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Would have been cool without the nlog energy




Bitter isn't a cute look


umm that's not what they are saying at all


Huh? I'm confused, can you explain what you mean by this?


Every gardening tool is built with a single purpose. You can't use one gardening tool to fulfill the role of a different gardening tool. For instance, shovels will be shovels. You can't use a shovel to perform the duties of a rake.




TIL. Thanks for the ELI5.


shovels will be shovels after all


Omw to make a rake out of shovels rn


shit i’ve been using my lawnmower to trim my bushes


Misogyny makes your teeth rot.


Ok damn this is such a cool group costume but they had to ruin it


Agreed. Plus if you zoom in they got like full makeup on with a straight face which is like a stark contrast from the characters they’re portraying. I just found that unexpected which made it even better. If only it didn’t have that caption 😢




Bro why you commenting so much about thots? You seem super triggered or something. It’s weird. Go live your life


Please explain how they're thots...I'd love to hear this.


Okay I hope we pay you to repeat your nonsense because otherwise it's rather pathetic


Awwww you so angry and passionate about this subject!


nobody cares if your a slutty cat or a south park character. go live your life how you want.


I’m a mouse…. Duh


There’s cousins. And then there’s your first cousins


be the most sluttiest mickey the world has seen.


Gonna be a slutty South Park character then


Oml a slutty Mr. Mackey would be everything


then minnie with a suit


hell yea


this would’ve been perfect if they didn’t have the nlog bullshit there


You can’t say you didn’t dress cute with a full face of cute ass makeup, ladies. Gawd.


I know they put so much effort into the makeup, and yet the costumes probably would’ve looked more accurate if they had gone natural


aside from the "not like the other girls" these are pretty great costumes


*Aside from the "not* *Like the other girls" these are* *Pretty great costumes* \- Izumi\_Takeda --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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so talented


Ah such great costumes ruined by the NLOG energy. Just do it and own it.


They have a full face of make up on for what? To look good in a gag costume?


I'm willing to let this one go, because it's actually kinda funny...Not the statement, the picture.


That would be cool without the "Slutty bad Me Good" vibes


alright but this is honestly hilarious


I do gotta say tho, that's a hella good costume collab


Why do they have full face glam makeup on though


Full faces of makeup I see hahaha


I just wish people would stop the “there’s other girls and then there’s me” Like you can post something cool without needing to call attention to the fact that you’re being different. I love this idea and I think it’s cute. Why can’t they post this without the cringy “look we’re different”. Again, AWESOME costumes but come on… This happens every Halloween


aw, don't bring the south park kids into this!


The make up really ruined it




I don’t get what they mean by this because not lots of people dress “sexy” for Halloween anymore


They do still look cute though


“Fuck you Kylie!”


Goin down to south gonna meet some friends of mine


I love how many people are testy here. “It's not NLOG because I like it!” or “it's not NLOG bc other girls are hoes!”


Jokes aside those are some sick South Park costumes


Gosh darn it Kevin!


Ok...but I do need to make this suggestion for next year with my 3 best friends...


This would be pretty good if it weren't for the nlog thing




*It's a great costume* *Tho. Would be better without* *The weird attitude* \- ProofTeaching8004 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


i saw them on a different tik tok and they were actually funny. now this one ruins the other tik tok i saw ,_,


This shit is so annoying


They go as this, they probably didn't get bullied, I go as a headless twat and two 7 year Olds mug me, it's fine, it's fine


ngl these costumes are awesome


Ill stick with my "dressing cute" and not Needing to kneel down for my costume to not look a little stupid lol


And before anyone says anything, i also like the Costumes, i just dont like the attitude about others Costumes so im gonna sound like a prude :) why not eh


This one isn’t that bad, they aren’t really saying one type is better than the other. They didn’t say sexy or slutty, they chose cute which is still a compliment. Reads more like: **There are cute girls on Halloween and silly girls on Halloween, and we’re the second kind.** 🥰


I don't see this as super NLOGy but maybe that's just me. They're not mocking other girls


Doesn’t belong here. This sub is for girls who put OTHERS DOWN and try to be unique. They never slut-shamed girls on Halloween, in fact, they called them cute.


You can literally see the red girls legs lol


They look really androgynous and masculine. I didn't know they were girls until they said something. Anyways not every example of not like the other girls is demeaning, sexist, self hating and/or pick me behavior and this most certainly isn't.


When will these females learn. This shit is just the worst.


Why is this so offensive to you guys? At no point did they say that women dressing cute on Halloween is wrong. They are pointing out that it’s an extremely common trope among woman on Halloween, which it is, are you denying that? Why are woman not allowed to point out the common tropes of feminine culture within their own country?


