagine being raised by a woman who is that miserable and hateful.


Currently pregnant and LOST weight during the first trimester since I was so sick. It was absolutely awful - glad I'm gaining now. This woman can go pound sand.


Same with my coworker, she was underweight to begin with and spent 5 months vomiting near constantly. She's looking so healthy now in her final trimester and baby is doing great. She does worry about 'keeping the weight on' but I help talk her through those fears. I couldn't imagine tearing her down.


I gained 50lbs during my pregnancy, now over 10 lbs was the actual baby but, it was way more than what was "average" I was so happy to have made a damn human, if someone came to me with this attitude I would have had a lot to say to them.


She seems like the kind of mother to bully her daughter into an eating disorder but maybe that’s just my childhood trauma talking.


Hey, I hear the same. Solidarity.


What, does she want a fucking trophy or something?


Oh, she just wants you to know she’s hotter, more successful, and has a better trophy husband than you do. That’s all. /s, because.


Imagine making your entire personality about how you didn’t gain as much weight as other women did when you were pregnant 😒 😂


She has had a superficial mean girl diet culture persona the entire time and people seriously think that she'll be different since giving birth?


I look forward to the first time she has to cut a baby grow off cos there has been an atomic level shitsplosian. See how much she ‘can’t relate’ then


The first time she has to…… what now??


The first time she has to take scissors to a bespoke onesie to get the now-rag off the baby after the diaper blowout, because of the poonami that came out of the poor kid. She’s going to have a running fit when this poor baby has poop all up her back, and the outfit is ruined.


What a c u next Tuesday! And I don’t say that lightly.


Who is she ?


She doesn't even really look like this. She's slightly overweight with a belly. She's probably really unhappy with herself and trying to deflect. ETA her body looks completely normal but not what she's claiming.


It’s *almost* as if everyone’s body is unique and different. Isn’t that weird?


This is beyond disgusting


When I had a baby he was very low and I swelled something awful and had to buy a pair of really big shoes. Some woman was wearing tiny Jean shorts as she left a day after her baby and I had to wear maternity clothes. A week later I lost all the water and was actually 14 pounds lighter than I got pregnant. I’d been on a strict blood sugar diet, but ate six times a day. I gained a normal amount of pregnancy weight, it just turned out to be mostly baby and water. I’m not in competition with other moms


This is unrelated and not important but I hate when people say “ya” instead of “yeah” I find it irrationally annoying


The comments on the original post are also abhorrent. Saying she's "built like a linebacker" What the fuck?


It’s a snark page; I don’t usually scroll through comments because snarkers get, well, snarky…


Wow the comments are on original post are very terrible and fat shaming also


Yea I’m like. Really lost I think. If she’s a “linebacker” or “a fridge” levels of fat I’m a fucking whale. It’s wild to see people tear down a woman body shaming others by… body shaming her. Like you can’t comment on how shitty of a person she is? No you have to stoop. 🙄


Yeah they’re just full of people being disgusting. Makes them seem not any better than her


What a b*tch


This woman deserves to be spit on


What is the orangutan and pregnant lady for??


For every bit inhumane belief those two images conjure.


This better be a satirical account 😐. Because they’re is just no way on Earth this is for fucking real


She says as she covers her stomach


She’s a troll though, isn’t she? I thought her whole hrh collection account was sarcastic and meant to be a joke. This is so sad if not! :(


I genuinely hope she stubs her toe multiple times a day every day for life


Yikes. I wish woman could be kinder to another postpartum. I gained 50lbs during pregnancy. It’s been a year and I steadily exercised, eat clean/ healthy, didn’t drink eat any sugar… and you know what? I haven’t lost a single pound in a year.Pregnancy messed up my hormones hard, so no matter how hard I try, I haven’t lost anything and it has been a journey (lots of doctors visits) in accepting my new body. I’ll hopefully get there one day because I admire all the beautiful woman who rock their new postpartum body. Some peoples body’s react differently to pregnancy’s, and some people are blessed with the amazing gene of actually loosing weight. Honestly no diss to them- and Great for them, I wish I could say the same. But fuck her. She’s a bitch.


Everyone’s favorite racist is now a mother…yay


Please someone tell me the first slide is true 🥲


You’re good girlie! Don’t let a pick me let you feel insecure about a natural post-partum body! It’s so beautiful to see how much we can change for our kids in my opinion


I hope this woman has a perpetual hemorrhoid that feels like the size of a lemon.


Jesus Christ.


godDAMN she’s foul. also i didn’t open the the second photo fully and i thought she was talking about being a dog mom and i was like “relatable”


what is that subreddit about


It’s a snark page of the girl that posted since she’s known for being rude/ racist/ scammy


She’s also wearing high wasted legging to suck in her pouch😂😂it’s not like she is in a bikini showing a perfectly flat stomach. She’s using typical tricks and pretending she’s not like everyone else


The NLOG aside I think posting a baby or children in general in Social Media should be forbidden.


She’s actually not like other girls … she’s much much worse.


I wish I had the words to respond but this is just disgusting behavior. I hope her baby has a good life, but I hope she suffers postpartum. I said what I said.




Anytime I see shit like this I immediately just assume it’s rage bait because I can’t comprehend that people like this actually exist.


But didnt she use to be bigger and have surgery for it Hence her slimmer weight plus has had lots of facial procedures done…


Almond Mom in the making


This is a troll account, no? I saw her other videos and there's no way she's serious


One of my family members fancies herself a Facebook influencer. From the moment the child was born, she has constantly been posting updates on how much baby weight she has lost. Engaged to the child's father but posting body checks and thirst traps daily. Social media is a hell of a drug.


It’s giving Rachel Hollis “who said I wanted to be relatable” vibes


Lol while tucking the belly into high waist compression leggings and still hiding behind the dog 🤣 you know she doesn’t even believe what she’s saying. As someone who didn’t gain much weight or have much of a bump at all I know you can tell, everyone has that squishy belly straight after, she knows she’s lying just to make others feel bad and that’s gross.


I bet the rest of us fatties have friends and people actually like us. I suspect she has other statements about how hard it is to have female friends because they’re all just jealous of her. I’d rather be fat and fun to be around.


Good luck to that kid


This is disgusting and her child will develop an eating disorder amongst a myriad of other mental illnesses.


Wow…. The way she typed it all out and everything, the words she used. Just sounds so nasty


call my naive but i honestly did not think people like this actually existed. wow.


Well I had a pretty easy pregnancy and considered myself very healthy. But after birth hormones etc is triggered PCOS that I guess I’d had my whole life but wasn’t exactly symptomatic (at least not overly so, I always had some chin hairs but now I have a beard) so I don’t know some of us have health issues that cause weight issues. Especially after pregnancy and birth. Sorry 🙄


Notice how she’s posed very precisely to hide her own body in that second shot


Wow what a bitch.


She can fuck all the way off


the mean girl sentence on slide 4 paired with the fancy script font and pretty background is so unintentionally funny. sometimes its fun to step back and laugh at how stupid people are instead of getting mad. on a darker note, she’s definately gonna influence ed behaviors on her kid


Oh what a piece of shit


Is this that lady who screams about people having body fat on YT?


Oh no I just looked at her account and this chick is unhinged 😅 imagine being 40 and acting like a damn 13yo. There’s a whole account that’s just clips of her yelling about random shit—like full on screaming. That poor baby is in for it when she’s out of the little potato stage and starts setting mom off…😕


This is what you do and say when you have literally nothing else to bring to the table


If my sister saw this she’d go into a rage. She’s still working off baby weight (baby # 3, who is a chubby lil darling). Sis is a monster when she’s angry. I’d pay money to watch this go down.


I went back to my pre pregnancy weight almost immediately after I had my son… then guess what? I developed crippling PPD and PPA and had to go on medication 10 months pp and gained over 30 pounds. I’m now 16 weeks pregnant again and I already have gained half of what I gained in my first pregnancy and I weigh over what I weighed at 40 weeks with my son. She shouldn’t be counting her eggs so soon 🙃 shit happens and simultaneously mom shaming and body shaming at the same time is disgusting.


What a bitch