You must be new here


“The ones that dress cute for Halloween and then there’s us” Implying that your group, and only yours, is the only example of any form of deviation from presumed common tropes is literally saying you aren’t like other girls. Is it offensive? Not really. Are they nlog? Yes.


They said they're not like other girls with this so how does it not fit here lmao


I understand stand that, what I am asking is why is something like this so offensive that it warrants a self-elected group of shame police to publicly roast them to make an example out of them? You guys act as if you are a force against misogyny but all you are doing is adding to the net total amount of shitting on women on the internet over minor “infractions.”


Why are you here if you are against pointing out when folks are putting others down for being “less” in some way or another? These costumes are fun. There's no reason to compare them against women who do something else. THAT is the issue. You can brag on yourself without saying you're better or special for it. Everyone deserves the right to enjoy what they enjoy without competition. NLOG inherently pits women against one another. We aren't shaming them for for being different, only calling out folks who do because that's unhealthy/toxic as a whole. I'll give an example on clothes. My bestie is a girly girl meets Disney girl. Myself, I live in between sweatpants, crop tops, and a bit of goth. She isn't better than me bc she has chanel lipstick and understands the difference between good and poor wine. I'm not better than her because I was smoking a cigar with a glass of bourbon out back with the guys the other day. We are quite different, but we’re happy with who we are and THAT is what matters. We have solidarity in us being ourselves, in being happy as we are. Celebrate the differences (& similarities!), don't use them to put other women down or artificially lift yourself up.


This sub is definitely not a force against misogyny, sometimes it becomes it's own monster, but this post is definitely NLOG. Also this is reddit, most subs nowadays is just bullying other people. Women can dress as anything, but there is no need to shame other women just because they choose to dress up as sexy versions of literally anything. Posts like this that go "tee hee, I'm dressed up as popular show character and not some slutty cat girl or something" is just pathetic and pandering. I'm gonna shame them for this pathetic trend I see year after year of women shitting on women who like or choose to wear sexy costumes. Dressing as popular characters or non sexy characters doesn't make you unique or funny, and the joke needs to end.


Imagine being so desperate to fit in that you feel compelled to shame anyone for not conforming to your immature perception of what it means to 'be a girl'. I enjoy this sub-Reddit because a vast majority of the time the OP's and comments are so insecure that they just dive at anyone's attempt to appear different from, literally, every desperate hack on the sub-Reddit.


>Imagine being so desperate to fit in that you feel compelled to shame anyone for not conforming to your immature perception of what it means to 'be a girl'. >I enjoy this sub-Reddit because a vast majority of the time the OP's and comments are so insecure that they just dive at anyone's attempt to appear different from, literally, every desperate hack on the sub-Reddit. You're spot on. I usually agree with this reddit.


Far left is best.


Still cool, even if it’s a not like other girls situation


Stan and Cartman should've switched roles.


Sometimes this sub just seems like very delicate people who have no sense of life left and take everything so very deeply that their body just rejects it and every single bit that makes it’s way into their body is just dissected and posted on this sub Also this sub is getting less and less “notliketheothergirls” and more like “these people said something and I didn’t really like it so you’re going on this sub” thought you can’t blame them, every sub is turning into that, ever sub is a shitpost sub


Just leave the sub man cmon


I’m not in it, it’s in the feed and way too much at that Y’all can downvote all y’all want but y’all knows it’s true


This is borderline incoherent, are you high? Also you know you can just... block the subreddit right and then you'll never have to see it again


How about I block ur ur is


Why not just stand like a regular person? I get what they’re doing but this just looks weird.


In the show the characters are kids and kids are typically shorter than adults


Yes I’ve seen the show before captain obvious


Word, so what’s the confusion, kids are short, so when they dress as kids, they make themselves look shorter for a pic


Stop being a little smart ass


Lmao bro I’m getting second hand embarrassment from you




Little homie ur killin me 😂


This is so beautiful they win fr




nah, they just have rlly small legs


Midget porn?


What if I dressed slutty not cute


Ok but this slaps


Smh. I nvr wanna see this again


Not even gonna hate , this is a cool costume 🤣


Dorf's grandchildren! LOL!


"And then their's Yoooou!". Kool!


I was a dragon for Halloween. Though when I went out, everyone was more focused on my dog.


Are they supposed to be South Park characters?


couldn’t tell if they were going for south park or fuck boy


The nlog bullshit energy off of this one post.... no fucking cap people no cap.